DC card


Cause afterall, a dream that you wish, will come t
Jan 29, 2001
I just read somewhere that the DC card is now only good for one year. Does anybody know why they would change their expiration date? I am starting to think that renewing the card will not be worth it.

Yes when you join the DC it is a one year membership. We joined because for 39.00 we saved over $200 on our room ressies for this December. Then there are still the other benefits (including th efact that it also an entertainment card). So for us it is worth it just for the room savings alone.


11/01 Beach Club
12/01 Wonder Cruise
12/01 AKL
To bashful64.....for the DC card was the $39 us that you paid or cdn. I had read that the DC card was $60 us if you lived outside of the United States, then with the exchange it would have been up to $90 cdn. It's too late for me to get and use the card now for any ressies but I was just wondering if you know if it would be worth it for the rest of the trip...ie meals, etc...

I wish I had found this discussion board beofre I finalized all our plans.....Oh well maybe next time.



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