DIS Divas Trip! (old thread, see first post for link to new one)

Good afternoon, beautiful divas!! It's a bright, sunny, lovely day here. But, despite that, I am in a good mood. ;) Going through the stuff for the kids Easter baskets, seeing what I have and still need.

Sounds like a nice time! Well, minus the sushi. Not a fan. ;)

It was a great time, we were there for hours just chatting. lol I really don't get to see her enough, we are both so busy. I don't eat that much raw fish, just tuna really, most of my rolls were deep fried shrimp with crab. :) I took leftovers home for Micah and he devoured them. lol

Hope youre all doing well. Gotta study for my med. Terminology test thats tomorrow.

Good luck!

I'm not working at the bar tonight so I'm going to stay home and clean, I'm looking forward to it actually. LOL well not the cleaning so much but the staying home part. LOL I need to get the sleeping bag and air mattress out for Cami, I wish I had the time to go to IKEA and get a mattress for Cassidy's day bed, then they could sleep in there instead of on the air mattress. I'm excited to see them. :)
Hi ladies!

It looks like my daughter has decided to go with next year, she will be 18 in October. So please remove me from the room with Andrea, Kerri and Paula and add myself and Serra to the "still needs roomies" list. Two more in the room would be awesome!

I'll provide a picture for the front page soon. I'm kind of excited about having her with me next year.

I really hope I can work it out for Alison to get to come if your daughter is going....I wouldn't feel as bad ditching her for something like the pub crawl! hahahaha :rotfl2: Athough she has said she will come & watch & laugh & in the end she's a caretaker & will help us!
She would be totally fine on her own & I think she would fit in fine with the divas.

Funny how I'm selective about 'who' I invite to join me. It's like I want to have my own world of friends!!! :)
TGIF, ladies!! Finally! :cool1: :yay:

Come on, you know you were being all wild and crazy, dancing and shaking your groove thing. You were outta control!! :rolleyes1

(Okay, so we were really sitting in the back in the comfy chairs, sipping on soda and watching the action from afar, but no one has to know that. ;) )

Luck on the test!! pixiedust:
Next time we'll get a little crazy by hanging out in front of the stage shaking our thing!
I really hope I can work it out for Alison to get to come if your daughter is going....I wouldn't feel as bad ditching her for something like the pub crawl! hahahaha :rotfl2: Athough she has said she will come & watch & laugh & in the end she's a caretaker & will help us!
She would be totally fine on her own & I think she would fit in fine with the divas.

Funny how I'm selective about 'who' I invite to join me. It's like I want to have my own world of friends!!! :)

I know what you mean. No way would I want my "other friends" to come on the trips. This is a special group of ladies and I don't want to share them.:)
I'm not working at the bar tonight so I'm going to stay home and clean, I'm looking forward to it actually. LOL well not the cleaning so much but the staying home part. LOL I need to get the sleeping bag and air mattress out for Cami, I wish I had the time to go to IKEA and get a mattress for Cassidy's day bed, then they could sleep in there instead of on the air mattress. I'm excited to see them. :)

Nobody ever has the time for Ikea. Once you're in there you lose all track of time. Even if you plan on running in there for one thing, and you know where that one thing is, something always distracts you! Haha
Makes me think of Star Wars. "Orange Leader, come in Orange Leader" LOL


Love it!

Hi ladies!

It looks like my daughter has decided to go with next year, she will be 18 in October. So please remove me from the room with Andrea, Kerri and Paula and add myself and Serra to the "still needs roomies" list. Two more in the room would be awesome!

I'll provide a picture for the front page soon. I'm kind of excited about having her with me next year.

How fun! I can just imagine 14 years from now when my daughter wants to go...lol!

Heather that is cool that your daughter is coming. I actually think it will be fun if/when Katy is old enough to come. She loves Disney like I do so think it would be fun to have her along.


That would be fun! She was so nice and polite when I met her last year! I am sure she would be a good addition to the divas!

I really hope I can work it out for Alison to get to come if your daughter is going....I wouldn't feel as bad ditching her for something like the pub crawl! hahahaha :rotfl2: Athough she has said she will come & watch & laugh & in the end she's a caretaker & will help us!
She would be totally fine on her own & I think she would fit in fine with the divas.

Funny how I'm selective about 'who' I invite to join me. It's like I want to have my own world of friends!!! :)

I actually completely understand this! One time a co worker overheard me talking about the trip and invited herself along. I like her ok but we don't really enjoy the same things or have the same outlook and it made it a difficult trip for me. However, my good friend Vicki went a few years ago - I had invited her and them work made me go to training during the trip so I couldn't go and she decided to go anyway and she is a great addition to the group.

Nobody ever has the time for Ikea. Once you're in there you lose all track of time. Even if you plan on running in there for one thing, and you know where that one thing is, something always distracts you! Haha

I worked at the Ikea in Emmeryville California for a year back in 2003/2004 and this is a true statement!

Well, I hope you all have a great weekend! I started mine off with a bang teaching some coworkers to play pinochle! It was a lot of fun and we are going to plan to get together once a month!

I actually completely understand this! One time a co worker overheard me talking about the trip and invited herself along. I like her ok but we don't really enjoy the same things or have the same outlook and it made it a difficult trip for me. However, my good friend Vicki went a few years ago - I had invited her and them work made me go to training during the trip so I couldn't go and she decided to go anyway and she is a great addition to the group.

I totally get that. I did invite 3 of my coworkers for next year, although I think only one of them might be really serious about joining. There was a 4th lady with us, but she didn't express any interest in the idea and I was glad because I really don't think she'd be any fun at all.

I kept my life in compartments for a really long time after I got divorced. I had friends who also had children who met my kids and we did kid friendly activities together. Then I had my National Guard friends, who did not meet my kids or my civilian friends. And I had a group of grown up friends who mostly didn't have kids who also did not meet my kids or other friends. I'm trying not to do that any more, it's tiring.
Good morning, ladies!! Happy Saturday!! :goodvibes
Lots of errands to do today. But, before that, I am meeting Michele for lunch at Panera Bread. They opened one down the street from me, and I've only been once a few years ago so I want to go back and check it out. After that, it's shop till I drop! Too bad it's only for necessities and nothing fun. Oh, well! Have a great day everyone!
Ooh! Panera bread sounds yum. I may stop by there myself on the way back from Mercer Island.
Good morning, ladies!! Happy Saturday!! :goodvibes
Lots of errands to do today. But, before that, I am meeting Michele for lunch at Panera Bread. They opened one down the street from me, and I've only been once a few years ago so I want to go back and check it out. After that, it's shop till I drop! Too bad it's only for necessities and nothing fun. Oh, well! Have a great day everyone!

Good morning..not really..but i'll play along..:rolleyes1

Another saturday working..but only ONE MORE until Disneyland..so yaaay.

Today started okay..woke up a little early for work , planned to grab a smotthie at MCDonalds before work..line was backed out to freeway..okay..nevermind. Get on freeway..stuck in bumper to bumper traffic for no apparent reason except CalTrans decided that they needed to close 3 lanes of traffic..:crazy2:

So yeah..I was late by 15 minutes..walk in and first email of the day is letting my team know we need to reschedule as many appointments as we can since people are out..oh joy of joys.

So I never got my smoothie..I'm working overtime for the 3rd week in a row..and I was late..not very happy.

On the happy side of things I have Les Miserables on Blu Ray at home and am planning on slow cooked chicken and dumplings tomorrow and making many alcoholic drinks asap at home.

6PM WHERE ARE YOUUUU? :confused3
Good morning, ladies!! Happy Saturday!! :goodvibes
Lots of errands to do today. But, before that, I am meeting Michele for lunch at Panera Bread. They opened one down the street from me, and I've only been once a few years ago so I want to go back and check it out. After that, it's shop till I drop! Too bad it's only for necessities and nothing fun. Oh, well! Have a great day everyone!

I went there today and got some Hot Cross Buns.
A cold but sunshiny day today! I got up early and got a ton of chores done around the house and now I smell the yummy aroma of homemade lasagna and very garlicy garlic bread! Woo Hoo! Have a great day all!
Ooh! Panera bread sounds yum. I may stop by there myself on the way back from Mercer Island.
It was good! Enjoyed the food and the company. :) So many baked goodies!!! Wow.

On the happy side of things I have Les Miserables on Blu Ray at home and am planning on slow cooked chicken and dumplings tomorrow and making many alcoholic drinks asap at home.

6PM WHERE ARE YOUUUU? :confused3
Yikes, what a day!! Hope you made it to 6 p.m. okay and are now enjoying your movie (I need to see that!) and your drinks.

I went there today and got some Hot Cross Buns.
I like a good pair of hot buns! :thumbsup2
But, I've never had Hot Cross Buns. I don't even know what they are.

A cold but sunshiny day today! I got up early and got a ton of chores done around the house and now I smell the yummy aroma of homemade lasagna and very garlicy garlic bread! Woo Hoo! Have a great day all!
Garlic bread. Drool.
Good evening ladies! :)

Trying to catch up again.

Looks like I made a huge mistake on suggesting no orange. And believe it or not, I had you Miss AmyOkraSue in mind when I posted that. I knew how much you hated the pink tees, so I was trying to be careful. LOL.... who would have thought? I actually like orange too, but you can leave me out of the "pub crawl." One drink is enough for me, so I wouldn't make it very far. :rolleyes1

So we finally got the permit for our kitchen addition. Woo hoo! Today, Beau and Dave laid the forms for the concrete. Then we need to have it passed by the county. Then the plumber needs to put in drain and whatever, and then we need to get that passed. Then they can pour the concrete. Geesh... Every little thing needs to get passed before the next thing can happen. :headache:

But I am not really complaining. I am getting a new kitchen, and I couldn't be happier. :cheer2:

Have a blessed Sunday!
It was good! Enjoyed the food and the company. :) So many baked goodies!!! Wow.

Yikes, what a day!! Hope you made it to 6 p.m. okay and are now enjoying your movie (I need to see that!) and your drinks.

It sadly got WORSE..I literally just wanted to throw my computer off the 2nd floor..heh. I'm on my second hard cider beverage while I await ice cubes to freeze for lemon drops.

I know not ALL Lexus owners are jerks..but I feel like that's all I got today :(

Good evening ladies! :)
So we finally got the permit for our kitchen addition. Woo hoo! Today, Beau and Dave laid the forms for the concrete. Then we need to have it passed by the county. Then the plumber needs to put in drain and whatever, and then we need to get that passed. Then they can pour the concrete. Geesh... Every little thing needs to get passed before the next thing can happen. :headache:

But I am not really complaining. I am getting a new kitchen, and I couldn't be happier. :cheer2:

Have a blessed Sunday!

OOOH NEW KITCHEN ZOMMMMGG! Oh can you tell that kitchens excite me ? :rotfl:
Good morning, ladies! And, happy Palm Sunday for those of you who are celebrating (is that the right word? celebrate? hmm) this day.
Hope you are all having a good weekend! One more week until Easter! :)

I actually like orange too, but you can leave me out of the "pub crawl." One drink is enough for me, so I wouldn't make it very far. :rolleyes1

But I am not really complaining. I am getting a new kitchen, and I couldn't be happier. :cheer2:

Have a blessed Sunday!
Another orange lover! :thumbsup2 Hang in there with the kitchen remodel. I've heard remodeling your home is one of the most stressful things a couple can do, but of course, in the end, it's always worth it. ::yes::

It sadly got WORSE..I literally just wanted to throw my computer off the 2nd floor..heh. I'm on my second hard cider beverage while I await ice cubes to freeze for lemon drops.
Dang, not good! Hope today is a much better day!
Come on, you know you were being all wild and crazy, dancing and shaking your groove thing. You were outta control!! :rolleyes1

(Okay, so we were really sitting in the back in the comfy chairs, sipping on soda and watching the action from afar, but no one has to know that. ;) )

I was just beginning to wonder what was in that "soda" you were sipping back there, Beth! LOL
Nobody ever has the time for Ikea. Once you're in there you lose all track of time. Even if you plan on running in there for one thing, and you know where that one thing is, something always distracts you! Haha

I live very near one, so when my daughter was of the preschool age, we would go to IKEA like going to the park. Try out all of the beds and couches,play house in the set up rooms and party in the kid's area. Lunch on meatballs, and home we would go. It was a blast.

Good evening ladies! :)

Trying to catch up again.

. And believe it or not, I had you Miss AmyOkraSue in mind when I posted that. I knew how much you hated the pink tees,

Nope, my aversion is completely to pink. My closet likely has every other color in it. I think my dislike stems from my mom trying to inject some lacy, frilly, girlishness in my total TOMBOY life when I was little. I recall a pink Easter dress that I hated when she bought it when I was 5 and seriously refused to wear come Easter morning. I was a pretty compliant kid normally, but no cajoling, threats or bribes worked. I did win, wore a white blouse and lime green with polka dot skirt.

So, obviously, I knew my mind then and now. Pink and I, not so much. I feel like a frilly sweet, over sugared and flouncy fraud!!! I rock orange, blue, red, grey, black, blue, green.....brown, white.

I was just beginning to wonder what was in that "soda" you were sipping back there, Beth! LOL

Yeah, the lady professes she does not drink, but has anyone ever patted her down looking for a sippy flask?

Spent 3 hours today doing Algebra. My kid is getting A's, but totally falls apart when she has to do problem sets on the computer. But, I now can factor my trinomials and do the quadratic equation like a boss.
Good morning, ladies! And, happy Palm Sunday for those of you who are celebrating (is that the right word? celebrate? hmm) this day.
Hope you are all having a good weekend! One more week until Easter! :)

Dang, not good! Hope today is a much better day!

Oh today is MUUUCH better.

Sipping on my second lemon drop of the day..slow cooking chicken and dumplings for dinner..laundry done also.

I'm getting ot my happy place and researching for our WDW vacation next year :)
I was just beginning to wonder what was in that "soda" you were sipping back there, Beth! LOL
A glow cube! Duh. ;)

Yeah, the lady professes she does not drink, but has anyone ever patted her down looking for a sippy flask?
Ooooh, a pat down? :hyper:

Oh today is MUUUCH better.

Sipping on my second lemon drop of the day..slow cooking chicken and dumplings for dinner..laundry done also.

I'm getting ot my happy place and researching for our WDW vacation next year :)
Ahhhh, now that's more like it. :thumbsup2


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