cooking shows


Seth's Dad
Oct 22, 2000
One of my big hobbies is cooking. On Saturday I watch the cooking shows on our local PBS station. I am watching this Molly Katzen chick now and she bugs the heck out of me. I would really like to tell her what she can do with her enchanted brocolli forest!!!!!:D :D :D
Saturdays watching any and every cooking show I could click onto.......Now I am more selective......I also love to watch yang can cook.....but I can't find him anymore on TV......I love the Iron Chefs too......they are so dramatic......I will always remember how I loved Jeff Smith ....the Frugal Gourmet.......another one I loved was Justin Williams....he was something else........
ROTFLOL Enchanted broccoli forest! hehehee I like watching cooking shows I always end up flipping on Foodtv and watching :)
Too funny, I saw that one last week, I'm with you!

She has to have the most boring show on. I too have PBS on most Saturdays,
and when she comes on I usualy find I'd rather do something else. Yesterday
I went to the landfill!

It is like she has no energy, I want to go and shake her!
I too enjoy watching cooking shows. I WISH our cable company would get the Food Network.. I would be in Foodie Heaven. I like to watch Jacque Pipan sp? and his Dtr. Claudine
I like Martha Stewart because she gives the measurements and ingredients as she goes along. Cooking Shows have given me tons of new ideas and techniques.
Is the broccoli forest lady in question, the one with the auburn curly hair who speaks VERY carefully and slowly? Sometimes I feel like she is talking to a special Ed class.
dt, I think she has no energy because she must be enemic. She really ought to try eating red meat more often!LOL
mamajoan - no that is "Weir Cooking in Wine Country",
and around here she comes on right after Molly.

Minnie's Mate LOL!
I enjoy the Naked Chef on the Food Network... (he's not naked).. he's a young Aussie ( i think ) kid, prolly early-mid 20s... he cooks for his friends. He cooks some really YUMMY sounding and easy stuff.... Good to watch!
Huge Food Network fan! I love Good Eats with Alton Brown.

The Naked Chef licks his fingers too much! LOL
the Naked Chef - he's no Aussie! He's from London, he's a cockney. I love his show too - but I'm surprised you can understand him, he uses some slang I struggle with !

we have a lot of cooking shows over here that are game shows - do you have the same type of thing.
we have Can't Cook, Won't Cook where 2 people are nominated for the show by friends who are sick of them not being able to cook, A chef walks them through cooking a meal (which they usually mess up) and then they taste it and the nicest one is the winner.

and Ready Steady Cook (my favorite) where 2 contestants bring in a bag of unknown ingredients (upto a max of £5 so not a lot) and 2 chefs have 20 minutes to make a meal out of the ingredients and a pretty generous store cupboard.

Can't miss the Iron Chef. Of course that's not for cooking -- that's for entertainment (the US version is a pale imitation!).

I loved Jeff Smith when he was on.

And I like Cooking Live with Sara Moulton too.

Food Network! It's a good thing!
I recently found the BBC America channel and Won't Cook, Can't Cook cracks me up! It's amazing that they can mess up the easy things.

Of course, I posted that I can't make mac and cheese, so who am I to talk? LOL!

I also like the Naked Chef. Sometimes he says things that I don't understand, but that just adds to the charm! I'd love to go to one of his parties, they look like alot of fun!
I WISH our cable company would get the Food Network.. I would be in Foodie Heaven.

No you don't! It's too addictive. :D We watch it all the time.
We didn't have Food TV network when we first moved to Omaha. I called the cable company periodically and asked for it. Also when we were at the Omaha Home Show I filled out a comment card thing at the cable company's booth and asked them to carry Food TV. I'm sure I wasn't the only one, b/c shortly after that, they added Food Network to their cable lineup. Maybe this strategy would work for you Mamajoan!
Good Eats with Alton Brown is my favorite, followed by Cooking Live with Sarah Molton. They use regular ingredients I have around. Lately the Food Network has been doing lots of cool international stuff. And I love Follow that food and unwrapped.
How could I forget Tyler Florence! He is too cute! I also heard one of our local newscasters call him "Chef Hottie" after showing a segment of him. LOL!

Calling all Cooks is another good show. I like that they are regular people cooking their specialites.


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