DH and kids not interested in character breakfast


Earning My Ears
Mar 17, 2001
My DH is wondering what the appeal is. My boys who are 3 and 5 are not familiar or crazy about the Disney characters (maybe Buzz). When I mention it, they look at me funny. So, is it worth pushing. I was thinking of doing a Chef Mickey's based on all the raves on this board. But, with everyone against it, what if it doesn't live up?

Your thoughts?

Try setting it up for the 3rd or 4th day of your trip - by that time everyone will be so pumped up with excitement, they'll be looking forward to it! Let the Disney magic take hold! (and if they're still objecting, you could always cancel)
our DSs, 3 and 5, love them but I am not sure that they would be excited if I just explained it to them. DH goes along with my plans because he enjoys seeing DSs have a great time. I suggest Crystal Palace at MK-it has the Pooh characters. I have read many positive posts re: Chef Mickey's but we haven't been there yet. I also suggest that you visit your local library or bookstore and read your boys some Disney books to help familiarize them with the Disney characters before you go to WDW. The only people I know who have been disappointed in their WDW trips have been families with young kids who didn't know who any of the characters were. Last month when we were at WDW, a mom was loudly complaining on a bus to AK that she had wasted their money going to WDW because it is so character and Disney story-oriented (well, duh!) and HER kids never watched tv or videos so how could they know who the characters were. I suggested that she visit her local library. :) Pamela
Maybe I can see how the trip is going. I am sure the kids will grow to like some of these characters when they experience a few things.

They do know who the characters are and have named all the disney characters they know. Like some little girls I know, there isn't a Cinderella kind of worship thing going on with Mickey, Pooh, etc. They like action heroes. They had the pooh themes in their rooms when they were babies and never liked it.

So, can I call a day or so before and get something arranged?

My husband wasn't very keen on going to a character breakfast (I wasn't that keen on the breakfast 'cause I'm not really a breakfast person but I really wanted to go to a character lunch or dinner) so when we visited MGM we happened!! to be passing the Hollywood and Vine so I said I would see if we could maybe book a lunch that day. We booked our table and we had a great time. The food was lovely and the kids really enjoyed the time they had with the characters (my son was never really into the Disney characters until we got to Disney). My husband even had a great time. He enjoyed himself that much that he agreed that I could book the Villains Dinner at the Grand Floridian for the following week which was also great. My husband liked both the meals we went for because they were buffets and he could make a pig of himself.

I think you should go ahead and book one of the character meals and they'll probably have a whale of a time and even if you don't like it at least you will know instead of wondering what it would have been like.

Susan, you can call a day or two ahead and see what's left, if you're staying onsite there's a special number for Disney Dining that should be able to help you out. The boys might like Chef Mickey's (it gets pretty rowdy in there), I personally like Garden Grille in the Land Pavilion and also 1900 park Faire at the GF. Maybe they would like the villains if they're into action heroes. I wish they had a Buzz and Woody meal, my dd would love it too.

Offsite: 3/80,11/81,4/85,11/92
DxL: 11/93
YC: 9/95
CBR: 5/97
PO: 3/98
WL: 12/98
ASMo: 12/99
Dolphin: 11/00
Swan: 5/01
At 4 my ds didn't really understand the concept of a character meal until we did one. My dh thought we planned too many for our 10 day trip in 1999 (we did 3, plus the ice cream social)....but on our next trip he was all for doing the character meals. We even added an extra night and dinner at Chef Mickey's! Now he's the one who asks "Which character meals are we going to do?"


1979 Contemporary
1992 Off-site
1994 Carribean Beach
1999 Fort Wilderness and Coronado Springs
2000 Polynesian and Old Key West
2002 Boardwalk Villas
WDW veterans I have talked to here tell me do a character breakfast every morning! My 9 yo DD is not too thrilled with CB's either. (3&5 is a good age for CM'S) However DH says plan one every morning and if we are not up for it we can easily cancel.
Also I have started playing the 'Classic' Disney movies to my 4yo DD. That way when we get there she will enjoy Snow White, Peter Pan, etc., rides more.
Maybe your first day at WDW, take the boys to some character greetings in the parks. Then you'll see if they get into meeting the characters. Believe it or not, some kids are put off by the size of the characters.

If after meeting some in person they are still not enthused, then you're better off without the character meals. They are expensive and time consuming and probably not worth it if no one is into the characters.

However, if they get excited by seeing their faves up close and personal, a character meal is a great idea! Time it for an off-hour (late lunch maybe) to get maxiumum character interaction.

My DD was mixed on the character breakfasts. When she was 5, Chef Mickey's was too loud and overwhelming, but Soundstage (no longer operating) was fun for her. She enjoyed resort character meals like Artist Point the best because the characters could spend more time at our table.

Hope that helps - have a great trip! :)


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