Coffee Options (Swan)


Cedar Point Freek Extraordinaire... WDW Freek-In-T
Nov 3, 2002

First, let me appologize for all the posts lately. I seem to have found a home hear at the DisBoards though... Can't help myself...

As you may know, if you read my other posts, I AM going to the Swan and the Swan will NOT be providing us with coffee each day! :) My parents are big coffee drinkers (we just could justify $10 a DAY for this.... that's expensive coffee!) and they'll need a morning fix and, on occasion, an evening fix. I know I have several options, but I want your opinions on what you think is best. Here they are:

1. Use the coffee pot that is provided in the room, although there won't be any packets to go with it. Does anyone know which type of filters this maker takes, or will anyone going there soon check this out for me? Our first option is bringing coffee and filters with us.

2. Buy refillable mug(s) from Tubbi's. While this would be my BEST option if we were staying in the Dolphin, but we are staying at the Swan... Oh, if only there were a place to fill them at the Swan! Anyway, wouldn't it just be totally out of the way to go to the Dolphin each morning to get coffee and then tromp back to the room? Just curious on your opinions.

3. Bring our own coffee maker, grounds, and filters. My sisters have a small 4 cup coffee maker we could bring along and simply go that route while we are there. We wouldn't need this for the off-site portion of our visit, however perhaps this wouldn't be a bad option. Again, Just curious.

Thanks a bunch!
We just returned from a stay at the Swan. They would not wave the resort fee of $8 per night which includes your in-room coffee. The coffee maker in our room had Yuban and Maxwell House coffee. There seemed to be a large supply of both, but we did not use it because we had club service and got our coffee there. Since you will probably be charged the $8 a night fee for coffee anyway, go ahead and use there machine and coffee. Also, beside the coffee maker there were mugs, as well as plastic cups for coffee on the go. Hope this helps!


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