Denise's New Focus on Fitness-Friends and Support Welcome!

Thanks for visiting with me my friends!!!!

Fitness goals for the next few days...

Every day-PT exercises and a few seated desk exercises

Monday-Healing Yoga with Netflix

Tuesday-Gym to use bike, treadmill and also do some PT then plan to observe a Tai Chi class to see what its all about

Wed.-Walk outdoors since the weather forecast looks good
Hi Denise, your exercise plan sounds great, how did it go?

Your post has me thinking maybe I should do yoga on my Netflix. I always rent Sex in the City episodes which is hardly a good use of my $9.99 per month!;)

Hope your warm weather is holding out!
Good morning friends!

I thought I'd start the day off with some goals for the week...

Wear pedometer every day and count steps

Continue with pt stretches and strengthening

Go to the gym 2x

Take outdoor walks (weather permitting)

Amy, I met some of my goals from last week and I'm happy about that! I used the Netflix "watch instantly" option for the yoga and really likes the one I chose. I also checked out the Comcast On Demand exercise programs but not of them were what I was looking for right now. The Healing Yoga segment is very gentle and relaxing-just what I need to get my body going again. That combined with just plain old walking will get me off to a good start.

Tracy, I'm glad that I was able to share my tale from "above" at the Dr. office with you and Amy. Now we all need to remember to follow the advice.

Have a great week!
Be back soon..........
Your goals are looking good for the week, Denise!:cheer2: I hope the weather cooperates so that you can get some outdoor walks in. :wizard:

Have a great day tomorrow!:hug:
Today's my day off and I decided to have a zen day and only do the things I want to do that bring me enjoyment and peace. Dising is right up there on my list of good stuff! I also plan to do my yoga workout and walk with Gary tonight.

I have a new goal to meet. I've registered with The City of Hope for their walk for all women's cancers which takes place on Sept. 18. Its a 5k which starts at Campbell's Field (think soup) in Camden, NJ then goes over the Ben Franklin Bridge (think kite) into Phila. thru Old City and ends up on the Phila. waterfront.(think Rocky Balboa) I know a 3 mile walk isn't far but with my history it will be a personal milestone for me. I used to walk up on that bridge when I was a kid and my grandmother lived nearby. The walk down will be the challenge cause it will put pressure on my knees but I know I can do it! I just need to find a place to train that is hilly so I can be prepared. I'm really excited to participate and hope that I can get a nice group of family and friends to walk with me.

I got the results of my lab work and my blood sugar is higher than its ever been which stinks. I've got a call into my dr. to talk with her about it. Hopefully she'll get back to me today.

I've been rather down because 3 people who are close to me are having their own battles fighting cancer. My son in law's Mom is fighting small bowel cancer, a friend and former co-worker-breast and a family friend-melanoma.
All that combined with the anxiety of my up-coming MRI's have me feeling a bit sad and worried.

Well, enough of that. I need to keep positive and enjoy my day off.

Have a nice day my friends!
I like the idea of a zen day!:goodvibes

Your new goal sounds wonderful, Denise!:cheer2: Not only will you be doing the walk for women's cancers, but you'll have the memories of walking the bridge from your childhood as well. :goodvibes I am so excited for you!:banana: If you are doing any fundraising for this, please let us know.

I'm so sorry to hear about your friends who are fighting their own cancer battles right now :( Our thoughts and prayers go out to them.

I'm sending prayers for your MRI and for your blood sugar levels as well. :hug:

I hope you have a nice day today, my friend!:hug:
Denise, you wouldn't be human if you didn't have those low and worry filled moments my friend.:hug:

Just remember how far you have come and that God, friends and family are all with you to support you and love you.

I am so sorry you have friends and loved ones that are going through this. I have a good friend who just finished her chemo for breast cancer and now she plays the waiting game for her first scans since her treatment finished. Its so hard to know what to say and how to support!

I think your 5K sounds great. I know you can do it, you have some time to prepare your body for that challenge and I know you will do it. I am betting Grandma helps you over that bridge you walked to get to her as a child! And I will second Tracy, give us a link for fundraising!

Keep us posted and I hope you are having a great week!:)
Thanks for checking in Tracy and Amy! Also thank you for offering to support me in the Walk for Hope. Its an important personal goal for me to achieve and supports a great hospital and research too. As the walk gets closer I'll be sending my friends and family a link to the website which tells all about it and donations can be done online.

I've not been around much again but I check the Dis almost daily. Sometimes I'm not very good at continuing with a project once I start it, but with my wish journal I've managed to hang in there since 2007. That in itself is a huge commitment for me.

Today is my day off and I started it out with my first MRI. It was postponed from last Sat. cause my script wasn't right. I hate dealing with medical paperwork! Today's scan was of my pelvis and next week it will be the abdomen. Now I play the waiting game but I'm keeping myself busy with positive thoughts and projects. After the scan I went to Panera and had a little breakfast since I had to fast for the test. After that off to the library for some travel books. I'm thinking about the Pacific Northwest. I would love to cruise to Alaska and spend some time before or after touring around. I've heard the San Juan islands are very beautiful!

I started a new little project for myself today. I took a blank journal (of which I have many cause I love to buy books and notecards and journals) and wrote a bunch of headings of fun and interesting things that I want to do. For example, I listed travel, books, music, walks, hobbies, health and a few others. I'll be adding more later as they pop into my head. My problem is, my head is always swimming with ideas but when Gary and I want to do something different, we forget about what we talked about. That's what happens after you turn 50-lol! By creating the journal, I'll just list places and interests under a particular topic then when I need a little change in my life, it will be right there for me to do. Stuff like a new author to read, a different park to walk in, or listening to a different musical artist or one I enjoyed in the past that I haven't heard in ages. I think this will be fun!

Time to run and do some household stuff. Amy, I should have your energy when it comes to housecleaning-I am quite the procrastinator.

Have a wonderful Wednesday and rest of the week!
Hi Denise, I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers as you wait for these MRI results. Just keep us posted.:hug:

I LOVE your new journal of ideas and wish lists of places and things to do and see! What a great idea, I may need to do that.

In spite of living so much closer to the Pacific NW than say Florida, I have never been there. But my stepdad is from there and the pictures he's shown me are beautiful. He and my mom took many trips up there and she loved it. I want to cruise to Alaska so badly so go for me because I think I am a ways away from that!
Sending prayers your way as you wait for the MRI results, Denise. :hug:

I love the idea of having a journal with lists of things you want to see and accomplish!:thumbsup2

Hope you have a wonderful day today!:hug:
"I take nothing for granted. I now have only good days and great days." Lance Armstrong

Sharing some great news my friends. MRI #1 (pelvis) came back clear! I was thrilled to get the news from my Onc. nurse when she called me at work on Fri. afternoon. I'm so happy that I didn't have to go thru the weekend worrying about the results. Part 2 will be on Wed.- the abdomen.

Gary and I are starting to plan a little get-away for our anniversary which is in May. We have a free night at Caesar's in Atlantic City because we stayed at Harrah's about a month ago and lost about $20 bucks each. (I wonder what they give to the people who really gamble?) We'll stay there on Thurs. and maybe go to the Rainforest Cafe and pretend we're in DTD. After that we're going to Cape May for 2 nights on a spring special. The hotel will include breakfast and 1 dinner. Hopefully the weather will be nice and we can spend some time on the beach,visit the lighthouse and maybe take a poor man's cruise on the ferry to Delaware. The hotel has an indoor pool which will be nice. All this is tentative cause if I can find a cheap flight to Fla, I'm on it!

BTW-I checked back on my original Wish journal and realized that I started it in 2006 so I'm coming up on my 5th anniversary. So much has happened in those 5 years but I WISH I could say my weight is much lower but it isn't...a little lower so I guess I'll have to work on that!

Enjoy the week ahead!
Praise the Lord!!! :cool1: WONDERFUL news about your first MRI results, Denise!!! :cheer2: I am so happy for you, my friend!:hug: Sending lots of prayers for MRI #2 on Wednesday. :hug:

It sounds like you have some fun trips planned in the next few months. :goodvibes I hope affordable airfare becomes available so Florida can be included in those plans as well. :wizard:

Have a wonderful week!:wizard:
Denise, Praise God that MRI came back all clear! What a blessing, you must be so relieved. I think you and Gary have earned that time in May and then some!

My fifth anniversary with Wish (well I started a journal in 2005 but didn't stick with it then came back in Spring of 06) and I was sort of thinking like you about "why don't I weigh less"? Life happens but we have learned plenty on the way is how I look at it!

I love your Lance Armstrong quote.

I always wonder if I could do a RFC anywhere but Disney??!! They have one in Grapevine TX where my cousin lives and she tried to talk me into last visit but I said it just felt wrong!:rotfl:
Good morning ladies! I hope everyone is doing well since we've all been missing lately. I plan to catch up tomorrow since its my day off.

Have a wonderful day!
Hey girls-I'm finally back here again. No excuse, just been lazy and uncommitted. The news on the food and fitness front is about the same. I've been lazy in that area too.

I'm trying to get my act together yet again. I ordered the SB Diet Supercharged book from Amazon and the Taste of Summer Cookbook too. Trying to lose weight without a structured program is just not working for me, so I thought I'd give this a shot. I think it will be good for my blood sugar issues. I am moving more than I was but still not enough. This week I'm going to take my pedometer seriously and set a step goal and actually reach it.

We're going cruising again! Well, not until May 2012 but we booked early to get a good price. We sailing out of Cape Liberty, NJ which is the NY harbor and going to Bermuda. We'll be sailing on the Celebrity Summit which will be going into drydock in Jan '12 for a 3-week total makeover. The ship will be like new! We'll be gone for 7 days with 3 full days in Bermuda. Since we'll be celebrating our 38th anniversary, I'm thinking about doing a personal vow renewal. I need to think on that one and get creative. Gary isn't one for anything showy, so we can just find a nice spot (maybe at sunset) and do our own thing. Our actual anniversary date falls on one of the formal nights so I'll make sure we get some professioanal photos that night.

I'm glad to be back here again. I can always count on you guys to make me feel good. I hope you're all doing well and I'll check in with you soon!!!!
Today's my day off and as usual I have too much on my agenda. I have a new way of dealing with my list-making. Now I list the things that I've accomplished. The only time I put something on my to-do list is when its urgent. This way I'm much more relaxed.

I did the Leslie Sansone 1-mile walk this morning. Its a 20-min. workout and I was surprised that I only got 1,000 steps from it. I'm thinking the marching in place and some other moves aren't registering on the pedometer. Either way, I did it and I'm feeling good about that!

I'm listening to my cruise playlist which is always fun. It brings back great memories of our trips. A section of the list is the Castaway Cay CD and also some other music which one of our Fish-Extender group put together. That combined with Jimmy Buffet, The Beach Boys and a bunch of other water-related songs always makes me feel good. I'm still working on my review of our Jan. cruise for Cruise Critic. I'm doing it from an accessible point-of-view since I was still recuperating from my surgery at the time. Hopefully it will help someone out who might be planning to sail on that ship.

Time to keep moving and make the most of my day!
Hi Denise,

Its so good to see you again, I have beena bad Wisher lately and have missed a couple of your recent postings!

I think that is great you are cruising, Bermuda just looks so wonderful. I was channel surfing one day and noticed some golf tournament that was in Bermuda and while I hate golf, I did watch for a bit since they were showing this gorgeous footage of the island. I put that on my to do list!

We are thinking of some sort of a vow renewal type thing for our 20th next year, like you I don't want anything showy but I feel like something is in order! I like your idea of doing something private and on your own. I think Dan would like that idea much better than some of the other stuff I have come up with!;)

That is a great idea of you doing the review from the accessible point of view. I am betting your review will really help some people down the road with their planning. You always give back and I just love and admire you for it!

Last, I am with you on the "need some structure" thing. I have been counting calories, I don't want to do WW and I HATE their new points plan (way too complicated) but I find that I just need something to help me stay on point and accountable. Good luck with this, I know you can do it.

Oh, and when I do the Walk Away programs, my pedometer does not always pick up the steps either. But I know they work and I love those DVD's!:thumbsup2

Happy Easter!:goodvibes
Yeah for a cruise to Bermuda!!!:cool1: You and Gary will have a wonderful time!:goodvibes

I love the idea of a vow renewal! ::yes:: I can't wait to see what kind of ideas you come up with!:cool1:

I hope you have a blessed Easter!:hug:
Hi Denise, hope your week is off to a good start!

By the way, I love how you do your to do list, very clever and very affective. See how smart you are?!:goodvibes

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