Daughters who have lost their fathers


Jan 3, 2013
I've read a few of the posts on the "daughters who have lost their mothers" thread, and it is such a wonderful community board, I thought that girls who have lost their dads could benefit from their own space too.

I lost my dad in 2009, when I was 22yo. He had his foibles, but I absolutely adored him. He didn't share the love of Disney that mom and I had, but he looked very happy in the pictures I have from our trip together, so I'm going to call his bluff.

Losing a parent early on makes life a little more complicated, and it's nice to know that I'm not the only one who still misses her dad!

I will join in on this thread also. I believe to the other thread of Daughters who lost their mothers and those women stories are great.

I lost my dad January 2000 ( i lost my mom just 11 months before that) I was 19 years old when I lost my mom and dad !!

I hope to make some great friends on this thread also.
Good thread idea!

I, unfortunately, belong to both groups. I lost my daddy in 2008 and lost my mom three years before. My daddy was an amazing father! So caring, encouraging, funny, super smart, not too strict but wouldn't let you get away with nonsense either. I know he'd be so proud that I'm pursing my doctorate now. He highly valued education. And he loved Disney!

:hug: to all who miss their dads.
I lost my daddy in 2003 to Alzheimer's, I was 38 and still miss him everyday, even with his memory of us gone and my daughter not knowing her grandpa they way he was before, she was 2 1/2 when he died, we made many memories with him for ourselves with photos and video.

In a unique situation though, my daughter lost her daddy too (my husband) in 2010 at age 9 in the Haiti earthquake. We have become very involved in an orphanage to make a difference in Haiti and help in our healing.

while two very different ages and situations not having the most important men in our lives is hard and we miss them terribly....
I'm so sorry to hear that so many people have lost both parents! Losing one has certainly made me cherish the other more mindfully - and has made me grateful of the memories I do have of dad!
I just lost my dad to cancer in June 2013. He was diagnosed in December 2012, in remission in March 2013 and gone three months later. The cancer returned with a vengeance. Clearly the worst six months of my life.

My mom is still here and I have told her that she must stick around for at least thirty years!

Thank you for starting this thread! I am a daddy's girl and this has been rough.
I lost my dad tragically in 2010, just a week before Christmas. Life just isn't the same without him around.
I lost my dad in 2009 when I was 43. My kids lost their wonderful grandpa. I miss him everyday and need him more then ever.
Hello all,

I was just listening to this week's podcast and memorial show for Bob Varley, and while hearing the wonderful stories about Bob, a big wave of grief over my own father washed over me. After my father died we lost our house to hurricane sandy, and all of our family videos were destroyed. It's silly (especially because we were able to save many pictures, so not everything was lost,) but the thought of never hearing his voice again still gets to me at times. I've lost many other close people in my life, and along with the house, sometimes the sense of loss feels overwhelmingly immense. I haven't hit 30 yet, so despite all that, I'm hopeful that these lessons will help me cope and appreciate life in the future.

I don't have many people I can speak to about this, so I really appreciate this thread as "someone" I can share these things with. Thank you!
Today is my dad's birthday. Just short of a year since he passed. Between that and Fathers Day, this weekend will be rough. :(
Jayna22...I know your "pain"...I also lost my Dad just a little over a year now.. He was healthy, fell tragically, and VERY SADLY we lost him within a matter of 15 hours. My mother is 90 and is VERY SAD and LOST without him.:sad: Very hard hearing how sad she is.

Today on Fathers Day, I am THANKFUL for the beautiful memories I have of my INCREDIBLE Dad and GRANDPA. I pray that my Sons will live through him and one day when they become Dads, they will also be fabulous Dads. I am BLESSED though that my own husband is an AWESOME Dad and Father!:):thumbsup2

Prayers for PEACE AND LOVE as you navigate this very difficult grief process. May your Dad's memory live in your hearts and mind forever!:hug::flower3::flower3:
July 21 will be a year since my Dad's passing. I miss him so much. He had a very hard struggle with cancer. The last month of his life I moved in to help my mom out with him, when the side effects of treatments became too much for him to bear. He decided to stop his treatments. I missed my husband like crazy, but it was well worth it. Seeing my dad, my hero decline so quickly was one of the hardest things I ever had to do in my life, but being a support for my Mom and being there at his final moments in this world is something I will never forget.

I miss him everyday in the little things, whether it is talking to him on the phone, or going places. It is so hard. Father's Day was really hard, and this last week has been hard.
I lost my daddy December 10, 2014. It was a week before his 64th bday and so close to Christmas. He had been sick but was doing better. He had an appointment to start the process of getting on a kidney transplant list. He got pneumonia which coupled with his congestive heart failure and COPD and was gone in a matter of minutes. I was thinking this morning how I hate being 33 and having lost by dad. Hearing that some have lost theirs at a younger age, humbled me. As all of you, I miss him badly and adored him. What I miss most is hugging him and smelling his shirt! The night before he died by twin sister told him she was pregnant. I recently had the shirt he had on the morning he died into a baby gown for her baby boy who will be his namesake when he arrives in a few weeks. I can't wait to surprise her with it. It still smells like Daddy and I can't think of anything more than holding a newborn while wearing his Papaw's shirt!
I lost my dad on 10/29/98. I was just 16 years old when he lost his battle with · Malignant Melanoma a few days before my birthday. My dad was a NYC cop and worked 2 other jobs to support his family of 6 on the weekend. In 1995 he took us to Disney and he was a big guy at 6ft 250lbs. Always tough on us kids, always wanted the best. He was my world, I was the eldest and as I have been told most loved. My favorite memory is of him at the HDDR dressing up in a pink tutu on stage with wings and a wand. To see a big guy like that melt for us and for all the audience:love: Still brings tears to my eyes. Wish I knew how to insert a photo because I would share it with you all.
So SORRY to hear about your loss at such a young age of 16!:sad1::sad1:
Your Dad sounds like such an amazing guy! :thumbsup2 Let your fond memories remain in your heart FOREVER!:):thumbsup2

I was SO FORTUNATE AND BLESSED to have my WONDERFUL Dad till I was 55. He was 84 at the time of his SUDDEN passing only to have taken a tragic fall and be taken away so suddenly from us within only 16 hours.
My Dad was such a WONDERFUL AND KIND father, husband, and grandpa.
Our sons LOVED their POP SO MUCH!:love::love:

We were SO PROUD of our son, then 26, when he gave such an incredibly LOVING AND BEAUTIFUL eulogy at Pop's funeral! My Dad would be so proud of his adult grandsons;that is the legacy that he left behind!:thumbsup2:love:
I lost my dad 3 years ago to cancer. I was 25 and he lost his battle within 6 months of being diagnosed with a brain tumor. Not a day goes by that I don't think about him. I know life is already set up to work a certain way, but it doesn't make any easier.

Love everyone.
I didn't see this thread...I started my own on the Community Thread. I don't know how to post new threads. It is pretty lengthy anyway.

This is what I was looking for... I miss my Dad so much. He was my dad and mom for many years of my life. I am only 45 and I have no parents. I know there are others who are younger than I am in the same situation, and I am so sorry.

I struggle with feeling jealous of others who have at least one parent in significant old age who are still living...

Jealousy is an ugly emotion - I wish I didn't have it...
I just lost my dad in feb of this year...it was very unexpected and being only 22 its hard to imagine not having anyone to dance with at my wedding or having him there to see my kids in the future. Its good to know we all have the disney community to express how we feel
I am not sure how to link the thread I started about my dad and my situation. Would anyone be able to walk me through this?

I am so sorry, and it truly is awful for anyone to lose their father at any age, particularly younger...
I just lost my dad in feb of this year...it was very unexpected and being only 22 its hard to imagine not having anyone to dance with at my wedding or having him there to see my kids in the future. Its good to know we all have the disney community to express how we feel
I was in a similar situation as you are and very close in age to. I got married just months after he died. My fiancé in fact met my dad days before his passing. I will tell you though, the day you get married, you will still have an incredible day because you will be able to feel your dad present, and you will feel how proud he is of your decision. It will be a bitter sweet feeling, but you will be proud and at peace.


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