DCL Letter Reply

Scott H

<font color=red>First to Magically cross from King
Sep 2, 1999
After our 11/24/01 cruise I wrote a letter complementing some of the cast members and crew of DCL.

This letter was written and sent before we decided to make a reservation for the 5/11 Inaugural Western Cruise. Also in the letter I did not mention my wife's name.

I received a letter from George Parker , Manager, Guest Communications. What is interesting was the last sentence. " We look forward to sailing with you and Lynn again this May."

Again I am impressed by DCL attention to detail and research. This was a nice touch which was warmly received. A part of the MAGIC.

This is just one reason why we choose to return to Disney again and again.
DCL is a class act all the way. :) Thanks for sharing your experience, Scott!
That's great, but it doesn't surprise me one bit. Disney Cruise Line DOES care about guest satisfaction and pays careful attention to comments, both positive and negative. That's really cool how they personalized the letter, and I'm sure your comments were passed along to the crew members too. I always send compliments for crew members, and we cruise so often that we frequently see the same crew members again...many times they have told me that they head about my feedback. I know that people are quick to complain, but compliments are just as important (if not more so). They do such a great job, and believe me, they appreciate a thank-you!
Visit the Platinum Castaway Club at: www.castawayclub.com

Can you give me the address you sent your letter to????

I'd like to send a compliment letter and I have a letter to send about a problem we
experienced. I guess both letters would go to the same place.


That is typical Disney.

I have a quick story about a Celebrity cruise we took. We went to Alaska by way Vancouver. We took Celebrity's transfers from Seattle since the flight was cheaper. On the way to Vancouver, we a a pleasant bus ride and our tour director was informative. On the way home, we had no tour director. We did not leave for 1.5 hours after we got off the boat. Our bus drive looked to be about 18 years old. To make a long story short, he got lost in Vancouver. He stopped for directions 5 times. It was scary. It took us 5.5 hours to get to Seattle. 75% of the bus missed their flight home.

We sent a letter complaining and then sent us an apology letter, nothing more. We wrote them again telling them we expected more (at least our transfer money back). They sent us another apology this time with a $300 voucher off a future cruise. Well... that puppy is still sitting in a desk drawer and expires in May. WE will never sail with them again.
Here is the address:

DCL, PO Box 10210, Lake Buena Vista , FL, 32830-0210

Hope that helps.

I have always had the feeling that a persons Disney visits are tracked via computer. I think they might also track your spending via room charges. Ok Ok Ok "just because your paranoid it doesn't mean they are not watching.":D
It is amazing isn't it???

I checked our charges....it had charges to "Mickey's Mates"...and I hadn't even been in there yet.

So, the gal at GS....checked and told me it was "the pins you
bought...did you buy pins???" Well, yes we bought pins and
that took care of the Mickey's Mates charges when I hadn't even
been there......so you are right.......

They are watching.........lol

That's ok...at least I knew someone else wasn't charging on our

Thanks for the address....


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