Denise's New Focus on Fitness-Friends and Support Welcome!

Good morning ladies!

I just wanted to give you a quick update on what's happening with me.I ended up visiting my doc on Fri. because the spasms just wouldn't stop. So...he decided that I have to have an outpatient procedure on Tue. I'm going to have the knee manipulated while under anesthesia which will hopefully give me more range of motion and help to break up the scar tissue.

I didn't plan on this right before Thanksgiving but thankfully Gary has already done the shopping and my Mom, sister and niece will join us and help get the meal on the table. Steve, Sue and Ben will be dividing the day between both families and Lauren, Sean and Scott are going to New York for a couple of days . They'll be back on Fri. and our plan was to visit them but I'm not sure how I'll be feeling so we're gonna take one day at a time.

I'm going to wish all of you a happy Thanksgiving just in case I don't get on here before Thursday. Enjoy your day with your families and loved ones! Thank you for being my friend and being a part of my Dis family!

I am hoping that your procedure went well today! I am sorry you have had to go through this but your attitude as usual is so awesome that I am sure you will bounce back and be doing well in no time.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving and keep us posted on how you are doing!:hug:
Hi Denise,

How did your procedure go, my friend?:hug: I hope you are feeling much better!:wizard: Sending good thoughts and prayers your way.....

How was your Thanksgiving?

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!:hug:
Thanks for thinking of me ladies! The procedure seemed to be a success. I gained more range of motion which is crucial after a knee replacement. I have a follow up appt. this afternoon so I'll see what the doc has to say.

Yesterday was weird. I woke up with an upset stomach and fever so I spent the day in bed trying to fight off the nausea, etc. I had no solid foods just tried to drink some fluids. I can't even remember the last time I felt like that. My temp is almost back to normal and I'm feeling a little hungry, although I'm nervous about eating. I guess it was just a 24-hour thing...let's hope.

I got an email from WW and they're starting a new program. I can't even stick to the old program so I don't think I'll be trying the new one.

I'm working on my Christmas Card list. Tracy and Julie, could you please pm me with your address? I have yours Amy, so I should be all set.

Have a good day everyone!
I'm so glad to hear that the procedure went well, Denise!:goodvibes I hope that your knee is feeling better. :wizard:

I'm sorry to hear that you've been sick though. :( The cold/flu has been making it's rounds here as well. It's that time of year again. I hope you are feeling much, much better, my friend!:hug:

Off to send you a PM....Have a great day today!:wizard:
I've been neglecting my journal again but I wanted to write some things before the holidaze as I think about my goals for the new year. You may have noticed that I changed my title to focus on fitness. It hit me a couple of days ago that I've been doing quality time at physical therapy and also with my home program, so I have absolutely no reason not to continue a focused fitness program in the new year. I now know that I can do it! I have lost a little weight during my recuperation and I'm finally in the 180's but at 5'3" I still have a l o n g way to go.

I've been making slow progress at therapy but I'm improving no matter how long it takes. I'm having some trouble gaining flexibility in my left leg. I've had the osteo-arthritis for probably 10 years and slowly lost most of my strength and flexibility so I have to be patient and continue to work it out and eventually I'll be strong again. Its kind of funny that my new knee isn't giving me trouble just the muscles and tendons surrounding it.

I got an email from Discovery Health's National Body Challenge this morning. I went on the website and registered but I haven't really browsed thru it yet. It looks like there is a bunch of good, healthy info on food and fitness. I'll let you know how I like it.

I hope everyone's Christmas prep is going well. We're having a family get together this Sunday so I can see everyone under 1 roof. Its going to be our immediate family-kids, grandbabies, mom, sister and niece. If I'm feeling up to it physically I may include a few others. I just run out of steam rather quickly when I'm on my feet for an extended period. With the immediate family, they get it and I don't have to do more than I'm capable of.

We plan to spend Christmas Eve and Day with Steve, Sue and Benny and then go to Lauren's on Christmas night or early Sunday morning. We'll probably do Hershey's Sweet Lights(drive thru) on Sunday evening then Lauren will drive us to Baltimore for the cruise on Monday the 27th.

I've got to go and run some errands this morning, then make my to do list for now and up to the time we cruise. This afternoon I'm meeting a friend for our traditional Christmas lunch which should be fun. I'll be back soon. I've got some other goals to think about before the new year.
Can you believe that I'm posting 2 days in a row especially at this busy time of the year? I woke up with indigestion last night and needed to sit upright for awhile so while I did that I took some time to write in my journal (pen and paper). I made a list of things that I can do while on the cruise that are healthy for both my mind and body.Here's a few things that I put on my list...

Use the gym to continue my physical therapy. This will be a first for me-the only thing I've done in the gym previously is use the steam room.

Use the enclosed Solarium pool for a water work-out then sit in the hot tub. Ahh!

Participate in the Walk for Wishes (Make a Wish Foundation). Its a mile long walk around the top deck. I may not be able to complete it but I'm definitely going to participate!

I'll add some other ideas later. I'm finally getting in the cruise mode. We didn't make our decision until a couple of weeks ago cause we were waiting to see how I felt. I'm going to be a little slow but I think I can handle it. We're going to be away for 12 nights with 5 sea days. This will be great for my mental heath after all the medical problems Gary and I both had in 2010. 2011 is going to be our year! We got a great price at $859.00 pp for 12 nights. I think it breaks down to 86.00 pp/night when you add taxes, fees, gratuities etc. And the best part is we don't have to fly to Florida!

Enjoy your day everyone!!!!!
Denise, I am so glad the procedure went well, and so apologize for being so remiss with getting on here to check on you! I am glad you are over your stomach thing, I hate those bugs but glad it was a short lived one for you.

I got your card, thank you so much! I sent mine out this morning, way behind schedule, hope you get it before you leave, if not, guess it will be more of a New Year's card!

I am so glad you and Gary are going on this cruise, what a great way to relax and ring in 2011 on a very positive note. That is a great price, who could refuse?? So what ports do you go to?

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow with your family gathering, I know you will have a great time. Merry Christmas to you and your whole family, 2011 is going to be a great year for you!

I am sort of with you on the WW thing, I can't seem to make it happen but I may weaken and try one more time. Maybe the new program will be a good one?

I love your fitness goal and I love your 20 pound wish clippie! You are on the right track for sure, lets all do it together in 2011!
Woohoo on your cruise!!!:banana: I'm so glad that you and your DH will be able to get away and relax and enjoy!:cloud9:

I hope you have a wonderful day today!:hug:
Good morning friends!

I thought I would take some time to Wish for a few minutes before I get my busy day started. We may have to make some alternate plans for our holiday weekend with the threat of bad weather for Baltimore on Sun. and Mon. We still want to visit with both our kids and families but may have to drive down to Baltimore on Sun. instead of Mon. morning. We booked a hotel with a "park and cruise" deal just in case.

I'm about 3/4 packed just need some last minute stuff like cosmetics, meds and I'm sure several other things will pop into mind. I have to try on a couple of bathing suits to see which one looks more slimming. Lol! Who am I trying to fool, only myself!!!!

I think we finally decided on our excursions and will book them when we get on board so we can use our credits. I have a couple of other things planned for my relaxation and healthy living ideas...

*I'm taking along a couple of inspirational books that I can read while listening to the ocean. I just love that sound!

*I also remembered that RC has a healthy choice menu called "Vitality". I'm going to try to order from that more frequently. I also need to avoid my favorite coconut cookies.

*For my creative side (which in recent times has been sorely lacking), I'm bringing along a small embroidery project. I also plan to take advantage of the craft classes that the ship offers.

I probably won't be posting again before we leave, so I'm Wishing everyone a joyous and blessed Christmas! Thank you for being so supportive and I know that together we can make 2011 a wonderful new Year!

Amy, I got your PM and you are very welcome!

Tracy, I'm glad you had a nice although chilly trip. BTW, we went to the Ale House on our last trip and really enjoyed it. Great pub grub!

Julie, I hope you are feeling better after your 2 surgical procedures. Please check in soon!
I hope you have a wonderful time on your cruise, Denise!:cloud9:

Merry Christmas to you and your family!:santa:
Denise, I hope your cruise was wonderful, I bet it was! Can't wait to hear all about it. I also hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your family, esp. those grandbabies!

I am sadly betting you are very snowed in right now.:sad2:

Happy 2011 to you and Gary!:goodvibes
Happy 2001, Denise!!!:cool1:

How was your cruise? I hope you and your DH had a fabulous time!:cloud9:

Are you getting a ton of snow? We have had 3 major snowstorms + lake effect snow this year and all I can say is that I am soooooo ready for spring! LOL! :sunny:

Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!:hug:
We had a super wonderful time on our cruise! I was a little worried about being gone for 12 days but I still hated for it to end. It was just so nice to relax in the warm weather, enjoy the beaches and visit ports that were new to us. I already started looking for our next adventure.Lol- I've truly got the cruising bug.

I did pretty well with my fitness routine. I did my pool therapy and stretched in the cabin with my PT exercises. I also went to the fitness classes that were done while seated in a chair called "Sit to Be Fit" and also chair yoga. I really enjoyed them and committed myself to attending 5 classes. I wish I had realized they were offered early on so I could have done more. I was really surprised how the whole body was worked and some of the leg lifts, etc. were strenuous. I got around better than last time and I'm truly thankful for that but I did have the wheelchair for back-up. I also participated in the "Walk for Wishes" and I'mso glad that I could be a part of that. I may not have kept up with everyone, but for me it was an important step in my recovery.

Now eating was a different story-very hard to control while cruising. I did eat what I wanted but for the most part stopped before I got that feeling where I can't eat another bite or I'm going to explode. I hate that, it ruins a good meal.

To be con't.

I forgot to mention that I did gain 5 lbs. which isn't too awful considering we were away from home for 2 weeks. I'm working on getting rid of it!

I had a follow up with my Doc this past Tuesday and I'm released to go back to work. I stopped in to visit my mgr. and dept. after the doc and decided that I will start back tomorrow. It will take me some time to get back in the swing of things. Even though I've been released , I'm still having a good deal of stiffness and at night I have pain and just can't get comfortable. I sit at my desk for most of the day, so I need to find ways to stay comfortable. Gotta work on that!

I did some journaling while on the ship and actually found some quiet spots where I could be alone and enjoy the sound of the ocean and take a half hour for me. I love that fact that we started the New Year while on a cruise. I'm just so fortunate to have had the opportunity to take such a nice vacation. When I got home, I continued the journaling and reflection time to start off my day or finish the evening. I made myself a little space in our extra bedroom where I have a small table with some favorite momentos, photos, inspirational books and journal. I've made this time for me and now I just have to continue it when I start back to work.

Time to get my day underway. Have a beautiful Sunday my friends!
It sounds like you had a wonderful time on your cruise, Denise!:cloud9: I am so happy for you!:hug:

Sending lots of good thoughts your way as you head back to work...Please be sure and ease into the routine if you can. :hug:

I hope you have a great day today!:hug:
Denise, I love the new picture of you and Gary in your avatar! Your cruise sounds wonderful and you so deserved that vacation. I love your outlook and the fact you are carving out time for your journaling. I like that idea and think I need to find a space and a time for myself to do that very thing.

I think five pounds is actually quite the accomplishment given the length of time you were gone. So good job.

Hope your first day back at work was a good one.:goodvibes
So... I decided to pull myself out of my funk and get on with all the things that bring me enjoyment. Over the past few weeks I've had a rough time balancing everything with my return to work, household stuff, family and friends and a multitude of other things that just suck the day away. I had to remind myself that life is good and all that little bothersome stuff is what makes the world go round. I need to focus on pleasant, happy diversions and make every day count!.

Today was the start of another round of medical appts. for me. I really need to learn to schedule this stuff a little more wisely. Today's visit was with my primary for a BP check, lab work and a general heath check-up. BP is good, lab results should be back in a few days and my general health looks good. Next week is my gyn/onc. Not looking forward to that.

A weird thing happened at the doc. today. I was sitting in the exam room waiting for her to come in when I realized I could overhear the patient and doc. in the next room very clearly. I can't remember any other visits when I could actually hear the conversation and not just muffled voices. The patient was having trouble sleeping and the conversation went back and forth about that when the doc decided to give her his own remedy for getting back to sleep. He told her that he thanks the Lord when his sleep is interrupted and asks Him who he should pray for during the period when he is awake. He doesn't fight the lack of sleep or toss and turn just prays and meditates. I know that I overheard this conversation for a reason. I found myself looking up to the ceiling to see if there was a new ventilation system in the room thinking that is why I could hear so clearly. Nothing new, it was just meant to be. I though of you Amy cause I know you're having sleep issues too. What a simple way to battle insomnia!

After my appt. I went to Starbucks and enjoyed a coffee and a huge, yummy oatmeal cookie. Thank you Tracy! I then went shopping for our new baby niece. We're going to a family get-together on Sat. to meet her for the first time. This is the stuff that matters!

I can't believe the day is flying by so quickly. I love my Wed. off! It really breaks up the week and makes it so much easier to cope with. That combined with Gary and I making Thur. our go to dinner night makes the week fly by-sometimes a little too quickly.

I'm glad that I got back on here today and will visit your journals over the next few days. I miss you guys!!!!
Denise, its so good to see you!

I truly believe sometimes God uses unique ways to communicate with us, sounds like He did that for you at the doctor's office! And that is ironic, our pastor often says use your sleepless nights for prayer and meditation. I have been doing that and if nothing else, it gives me some peace and makes me feel like the time awake is well spent!

I am saying prayers for your ob/gyn visit next week. I don't blame you for being a bit anxious over that one.

I love it that you and Gary have your out to dinner Thursday's!

Your attitude as always really inspires me. Enjoy that new baby niece, that is truly what makes life wonderfilled

I had a starbucks on Miss Tracy yesterday, aren't we lucky to have her for a friend!:goodvibes:laughing:
Hi Denise! :wave:

It's so good to hear from you!:goodvibes I hear you on trying to find balance with everything. I am constantly working on that!

Sending prayers for your ob/gyn visit next week.

I agree with Amy. I think that God uses a variety of methods to communicate with us and it sounds like the doctor's office was a way to do just that. I also think that you sharing that in your journal was a way of communicating that same message as a reminder to me. I've not been sleeping well lately and it hasn't occurred to me to pray through the sleeplessness. I have a tendency to focus on the fact that I'm not sleeping and that makes me stay up even longer. Thank you so much for sharing, Denise!:hug:

Enjoy your visit with your baby niece this weekend!:goodvibes

Have a wonderful day, my friend!:hug:


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