Day 1 Trip Report - April 8 - HRH check-in


Feb 13, 2001
Me- Mom, 43 yo
DH- Dad, 42 yo
DS- rollercoaster freak 10 yo
DS- anything freak 2 1/2 yo

Well, here goes!
We live 3 hours ( 4 if you go the speed limit) from orlando, so we left around 8:30 am sunday morn. and arrived at HRH around 11:45. Absolutely beautiful driving in there and we pulled up to the front to go get our fotl keys. Really nice guys out front, very helpful and attentive. We went in to the front lobby and waited about 10 minutes in line to check in. The guy who took care of us told us that our room was ready! That was great. I gave him our lowes numbers because he did not have them in the computer. I asked if an upgrade was available and he immediately said, "I am sorry, but all of the rooms were already full", considering that he did not even check the computer screen, I guess that it was just an automatic response. That was ok with us, we only had 4 people and didn't need the extra couch. I told him that we preferred cookies and milk for our snack and he said ok. Well, we then stood there about 20 minutes while he attempted to make our room keys. I think he was new, and maybe not well trained because he finally gave up and went and got someone to help. He did NOT ask for our entertainment card. And neither did the man who came to help him.
Kids were getting antsy to get to the park, so we took luggage to room, we were in a poolview room 3148, which is same floor as the lobby, but it seemed like we walked and walked and walked to get there. Music inside hotel and out was wonderful. The maid was outside of our room cleaning the one across from us, so I peaked in to see what the garden view was like. Very nice. We went in our room, which by the way, was very clean, and of course our 10 yo ds just had to look in the minibar. DH grabbed a beer (too much car time with the kids, LOL), poured it in a rugrats cup from the car and off to the park we went. I just ran out of typing space!

Mahalo Barb.
We were in a room across the hall from you, one month before. It is a long walk, did you use the stairs at the end of the hall to go in and out to the park? :)
I am glad you brought at least one Rugrat cup. One of the things I was thought about while we were there was I wouldn't have been able to let my DGS use the water glasses provided. They were too heavy and nice, I would have worried they would drop them. :eek:
I look forward to more of your report. Be sure to put in lots of detail.
Donna, yes we sure did use those stairs after we realized we could. But we could only get back in that way once, when somebody came out and we ran to hold it. Didn't let the kids use the glass, they had their own containers, I wonder how long the glasses will last, there were so many little kids there, I am sure they will lose many to slippery little hands.
We also had to use the elevator a couple of times, when I had my stroller with me.
more to come.....



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