Cancelling Disney Reservations/Refund


Earning My Ears
Feb 25, 2001

I sent a check to CRO for a deposit of 5 nights out of 6 nights at CSR. The check had already cleared. Realizing that my cash budget really looks tight right now. I was wondering how long it would take to get a refund from CRO? I am going to WDW in two weeks (3/28) and I want to book a new (lot cheaper) hotel on 192. I was hoping to use the money back from CRO however.
How long do I have to wait for a refund?

Disney will only issue refunds in the form in which they were paid, meaning.... if you paid by check they will issue a check for refund. If you paid by credit, the refund will be issued as a credit to your card. Since you only have 2 weeks, I really doubt you would receive your refund in time. One option you may have is this: Try to change your ressie to an All-Star resort. If you can do that ask them to keep the overpayment applied to your account. Then you can use the $$ toward charging priviledges on your room, such as meals. I don't know if this is actually possible, but its worth a try. :)


<font size=2 color=green face="Comic Sans MS">
1995: Disneyland Every Weekend!
Oct 1996: Port Orleans
Nov 1999: Wilderness Lodge
Aug 2000: Disneyland!
May 2001: Polynesian Concierge</font><font size=2 color=red face="Comic Sans MS">
Nov 2001: First Annual DIS Convention!</font>
Hi! From what I've heard, it will take 4-6 weeks to get your money back. :(
It's never taken more than a week or so for them to get a refund check back to me. Just got one back from them yesterday.
i changed my reservations and needed a refund talked to someone this mornig she said it would be 2 weeks.

I cancelled our reservations on March 6th and received the check back yesterday (March 13th). I was surprised to receive it so quickly -- I was told it would take 4 weeks.


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