Complaints about Gaydays


OMG - it was like the face of the sun!

I COMPLETELY agree with this!
:headache: why can't it be in like, sept. less heat, less normal crowds...

nope, gotta be june.

Also, for the one who said gay days on an october trip, that couldn't be gay days. all pride related activites end up in june due to honoring the stonewall riots. So, must have just been another day in the park. :confused3 sorry you had such a bad time of it.
Gay days in Orlando are in June, Anaheim has theirs in October....
I COMPLETELY agree with this!
:headache: why can't it be in like, sept. less heat, less normal crowds...

nope, gotta be june.

Also, for the one who said gay days on an october trip, that couldn't be gay days. all pride related activites end up in june due to honoring the stonewall riots. So, must have just been another day in the park. :confused3 sorry you had such a bad time of it.

Well this was at DLR in California, so I think the people of the west go in Oct, at least they did in 08 and 09. It is a nice time to go because of the Halloween overlays and the temps are good over here at that time. I agree, June would be pretty bad because of heat AND summer break, too many people in one area at one time. :eek:
I COMPLETELY agree with this!
:headache: why can't it be in like, sept. less heat, less normal crowds...

nope, gotta be june.

ROFL.... I fear we are going to regret the weather :lmao::lmao:

I just don't want this thread to turn into a "the gays" "them" "those people" -- will there be those may not act appropriate -- sure... however I'll guarantee it won't be just one group or another. people are people and you'll find there's often someone who is for the lack of a better word, a 'bad seed' but I would not classify them as gay, hetero, nationality, etc.... it's just an individual who may be gay, they may be straight... perhaps they are Brazilian or some other nationality but that does not mean everybody who is whatever trait you label them to be 'that way'.

One cannot group all peoples into a clump and designate a trait as a generality... it's a dangerous path to take if one does and leads to narrow mindedness and hatred.

I just request that people use caution to not type-cast anybody.
I've never been to DLR, so I can't comment on anything there. I do know it's a lot smaller than WDW, so the crowds must be much worse and any Disney park is bad when crowded (no matter the reason).

At WDW, things are very mellow. There ARE parties and special events, but they either happen after hours of the parks or off-property.

Pete posted that little rant a LONG time ago (something like 10+ years ago), and has said that he hasn't been back since. You'll also notice he has never posted a date on that article, so people always think it's current (and it is far from that).

I've only been going for 11 years, and I can tell you that in those years I havent seen anything like he talks about in the parks. Maybe some loud singing at times (Disney songs for the most part, lots of "it's a small world"), and some of the t-shirts may go a bit far on innuendo, but that's the same kind of thing you see every day.

As for the crowds, here's a pic from MK on Saturday (found on Google!).


And for other "disturbances" you might see, here is a video of a guy I've known for many years (Thomas) proposing to by his then boyfriend (they were married in Hong Kong last year).
While I cant verify everything on the internet....The second comment on this page is interisting.....

Took a while to find it, interesting that is is blamed on the bottle. To me it should be the opposite. After perhaps living a lie for some time, being unable to come to grips with the reality, finding an escape, ie booze seems common. But has the article been pulled here?

As to the OP, I don't know if I have ever been during Gay Days in WDW or DL. I do not think so. However, I do understand that the DL version has been reported as much more over the top, out of control, etc by some DL regulars.

I don't think there is any excuse to grope, fondle, make out, etc in a them park, no matter with whom you are traveling. If I want to see it, I can rent a movie. Holding hands, a smooch on the cheek or lips, fine. All out tonsil hockey, no thanks. Not that I notice a lot, but the few times I have, it has ALWAYS been male and female. Quite frankly, I believe most of my gay friends have better manners.
My partner and I went to DL for Gay Day's last year for the first time, along with two of our closest friends. It was their very first trip to DL ever.

This is only our personal experience on this trip, but we never once ran into any lewd behavior or lewd red tshirts. Everyone we ran into was very nice, pleasant and treated people with respect. No one was running or in a hurry and just seemed to be relaxed and enjoying themselves. I was LOOKING for bad behavior, but in all honestly couldn't find any. We actually found it to be one of the most pleasant trips we've ever taken. The heterosexuals in the park that day just seemed to enjoy having us there and I can't tell you how often we struck up great conversations with total strangers. I can't wait to go again.

The only lewd behavior I ever saw was by a group of teenagers, parents obviously not around or were being oblivious. They were being annoying, cutting lines, being loud and obnoxious and one of them even had a shirt with the F word plain as day.

I think you can find bad behavior from any park guests on any day of the year, at any given time.
There is always something wrong with someone using the phrase "you people". I am usually a lurker and do not post much, but I was really upset by what Soaptopia posted. As a straight girl with many gay friends, I just want to say wow. Everyday that I have been at the parks, I have witnessed many more straight couples making out. There have also been many people acting inappropriate, swearing, pushing etc.,. Every race, religion, age group, ethnicity, size, and sexual preference have rude people who feel like they are more important than everyone else. Its because they are rude and self absorbed, not because they are gay that they act that way.
There is always something wrong with someone using the phrase "you people". I am usually a lurker and do not post much, but I was really upset by what Soaptopia posted. As a straight girl with many gay friends, I just want to say wow. Everyday that I have been at the parks, I have witnessed many more straight couples making out. There have also been many people acting inappropriate, swearing, pushing etc.,. Every race, religion, age group, ethnicity, size, and sexual preference have rude people who feel like they are more important than everyone else. Its because they are rude and self absorbed, not because they are gay that they act that way.

I never said "You people." I believe in one of my posts I said "I do not have anything against Gays." I never have and never will. This time in particular happened to be gay people that gave me a very bad experience. Like I said there have been other instances where heterosexuals were causing problems. No one is any different because of what sex they are romantically interested in. Straight couples groping and making out is gross too, I say that all the time. Nobody else wants to see it. I was not discriminating against gays. If this was a group of cheerleaders that ran over my sister I'd be over on THAT thread sharing my experience. Nobody needs to take offense to anything I have said except for the group of 7-8 guys that decided to run and not watch out for the five year old girl who was in their path.
I was at GayDays at DLR last year by chance.

The only offensive things I saw were:

The teenage heterosexual couple in front of me in line at TSMM who were playing "tonsil hockey" as someone above called it--and proceeded to do it more once they noticed I was annoyed;


In the same line, a woman with a red t-shirt on that said

"I'm so Gay I (euphemism for bowel movement) rainbows!"

I was offended by both of them and couldn't understand how either was allowed by the CMs.
I've coincidentally ended up at gaydays twice on accident with my family, at DLR. We had my 5 year old sister there and I just could not believe what I saw. Full on making out, nasty t-shirts, groping, groups yelling curse words, and everyone being just downright obnoxious. I am not kidding, after the Halloween fireworks, a group of guys started running and basically trampled my little sister. It was an awful experience for all of us. Back then I didn't have the DIS, so we ended up going again on gaydays and were all extremely upset. Still, I have nothing against gays but I will never go again!

I've bolded what I believe people are reacting to in your posts... which is definitely written in a way to indicate ALL Gays... Everybody... again if you have no issue then Gay Days would have no impact if it's as if you are now claiming that it was just a small group... your first post makes it seem as though you are indicated the whole community. Again not wanting to start anything but this is what, I think, people are reacting to, including myself when I said to use caution to not categorize everybody as a group rather than a very small group of individuals.

If a group of guys plowed over your sister then yes, that is wrong... but that isn't a 'gay' issue, it's a group of adults not using common sense.
But why do the Tshirts have to be Red ? they make me look fat!!!

Sorry couldnt resist - I always make stupid comments when things get tense!!

oooh now I think I peed a little!!

see now ive done it again!!!
My husband and I go to Gay Days most every year to show our support, and many of the other guests don't even seem to be aware that it's going on. A couple years ago we were heading to the parking lot on the ferry boat. DH was wearing a red Mr. Incredibles shirt, and a woman approached him and asked where he got it. It's an old shirt, so he wasn't even sure, and she said, "That's too bad. I really want to get one. I thought they must sell it around here because several people were wearing it today." We managed to stifle or snickers till we got back to the car.
I've never seen so many people in one place act so rude.

Well, unfortunately, I have. My DW and I were once trying to make our way UP mainstreet when hoards were trying to leave after the fireworks, but, there was a parade scheduled for an hour from then. So, what felt like thousands of people were trying to go one direction, we wanted to go the other direction and there were people sitting and staking out spots on the sidewalk.

In theory, the planning of the schedule and our failure to notice it in advance were both poor. We could have avoided experiencing this event by simply not being there. But, we weren't paying enough attention in advance.

Pretty much everyone there was stuck and very little movement was happening. Our attitude started out as annoyance and frustration, but, I really ended up pretty upset by the experience of the crowds.

Many, many people were swearing loudly. I watched people shoving other people out of their way. I watched people lift their wdw rental strollers into the air at head-height and use them as battering rams AND dozens of people decided that their solution was to CLIMB over my DW and her wheelchair.

I mean, seriously, why on earth would you decide that the solution to being in a crowd is to climb on the person using a wheelchair?

This was a Monday night in January. No specific group of people, just a whole lot of people acting rudely all at the same time.
Well, unfortunately, I have. My DW and I were once trying to make our way UP mainstreet when hoards were trying to leave after the fireworks, but, there was a parade scheduled for an hour from then. So, what felt like thousands of people were trying to go one direction, we wanted to go the other direction and there were people sitting and staking out spots on the sidewalk.

In theory, the planning of the schedule and our failure to notice it in advance were both poor. We could have avoided experiencing this event by simply not being there. But, we weren't paying enough attention in advance.

Pretty much everyone there was stuck and very little movement was happening. Our attitude started out as annoyance and frustration, but, I really ended up pretty upset by the experience of the crowds.

Many, many people were swearing loudly. I watched people shoving other people out of their way. I watched people lift their wdw rental strollers into the air at head-height and use them as battering rams AND dozens of people decided that their solution was to CLIMB over my DW and her wheelchair.

I mean, seriously, why on earth would you decide that the solution to being in a crowd is to climb on the person using a wheelchair?

This was a Monday night in January. No specific group of people, just a whole lot of people acting rudely all at the same time.

I saw the exact same thing, Hematite, I was also there in january and it was not gaydays or any special event other than new years that week. It was terrible, just about everyone in that park was offensive. I think I have it on video.

Anyways this is why I am never going to disney around holidays, especially new years. This will be my first trip to WDW in June and I was trying to figure out if I'm going with the Gaydays crowd everyday or not. It looks like I will find a joyful and peaceful day with the gaydays crowd. :lovestruc

Looks like someone had a bad gaydays experience in california DL, sorry I should have put that I was only looking for past experiences to GayDays Orlando in June. I think it would be a totally different as California itself is made of an entirely different bunch of people.
Looks like someone had a bad gaydays experience in california DL, sorry I should have put that I was only looking for past experiences to GayDays Orlando in June. I think it would be a totally different as California itself is made of an entirely different bunch of people.

Yeah, I read the post and you did put WDW in there. I totally missed that, would have saved me some trouble! :rolleyes1 I mean no harm in anything, and for the record a lot of people in California (in general) have made for very bad times at DLR. The teenagers, oh gosh! :sad2: I feel so bad when people look at me (I look real young for my age) and think I'm just like all of them. I have not been to WDW and hope to go next year for my honeymoon! I have heard that the people over there are more relaxed and I bet you will have a great time with everyone in June.
Yeah, I read the post and you did put WDW in there. I totally missed that, would have saved me some trouble! :rolleyes1 I mean no harm in anything, and for the record a lot of people in California (in general) have made for very bad times at DLR. The teenagers, oh gosh! :sad2: I feel so bad when people look at me (I look real young for my age) and think I'm just like all of them. I have not been to WDW and hope to go next year for my honeymoon! I have heard that the people over there are more relaxed and I bet you will have a great time with everyone in June.

WDW is a blast, and the size really helps stop meltdowns (since people aren't sitting on each other).
We hear these concerns about Gay Days every year.

Someone always says, they don't care if same sex couples get together, but please don't show any public displays of affection.

But I think there are two standards, if a straight couple has a loving short kiss with no tongues, most people think it is romantic, maybe their on their honeymoon.

If a gay or lesbian couple does the absolute exact same thing, then you hear about public displays of affection, and how it might affect their children.

Well, I think it is a GOOD thing that gay people should also be seen as LOVING people when showing affectionate kissing in a caring way.
The more gays and lesbians have to stay in the NO PUBLIC AFFECTION closet, it doesn't show the reality of who we are.
I think it is a good thing, that children see gay people being properly affectionate with each other. Did you ever see a child ask why a straight couple was holding hands?

Honestly who is ever going to tell a straight couple who is mildly kissing, stop it please, it might upset my children.
Really not all gay couples make out heavy in public, grope, and all that.

Some of this is exaggerated when the true standard is I don't want to see two same sex people kissing at all.

Pete is a wonderful guy, I love to hear him and all the podcast members doing the weekly podcast.
I agree with most of his opinions, way more than my own relatives or friends.
He cares about the families that could be offended, and that is nice of him to give the annual warning.
He is definitely part of our community, and is a caring soul.
My partner knows how much I get depressed if Pete is not in a weekly podcast.
Someday I hope to meet Pete and his husband Walter.

I have a gay best friend who worked at Disney for 10 years, and he also disliked the annual sea of red shirts on Gay Days, and I made him go again a few years back. He prefers to go to the Parks with a Group of gay friends, say 12 or less, I respect him for that. He doesn't want it to interfere with the experiences that the rest of the park guests came for. Kind of like he wouldn't want to be in the park when the crowds of teenage cheerleaders descend on the Magic Kingdom. Sometimes you just want to see part of the flock, not the whole flock all at once.

Personally I love Gay Days, because for some of us we are saying to the world, we are here, we are not the unseen minority you think we are, and today I can celebrate that I no longer have to hide in the closet, and I am in my favorite place in the world.

In some ways, this might make some straight people feel odd, because on Gay Days they become kind of a minority for one day, I am sad they get nervous or feel uncomfortable, but hey, this is what my world is like often on the other 364 days of the year.

Some think that Gay Pride Events is better venue for such a gathering, but I think celebrating with your friends, family, children, Tigger, Mickey, castmembers and partners at Disney, is wonderful.
There is always something wrong with someone using the phrase "you people". I am usually a lurker and do not post much, but I was really upset by what Soaptopia posted. As a straight girl with many gay friends, I just want to say wow. Everyday that I have been at the parks, I have witnessed many more straight couples making out. There have also been many people acting inappropriate, swearing, pushing etc.,. Every race, religion, age group, ethnicity, size, and sexual preference have rude people who feel like they are more important than everyone else. Its because they are rude and self absorbed, not because they are gay that they act that way.

Very well said! Thank You.

I was at Gay Days last year and loved it. The crowds were wonderful...very happy and...well...GAY!


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