Crazy direct incentives at BWV

Ok, I've been an owner for going on a decade now, and I have never really understood why one use year month is better than any others. Can anyone explain? We typically vacation Oct-Dec, but have also done spring (F&G).

I currently have two contracts, use year Oct has 100 points and Dec has 50. I'm currently contemplating, selling both of those and getting one 150 point contract. I too was going to get a Dec use year so I could get 2020 points. :)

I definitely wouldn’t sell if you own unrestricted points to buy in the resale market today it’s no longer the same rules and you wouldn’t be buying the same product.
If you typically vacation in October and November, then October is a much better use year for you than December. You want to be using points in the first 8 months of your use year if you can. This allows you to bank points if your trip gets cancelled. It also allows you more time to use them to rebook before your points expire.

Traveling at the end of your use year just adds more risk, especially in the fall season; availability is very poor to nonexistent for any last minute changes. Additionally, if you were traveling at the end of November and into December, you'd be crossing over use years if you had December. This would complicate booking, and during peak season at that.

For you, October sounds ideal as long as you don't travel in September. It would allow for those fall trips as well as the Flower and Garden trips to all fall before your banking deadline of 5/31.

Edited to add: If your contracts are resale from a decade ago, they have fewer restrictions than points bought today will have. You'll also be almost certainly buying in at a higher rate than what you paid before.
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Thank you for this explanation; it makes total sense. Now to decide what we want to do. :)
In my opinion---and reasonable people can disagree about this---you don't yet know you are a good candidate for DVC. I usually recommend three questions for people to ask themselves when they are considering a purchase:

1: Are you confident that you will return to WDW at least every other year for at least the next ten years?
2: When you go, do you mostly stay in Deluxe resorts, sometimes Moderates, but never Value or offsite?
3: Do you have discretionary resources to pay for this without having to finance it, cut into your 3-6 month emergency fund, or cut back on your retirement savings?

If the answer is yes to all three, you are a great candidate for DVC. Otherwise? Maybe, but maybe not. I don't think you can answer yes to #2 yet, so maybe it would be good to try a few Deluxe stays on cash to make sure that you're happy to commit to it long term.
The bolded is what sold us. We went on our first trip where we were paying (always stayed offsite with my parents). We spent our first night in a Value, before moving to a 1 bedroom at BWV. There was no turning back from that. I still blame my friend who's point I used for all the $$$ I've spent since!

After going on our first trip as owners, we're now looking to add on to our contract. Trying to decide if buying BWV direct will be a good option for us.
Ok...I’m not well versed in the timeshare rules. What I’m trying to say is they could work on BWV a little at a time. Or they just close it in 2042 and make their upgrades/ changes. Then sell from scratch. I might not even be alive in 2042, but I would break my heart if they razed the whole thing and put up something ugly like Swan and Dolphin.
They will not extend any of the 2042 resorts, they will do a refurb and resell with a ridiculous point chart. the new BCV and BWV point chart in 2043 will make RIV a value resort for Epcot
Does anyone think this could be a test with DVC on sold out resorts? Doing specials on specific resorts throughout the year?

I do. My guess...and it is only maybe they are also trying to see how pricing might need to be for VGF. I think they are now trying a different strategy for what to do to increase overall DVC sales in general.

Right now, the market is depressed...sales for 2 months are soft. The increase of 150 as a minimum for new buyers...up from 125 since May...has got to make a difference for many. When you are talking close to $200/point for most resorts, that is a lot of money.

The 2042 resorts direct of BWV, BCV, and BRV are just so high in compared to resale that it does not make sense to buy direct. This gives them some data to see if those who want those resorts specifically...and don't care about the 20 year expiration...can spark additional sales!
They will not extend any of the 2042 resorts, they will do a refurb and resell with a ridiculous point chart. the new BCV and BWV point chart in 2043 will make RIV a value resort for Epcot

Yup! I'd extend my BCV in a heartbeat if I could. Studios will double in points overnight come 2043 lol.

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