Canadian Buffoon's Solo Disney Vacation - Update 07/08! pp99 - Here today gone tomorrow

I know you're back! You posted on another TR! Get busy mister!

Yes, Carrie. I'm back. :laughing:
I'm dutifully catching up on all my TRs/PTRs first.
Now I'm going to catch up on my shout-outs!

Then I'll start the next chapter.
Last day, already?! :( that went by too quickly!

You're telling me!!

I flooded the bathroom at Art of Animation! It must be a value resort thing...

Welcome to the club! :laughing:

Oh geez. I keep overtaking your TR with personal stories but only because they're so similar to yours.

Good! I love hearing them!
That's what this TR is for.

One time my dad and I were leaving our hotel room at Port Orleans. We were on our way to the food court and I had forgotten something (I don't remember what...appropriately). We got back and my dad was complaining about how something was wrong with his contacts because he couldn't see. He went to take out his contacts...and realized he never put them in in the first place. No wonder he couldn't see. Anyway, back to you.

:lmao: I guess I should say something like, "I see!" but I'm guessing your Dad already did that.

Ahhhh of course you'd finish with MK. The only way to do it.

Who says I finish there?

And Mine Train again!! That's awesome.


I always forget that not all of MK is open for early EMH. I understand why, but it'd be cool if Frontierland was open too.

It'd be better if it was all open!

I'm catastrophically bad at your guessing games but here goes nothing:

Oh, I'm sure you can't possibly do any worse than you already have been!


You went to Little Mermaid next. Your ADR is at the Crystal Palace (because you lied and cannot have too much Pooh in your life). You visit Big Thunder first. Your FP+s are for HM, Jungle Cruise, and Buzz Lightyear!


Also, you should check out Storybook Circus. It's quite adorable and they have good snacks there!

Oh? Like what?

There's more to quote... much more. But I'll leave it at this for now:

I know how busy you were when you posted that.
I'm honoured that you posted anything at all!

We always add: Make good choices.

Nah. I don't want anyone reading this to do anything of the sort!


As always, I'm WAY behind. Sometimes I wish I was in front, but you know how it goes. By the time I get back to making the rounds and get to really read this, you'll have another one up, and I'll be 6 pages behind instead of 3. Adieu until Thursday. :)

Well, you get a chance to catch up now, right?

Holy cow! Where did my comments go? Dang those trickster interwebs! Honest to goodness, I've been actually keeping up AND popping in with comments and guesses lately!

Oh, really? Shoot. I would've loved to have gotten them.
Wonder what happened? :confused3

Can I have some Irene points - er, pity points - for catching up from being so pathetically behind?


And if you're feeling generous, I'll take a few points for guessing the bin photo. I mean, if you are going to be a stickler, then, well, I do must admit that my guess does not in fact show up in a comment before a certain 8-point-winner got her guess in. But I tried!

No. I'd need proof.

Next ride: Mad Tea Party (You were looking in your bag for a tummy settler. You didn't mention having any breakfast, but just as a precaution, maybe. Or your Mad Hatter hat. Yes? Oh, please let it be the hat. Tee hee!) [Alternate guess, for half-points: Enchanted Tales with Belle. You were looking for a brimmed hat, because there's no shade in line.]


First attraction when the rest of the park opens: BTMRR

FP+: HM, BTMRR, Splash

All noted.

OK, now off with these obsolescing glasses and into my magical shrinking PJs.

:laughing: Love that!

Happy Toronto-ing this week!

Thanks! I did!
And I was following along, so saw your message before we left. :)
Maybe it was some golden showers...


While we were away, even though I couldn't multi quote, I'd take a peek at the DISboards just to see what was going on.

This was the only thing that I cracked up at and showed Ruby.

You're a bad, bad little girl, Lu.

Yeah I'm sure the lady would...

Knew it.

Hmmmm.......nope not buying it.

Not selling it.

Probably not!


Oh poop....I mean...OOPS! That was a typo! Clearly I meant Crystal deductions then?



Nice try, chicky.

Have a good trip!


:laughing: Love that gif! And thanks! I did!
But Kirk does such a good job of it…
Better just to let him do the entertaining.

Aw, shoot.
But it would be so fun to watch.

But of course, Mountain etiquette would require such.
It would probably be a shotgun though…
easier to aim when woken up in the middle of the night or while recovering from a hangover.

Ah. Of course. Good point.

I learned my lesson on that as well.
I brought three pair this last outing.
(and didn’t lose any of ‘em)

I was thinking.
I've had glasses since I was nine.
I've never lost a pair.

Which means that next trip I won't bring a spare pair... and lose them.
Though strangely I don't recall getting one. Maybe only those using the magical depress get one.

Hunh. You could be right. I don't remember if we got one that time we drove down.

Thank you. Thank you all.

Awa! But that's no fun!

But safer.

Gotta love when that happens!


::yes:: Someone got the Bus Pixie dust for sure!

I really did!

Others desperately trying to remember past the insanity that has been their life for the past week and remember what they put down in the first place!

:laughing: And now you'll be wondering just what it was you were referring to here.

I like it too! Very cool!


I discovered the same thing.

I literally stood there for a bit not knowing what to do.
"It's not open? What do you mean it's not open. It has to be open, doesn't it?"

So many places I could go with this one!!!! :rotfl::rotfl2::lmao:

And yet you didn't go to any of them!

I have found its something you can learn to love.


Based on your location and your rifling through your camera bag for a necessity to ride along with your statement that it would be unexpected...... I'm going to guess you are looking for ear plugs to go ride It's a Small World for the purpose of getting pictures and killing time.


Splash Mountain

Splash, Big Thunder, Space

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:laughing: And now you'll be wondering just what it was you were referring to here.
And I have found a neat trick to help with that! If you click the arrow next to the quoted person's text ( Example the quoted text here shows Pkondz said: Arrow) that arrow once clicked will take you straight to the post that the quote came from.

Hmmm... That's about right.
Needs more drama, though.

:rotfl2::rotfl2: I'm just trying to imagine what the people on the other side of the door were thinking.

I didn't stick around to find out!

But I do wonder about it.

Time to burn dust here. Eat my rubber!


That's it!!

That's not just amazing luck, that's a horseshoe up your butt.


Getting any other guesses right depended on getting the park right. It's a killer.

Yep. But it wasn't a total killer since everyone gets a second shot at the ADR.

I'm guessing this works better if you're not dragging 4 kids around.




I agree! Best scene in the whole ride!

I will freely admit to really only liking two things in this entire ride.
1. The moment when the "cart" leaves the track and suddenly... you're flying.
2. The flight over London.

Worth the wait all by themselves.

Tell us how you really feel!

I have absolutely no interest in going to Storybook Circus.

How's that?

Although @courtneybelle tells me there's good treats there.
So maybe I'll change my mind.

Not if you stop at Taco Bell somewhere along the way.

Good point.

Even if it were the only ride open during'd be better off getting in line for a different one.

Or just leaving the park in disgust.

Well, judging from the clues, we've narrowed it down to either Fantasyland or Adventureland. I'm going to guess that you were grabbing your camera for some goofy pictures on the Mad Tea Party.

I'll go with Tony's. Since my first guess was so bad.[/QUOTE]


Ever get that feeling of deja vu?

I don't think so, but I could check with the kitchen.

Either Liberty Square or Frontierland...let's go with Haunted Mansion.

Splash Mountain
Big Thunder Mountain RR
Space Mountain[/QUOTE]


I'd try to remember every single ride you've done up to this point, but there are so many TR's and they all run together! Does this happen to anyone else?:rolleyes1

Yup. All the time.
And I have found a neat trick to help with that! If you click the arrow next to the quoted person's text ( Example the quoted text here shows Pkondz said: Arrow) that arrow once clicked will take you straight to the post that the quote came from.

I'll do you one better.
If you right-click the arrow, you can open it in a new tab so you can refer to the original post and the current one at the same time.

But thanks for posting.
I certainly don't claim to know everything about the new boards... I still can't post a picture without using Photobucket!

Hot diggity!!! You do realize I am choosing this over starting to go deeper into Fluids and Electrolytes Balance... Bow down.

Wait a minute. You have one more night, right? I thought that didn't come until the morning you actually check out?

You got me thinking... I'm sure it was there...
And I think I know why.
You'll see in a later update.

It's the last day and you're still having trouble finding your room? :rolleyes1

And your point being???

Or if it isn't yours just keep kicking it until you nearly tear the door off the hinges. We've had it happen at CSR. At 2 am. :sad2:

Oh? Do tell!

Well, at least you remembered before you got to the park.

It's pretty obvious.
As soon as I looked up it was like... Uh... I can't see!

Burn some dust here. Eat my rubber!

Mark just beat you to it, but... ::yes::

Isn't this the best feeling anyone could ever have at a bus stop? It's like Christmas morning!

Yes! That's exactly what it was like!

Um... technically it is 16 minutes after arriving. You said you arrived at the bus stop at 7:13. I mean you may not have been standing there the entire time, but... :rolleyes1

Alright mister smart guy.
It was one minute after my re-arrival.


:eek: The benefits of solo park touring! That is awesome! :thumbsup2


That didn't look like a selfie!


Hmm... news to me. Is this a recent change?

Don't know. It certainly took me by surprise though!

No. I can only stand to ride it 1 or 2 times on a given trip with DW and the kids. The rest of the time it's more like "Ok, you guys ride the carousel and I'll go to the FP+ kiosk."

I can proudly state that I believe I've only ridden it.... once.
First visit with the kids.

So I guess I'll lock in my guess that you met Ariel.

Well, I didn't pick the wrong park, but you'd better still take my second pick of Tony's Town Square

BTMRR - and there's no way that's right unless you set us up with a total gimme. But I'll go with it.

HM, PoTC, Jungle Cruise


Do we have to? That's no fun!


Ok, so it's just the status quo then!

I hate those stupid things hanging on the door...way to put a black mark on our vacation.

I feel like yelling, "I know my vacation is ending! Leave me alone!"

Well, it looks as if it was a GOOD thing you didn't have your CC and had to go back or you'd have been on a really crowded bus.

::yes:: The Pixie Fairy saw that I was going to have a wait so sent me back to my room.

Nice move on getting close to the wall; I do that often and then all those "clustered" are still in after me.

It's what all the cool kids are doing these days.

Nice pic of your nephew on the Mine Ride. ;)

:laughing: Thanks!
Wish I'd gotten some nice pics like yours.

I don't think I've ever heard anyone being "stopped" on Peter Pan. I wonder if it has ever happened???

I've never heard about it, but I wouldn't be surprised if sometime it's happened.

Nice picture of the Tangled tinkle spot.

Thanks! :goodvibes

I'm going to say you end up riding It's a Slow Boat to China just because you were there. I'll say your ADR is at Crystal Palace because you REALLY love Pooh; first attraction After that part of the park opens is Splash Mountain and I will say that your 3 FP+s are for Winnie-the Pooh, Haunted Mansion and Jungle Cruise.


And Andy always plays dirty.

Yes. Yes he does.

Atta boy, Andy.


Your next attraction, (I would say HM, but you said something I wouldn't expect), so POTC.

My second guess for your ADR is Tony's Town Square.

FP+ is probably HM, JC, and Space Mountain.


Small World
Crystal Palace
Jungle Cruise, HM, BTMRR


Of course Andy plays dirty, it's how he's in the lead! He must really want that chocolate!


And Lu just talks dirty!

::yes:: She sure does!!

When you said about "Eat my road grit, liver lips" all I could think about was 'Kiss my grits'!

I think Flo said that on every single episode. At least after the first time she said it.
So tame by todays standards. It probably wouldn't even have gotten noticed.

But that's a direct quote from Chevy Chase in Christmas Vacation.

I can't believe you went back to MK! Being devious again!

It's the last day! Of course I'm going back there! :laughing:

I heard all the subway lines in Toronto are closed. Hope that you weren't planning on riding or they are fixed for you. Wait a minute!!! Maybe it was you that broke them!

No, never had any intention of using them.
We rented a car.

And there's a story about that.
Okay. I'm totally burnt out.
Rest of the shout outs tomorrow.

G'night kiddies.
Gah! The dreaded last day!

Yup. But it could be worse.... could be.....

travel day

And you're sure it's just water?

Ha! Lu beat you to it...



You didn't see this one coming? First time checking in, huh?

Actually, I've never needed a credit card to check in.
But since I decided to upgrade to the Plus seats... well, there's a charge for that.

And that's what I forgot.

We in the U.S. have a special place for guys like you. It's called prison.
If your band had worked, oh, the shocked faces on the other side of that door!

I don't know who would've been more shocked.
"What are you doing sleeping in my room?!?!?"

Yeah. No. It would've been more shocking for them.

You really have lead a charmed existence where the buses are concerned.


(drops to knees with arms held high) WHY, WHY WHY!?!


There is no time for sashaying today, folks.

Well, there is.
Just not right now.

And straight on till morning. Oh, wrong movie reference.

Nope. That's exactly the movie I was thinking of.

Well, yes, now that you mention it. You can tell just me. I can keep a secret.

Are you sure?
Well..... okay.
Here, I'll whisper it so no one else hears.

bzzz bzzz bzzzzz bzzzzzz

1 Mad Tea Party
2 Tony's
3 Splash Mountain
4 Big Thunder Mountain, Pirates of the Caribbean, Jungle Cruise


I think we should vote to give you back your MAN card, then just don't use it on those dance competition trips this year - use your DAD card. See? Genius!

Good idea!
But I fear that my Man card has been permanently revoked.

Yup. Afraid so.

This is the worst souvenir I've ever brought home from Disney :sad:

You brought it home??? :faint:

I wanted to burn mine!

I'm proud that I understood this reference. Thanks to my dad :thumbsup2

:laughing: Thanks for making me feel old!


I wonder if the people in that room were peering at you through the window, thinking you were attempting to break in :rotfl2:

:laughing: I wonder that too.
I hope that they didn't hear anything and just slept right through my attempts.
I don't think I was that noisy.

You are the only person I have ever known to use this word, and I love it. Thank you.

Good thing I don't over-use it then!


YAY! Thanks!

You're welcome! :goodvibes

*pretends I didn't read that* ... Is it.... the inside of a garbage can at ASMU...? :goodvibes

*pretends he believes her* ... Good for you! Way to go!

The only thing I can think this might be is earbuds to ride it's a small world? And since it was right in front of you it does seem logical.. So, with the risk of being penalised for suggesting something so heinous, I'm guessing IASW?!?!

2. Crystal Palace??

3. BTMRR??

4. Splash, 7DMT, Dumbo??

Oh, yeah, I forgot...

Rock the Casbah!!!
"Thinks it's not kosher!!!"

I actually had to Google "Thinks it's not kosher"
I had given up on figuring out those lyrics years ago.

Now I know. And I had no idea of any of the lyrics! :laughing:

LittleKatie-----what do you mean thanks to your dad? How young are you?

Pretty sure she's young enough that her Dad and I could be similar in age.
One of my favorite TR moments of ALL TIME! :rotfl2:

It makes for a good story....
until the enraged man on the other side yanks open the door and beats the
you know what out of me!

This seems to be happening to me lately too. What the heck???

I know! I even went to a website for glasses manufacturers to lodge a complaint.
But I couldn't read the small print on the form so I gave up.

I hate that they're making small print smaller these days too.

I think I got this right, but I am not sure enough to fist pump as I truly can't remember for sure. I am sure you are SHOCKED! BTW, my doctor says there is nothing wrong with my brain.....

Doctors are great aren't they?
Always willing to tell little lies to spare your feelings.


Sweet! I know it sounds crazy, but I kind of look forward to just once visiting WDW all by myself and being able to do stuff like this. :laughing:

It was fun. But at times I sure wished I had someone to share things with.

Double edge sword.

But you lied, because these two are probably the best on-ride photos I have seen in a TR. Gah - you and your stupid photography skills. *sigh* :laughing: Seriously - these are really good pictures!

Thanks! :goodvibes
I guess those aren't bad... but I really wanted some pics from the inside part.
Total fail there.

And I was too stupid to take any other photos outside.

I'm just going to say 7DMT - I know there is no way, but wouldn't it be so cool if you got back on and got tons of cool pictures????


I'm going with Liberty Tree Tavern. Please don't hurt me! :laughing:

:laughing: Okay. And noted.

BTMRR, Buzz, Space.

Nice try using the wrong door for your MB :rotfl2:

I know. How lame can you get, right?
I'm such a loser. :sad2:

First ride when open: splash - that way you have time to dry off


ADR Plaza


Hope your trip went well.

It did! Thanks!

I promise I'll be back to catch up soon!

I'll hold you to that, young lady.

I hope you've had a good week. :goodvibes

I did! Thanks!

I'll catch up Sunday when I return from my sister's :thumbsup2

Hey, look! It's Sunday!

Still waiting.

Yes, I rather think we do, if you're offering.

Is there anything in Toronto? I mean it's Canada. What can you say other than "we built a snowman and slept in an igloo." :rolleyes1

I personally would love a Toronto TR lol...just to see what people who don't live here do when they come here!

Okay. I'll tack it on once the current trip is over.
And there's plenty to do, Andy.
Ride snowmobiles.


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