~Dani and Bryan's Hopefully Fairy Tale Wedding on a Budget PJ and almost TR 12/5/10

Dani, those are great! And the fact that the day was overcast gives a really neat look to them. :thumbsup2
Dani I just want to say who cares what other people think!!!! I love the way you write and if we didn't hear about the bad times then you definitely would be pretty fake. We all go through bad times and at least you put a humorous spin on it!!!

Definitely tell us about the honeymoon!!!!
Here are some more engagement pictures. Can you tell I am avoiding posting about the wedding because I feel like that would mean we would have to break up and I am just not ready to do that? I am also stalling because I really want to show the professional wedding ones which should be here soon! So here are more Boardwalk ones:

I wish someone would have told me it looks like I am wearing a maternity outfit...









Not sure why I am so far away from him...


Token Glamour Shot minus a feather boa and jean jacket:

OK, so here are ones that I have to share because I see a pattern. We like to ham it up for the camera, but unfortunately the photographers happen to shoot when we are really being silly and then we get pictures that look highly inappropriate. I assume you can figure out why...



Then there was the moment in the park shoot when they snapped this one....


Enjoy those pictures that were accidentally inappropriate.
I love your pictures even the inappropriate ones. They make things more fun. You will always have laughs looking at them!!
the inappropriate ones are always the best!

you look gorgeous in all of them! you guys are a beautiful couple! =] cant wait to see more.
I love your pictures! You two look like you had a lot of fun.

I also think both dresses look flattering on you.
I just wanted to tell you that I just found your planning journal/trip report yesterday and have dedicated many hours to reading it! (and I still have a couple pages to go...) I have really enjoyed it...both your happiness AND your stresses and frustrations... I'm sorry that you're dealing with post-wedding depression, but I am glad that you've shared that with all of us. I think it's reality...I am always bummed for weeks after Christmas or after a great vacation...you spend all this time and energy planning and looking forward to something and then poof, it's over.

I think sometimes people get so caught up in the fairy tale that they lose sight of real life--or don't want real life to intrude or something. Personally, I think your struggles and frustrations make the fairy tale that much more romantic. I'm glad that you have shared these things with us, and hope you continue to share. Being able to find the love and the humor even when the kids are sick, and you and your husband are fighting...that's what makes the marriage strong. It's not always fluffy clouds and angels singing...but I think if it were always magic, we wouldn't truly appreciate it. It's the mundane of every day that makes those amazing moments so magical and special.

You were a gorgeous bride, and your video made me cry. I loved your proposal story, and you have a beautiful family. I can't wait to hear all about your magical day, and the rest of your trip. I am looking forward to your honeymoon stories and your Maui trip stories...I hope you continue to share.

As someone who HOPES fervently to be starting to plan a Disney wedding soon, it is journals like yours that inspire, captivate and enthrall the hopeful bride.

I love your sense of humor and I love the stories that you share.

Thank you for all you have written so far, and all that you will write in the future!!
Hi! Happy weekend to all (now that I am a stay at home stepmom, I don't get all that excited about the weekends since all the days blend together!) I know I have said it before but thank you all for the kind words! I appreciate it so very much!

Brooke-what can I say? I was having a horrible day yesterday and then I saw your amazingly awesome and sweet post on here. It made me cry and it touched my heart. Not to sound like a Hallmark greeting card or anything, but it meant a lot to me. How nice it is that someone I have never met in person could say something so meaningful to me! Words can't express my gratitude or my "it made me so happy that I am going to use the banana dancing icon to show the dance I was doing after I cried happy tears" :banana:

Like I said, yesterday was definitely not a fluffy cloud, angels singing and rainbows kind of day. The dog peed and pooped on the floor when I was doing something in the other room for literally, 30 seconds. He is sneaky. My "friends" suck, and then the kicker: I was cooking (which is a miracle I even attempt this) and I was making chicken. We did not have the boys, so it was a simple meal (one of the only ones I know how to make) and it actually smelled pretty good. The time goes off, I open the oven, there is a very loud noise, and the glass Pyrex dish explodes into hundreds of pieces. I am not being dramatic, but hundreds of pieces. Glass was everywhere and I just stood there, stunned, saying Oh.My.Gosh over and over again. Bryan thought I dropped the oven rack so he did not come over, but then I said Uh, come here. He was in disbelief as well. It was a huge mess and since I was such an "explosive" cook, we had to go to dinner. Poor little chicken in the oven. It just sat there, surrounded by glass (not that I expected it to move or anything) Of course I took pictures and will upload them soon. The ironic thing is the top oven was not heating (We have a double oven-you know, since I am such an amazing cook....ok, so it was here before I moved in) Anyway, the top oven was not working a few months ago, I thought YAY! I only have to cook things on the stove top, but Bryan got the Best Buy geek Squad out here and long story short, they could not get the part, then when they could get the part 2 months later, the guy installing it blew the entire circuit board. 5 months later and lots of complaining by Bryan, they offered to get us a new oven. I was hoping the guys blew both ovens but apparently he got the bottom one to keep working. Darn it. So what is my point? The new oven was delivered today-ironically after the glass shattering incident. So yes, I took pictures of said incident. No, it has nothing to do with the wedding, but it is so impressive, I have to share.

Speaking of pictures, I got an email from the Roots yesterday saying they had shipped our discs. I was so excited! Then they informed me that their assistant accidentally left their mail key in my envelope. That made me laugh. I said as soon as I got the package, I would mail the envelope! I went to the mail today and it was a good mail day. I got a shutterfly gift card to use towards a wedding album (yay for wedding gifts!), my debit card that has been sent to me 3 times with my maiden name on it arrived with the correct name with it arrived AND we got the discs of our pictures (along with a mail key) There are 1500 or so of them, so I will need to take some time to go through them. I cried a little as I opened them, thinking wow, that day came and went. Bring in the sadness again (not bring in the clowns like the song says-clowns freak me out-although a 5'2" mouse named Mickey makes me giddy) Stan said my video will be done the end of February. We are having our Colorado luncheon on Sunday so I think I will be able to do a slide show of the pictures. Oh, and another amazing thing? The Roots gave me a folder of low res images so I can upload the images to the web, FB, email or whatever. Wahoo!

I have a tendency to edit a lot of my photos (not the inappropriate ones-those are classic) but if I have huge bags under my eyes, I like to get rid of them. As I was looking through the pictures I thought MAN, I have to do a lot of editing. I have so many bags under my eyes, I need to get rid of those. I then had an epiphany of wow, that is going to take me forever. Then another thought came to me. That is who I am. That is what I look like. I am 34, I have bags. I also have cellulite and I bought shorts this week for Jamaica (next weekend!) which is HUGE for me. I do not "do" shorts. They are jean shorts, which my friends call jorts. Apparently they are a fashion don't but they covered the cellulite and that is all we could find this time of year. I plan on wearing a neon shirt with a scrunchie and some Aqua Net in my hair just like back in the day when I rocked the jean shorts. But my point is, I am who I am. Bags, cellulite and all. Although I really want to get rid of the bags, that is not what I looked like that day. I need to accept it. The other people in the photos have bags (under their eyes, not bags as in cute purses) so it looks normal. But I need to let it go. Just like I need to let a lot of other things go.

I know I am stalling about the wedding day. I just don't want it to end. I also have switched computers so I am trying to figure out the whole Mac thing. I am not sure if I updated you all on the whole park shoot picture issue. They talked to my photographer about my concerns ( I made a list of everything that was wrong) and they said they will upload them soon, and send me the 4 x 6 prints again. I have spent HOURS editing them so I wish I could just get a Gift card to a photo site so I can print the edited ones myself which are much better than the originals. I emailed them asking if I could just have the album for the 5 x 7's but apparently they are permanently in the album so I have to pick the pictures. I guess I will pick the really far away ones? No idea. I think I am starting to not be as upset as I was before (I say I am so mad, but I am really just super sad). My gut is telling me there is nothing that they will do to make it up to us that will repair the disappointment, it is what it is, and I need to just go with it. Go with the fact that I have a ton of pictures of just me, a lot of those pictures of me sitting in a chair, and 59 pictures that are slanted.

Oh, and I wanted to let you know that the Roots did not do our enagement pictures. I was torn between two photographers (After my initial breakup with Randy) so I thought, what the heck, I will do one for the engagement pictures (Jennifer Werneth) and the Roots for the wedding. Since the engagement session is included in the package we got, we had them come to the welcome dinner instead. Originally they were not going to come to the welcome dinner, because they might have a wedding that day, but they were not booked so they came. We were going to do a photo shoot of Bryan, me and the boys a few days after the wedding instead of the welcome dinner, but we changed it to the welcome dinner. I am kind of bummed about this since the boys were sick on the wedding day and I have no pictures of just me and the boys. We only have one picture of the 4 of us from the wedding day. But, there is nothing I can do so I am letting it go. See, that is me trying to be positive. Kind of. Maybe someday we will get a good family shot. After I get my braces off....

I am going to go back and see what I have posted in terms of pictures. Maybe I can share the rest of the trip before the wedding :)

I hope you all have a great weekend. If I can sneak away, I will post more this weekend.


I have just finished reading your entire PJ/TR......I love the way you write, and you have cracked me up for the past several days now!!! I enjoy hearing about your life, and everything that's going on....I am sorry that some people on here made you feel bad, but this is your journal, so write whatever you want!! Can't wait to hear more about your wedding, and see more pics!!! I loved the slideshow of your Roots pics!! It made me cry!! Especially with the rainbow connection song!! Do you know who is singing that? Your inappropriate e-pics are hilarious!!! I liked both of your dresses by the way. I will have to look at your video tomorrow, as it is getting butt late....Can't wait to read more!! :)
Hi Dani. I was so happy to read that my post helped you feel better in some small way. It means a lot to me that it meant a lot to you (giggle).

I can't even believe the exploding chicken story...I would have FLIPPED out!! Oh my goodness!!

I am so excited that you got your wedding pictures. I can't wait for you to start posting them. (Although take as LONG as you want to stretch out the story telling and picture posting...I totally get where you are coming from with wanting to make it last forever...and we all want to keep reading, so hey, win win...).

I liked the engagement pictures you posted...I see what you meant about not feeling comfortable with some of the poses they made you do, but really the pictures turned out pretty cute and you do NOT look pregnant silly girl, you look beautiful!

Ok, quick hijack: I have to share because I'm super excited but can't talk about it really with anyone here...my boyfriend and I have been working on the engagement ring thing, and I got an email this morning from the jeweler that the engraver has it (which is the final step)...the stones have been set and it's almost done!! I am so excited!! I'm not actually supposed to know this as I'm supposed to be out of the loop now, but hey, I can't help it if she told me....The down side is that he is stressing about money right now, so I'm not sure when he'll be ready to pick it up because that means final payment, too. And sillly girl that I am, even though he's told me he wants to marry me and we basically designed the ring together...I still want a proposal. Boy, I'm a pain in the rear, aren't I?? Poor guy. He really should run while he still can! But we've been together for almost 6 years, living together for almost 5...and he's so not the romantic type...but I'm still hoping for some sort of special proposal...We'll see I guess. Anyway, the ring is almost done and even though I have no idea when I might actually get it, I am REALLY excited. Ok, thanks for letting me :banana: !!!!

So anyways, do you have to clean up the chicken mess or can you just make the geek squad take it away when they put in the new oven? Because really, can't we make it their fault somehow?

Have a great day!!
Hi All-

Today was our Colorado luncheon for the people that could not make it to Florida. My mom said to wear my dress, so I did. I love that thing, but I paid no attention to it after it came back from the cleaners. The zipper was jacked, and the bustle was all ruined. I had this huge train to walk around in, but hey, the country club got a good floor dusting I bet!

It was nice of people to come, and nice of my parents to do so much for us even after the wedding. Their friends came, a friend of mine came, Bryan's work friends were there, and my 5th grade teacher who found me on Facebook was there! She looks the exact same and it was so great to see her. The food was yummy and after a long time, we finally got my Mac to work with the projector so we could see the wedding pictures on the big screen (I swear, I DO have wedding pictures!) There were so many but I think people liked them.

Bad thing is, I put the diamond necklace Bryan and the boys got me in the coin part of my wallet-since it seemed like a save, obvious location to put it there to wear later and guess who is missing the diamonds? That would be me. Bryan went to the store to see if he could get another one-which I said not to do-but since the boys gave it to me and Camden remembers everything, he wanted to get me another one. Well, there are no more of that kind, and we have torn the house up and called the place where we had the reception. No where to be found. I have the chain, but no diamonds. Seriously? I am so sad but I don't know what happened. I am wondering if it somehow slipped out of the super tiny gap in the coin part? I am sad.

Lots more to write but wanted to say hello! More to come!
It sounds like you had a good time at your luncheon. I am so glad. And bonus you got to wear your dress again!!!

I am so sorry about your diamonds that really is a bummer!! I hope that you find them or figure something out so that Camden doesn't get hurt too. Good luck let us know how it turns out!!
I'm so sorry about the diamonds! I hope you guys will find them... maybe they fell out on the floor of the car or something (things from my purse end up under the seat sometimes...)?

That's awesome that you got to wear your dress again - in spite of its issues. And it sounds like the reception was fun :cutie:

:cheer2: Congratulations on winning the DWB Best TR/PJ!!!! :cheer2:
I just saw that you won the Best Trip Report at Disney Wedding Blog...congratulations! See--we KNEW you were awesome!

Glad to hear that you had a nice Colorado party...sorry to hear the cleaners did a number on your dress though! That's awful about the missing diamonds...I really hope they turn up!

Have a GREAT day!

I am alive! We had a major cold spell, they canceled school, we have the boys all week because we will be gone for a week so that means I had zero free time. I am going a little batty. Plus I have been trying to get ready for the trip. I have hives just thinking about it. I hope I can relax and enjoy it. I keep worrying I am going to get sick. I worry we will miss our connection. I worry I will be so tired on Sunday when we get there (we are doing a red eye) Why can't I just get excited about anything? I was talking to my friend about that the other day. It is just not my personality (unless Hobby Lobby is having a really good sale). I wish I could love in the moment and be excited.

Thank you to all who voted for me on the Disney Blog. It meant a lot to me that I won the title. Not so much for the prize but for being recognized for my writing. Maybe my family voted a lot, but hopefully other people did as well.

So before I go on the honeymoon I decided I need to write as much as I can about the wedding. I have NO idea how to move it to the TR section but I am going to keep writing this until it is completed.

Where to begin? I guess the morning of :) My sister and I woke up to an alarm (bummer-yes, I am being negative) We gathered our stuff, and headed downstairs. We decided to get a conference room to get ready and leave all of our stuff in there. It was FABULOUS because it was right next to the reception room. Perfect! When I needed lip gloss, to clean the massive amount of mascara off of me after dancing with my dad, having to take off the hug ole crinoline underneath halfway through, the room was right there.

I paid no real attention to the weather outside which is good, because while we were getting ready, it started raining. I had no clue. This would have sent me into a tizzy.

My friend brought me a bagel and OJ which I was grateful for. One less thing to think about. We all sat in the room, hung out and talked and then Ana and her crew showed up. I was the last one to go. I wish I could have slept in but I did not want to make other people get up when I stayed in bed. It was nice, a weird dynamic, but nice. My mom said she had a dream the night before that my ex was in a fire. I thought we could go a day without bringing him up, but no such luck.

I was in a fog. I had several meltdowns, thank goodness for Xanax. Prior to the wedding, I told my bridesmaids they could wear any shoes they wanted to and wear their hair anyway they wanted to. This was a mistake. It took more effort to help them pick out their style then it would have been to tell them what to do. I kept getting asked What should I do? How should I wear it? I told them to bring pictures of what they wanted but only one person did. It was stressing me out. Then my sister in law did not know what she wanted to do, so she said for the lady to do whatever. Well, it turned out....interesting.... she is the one on the left:


I hate, hate, hated it. I did not know what to do. I was not sure if she liked it or not. I pulled my sister out in the hall and asked her what I should do. I told her it looked like something from Little House on the Prairie. She said not to say anything, but it was eating me up and I knew I would hate the pictures. There were so many more flattering options that they could have done.

As my sister and I were in the hall, Noelle (SIL) came out and said, "I feel like Princess Lea (spelling?) without the side buns. I hate it." I was SO grateful. I was also torn up because I do not like telling people I do not like something they did. But I talked to Ana, and she said they would redo it with another girl. Round two was SO much better.

I have a screaming child right now, so I have to sign off. But hey, at least I am making SOME progress.



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