DDA Chapter 9

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Here's what I have been doing this morning...took a heck of a time getting the transfers off the paper & onto the shirt. The blank design is from rumblytumbly, I just added the names. Everyone is happy because they got to choose their favorite character.

Anne Marie I love them

A brief update on my Mom.

She is out of the hospital, and back in the nursing home. She has been moved to a more skilled nursing section and is doing pretty well. She is just frustrated that she can't remember much from the last month,(I told her that was a GOOD thing!:) ) and that she can't talk well and swallow at all. She misses eating and drinking but has found out that she isn't really hungry anyway. Hopefully once she gets a little stronger, she will have PT to see if she can get any of her swallowing ablilty back. But for now she is stable, and on the mend.

Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts and prayers! They really helped us get through this!
Tom glad to hear your Mom is doing a little better.
Sorry if TMI
Okay so yesterday morning at 600 Jeff has left for work already when Virginia decides to puke all over me and the bed. She sleeps most of the day. Around 3pm she pukes again, then nothing else.

Fast forward to this morning at 6 we are in the car on the way to my moms to drop the girls off so I can go to work. We are sitting at a red light when she pukes again. This time we also have it out the other end as well. So I had to call in to work. It took me about 30 minutes to get her and the car seat somewhat cleaned up to put her back in for the ride back home.

She slept for 2hrs was awake for about an 1hr 45 minutes and just went back to sleep.
Okay back to your regular chats
A brief update on my Mom.

She is out of the hospital, and back in the nursing home. She has been moved to a more skilled nursing section and is doing pretty well. She is just frustrated that she can't remember much from the last month,(I told her that was a GOOD thing!:) ) and that she can't talk well and swallow at all. She misses eating and drinking but has found out that she isn't really hungry anyway. Hopefully once she gets a little stronger, she will have PT to see if she can get any of her swallowing ablilty back. But for now she is stable, and on the mend.

Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts and prayers! They really helped us get through this!

That is good news, Tom. I am glad there is improvement for your Mom. :goodvibes
A brief update on my Mom.

She is out of the hospital, and back in the nursing home. She has been moved to a more skilled nursing section and is doing pretty well. She is just frustrated that she can't remember much from the last month,(I told her that was a GOOD thing!:) ) and that she can't talk well and swallow at all. She misses eating and drinking but has found out that she isn't really hungry anyway. Hopefully once she gets a little stronger, she will have PT to see if she can get any of her swallowing ablilty back. But for now she is stable, and on the mend.

Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts and prayers! They really helped us get through this!

I am so glad she is doing better! I hope she continues to improve! :wizard:

So I am now working tonight at some catered event. Apparently someone called off so I got recruited to work. I have to be there at 5:30pm I have a feeling it will be a long night.

I know this is a stupid request for good thoughts. But this has been frustrating and causing issues for a while. If you could send good thoughts that by Monday I have a trainer for First aid and CPR and the training totally set up it would be greatly appreciated. I have been struggling to set this up since May and volunteers are frustrated and so am I.

I hope you are all having great days.

I hope you can get a trainer in place! :wizard:

Sorry if TMI
Okay so yesterday morning at 600 Jeff has left for work already when Virginia decides to puke all over me and the bed. She sleeps most of the day. Around 3pm she pukes again, then nothing else.

Fast forward to this morning at 6 we are in the car on the way to my moms to drop the girls off so I can go to work. We are sitting at a red light when she pukes again. This time we also have it out the other end as well. So I had to call in to work. It took me about 30 minutes to get her and the car seat somewhat cleaned up to put her back in for the ride back home.

She slept for 2hrs was awake for about an 1hr 45 minutes and just went back to sleep.
Okay back to your regular chats

Poor Virginia! I hope she feels better soon! :wizard:
Elin...if the Gamestop by me gets the Wii Fit...would you like me to pick up one for you?

I HATE HATE HATE United Airlines...screw this ethics class info from yesterday...I'd like to shoot them
Tom, I'm glad to hear your mother is on the mend! I hope her good days continue! :goodvibes

Guess whose MIL is on her way in town now, and who will be going to her SIL's house because her DH told her "of course" we'd love to see them? And guess whose MIL will NEVER learn that she cannot just show up and expect us to meet her every whim, because we consistently tell her (in words or actions) that she can!?

Anyone have a guess? Anyone? :headache:
Poor Virginia! I hope she feels better soon! :wizard:

thanks Elkizabeth
Tom, I'm glad to hear your mother is on the mend! I hope her good days continue! :goodvibes

Guess whose MIL is on her way in town now, and who will be going to her SIL's house because her DH told her "of course" we'd love to see them? And guess whose MIL will NEVER learn that she cannot just show up and expect us to meet her every whim, because we consistently tell her (in words or actions) that she can!?

Anyone have a guess? Anyone? :headache:
Jen :hug: :wizard:
Tom, I'm glad to hear your mother is on the mend! I hope her good days continue! :goodvibes

Guess whose MIL is on her way in town now, and who will be going to her SIL's house because her DH told her "of course" we'd love to see them? And guess whose MIL will NEVER learn that she cannot just show up and expect us to meet her every whim, because we consistently tell her (in words or actions) that she can!?

Anyone have a guess? Anyone? :headache:
:confused3 :confused3 :confused3 ;)
As long as we are talking alcohol here... if anyone likes vodka, I highly recommend Pinnacle. It is a French import with with similarities to Grey Goose but at about 2/3 the cost. It is in a plastic bottle which stays in the freezer very nicely if you are so inclined. :goodvibes

Good to know!
Heidi- When would you like to go to New York city? Perhaps we need to do a DDA NYC meet sometime in the fall. Would anyone be interested?

I would love to see some shows, do a double decker bus tour, go to ground zero during day time, Ellis island, Statue of liberty, etc
I would be interested in that!

So who can enlighten me on asthma? The dr. said Nicholas has bronchial asthma, triggered by a respiratory infection. I always thought that asthma was an occuring thing, like after too much physical activity. He is just constantly coughing, like every 30 seconds, so when he said asthma, I was surprised. Anyway, they gave him a breathing treatment in the office and sent us home with 4 different prescriptions. I will swing by soon and pick them up. Nicholas did have respiratory issues when he was a toddler, like I said before, pneumonia, croup and bronchitis. We also have the nebulizer from when he needed treatments years ago. Thanks for all the good thoughts.
Tammi-My brother had asthma..He still needs his inhaler once in awhile ,but it was mostly when he was younger. He did have certain triggers and then he was able to recognize them. Hope Nicholas is feeling better

Hey all...Can you all spare some pixie dust for Lucy, please?

She woke us up crying at 10:30, she was hot so I took her temperature and it was 103.6. She also seemed to be having trouble breathing. We called and got her an appt at the urgent care clinic at 11:10. Eric is still there with her and her fever is now up to 105. Apparently, they are short staffed so he's been waiting.
How scary! How is she feeling?
I just got back from Circuit City. They had Wii Fit in their weekly add so I got there at 9:15 for their 10:00 opening. I was #9 in line. They had 8 to sell. :rotfl2:
FIGURES! Good luck finding one!

Remember the dad of Emma's girl scout friend that was infatuated with Lucy? Can I ask that you keep Emma's friend and her parents in your prayers. Apparently things between Mom and Dad have been deteriorating quite rapidly since his return home from Iraq. They are planning to separate and he is looking to move out into a place of his own. My heart breaks for them, especially Emma's friend. She had such anxiety when Dad was away and I cannot imagine that this will be easy for her.

Prayers said for that family--so sad
Hope Chanon does not mind me posting this, but her grandfather passed away Saturday.

Chanon you & your family are in my thoughts :hug:

Chanon-Im so sorry to hear about your loss
Please keep the Reider family in your prayers. They (the children, 5 of them ages 22-30) are friends of mine since high school. Their mother died last August, and I just got news that Katie, the oldest (who I recorded music with through HS) passed away this morning. She's been battling a brain tumor (non-malignant, but the head doesn't have any extra space, so even non-malignant tumors can cause complications/death just by occupying space) for a while now, but at the end of June everyone thought she was on the verge of a full recovery. Her tumor had shrunk enough to be removed surgically, so they scheduled the removal as well as reconstructive surgery for August 7. Theoretically, at that point she would be in the clear.... but today, a hemorrhage recurred that wasn't able to be stopped. She has 2 sons, ages 3 and 1.:sad1:

You can check out her story, hear her music, etc as well as a really touching 'trailer' here.
So much sadness for that family. I will keep them in my prayers.

Alyssa got a Hannah Montana Wii game and we all have been playing it like crazy. You have to learn dance moves, and then perform them to her songs. The better you do the more points you earn. The more points you earn, the more money. Then you can go shopping and buy all kinds of things....pants, shoes, shirts, dresses, jewelry, hats, sunglasses, scarves, etc. Alyssa just likes to get money and shop for shoes. I'm so going to be in trouble when she gets older.
Sounds like something I would have loved when I was her age!

My kids go to their dad's on Friday and then Sat. they leave for WDW. I'm already starting to go into a funk about it. Mainly because it's WDW. If it were anywhere else I wouldn't mind nearly as badly, but WDW is my turf, our happy place. How dare he encroach. Then on top of that I'm worrying....plane crash, someone getting lost, drowning. I know I know, it's over the top, but trust me, he doesn't have a great record for paying attention. I don't like not being in control. I'm going to miss them terribly.
Sorry to hear about this Tammi--Hang int here!

Jennifer - I'm loving your blog and pictures. You can really tell how much they've grown when you compare the one week pictures with the one month. Let me ask you...are they on a schedule at night, meaning if one wakes up does the other? I can't imagine getting up with one, then falling back to sleep, only to get up with the other a short time later. It was hard enough doing that with one!
I agree--I love reading the blog and seeing the pictures..they are looking so much bigger!

The kids had their annual physicals today...everyone is well except Katie has scoliosis in her spine.:sad2: They took xrays & the dr is going to call me tomorrow or Monday to see what we can do for her...poor baby.:(
Poor Katie

Hi peterpanman :wave2:

Terry & Stephanie I hope you both have a wonderful weekend!

I know Jen returns home tomorrow, when is Deb & family returning?
Im home! I believe Deb will get home sometime later today

Biopsy was negative!!!!!:.

Tom...glad to hear some positive news about your Mom
Ditto !

Thanks, Jen. I know this is so small, but I'm just not in a position to deal with her (or any of them... maybe Kyle included!) this weekend. :sad1:
Sorry jennifer--hope things work out for you this weekend!
Honeys,,,,im home!! What a fantastic trip!!!! Im exhausted today of course! I loved meeting Deb, Chris, and the boys. We spent some time with them in Epcot and it was like we had known them forever. So i am all unpacked...laundry is in...email is deleted...i am caught up here..I am going to get some pictures on here and watch the shows i DVRed !
Becky - I hope you don't have to work too late tonight! But, more importantly, I hope you get a trainer in place ASAP for you peace of mind.

Jennifer - I hope Virginia is OK. Maybe it is the heat?
Jennifer- I hope Virginia is feeling better.

Jennifer- :wizard: :grouphug: to you. I hope that your MIL is not too bad and does not stay long. I also hope you heal quickly and it does not case other issues.:grouphug: :wizard: Don't you remember you need to go pick up diapers and wipes at the store;) and it would be great if she could just spend time with your son and granddaughter.

Jen- Glad you had a great trip.

Tom- I hope Mom has a speedy recovery and remains in good spirits.

Kristine- Good to see you around.
Elin...if the Gamestop by me gets the Wii Fit...would you like me to pick up one for you?

I HATE HATE HATE United Airlines...screw this ethics class info from yesterday...I'd like to shoot them

YES, please! and...

:rotfl: :lmao: :rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl: (sorry)
Honeys,,,,im home!! What a fantastic trip!!!! Im exhausted today of course! I loved meeting Deb, Chris, and the boys. We spent some time with them in Epcot and it was like we had known them forever. So i am all unpacked...laundry is in...email is deleted...i am caught up here..I am going to get some pictures on here and watch the shows i DVRed !

Welcome back! I can't wait to hear about your trip and see pictures. I'm impressed at all you've done today! :goodvibes
Guess whose MIL is on her way in town now, and who will be going to her SIL's house because her DH told her "of course" we'd love to see them? And guess whose MIL will NEVER learn that she cannot just show up and expect us to meet her every whim, because we consistently tell her (in words or actions) that she can!?

Anyone have a guess? Anyone? :headache:

And where is this MIL's son?
Jennifer- I hope Virginia is feeling better.

Jennifer- :wizard: :grouphug: to you. I hope that your MIL is not too bad and does not stay long. I also hope you heal quickly and it does not case other issues.:grouphug: :wizard: Don't you remember you need to go pick up diapers and wipes at the store;) and it would be great if she could just spend time with your son and granddaughter.

Jen- Glad you had a great trip.

Tom- I hope Mom has a speedy recovery and remains in good spirits.

Kristine- Good to see you around.

Thank you! :hug: Unfortunately, she knows we already went to the grocery store ;) I am considering staying home though, but there are certain drawbacks to that as well. Ugh.

I hope you have a good night tonight!
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