CBR in December


DVC Owner- SSR & AKV
Apr 30, 2001
I can hardly believe it, but my mom has agreed to go to WDW in December 2003. This will be her first trip and our third. We decided on a moderate because we will have 3 adults (no children). My mom liked the theming of CBR, and since I wanted to try out this resort, we decided to stay here. Now, I need to know everything about the resort. The good, the bad, and the ugly (hopefully, mainly good) such as which bldgs or area to request, how full is it in early december, food court, transportation, and x-mas decorations. Also, does this resort have any unique or must do activities? Finally, what type of rates can we expect for early December (we will have an AP) and what is the charge for the extra adult. Any and all help is GREATLY appreciated. Thanks in advance!
You'll love it! But remember it is full of children!
The Food Court just got refurbished so I can't tell you until I get back in February.
Last time I stayed in Martinique which I found handy due to the fact we were right beside the main pool, food court, bus line, etc. Can hardly wait to get back there in a couple of weeks!

CBR is a really good resort I worked there in Housekeeping. The resort is awesome. When you get ready to go try and request Trinidad North it might be full because it is right by the food court. Jamaica is also nice and Aruba but you have to walk a good distance to get to the food court.

In early December it isn't that full but you have to think about it being a moderate resort. It will be busy there even when it is the slow season. During this time in the fall of 2001 we were the fullest resort on property but it was still slow.

Transportation, try not to get in to Trinidad South because the busses might be full before they get to this bus stop. This bus stop is the last stop before going to the parks. Jamaica is the usually the first stop.

Christmas Decorations they can be found in the Food court and the Custom House (the lobby) but they are really beautiful.

I hope that this helps a little
We stayed at CBR for our honeymoon (thus, wanting to be near adults) and stayed in Jamaica. Yes, there is a short walk over to the food court (basically, you leave your hotel room and head about a block to the bridge over parrot cay (little island) and then you are at teh food court).

It is a pretty stroll and if it would be easy for your mother to walk, then I recommend that area as well as Aruba as it seemed that there were hardly any children around (I think that parents tend to request the builgings next to the food court and main pool).

Also, Jamaica was the first bus stop for us and it was great - we were the first on and the frist off.

Good luck with your planning!


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