Disboutiquers Part 16 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

Have you looked into renting points from a DVCer?? These DVC rooms would be great for your size family and you can really get a good deal renting points. Go hang out o the DVC rental boards for a while. Read some- see what people do and how they do it. READ ALL THE GUIDELINES and do some research. In general, people rent their points for $10.00/point. 5 days (arriving Sunday, leaving Friday- this would be the first 2 weeks in Dec.), in a 2 bedroom, at BCV during that time would be about 170 points- so it'd cost you $1700.00 for the stay at BCV. Now.... you don't get daily maid service, but you will get an awesome resort, in an awesome location with an awesome pool, an awesome full kitchen , living room, 2 bedrooms and a washer & dryer. Is that awsome enough for you???

OKW would be even less points - 130 pts. to be exact and those rooms are HUGE!

This sounds like something we'd like to do. I'm so very nervous about this kind of transaction with someone we don't "know" though...does that make sense? I'm assuming there's some type of organized trade or secure transaction. I'll have to read up some more! Thanks for the tip! :)
I have to go get my moving buddy, since we just went to the fabric store she is probably off planning outfits.

Thanks moving buddy. I'm here. The wedding is over. The newlyweds return from Disneyworld tonight then leave for Oklahoma on Tuesday afternoon.

For those not on Facebook, I'll be sharing wedding photos one of these days.
But now it's off to contemplate customs. Apparently I don't have a lot of time for 10 outfits x2. They leave in "76 more sleeps" :)
No- actually that's a low point VALUE tie (the first 2 weeks in December) and that's as low as the points are gonna go- but that's Really DANG GOOD for a deluxe resort- don'tcha think?

No inside joke at all. There really is a tag fairy! Look under my user name .

<------------ over there.. to the left! See those little colorful sentences under my name? the tag fairy put them there! She thought they were funny, or interesting or..... something! :laughing: She'll do that every now and again when she's out looking over the threads on the boards.


I've covered myself in tag fairy spray (remember monster spray when you were little?) That or I'm using my star wars style cloaking device- I'm under tag fairy the radar (first time in my LIFE!!!) :lmao:
This sounds like something we'd like to do. I'm so very nervous about this kind of transaction with someone we don't "know" though...does that make sense? I'm assuming there's some type of organized trade or secure transaction. I'll have to read up some more! Thanks for the tip! :)

I totally understand- that's why I suggested you really do some long time reading and searching before you do anything. They give you good guidleines over on the rent trade board. Some of which include : Being sure to look for people that have a number of posts under their belt- and definetly ask for references from people that have rented off them before. There should be a contract- if there's not- don't do it.

Ask lots of questions over on those DVC boards about renting points- and don;t do anything unless you feel really comfortable.
A Tag fairy is the person who copies what you say (usually something funny or embarrassing and puts it under your user name. If you scroll through some posts and look at the words below people's name, you will see some phrases that were added by the tag fairy. If you haven't been tagged there is just the default DIS boards word based on your number of posts.

Oh gotcha! :) :rotfl2:
Miranda, with outfits like that you should no longer consider yourself a beginner!

Agreed. Even travel weary I'm in awe of her awesome Birthday Outfit...lol it was awesome to show hubby how the scratchings I made transformed into something amazing by HeatherSue and Miranda!!

Miranda (and Heather) now I've got 1.5 years to "pick your brains" on Christmasy stuff for our next trip! The girls will be older and probably not want much over tees..but seriously, we gotta come up with some coolness for Phineas and Ferb! Quick, start thinking, we've only got 1.5 years!!! :rotfl2:
Have you looked into renting points from a DVCer?? These DVC rooms would be great for your size family and you can really get a good deal renting points. Go hang out o the DVC rental boards for a while. Read some- see what people do and how they do it. READ ALL THE GUIDELINES and do some research. In general, people rent their points for $10.00/point. 5 days (arriving Sunday, leaving Friday- this would be the first 2 weeks in Dec.), in a 2 bedroom, at BCV during that time would be about 170 points- so it'd cost you $1700.00 for the stay at BCV. Now.... you don't get daily maid service, but you will get an awesome resort, in an awesome location with an awesome pool, an awesome full kitchen , living room, 2 bedrooms and a washer & dryer. Is that awsome enough for you???

OKW would be even less points - 130 pts. to be exact and those rooms are HUGE!

I have rented points to others twice and will most likely do so in the future, back in late winter I was looking to rent 65 point out, but then I decided we want a 2 bedroom for our next trip, so I banked them and decided to forfeit the other 3 points I couldnt bank.
I own at Old Key West and thats where Im booked for now, but come October Im crossing my fingers that I can get in at BW or BC (have to wait to the 7 month mark for properties you dont own at)

Obviously I need a moving buddy now that the baby is born....can't believe Im on like page 7...

I too went for ice cream- and I dont even want to THINK about how many points that sundae was!!! Not to mention the 5 Guys dinner I had!:scared1:

TOMORROW I will get back on track! Im having the same issue I did after my first was born- I have a wicked hard time losing weight until I stop nursing- and I plan to nurse til 6 months (and hopefully sleeping thru the night in her own room). I keep thinking DH will kick me out of the bedroom, but he says he rarely hears Hannah or me. I made the Pooh quilt thinking I would be using that twin bed a lot and I have yet to sleep in it. LOL

I wanted to finish my simple sundresses for DD and I accomplished nothing!
I was up til 2am reading Twilight (for like the 4th time)

Toadstool- You wanted a Bow tutorial?? Did you look in the photobucket? Im pretty sure it's in there...I took pictures of Sew Beautfuls tute and posted it.

EMCreative-i have to share my story with you. In 1976 I supposedly went to WDW- but I don't really remember anything at all. Fast forward to my honeymoon, DH wanted to go, I looked at the pretty pictures of little sailboats on a lake and white beaches with hammocks and agreed...to a trip in August! It was a terrible,awful, very bad trip and I swore I was NOT a "WDW person" and would never go back. I had always looooved Disney, so I was really disappointed. A few months later we were discussing when we might take our next vacay and where we would go. DH said we couldn't really afford another trip- but if I wanted to try another WDW trip (to give it a second go and "meld" the 2 trips together, he would do that) so I agreed and took over the planning. Here I am 6 years later sewing disney clothes and dreaming of our next trip...in 9 months! I still refer to that second trip as 'honeymoon Part II' so I second the second trip theory!:woohoo:
I am just soooo full of questions tonight.......

Where can you get the water soluable stabilizer stuff? I looked around here and can't find any (we do not have a fabric store for 100 miles)....

Any online recommendations and how much do you usually pay?

sorry i posted the wrong website it is www.nobownogo.com.

Those look just like the ones in the free tutorials. I'd try the free ones first.

Awww man.... I spent all day hitting refresh on the old thread, got a hankering for ice cream and wham.... I missed it and now I am a page 5 kinda chick. LOL :rotfl2::rotfl2:

So, now I am sitting here with chocolate sprinkles in my bra because the ice cream melted so fast.... but I am happy to be here. :) :)

That is SOOO funny! :rotfl2:

Ok, I've been wondering for months.....what is the inside joke behind the tag fairy????

What's a tag fairy? :confused3

A Tag fairy is the person who copies what you say (usually something funny or embarrassing and puts it under your user name. If you scroll through some posts and look at the words below people's name, you will see some phrases that were added by the tag fairy. If you haven't been tagged there is just the default DIS boards word based on your number of posts.

You can change what it says under your name yourself, but only the tag fairy can make it in color. :thumbsup2 Like mine. :)

This sounds like something we'd like to do. I'm so very nervous about this kind of transaction with someone we don't "know" though...does that make sense? I'm assuming there's some type of organized trade or secure transaction. I'll have to read up some more! Thanks for the tip! :)

Do you have to be on property? You could rent a house for around $600 for a week. You'd have the house all to yourself. We do this when we take our big family vacations.
Sorry I said POFQ and meant POR, look at my siggy it's even there too! I asked my hubby too and he said they were there too...

We were in one of the mansions at POR & there was an elevator.
I wonder if we could have been in a building without one. Is it possible that I could have missed them? Were they disquised? Behind a hidden mickey?

When we go this time, I'll look around, but now that everyone can walk it wont matter to us anymore.

Thanks for letting me know.
Do you have to be on property? You could rent a house for around $600 for a week. You'd have the house all to yourself. We do this when we take our big family vacations.

This is another very good suggestion. Our first ever trip to WDW my Aunt rented a house for us and it was lovely! there are some real screamin' deals on those homes too!
Here's a fall dress for Lily. I haven't made her official first day of pre-school dress yet but I have the fabric all ready to go. It won't be anything fancy, but I think it will be cute. The pre-school asks that you take "first day of school" photos at the orientation day which is coming up in a couple of weeks. :scared1:


That is so cute! Is that pattern from modkidboutique?

This is so cute. I was just thinking I wonder what one looks like with out the appliques. I am new as sewing and am just not there yet with appliqueing but love the style of the Vida. I checked out your tutorial too on the Vida thanks so much for taking the time to do that. Quick question too... ??? Can you only buy the Vida pattern online if so where is a good place to get one. I did Google it and came up with several places. Thanks in advance for your help.... and thank you again for doing that tutorial.

There may be some specialty fabric shops that carry the Farbenmix patterns but my only option is to buy online. I've usually just googled the name of the pattern with Farbenmix to limit the results. Then I check prices including shipping. I think I got my Vida pattern from a woman on ecrater.

I finished Taylor's Magic Kingdom birthday dress today. Once again HeatherSue is my hero (and Marah too). Thank you ladies for coming up with such cute birthday appliques! I don't know what I would do without you!


That came out so cute! Heather's applique designs are perfect. I'm so envious of those who can do larger than 4x4" machine applique.

I love the look of this Vida. it makes it seem like "ordinary" people can do it too:) Not that your fabrics are ordinary:goodvibes You have unbelievable skill in fabrics!

So that feliz you are making....you know with "butt ruflles"?????? A person can never have too many of those:) Oh and a tutorial would be great. I have seen lots of people complain about the "vagueness" of that pattern and the butt ruffles. Well not the butt ruffles themselves....really how can anyone complain abut butt ruffles??

I'm planning to make so many ruffles the little girl will have trouble walking from the weight. :rotfl: Seriously, though, I hope a nice cascade of ruffles from about the sash down will work.

I've only purchased one Studio Tantrum pattern so I don't know if they all have just basic instructions but there do seem to be more tutorials for this pattern than others. The instructions don't really even do more than mention at what point ruffles can be added. In photos, it looks to me like many people stitch the ruffles on top of the fabric. I prefer to enclose the raw edges in a seam so I end up with multiple strips that are stitched together (with a ruffle in each seam) to make the back panel.

Hi LisaZoe

When you do your larger appliques how do you attach the larger pieces without them puckering...I did a Minnie one a while back and I noticed where I fused larger pieces of fabric on, they were a little lumpy? Can't think of the right word...maybe orange peely? Do you think my iron was too hot...that is the only thing I can think of. I have a huge Pirate Mickey applique that I have been working on...and I'm afraid to get started...LOL

I don't think I've ever noticed that happening. Do you think you might be seeing the 'texture' of the fusible itself? I just checked some applique I have around and I don't see anything but then I mostly use fabric with a printed texture or pattern that might make it harder to notice. Of course since I've mostly only seen my own appliques and learned on my own, I might not even be aware that there's a texture that's not supposed to be there. :rotfl: I'm sitting here turning an applique in various angles to see if I'm missing anything. All I notice is the texture of the fabric weave and small 'crinkles' that seem a natural part of most fabric.

I see SO much for little girls here, can someone post pictures of boy outfits that a 6yr old would go for? Would LOVE to see the Disboutique for Boys!

Definitely check out the Disboutique photobucket account (see the first post of this thread). Designs for girls definitely outnumber those for boys. I do both but have to admit I find it easier to design for girls. When I do things for boys, I feel much more limited in which colors, prints and styles I can do. I feel like I'm in a 'rut' and mostly do jeans/shorts and tees - with applique.

I am cracking up because I did look at every aspect of the dress. LOL I wanted to see how perfectly you made it and guess what . . . it is perfect!

That's a relief! Having sewn mostly for myself over the past 30+ years, I worry that my methods aren't up to par. Not that I don't think they're constructed soundly but more that how I do it may not be the 'right way', KWIM? :confused3 I got a real insecure feeling when I first started checking out :wizard: boutique boards. So many people talked so much about the classes, couture methods, etc. they used and here I was just a home sewer wanting to make a little cash. :lmao: I felt better, though, when a friend mentioned that one of the biggest critics of poor construction mentioned her biggest 'pet peeve' is when the seams at the crotch don't line up. I considered that a fairly basic criteria so I thought maybe I was OK after all. It's so hard for me to think of what I do as something most other people couldn't do just as well or better.

Just to let everyone know when Lisa sent the set Hannah was being . . . well . . . a complete pain in the butt to put it nicely. LOL Luckily she has mellowed a bit and I am again happy to give her things. She was supposed to wear the dress on her sisters bday but the theme was changed to The Little Mermaid. Goodness sakes you cannot wear an Alice dress to a mermaid party! :rotfl2: Hannah is wearing this to WDW next week and then to Kindergarten Orientation.

I'm glad Hannah's attitude is smoothing out. I've been struggling with Zoe over that issue for a few months. I know most of the problems happen when she's tired so I've tried getting her to bed earlier. It worked during school but it's been so hard to stick to a schedule this summer.

So I worked on this today. I was thinking about a tutu bottom, but I'm not sure about it now. What should go on the bottom in your opinion?
Shameless blog plug - I finally finished my Vida tutorial. I'd love to get your feedback on it, anything I missed as well as any suggestions for future tutorials. I want to try to do a new one at least once each week.

I am just soooo full of questions tonight.......

Where can you get the water soluble stabilizer stuff? I looked around here and can't find any (we do not have a fabric store for 100 miles)....

Any online recommendations and how much do you usually pay?


The only kind I've purchased is called Sulky Solvy. I get it from our local JoAnns where it's sold by the package and by the yard. I think it's about $2 per yard but I usually try to get it when I can get it at least 40% off. I imagine it and other brands are available online.
This is another very good suggestion. Our first ever trip to WDW my Aunt rented a house for us and it was lovely! there are some real screamin' deals on those homes too!

We would really love to remain on Disney property, we love their transport! :) Oh and refillable mugs, lol!
Agreed. Even travel weary I'm in awe of her awesome Birthday Outfit...lol it was awesome to show hubby how the scratchings I made transformed into something amazing by HeatherSue and Miranda!!

Miranda (and Heather) now I've got 1.5 years to "pick your brains" on Christmasy stuff for our next trip! The girls will be older and probably not want much over tees..but seriously, we gotta come up with some coolness for Phineas and Ferb! Quick, start thinking, we've only got 1.5 years!!! :rotfl2:

Awww you are so sweet! I'd love to help you come up with something, actually if you haven't bit the bullet and bought an embroidery machine by then, I would love to help make something for you. You have been so great to help come up with drawings for the things in my head that I could never come close to making without your help.

Which reminds me.... you were gone when I asked for tips, you are the research goodess and image queen.... so you might have an idea. Long story short (since I don't know if I had decided before you left or not)..... since DH is going and I need a 2nd room I decided to move from the Poly to Shades of Green. The only problem with that is now I can't do the in room birthday mickey celebration thing from Disney Florist. I want to "fake it" myself (I am hoping to just send Taylor to my mom's room in the morning and decorate and put out lots of presents from Mickey and the Gang myself before we leave for the parks). Which gets me to the real question..... do you have any suggestions on how I can print off what looks like Mickey footprints.... any ideas for cute package tags?

I also still want to find some sort of cute giftbox type things (similar to what the florist uses)..... I love how it looks in the pictures and I like the idea of her being able to just take off a lid instead of upwrapping (one because then I would have to wrap it, and two because I want it to clearly look different then her presents from us, and finally I just love the look of those boxes). So has anyone seen these style of boxes for sale anywhere??
Ok...so I hadddd to show y'all it was killing me!!!(Sorry Teresa)~I saw these on another forum and knew y'all would love them. I also included the tutorial if anyone is eager enough to make any!!!


The tutorial:

That is so cute!! I'll add that to the bookmarks!

We would really love to remain on Disney property, we love their transport! :) Oh and refillable mugs, lol!

Funny, that's the thing I'm dreading about staying on property! I feel so trapped! I understand why you would like it though! (and, you don't actually have to stay on property to get those mugs! :thumbsup2 )


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