Closest hotel to IOA?


Sep 21, 1999
I'm looking for a hotel that I can walk to the park. I will be going to Citywalk and don't want to drive back to a hotel. Also, what might a cab fare cost me for 2-3 miles to a hotel? Thanks.
The closest hotel is the Hard Rock Hotel onsite. It's about a 5-10 minute walk from the parks. Rates begin at around $117/night with the Entertainment card discount rate. The next closest is Portifino Bay, which is onsite as well. The rates with the Entertainment card are $160/night.

You can also try the hotels on Kirkman Drive, like the Holiday Inn. They are about 1-2 miles away from the park. Rates are around $80-$100.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
I think it would be more accurate to say that the Major Blvd / Kirkman Road hotels are one-half mile or more from *CityWalk*. Obviously to the parks it is a longer walk, but remember that if you park in the lots you have a fair distance to walk to get to the park entrances.

The closest off-site hotel is the Radisson Twin Towers (407) 351-1000, followed by the Holiday Inn (407) 351-3333.

When I stayed at the Entended Stay America (407) 351-1788 on Major Blvd, it took me about 25-30 minutes to walk to CityWalk.

Kelly Monaghan
Author of "Universal Studios Escape: The Ultimate Guide to the Ultimate Theme Park Adventure" and
"The Other Orlando: What To Do When You've Done Disney & Universal"‡
I just got back for Orlando and stayed at the Rodeway Inn about 1-2 miles from the parks. My advice if you don't want to walk is to take a cab. Not a van or a shuttle. They usually charge you $7-$10. Its not a lot, but do it twice a day for a week and it will add up. If you call a regular cab that charges you by the mile it will definately be cheeper if you are only going to stay a mile or two away from Universal. I cost us $4 one way to our hotel. When you head back to your hotel you can get the cabs right outside City Walk at the transportation center. Oh yeah don't have the hotel call you a "cab" because they will call a shuttle which will cost you a few more dollars.

I can never wait to go back and enjoy the sun.
Next trip-before Sept. 01-Disney
Thanks to all. I decided to do Priceline because it is only me and my wife going this time. I was able to get the 3 star Wyndham on I-Drive for 30.00. I called a cab company and they quoted me a price of appx. 7 dollars to the parks. Thanks again.


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