Counterfeit blue cards? Wow.

This has the sounds of “a bus driver said X” type of rumor. I find it hard to believe that people were counterfeiting blue cards for a small discount on a few restaurants and some merchandise. I find this even more unlikely given that those same discounts are available to annual pass holders, and the types of people for whom blue card counterfeiting would be worth the trouble would also be the types of people who would go to the parks a lot. We really think the “once every few years” type visitor had both the know-how and the desire to counterfeit a membership card to save literally tens of dollars during their trip?
"Literally tens of dollars" LOL! So true.
I am very confused by this thread. Is it that hard to pull this up on your phone? People actually let their phones die? Or have not-smart phones?

Maybe that's the point. They want to create an additional step so you don't get your discount.
And Yes.
Same. I hate being forced to be tied to a phone at all, and being forced to download apps is even worse, because phones come preloaded with so much crap there's little room for extrra apps (especially if you store any pics on it at all). Then there's the whole depleting battery life issue. So now I have to upgrade to the tune of $1000 or more every year or two just to have all the apps required to navigate life anymore. I'm really mad about it!
No offense but this is kinda silly. I can't speak to all phone manufacturers but the latest Apple software updates are still supported by phones that were released in 2017. Disney's app specifically has lower requirements, running on iPhones manufactured at least as far back as 2015. So you don't need to spend $1000 on a phone "every year or two" just to navigate the Disney Parks--or most other non-Disney apps for that matter. And if you're buying a $1k phone that has barely enough storage space for apps and pics, something is severely wrong.
No offense but this is kinda silly. I can't speak to all phone manufacturers but the latest Apple software updates are still supported by phones that were released in 2017. Disney's app specifically has lower requirements, running on iPhones manufactured at least as far back as 2015. So you don't need to spend $1000 on a phone "every year or two" just to navigate the Disney Parks--or most other non-Disney apps for that matter. And if you're buying a $1k phone that has barely enough storage space for apps and pics, something is severely wrong.
I have a newer Galaxy Note so not a problem for me (though I have eye problems, so looking at a phone screen is difficult - but that's another matter).

My DH, however, has a Samsung J3 that's about 5-6 years old. The new MDE app is not compatible with it; nor does he have room to install any new apps. We keep telling him to get a new phone, but he's frugal, and doesn't want to spend several hundred dollars when he can still make calls & text using his phone. It is what it is. Not silly. Just would rather spend several hundred on, say, eating dinner at Springs than on a new phone every couple of years.

Difficult as it may be for everyone to realize - some people just aren't "phone people".
Difficult as it may be for everyone to realize - some people just aren't "phone people".
Is carrying a device so different than carrying a wallet? Given the ubiquity of devices I don’t see much difference at all.
No offense but this is kinda silly. I can't speak to all phone manufacturers but the latest Apple software updates are still supported by phones that were released in 2017. Disney's app specifically has lower requirements, running on iPhones manufactured at least as far back as 2015. So you don't need to spend $1000 on a phone "every year or two" just to navigate the Disney Parks--or most other non-Disney apps for that matter. And if you're buying a $1k phone that has barely enough storage space for apps and pics, something is severely wrong.
My iPhone 12 Pro that I paid $950 for back in January of 2021 currently has 19,312 photos and 1,499 songs on it and still has 177 GB of space left out of 256 GB.
My iPhone 12 Pro that I paid $950 for back in January of 2021 currently has 19,312 photos and 1,499 songs on it and still has 177 GB of space left out of 256 GB.
Exactly. You have a $950 iPhone Pro. I have a $600 Samsung Galaxy Note. My DH has a $100 Samsung J3 that's 5or 6 years old. My dad doesn't have a cellphone at all. It all depends upon your phone and how much you're willing to spend on one, and how often you're willing to upgrade. Some people put high value on being technologically up to date. Others, not so much. But I understand, and am compassionate towards those those who are feeling forced to spend $ they don't want to spend in order to upgrade phones because, although they still work fine as a phone, they can't support newer apps.
Y'all, be compassionate - just because people aren't techy, doesn't mean they are irrelevant or that their feelings don't matter. This is not something to argue about. All people are different, and some people are frustrated with being forced to upgrade their technology in order to visit Disney. Let that be okay.
Is carrying a device so different than carrying a wallet? Given the ubiquity of devices I don’t see much difference at all.
Yes. People aren't walking around staring down at their wallet all day everywhere, lol. They aren't walleting and driving. Your wallet doesn't run out of battery. If you sit on your wallet, the screen can't crack, because there isn't one. Your mother in law can't call you on your wallet.

To be fair, your wallet also can't take pics, text, or find directions to places. Phones really do have their uses. But they can also be a pain in the neck.

It really isn't carrying the phone that's the biggest issue (especially for me since I just put it in my bag. DH hates having it in his pocket, however). It's having no other option but to have an expensive phone, and to have it charged and in your hand at all times while on vacation, and more-so for people who aren't techy, or just want to unplug sometimes - especially on vacation, that's really the annoying thing.

Also, why is it that people always argue with anyone who says they're not a phone person? Why isn't that okay? Why can't people just accept other's quirks and uniqueness?
Exactly. You have a $950 iPhone Pro. I have a $600 Samsung Galaxy Note. My DH has a $100 Samsung J3 that's 5or 6 years old. My dad doesn't have a cellphone at all. It all depends upon your phone and how much you're willing to spend on one, and how often you're willing to upgrade. Some people put high value on being technologically up to date. Others, not so much. But I understand, and am compassionate towards those those who are feeling forced to spend $ they don't want to spend in order to upgrade phones because, although they still work fine as a phone, they can't support newer apps.
Y'all, be compassionate - just because people aren't techy, doesn't mean they are irrelevant or that their feelings don't matter. This is not something to argue about. All people are different, and some people are frustrated with being forced to upgrade their technology in order to visit Disney. Let that be okay.
It's not about being techy or even trying to keep up with the Joneses. According to current data, nearly 86% of the entire US population now has a smart phone, and the percentage only drops to around 70% in the 65+ demographic. No one is suggesting anyone is being a Luddite, and if someone is comfortable with a certain level of technology, there's nothing wrong with that. Simply stating that at some point, the ubiquity of technology and its utilization by society as a whole, and as more and more companies, service providers, etc. go to digital delivery of their services, that "progress" will render many of those otherwise perfectly functional phones obsolete.
According to current data, nearly 86% of the entire US population now has a smart phone, and the percentage only drops to around 70% in the 65+ demographic.
...and I bet if you filtered on households in the upper 2/3ds as measured by household income, those numbers go up by a good chunk.

Either way, anyone is perfectly welcome to visit the parks without their (or a) phone. They won't be able to use Genie or G+, and they won't be able to get DVC discounts. But, they are still allowed to enter the gates. Disney presumably knows roughly how many guests will do this, and they apparently think that that's just fine.
Simply stating that at some point, the ubiquity of technology and its utilization by society as a whole, and as more and more companies, service providers, etc. go to digital delivery of their services, that "progress" will render many of those otherwise perfectly functional phones obsolete.
You are absolutely right,of course. But that precise fact can certainly be frustrating for some (often including myself). I'm almost 60, and my DH is a bit older than that, so that probably explains a lot!
...and I bet if you filtered on households in the upper 2/3ds as measured by household income, those numbers go up by a good chunk.

Either way, anyone is perfectly welcome to visit the parks without their (or a) phone. They won't be able to use Genie or G+, and they won't be able to get DVC discounts. But, they are still allowed to enter the gates. Disney presumably knows roughly how many guests will do this, and they apparently think that that's just fine.
Oh, to be sure! They are almost certainly gleeful about reducing the easy availability of certain discounts!
Oh, to be sure! They are almost certainly gleeful about reducing the easy availability of certain discounts!
See, that's the point that makes no sense to me. If nearly 90% of the population owns a cell phone that can utilize the MDE app and hold the miniscule amount of data required to add a digital card, and if even a nominal additional percentage of people choose to print out a temporary card, is that really a logical scheme to reduce the number of discounts received? If you add in the likelihood that smart phone ownership increases with affluence, and that more affluent guests are likely going to spend more (and in turn appreciate greater savings through discounts), then it stands to reason, with obvious outliers since we're not lumping everyone into one of two groups, that Disney really isn't moving the needle measurably if their goal is to substantially reduce merchandise and food discounts. The demographic that spends the most is also likely to be the one that has the easiest access to the tools needed to appreciate the discounts.

And, there's always the temporary printable card that can go in your wallet just like the old plastic cards.
Yes. People aren't walking around staring down at their wallet all day everywhere, lol. They aren't walleting and driving. Your wallet doesn't run out of battery. If you sit on your wallet, the screen can't crack, because there isn't one. Your mother in law can't call you on your wallet.

To be fair, your wallet also can't take pics, text, or find directions to places. Phones really do have their uses. But they can also be a pain in the neck.

It really isn't carrying the phone that's the biggest issue (especially for me since I just put it in my bag. DH hates having it in his pocket, however). It's having no other option but to have an expensive phone, and to have it charged and in your hand at all times while on vacation, and more-so for people who aren't techy, or just want to unplug sometimes - especially on vacation, that's really the annoying thing.

Also, why is it that people always argue with anyone who says they're not a phone person? Why isn't that okay? Why can't people just accept other's quirks and uniqueness?
Well, I wasn’t looking for (and didn’t need) a treatise I. The differences between a wallet and a cell phone, but I got one anyway. Thanks.

Since I seem to need to point it out, my comments were about the differences between accessing IDs via an app vs. from physical media that can be carried in a wallet or purse.
Yes, I'm glad they have the printable one just found it this morning and printed one for DH.

Don't forget, they are also (by default) cutting back on AP discounts currently (just because so few APs are available). So it isn't just DVC. A cutback on discounts may not be their primary reason, but I'm sure it's a nice little side-effect that they aren't mad about.

I'm also not certain I buy the fraud theory as their reason for digitizing DVC cards. That cannot have had that much of an impact overall, either. I really think it all has more to do with the goal of getting everything possible onto the app because, taken as a whole, that will reduce operating costs and boost profits.

Everything they do has a reason, most often a reason beneficial to the bottom line, and we can sit here all day conjecturing on exactly what those reasons might be. They clearly see a benefit in the things they're doing or they wouldn't be doing them. Bottom line, they are in business to make money.
Yes, I'm glad they have the printable one just found it this morning and printed one for DH.

Don't forget, they are also (by default) cutting back on AP discounts currently (just because so few APs are available). So it isn't just DVC. A cutback on discounts may not be their primary reason, but I'm sure it's a nice little side-effect that they aren't mad about.

I'm also not certain I buy the fraud theory as their reason for digitizing DVC cards. That cannot have had that much of an impact overall, either. I really think it all has more to do with the goal of getting everything possible onto the app because, taken as a whole, that will reduce operating costs and boost profits.

Everything they do has a reason, most often a reason beneficial to the bottom line, and we can sit here all day conjecturing on exactly what those reasons might be. They clearly see a benefit in the things they're doing or they wouldn't be doing them. Bottom line, they are in business to make money.

Right now, they increased the AP discount for merchandise to 30% so it’s better, not worse for the next month.
I have a newer Galaxy Note so not a problem for me (though I have eye problems, so looking at a phone screen is difficult - but that's another matter).

My DH, however, has a Samsung J3 that's about 5-6 years old. The new MDE app is not compatible with it; nor does he have room to install any new apps. We keep telling him to get a new phone, but he's frugal, and doesn't want to spend several hundred dollars when he can still make calls & text using his phone. It is what it is. Not silly. Just would rather spend several hundred on, say, eating dinner at Springs than on a new phone every couple of years.
That's a little different than your original premise that one needed to spend $1000 on a new phone every 1-2 years to keep up. In reality you're frustrated that a $100 phone that's 5-6 years old no longer meets the minimum requirements. There's a lot of middle ground there.

The problem with any technology is that the longer you support older equipment, it holds back development for newer platforms. The vast majority willingly upgrade their hardware before falling victim to software incompatibilities. Being on the wrong side of that is a choice.

Everything they do has a reason, most often a reason beneficial to the bottom line, and we can sit here all day conjecturing on exactly what those reasons might be. They clearly see a benefit in the things they're doing or they wouldn't be doing them. Bottom line, they are in business to make money.
We can do a lot of mental gymnastics to argue the theory that "everything Disney does is designed to make money." Sometimes that money making is borne out of making customers lives easier. For instance, adding the Magic Mobile features to smartphones and watches, which lessens / eliminates the need for MagicBands.

Discounts are designed to increase spending. That doesn't happen if barriers are deliberately erected to reduce access to the discount.

The digital ID cards for DVC and AP take seconds to set up and are supported on smartphones carried by the vast majority of Disney guests. Resisting the setup process is a choice.

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