DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

They're still there.

They fell victim to the temptation of felonious acts and the laws of this country derided them as fools. They were merely scoffed at as those who believed there were more ways than one. Now, prison hardened but fully rehabilitated, they return to the Skyliner, ready for that ride at last. But lightning strikes, so it’s to the busses. What could go wrong?

This is the description from Skyliner, the newest film from Hollywood.
Well, depending on the park they'll be waiting a while.
Contrary to all belief, the waiting for and traveling on this Disney buses provide the best value for your dollar. The waits are horribly long, and there’s nothing good that comes from them, so your existence on them just gets longer. So on a per minute-feeling basis, the buses provide the best value of anything within WDW.

If you want your WDW to feel really long, just ride the buses. If you want to enjoy it, don’t.
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Stop trying to gaslight us into thinking WDW isn’t magical!!! If it wasn’t, you wouldn’t be there, working or cavorting. We’re not stupid, well, not real stupid. I think we can, together, get to an average IQ for a single person.
Oh it’s magical, it’s so magical I don’t have to do it. Lol. I retired at 55, three years ago. Ever since that eight year old kid sat on the curb on Main Street waiting for the parade, I’ve always wanted to work there.
Im just one of those few lucky people who got to live a dream.
I can tell you, it’s not easy. In fact, it’s one of the hardest jobs I ever had in 42 years. But, it is very rewarding.It’s a lot different when you don’t have to go to work. Not going to lie, you look at it completely different when you have seen behind the curtain.
Our daughter did the college program in 2013. She was there for eleven months and came home. I asked her why she didn’t want to stay, she didn’t want to ruin the Magic. She said do you vacation where you work?
Im part time, I work Monday Tuesday and Wednesday, don’t matter what falls on those days and I picked the days and times I work.
When I retired and moved down here, I didn’t work for a year, i was bored to tears. I would post daily pictures of me just hanging around the world, I would take abuse. Lol. That’s why I say, just so you don’t think I have the life. Lol
But, in reality, I do have the life. I get to live where I always wanted to, I get to go to work for a mouse and I’ve had a few roles and I’ve always worked with some of the best people from all over the world. If I die tomorrow, I lived my dream.
Not a lot of people can say that and I am very thankful I got to do it.
I smile every time I drive under the Walt Disney World sign.
I pulled the trigger and emailed my travel agent to put a deposit down on the trip.
Excellent! Hope it's a great time.

My Maxwell turns six tomorrow (09/04).
Happy birthday Maxwell!

She said do you vacation where you work?
That is such a great question.

I smile every time I drive under the Walt Disney World sign.
If you can say that after working there, things must have turned out ok.

We decided to take a bit of a day trip up into the NC mountains...
Wow, great scenery and food! You could do much worse.
Excellent! Hope it's a great time.

Happy birthday Maxwell!

That is such a great question.

If you can say that after working there, things must have turned out ok.

Wow, great scenery and food! You could do much worse.
We were just talking about the, “ I think we killed the Magic” Saturday night at Yachtsman. We’ve been here for two and a half years and come and go as we please. After a somewhat long discussion, we’ve decided being able to jump in the car, drive 30 minutes up the road far outweighs the two trips a years.
I get to live where I always wanted to, I get to go to work for a mouse and I’ve had a few roles and I’ve always worked with some of the best people from all over the world. If I die tomorrow, I lived my dream.
I hope to retire to a work optional lifestyle one day. Working with a lot of pre-retirees and retirees, the men seem so adamant to do nothing once retired. I don’t get it. Men need to do something. Those who retired to the couch died a lot sooner generally than those who retired to something. Find a hobby or volunteer. Work is easy to find. Work (but one you love, so it’s not really work) is difficult to find. Glad you found it and happy to hear you smile every time you go to “work.”

One thing that was on top of mind for me during our WDW was to always compliment any CM doing anything helpful. Not matter how small an act, I gave them a compliment. Both in person and to corporate. Based on things I’ve read on the DisBoards and just experienced in life, people are more likely to complain than they are to express gratitude, especially when they are spending thousands and thousands of dollars.

My guess is CMs probably receive one compliment for every ten complaints. But that’s just a guess and I wonder if that’s high since you smile on your way to work. For how wonderful our WDW trip was last month, I would hope the CMs get ten or more compliments for every complaint, because each CM we encountered was amazing.
Working with a lot of pre-retirees and retirees, the men seem so adamant to do nothing once retired. I don’t get it. Men need to do something. Those who retired to the couch died a lot sooner generally than those who retired to something. Find a hobby or volunteer. Work is easy to find. Work (but one you love, so it’s not really work) is difficult to find.
I agree. I would have a hard time sitting around the house doing nothing.

Well, after a week or so, anyway.

Based on things I’ve read on the DisBoards and just experienced in life, people are more likely to complain than they are to express gratitude, especially when they are spending thousands and thousands of dollars.
This is definitely true in all walks of life. People focus on the negative. As a manager, it's something I try to remember too. A little praise for your people goes a long way.
I hope to retire to a work optional lifestyle one day. Working with a lot of pre-retirees and retirees, the men seem so adamant to do nothing once retired. I don’t get it. Men need to do something. Those who retired to the couch died a lot sooner generally than those who retired to something. Find a hobby or volunteer. Work is easy to find. Work (but one you love, so it’s not really work) is difficult to find. Glad you found it and happy to hear you smile every time you go to “work.”

One thing that was on top of mind for me during our WDW was to always compliment any CM doing anything helpful. Not matter how small an act, I gave them a compliment. Both in person and to corporate. Based on things I’ve read on the DisBoards and just experienced in life, people are more likely to complain than they are to express gratitude, especially when they are spending thousands and thousands of dollars.

My guess is CMs probably receive one compliment for every ten complaints. But that’s just a guess and I wonder if that’s high since you smile on your way to work. For how wonderful our WDW trip was last month, I would hope the CMs get ten or more compliments for every complaint, because each CM we encountered was amazing.
Cast compliments is the best way to recognize a cast member. The cm along with management see them and goes into a record for them. It’s fairly new as far as how easy it is to do. I also have collection of pixie dust souvenirs that guest, mostly children have given me. Small, handcrafted items they give cms to thank them. There is a story behind each one and it’s something you never forget.
There is a little girl, 5ish that comes in every so often and hands every cm a little duck. The duck is half the size of a dime. The first time she approached me, I didn’t want to take it, I couldn’t take her little duck. Her mom said, please take it, she loves doing this. She hands it to you and thanks you for making Magic. I have six of them and look at them everyday.
Complaints, in my experience, are complaints about their experience and not you personally. Compliments are on a personal level, that cm connected with you and has made your experience more enjoyable. My goal and job is to turn that complaint into a compliment. I love solving people’s problems, getting a smile and a thank you is my goal. What may seem not a big deal to you, is a huge concern for someone else and to be able to solve or help someone with their problem is the best part of the job. I had a mom and her young son come up to me, he was crying and she a bit upset. Her son wasnt tall enough to ride a certain attraction. ( I’m not in attractions) now, there is nothing anyone can do about that, nobody can get him on that attraction because it’s a safety issue. We have a saying, everyone goes home the same way they came. But, I can try to make his day a little better. I can assure you, when he is in his late 20s and brings his family to WDW, he won’t remember or care about the day he couldn’t ride test track, but he will remember the grey/ bald old cm that made his day when he was 5 and that is the reason he brought his 5 year old son to experience the same magic.
It’s also my job to help and coach cms in guest interactions. For most of them, it is their first job, they are far away from home and they are working in a huge place with a lot of people, it can be very intimidating. My goal is to make myself approachable to them with their questions and problems. Show them how to do things, show them someone cares and recognizes them every step of the way. Number one, smile. Just smile. Pick your chin up, make eye contact and smile. Not easy for everyone to do but once that’s accomplished I’m home free. Their not mad or a bad person, they are just scared.
The best part of that aspect of the job is seeing that shy, quiet cm turn into someone ready to face the world head on, fist bump them on their last day and thank you. I give a lot of cm recs. It makes them feel what they are doing matters and someone is noticing. Like I said, my job is very rewarding.
Morning All.

Good luck
How did you know I was getting a root canal today?
had a mom and her young son come up to me, he was crying and she a bit upset. Her son wasnt tall enough to ride a certain attraction. ( I’m not in attractions) now, there is nothing anyone can do about that, nobody can get him on that attraction because it’s a safety issue. We have a saying, everyone goes home the same way they came. But, I can try to make his day a little better. I can assure you, when he is in his late 20s and brings his family to WDW, he won’t remember or care about the day he couldn’t ride test track, but he will remember the grey/ bald old cm that made his day when he was 5 and that is the reason he brought his 5 year old son to experience the same magic.
I’m curious what you did/do to turn that situation around?
Cast compliments is the best way to recognize a cast member. The cm along with management see them and goes into a record for them. It’s fairly new as far as how easy it is to do. I also have collection of pixie dust souvenirs that guest, mostly children have given me. Small, handcrafted items they give cms to thank them. There is a story behind each one and it’s something you never forget.
There is a little girl, 5ish that comes in every so often and hands every cm a little duck. The duck is half the size of a dime. The first time she approached me, I didn’t want to take it, I couldn’t take her little duck. Her mom said, please take it, she loves doing this. She hands it to you and thanks you for making Magic. I have six of them and look at them everyday.
Complaints, in my experience, are complaints about their experience and not you personally. Compliments are on a personal level, that cm connected with you and has made your experience more enjoyable. My goal and job is to turn that complaint into a compliment. I love solving people’s problems, getting a smile and a thank you is my goal. What may seem not a big deal to you, is a huge concern for someone else and to be able to solve or help someone with their problem is the best part of the job. I had a mom and her young son come up to me, he was crying and she a bit upset. Her son wasnt tall enough to ride a certain attraction. ( I’m not in attractions) now, there is nothing anyone can do about that, nobody can get him on that attraction because it’s a safety issue. We have a saying, everyone goes home the same way they came. But, I can try to make his day a little better. I can assure you, when he is in his late 20s and brings his family to WDW, he won’t remember or care about the day he couldn’t ride test track, but he will remember the grey/ bald old cm that made his day when he was 5 and that is the reason he brought his 5 year old son to experience the same magic.
It’s also my job to help and coach cms in guest interactions. For most of them, it is their first job, they are far away from home and they are working in a huge place with a lot of people, it can be very intimidating. My goal is to make myself approachable to them with their questions and problems. Show them how to do things, show them someone cares and recognizes them every step of the way. Number one, smile. Just smile. Pick your chin up, make eye contact and smile. Not easy for everyone to do but once that’s accomplished I’m home free. Their not mad or a bad person, they are just scared.
The best part of that aspect of the job is seeing that shy, quiet cm turn into someone ready to face the world head on, fist bump them on their last day and thank you. I give a lot of cm recs. It makes them feel what they are doing matters and someone is noticing. Like I said, my job is very rewarding.
You're doing a wonderful job training them, because the CMs we encountered were delightful. Our vacation was expensive, but Disney (especially the CMs) made it so we can't wait to come back.
You're doing a wonderful job training them, because the CMs we encountered were delightful. Our vacation was expensive, but Disney (especially the CMs) made it so we can't wait to come back.
I am a very, very small cog in a huge machine, but i try to do my part.
Everything is expensive. I went to Kennedy Space center, I thought it was expensive but I’ve been back two more times in the last three years.
I got gas yesterday, I paid for a tank of gas what I use to bring home in a week when I first started working. My first mortgage was $310 a month, my electric bill last month was $570. Lol. We use to live an hour from Hershey Park. My wife wanted to spend a long weekend in the Hershey hotel. Want to talk about expensive? Wow, I could have stayed at All Star for a week what they wanted for three nights. We spent three nights in the Hershey hotel. Lol
Complaints, in my experience, are complaints about their experience and not you personally. Compliments are on a personal level, that cm connected with you and has made your experience more enjoyable. My goal and job is to turn that complaint into a compliment. I love solving people’s problems, getting a smile and a thank you is my goal.
That's a good way to think about it. I think the tricky part is recognizing when the complaint is ridiculous or coming from entitlement, but working to appease the guest and make them feel valued anyway. This is one of the big tricks in my job with some of the ridiculous suggestions/complaints we get from the public.

I'm sure they make for good stories afterwards.
Everything is expensive.
I just spent $300 on a text book for my son's college math class. Such a scam.

I didn't know that was the policy amongst CMs.
But, I like it.
I do too. This helps make sure you do it for the right reasons.
That's a good way to think about it. I think the tricky part is recognizing when the complaint is ridiculous or coming from entitlement, but working to appease the guest and make them feel valued anyway. This is one of the big tricks in my job with some of the ridiculous suggestions/complaints we get from the public.

I'm sure they make for good stories afterwards.

I just spent $300 on a text book for my son's college math class. Such a scam.

I do too. This helps make sure you do it for the right reasons.
I paid $300 for my first car.
Well, ridiculous and entitlement don’t really come into play, for what you pay for admission, we still try our best.
Hey, all you northeastern dads, North Carolina to Nova Scotia. This is hurricane Lee, it’s heading towards Florida and it’s forecast to mis Florida and come up the coast. This storm is expected to be a Cat 5.
Don’t know how much you guys watch for hurricanes but this one is getting, and forecasted to be a big one. Keep an eye on it!!
This is one of the big tricks in my job with some of the ridiculous suggestions/complaints we get from the public.
Okay... now ya gotta share. Should be some doozies.
I just spent $300 on a text book for my son's college math class. Such a scam.
They figure that you'll pay $1 for an informative page of information. There's just 300 pages, so... :rolleyes:

No used ones available?
I paid $300 for my first car.
:lmao: It got you from A to B but it didn't tell you how to derive the functions of A and B.
View attachment 791945
Hey, all you northeastern dads, North Carolina to Nova Scotia. This is hurricane Lee, it’s heading towards Florida and it’s forecast to mis Florida and come up the coast. This storm is expected to be a Cat 5.
Don’t know how much you guys watch for hurricanes but this one is getting, and forecasted to be a big one. Keep an eye on it!!
Whoa. Last I saw it was a 3 I think. Batten down the hatches.


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