CC's Weight Loss Journey


<font color=red>Warning: Boring!<br><font color=pu
Mar 21, 2009
Hello Everyone,

I'm on Weight Watchers and am doing well, but I've decided to start a WISH Journal to hold me more accountable. I'd really like to lose another 20 pounds and soon. I gained a lot of my weight because I used food as a way to deal with other problems. Sometimes, I get back in that rut and I sabotage my weight loss. I try to remember that each day is a new day and that every day counts.

Today, I ate really well with one exception. I ate something my father cooked, which was quite good, but he didn't follow a recipe so I have no idea how many points it is. I have plenty of my WPA left, so I should be fine. I'm hoping to lose 2 pounds this week. If I stay OP and eat just my daily min. for the rest of my week, I should. I'd really love to lose my last 20 pounds by Jan. 1st, but that would be borderline unhealthy, so I'm taking it slowly. My goal for the next few days is to increase my liquid intake. Until next time...CC
Well, not my best day eating wise, but I did get 2 APs in a little while ago. I had to guess on some of my points today, but I figure I have 5 of my WPA left for my week, which luckily ends on Wednesday. I'm hoping to lose two full pounds, but I'll take anything.
Today was a good day eating wise. No APs though. I got everything done I needed to at work and did walk quite a bit at work. I took a short walk with my mom after work, but I don't think it was long enough to count as 1 AP. That's ok. I still did well with regards to eating. I'm definitely on track to lose this week!
Very good day so far. I have eaten 17/20 of my POINTS. I'm going to have a 4 POINT snack in a bit and am hoping for a good weigh-in tomorrow night. Hoping, hoping, hoping!
Weigh-in yesterday went really well. I lost over 2 pounds. Granted, I had gained more than that the week before, but I'm just so happy I lost that much that I don't care about the gain anymore. I'm hoping to be under 135 by next Thursday's weigh-in. That would be about 2 more pounds lost. My goal is 117 pounds by Jan. 1st. I hope I can do it, but that would be over 2 pounds a week, so really unhealthy. I really want to make lifetime so I'm increasing my exercise this week. I earned 2 APs today and hope to do the same tomorrow. Good night and thanks for reading!
Well, I'm to excited to report that I ate really well today. I had five small meals, plus dessert and only ate 22.5 POINTS. I get 20 per day. I've only eaten 3 of my WPA! This looks like it's going to be a great week. I have a tight schedule this week, so I'll probably have to wait until Saturday to weigh in, but I'm not sure. I'm hoping to be able to go on Thursday. I'm also hoping to earn 2 APs tomorrow. I'll may go to the gym, but if not, I'll use the elliptical-like machine my parents bought. It makes for a great work out. Until tomorrow...
Today we had a traditional Sunday family dinner and dessert. I "only" ate 30 POINTS and since I had plenty of my WPA left, I don't feel guilty at all. I sitll have 22 of my WPA left for my week, which ends on Wednesday. That is awesome. I've also already earned 4 APs for the week and am hoping to earn 2 more both tomorrow and Wednesday.

Today was one of those emotionally difficult days, though, with regards to eating. I'm not allowed to eat chocolate and dessert was chocolate cake. I had a 4 POINT ice cream sundae, but with frozen yogurt because I'm also lactose intolerant. I wish I could eat what I want and when I want to, but with all my dietary restrictions (no cholate or caffeine, no nuts, no peauts, low-salt, and no alcohol) due to a medical condition plus being on Weight Watchers, there are so few things I can eat. I ended up crying today for a good long time. Oh well...hoping tomorrow is a better day!
It sounds like you're off to a pretty good start. I've done WW in the past and it really does work. I'm trying it on my own this time around. I know what you mean about food being a way to deal with other problems. I've let that happen to me as well. Just keep up the attitude that each day is a new beginning.
Good luck!
It sounds like you're off to a pretty good start. I've done WW in the past and it really does work. I'm trying it on my own this time around. I know what you mean about food being a way to deal with other problems. I've let that happen to me as well. Just keep up the attitude that each day is a new beginning.
Good luck!

Today was a really great day. I ate 24.5 POINTS, which means I still have over 15 of my WPA left for my week. That is awesome. I know what I'm eating tomorrow and it's very "point-friendly." My dad will be home late so my mom and I don't have to have a full meat and potatoes type meal. I love an occasional night like that. I'll still get my necessary foods in, but I know I won't be eating any extras. I think we're having half a stuffed cornish hen each plus loads of veggies, like broccoli and cauliflower. I could live off of broccoli if there was protein in it.

My mom had chocolate cake today and it really didn't bother me like yesterday. I think it's eaiser it's snack time and not family dinnertime. Yesterday, we ate dessert at the table right after we ate a huge family dinner. Today, we had dessert in the family room while watching TV. I didn't stick out nearly as much. I know I probably sound petty, but I get really sick and tired of having to watch everything I eat. Weight Watchers is the easiest part. I have to check everything I eat for its sodium amount and for nuts/peanuts. Grocery shopping is finally getting better. Luckily, my mom is really lenient and will buy me anything I want/need, like no salt added bread crumbs and fresh fruit and veggies. Her support is invaluable. Well, that's about it for the night. I'm exhausted. Thanks for letting me vent.
I weighed-in today and gained .2 pounds. I was quite surprised. I didn't eat all my WPA this week and probably should have eaten more of them. This week, it looks like I'm on par to eat more of them. I think I ate about 15 last week. This week, I'm hoping to eat closer to 30 of them. I'm also hoping to earn 6 APs this week. Hoping for a better week...
:wizard::goodvibes Wishing you a great week!!!!

I too joined WW in Sept. I have lost 15.3 pounds so far! I aim for 2 pounds a week but don't always hit it!;) How much in total do you want to lose? I want to lose 57 pounds!:worship: In 2000 I lost 55 and guess what gained it all back!:scared1: It can be done but its not easy! Do you exercise? I try to walk and I enjoy Wii fit! I joined the gym but have not went, I am trying to get there!:confused:

Anyway all the best! I will keep an eye on your posts!
:wizard::goodvibes Wishing you a great week!!!!

I too joined WW in Sept. I have lost 15.3 pounds so far! I aim for 2 pounds a week but don't always hit it!;) How much in total do you want to lose? I want to lose 57 pounds!:worship: In 2000 I lost 55 and guess what gained it all back!:scared1: It can be done but its not easy! Do you exercise? I try to walk and I enjoy Wii fit! I joined the gym but have not went, I am trying to get there!:confused:

Anyway all the best! I will keep an eye on your posts!

Thanks! I'm hoping to lose 50 pounds total. I've lost about 30 so far, but it's been over a year. I went through a rough patch with the whole diet and went up and down for months. I've been thinking about asking for a Wii and Wii Fit for Christmas. I'm in my 20s, but my parents still like to buy my sister and me nice gifts as if we were kids. I went to the gym yesterday and exercised at home earlier. Good luck making it to the gym!
Today, so far, I've eaten 24 POINTS. I still 7 of my WPA left plus 3.5 APs and only Wednesday left in my "Weight Watchers week." I think I'll have a 2 POINT dessert in a few minutes. Overall, I'm happy with how my week has went. I'm hoping to earn an AP or 2 tomorrow. I had a much better week emotionally as well. No emotional binge eating episodes as of yet. I'm very proud of myself for that. I was craving ice cream, which is bad as I'm lactose intolerant, but I was able to pass. I might have a Skinny Cow, which is fine if I take a lactase enyzme pill first, to satisfy my craving. I've decided to have a Smart One's quesedilla (sp?) with salsa for lunch tomorrow. Dinner tomorrow night is supposed to be leftovers and we have plenty of grilled chicken breast tenderloins, so perfect for WW. Until next time...
Today I felt the need to eat an ice cream bar. It didn't destroy my weight loss efforts, as I had the POINTS, but still not the best choice. Plus, I feel like having more ice cream. I was hoping to earn some APs today, but I just don't feel like exercising. Maybe I'll be able to wake up tomorrow when the alarm goes off and then go to the basement to exercise while watching the news. I'm staying optimistic. I'm hoping to earn 10 APs during my next "Weight Watchers week." I'd love to work my way up to 28 APs a week. I know I can do it. This week, I ended up eating all 35 of my WPA plus .5 of my APs. I'm hoping to eat as few of my WPA next week as possible. I like to mix it up so I don't hit a plateau. It doesn't look like I'm going to make it to WW tomorrow to weigh-in so I'll have to go on Saturday. That's fine, although I do like to sleep in one day a week. I think I'm going to increase my protein a bit this week as well. I think I'll start more mornings off with egg whites in addition to oatmeal with diced apples. Maybe that will help keep my hunger pains at bay. I did have my mom buy me sliced almonds, so I could try some of those in my oatmeal as well. I know what my lunch is going to be tomorrow and it's very "point friendly." It's dinner that has me worried. I'd really love to have tuna burgers, but something tells me my mother wouldn't like that idea. I think I'll search eTools for a good recipe. I'm also thinking about going to Jenny Craig. I'm off to post some questions about JC on a thread someone started a few days ago. Until next time...
I went to WW today and I'm not so happy to say that I gained .4 lbs. I know it isn't huge, but still. I was hoping to lose something. This is the second week in a row that I've gained. So, it's goal setting time:
- increase exercise to equal 10 APs (up from 4)
- eat less than 15 of my WPA (I ate all 35 this past week.)
- have a bigger say in menu planning this week
- drink more water (This is especially important if I plan to increase my exercise.)

Today, I ate 22.5 POINTS and earned 2 APs. I'm hoping to earn 2 more tomorrow. I was able to get up and exercise before showering this morning. I was very proud of myself. I'm hoping to do that again tomorrow morning. I figure I can earn a few APs over the weekend raking leaves. I'd also like to make it to the gym at least once over the weekend as well. It would be great if I earned more than 10 APs, but as I learned in my meeting today, it's important to set realistic goals. This week, 10 APs is a realistic goal. The receptionist suggested I mix up what I eat a little bit and not eat my WPA. I'm going to do just that this week. We're out of apples, so I have to come up with something different for breakfast in the morning other than my usual oatmeal with diced apples. I am thinking yogurt with a shredded wheat biscuit. I depend on that apple for 2-3 fruits/veggies servings though, so I'm going to have to find a way to eat them. We do have frozen blueberries. I could add those to oatmeal. That sounds really good actually. I think I'll do that. We need to work on emptying the freezer anyway. It's quite filled. Well, that's about it. Until next time...
I needed a pick-me-up so I thought I'd post about the day thus far. I've eaten almost all of my POINTS. I'm hoping to have a light dinner. I'm really not that hungry anyway. I don't even feel like eating dinner yet. My mom just ran out to the grocery store so I have no idea what were having. I tried to menu plan today using the store circular, but like nothing is on sale. Very disappointed in that. I couldn't even offer my mom a suggestion or two for dinner tonight because of it. I'm sure she'll find something "POINT friendly." She always does. Well, almost always. Every once in a while, we have pork sausage. It's not the healthiest option, but I plan for it. Ok, back on track. I had a decent breakfast of oatmeals with blueberries, which I planned last night. I had an ok lunch as well, but I had a huge morning snack. I should have suggested tuna burgers. I could really go for one. I've been saying that for a few days now. I'm really trying not to use my WPA this week. Yesterday, was a good day in that area. Today, may not be. I did earn 2 APs already and I may work out again tonight. I'd love to earn 2 more APs for the day. That would really help balance out my large snack this morning. I wouldn't care so much if it was something healthy, but it was bread. Oh well. Nothing I can do about it now except have a good dinner and a good rest of the week. My mom should be home soon. Hopefully, she bought something really good for dinner.
My mom cam back from the grocery store with a very "POINT friendly" dinner. I ended up using 2.5 of my WPA. That's perfectly in line with my goal of eating a max of 15 of my WPA for the week. Tomorrow looks like it's going to be a good day. Hoping to earn lots of APs raking. I'm also planning to get in a 15-20 minute high intensity workout when I first wake up. I'm trying to work my way up to 30 minutes. I really want to get lots of exercise this week. I know I can do it. I'll follow the mantra of the Little Engine that Could. He knew what he was talking about!
My sister and I went to Applebee's last night and I ordered something from the WW menu. That means I only used 20/20 of my daily POINTS. Plus, I earned 2 APs yesterday. I've also already got in a high intensity workout this morning and earned another 2 APs. I'm hoping to increase my high intensity workouts to 25 minutes starting tomorrow. I better set my alarm for a few minutes earlier. It's about time for me to eat lunch. I'm hoping to only eat 20 POINTS as well. Luckily, I'm going to the grocery store, so I'll be able to influence this week's menu. Until next time...
Well, my neighbor brought over some cake so I've now eaten all 20 of my POINTS. I'll have to eat about 5 of my WPA today. No big deal. I'm still on track. I might get in a workout after I go to church. I'll have to leave church as soon as it ends, so I have enough time to get home and exercise before I hit the pillow. Of course, I slept until after 10 AM, so I could probably stay up a little later than usual. Ah, who am I kidding? I'm already ready for bed. Maybe I'll skip Mass tonight. Maybe.

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