Carol and Dr. Atkins


A beach girl living on the prairies "temporary sta
Jul 17, 2003
I cannot believe I found this in the DIS section. I have been on the Atkins Diet for 5 plus weeks now, it will be 6 on Monday, Sept. 15th. My husband and I have been adding pounds from going on cruises and not taking it off over the last 5 years.

So we decided to do the Atkins since he loves meat and I think we are doing well.

I wanted a place to put my weight loss, I wish I had the rapid weight loss like my husband has and others here I see listed but this is how it goes!

1st week, only 4 pounds
2nd week, 3 pounds
3rd week, 3 pounds
4th week, 0 :eek: and I did not cheat!
5th week, I decided to do the FAT FAST and I have lost 3 pounds as of today, so a total of 13 as of today.

Started at 191/187/184/181/181/178 and I still have till Monday morning to weigh for the week.

I have really enjoyed reading your journals and find encouragement from all of you. I hope I can do the same for others. I had lost as much as 88 pounds 6 years ago and felt wonderful, just cutting back and doing step aerobics, but over the years half has been put back on, and I thought, ok, don't let it get THAT unmanageable again. So I am doing my step aerobics every other day and walking the others usually 3 miles.

I will go back to the induction after this FAT FAST week and slowly add some carbs back. My husband has been doing fantastic but itsn't that the way men loose! Its nice to have him eating the things with me though, so no temptation there.

We have a Disney Vacation coming up in November and we both want to shed these much hated pounds!

Good luck and good wishes:
Both you and DH are doing great! I've been on low carbs for over 6 weeks now and lost about 11 pounds. I'm the queen of the slow losers so this is good for me.

Men always seem to lose faster. My DH skips dessert for a week and loses 5 pounds. I never even eat dessert!

Looking forward to seeing your posts and your weight loss success stories.

Thanks Nancy, your words are appreciated very much!

Well today is Saturday, September 13th and I usually don't weigh till Monday mornings, but I have been doing the fat fast and I am down to 176, that means I have lost a pound a day on this. I have to admit, I like cream cheese but its hard with nothing else.

Just have to keep it up! I will weigh again Monday morn.
Great job! I'll be waiting to hear about your Monday weigh in. Mine was today...just one pound last week. But I did have a party and had two glasses of wine and less water than I should. I'll do better this week.

You are doing great. I am just starting my 2nd week and can't imagine lasting 6 weeks. Good for you! Losing slowly is better than not losing at all. My DH also loses quickly. He is not on Atkins...yet. I'm sure as soon as he starts he'll pass my weight loss right by. I was curious, what is a "fat fast"? I've never heard of that before. Thanks and keep up the good work.
September 15th

Well my total for this week on FAT FAST was 6#. I really am a bit disappointed because I thought for sure I would loose at least a pound a day but thats ok! Its 6 less than I had a week ago.

I tried on one of my favorite dresses and could actually wear it, but it will be even more nice when the next 10 pounds fall off.

Beginning weight: 191
Week 6 total: 6 pounds
Overall total: 16 pounds
Todays weight: 175

Norm has lost between 23/25 pounds and some of his shorts are so loose he is wearing a belt! Good for him, we encourage each other, but MEN do cheat, I found an empty cookie box in the trash and even though they were only tea biscuits, he said they were calling me, well now they are not here anymore so they won't be calling anyone!

This is in Dr. Atkins book, if you seem to be hanging on and not loosing on even his induction diet, you go on a very limited diet for a week. There is a selection of foods very limited, for instance I have been having 4 or 5 meals a day, but they consist of either 2 ounces of cream cheese or 2 deviled eggs made with 2 tsp of mayo, or 1 ounce of macademia nuts. There are a few other choices, like pate, whipped creme, brie, and it totals about 1000 calories a day, and let me tell you it will turn your ketostik dark! Its just to let you know that you are capaple of loosing weight. If you need specific instrutions I can copy out of the book if your interested.

So I will start induction again today, eating the protein and 20 carbs I think. Have a great week ladies!

Thanks Carol!

I am going to get the book hopefully tomorrow. I start my 2nd week of induction today. I do predict a fat fast in the future though.;)
Carol, you're doing so well!! Please don't get disappointed with the scale - you're doing a great job.

It's a well-known fact that low-carbers often do not lose a steady amount of weight every week. It's kind of strange, but your weight loss will slow or stop for a week or two and then the whoosh fairy will visit and you'll lose several pounds seemingly overnight.

The best way to tell how you're doing is by taking your measurements. You see, another quirk of eating low-carb is that you will lose pounds or you will lose inches but very rarely will you lose both at the same time. Even when the scale stops moving, often your measurements will keep getting smaller. So get out that tape measure and let it motivate you when the scale seems stuck.

Hang in there!! You'll be feeling so much better by your November trip!!
Well, I went with Norm out of town for 3 days and we didn't exactly stay on our prescribed diet! So I am not surprised that the scale went the other way. So no looking back and mooning about, this week will be better and stricter. No excuses, lack of will power, but my choice to stick the food in my mouth.

+3 pounds=178

Thanks to all for the encouraging words, will have a better week this week and my clothes are starting to become much looser, like when I put on my jeans this week, out of the dryer, you know how they shrink up..well I didn't even have to suck up!

till Monday next:
Well I feel somewhat better this morning, but realize that going off diet is not good and will set me back faster than I thought.

I have lost the gained 3 pounds and managed to loose 1 more!


Just have to keep hanging in there, and hopefully this week will be a great one!



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