Canadian Buffoon's Hi Low Vacation - South Central Musings

I did! :wave: ::yes:: Because, of course, the VIP transportation pass couldn't have malfunctioned - but it would *totally* be like our Ponzi to pixie dust a family who needed it. When I read the update, I was all like, "I *knew* it!!!"

::yes:: Yup! You were the only one.

I think I need to change my overall transportation guess now, however. Let's make it 138.

Sorry, that's taken.
I can give you 136 or 139.

I do have to go back and read the update now that I'm on my computer again, so I can see the photos full size...and look for photoshopping...

Now who would do that???

Great MK picture! Absolutely Stunning with all the pumpkins. I loved the one with the little girl and the balloon guy best I think.

EPIC SPASH PHOTO. Not much more can be said about it really.

I can't help but notice that it didn't take you TOO long to start sashaying around.

I noticed Minnie first, then Goofy's weird eye and couldn't figure out which way he was turned to look that creepy! I totally missed Mickey!

Any time, short or otherwise, is a wonderful MK Day!

Now for the contest:
1. No. You are incapable!
2. 7am
3. Hollywood Studios
4. 5 Times
5. 3
6. 10:45pm
7. You walk!
8. Beaches and Cream
9. Bunny

Bonus: Nope. Missed it again. And I am sure I will next time too!
Wow can see your pain.Myself being a male of a certain age dodgy bad backs are a symptom of the growing old thing.Hope it don't last too long.
It might not be too late.
If you're a member, you get the perk.
Or did you already pay for the bags?
Otherwise, when you do, and if there's a fee,
just call WestJet and ask.
They'll probably waive the fee.

I'm really hoping this is the case! I finally applied for the WestJet Mastercard, but I did it online through the bank website (you'd think I would know better), and I received a message that there was an error in processing it. I think it's because my current Mastercard is about to expire, so my new one is in the mail, and they can't do the switch until I have that one in my hand. I'm hoping to get this sorted out in the next few weeks...

Per person!
Even for one person,
that's a savings of $50/round trip.
Two people or two trips
and the card's paid for itself.

This was how I convinced myself it was worth it! Plus that $99 companion flight once/year - we fly to the Maritimes every year and it's so expensive, this will help out huge!

It was the other drivers.
The speed limit in a lot of the city is 35.
My top speed.
But everyone drives closer to 40.
I slow people down.
And they don't like it.

Crazy drivers in Winnipeg?! No!

since the fuel range is only about 100 miles.

Ever seen a sign "Next gas 150 miles"?

I've never seen one of those signs in Manitoba - driving in North Dakota a lot?

Also - you've clearly never drove in Saskatchewan. There's a small town with a gas station every 20 minutes...

"I have a meeting on the East coast." She says.
"Okay." I say.
"In November." Says she.
"Okay." I say.
"Wanna come?" Says she.

Hmmmm..... I really loved going last time.
But that was in the fall... not winter.
Do I really want to go? In winter?

Ohh! What part? All of it in November can majorly suck, but you're from Winnipeg so you're used to humidity in the air on a cold day. It's been a few years since I've been back East in the winter, but there's always lots of snow!

So Ruby and I are heading down
to Vegas for a quick little getaway
in December.

This was something we looked at too when WestJet had that sale! Anaheim won out though.

"I want this she says."
And shows me
this picture:


If I was about a decade younger, I think your daughter and I would be friends. I LOVE Capybaras! It makes sense your daughter would like them, since you did mention you have guinea pigs and they are all from the same family. I actually own degus - even smaller rodents, but related to guinea pigs and chinchillas.

It may have had to do with my
trying to spot the Disney World airport
that was abandoned in the '80s.

I had no idea this existed!

I rented a locker.

I don't think I realized this existed either...

"I'll start with the Hot and Sour soup
(love that) for an appetizer and I'll
have the Char Shiu Pork with white rice."
(Marinated Grilled Pork
served with Chinese Broccoli
and choice of Five-grain or White Rice)

Hmm, I must have missed these when I looked at the menu. Now I'm intrigued and would be willing to eat there...

It did feel a little weird at sucking
up Dr. Slush's balls though.
But I soon got used to it.

On the list of things I never thought I'd say...


Well done! We didn't take any props last time, but we did try to make funny faces for our ride photos. Now you've inspired me to step up my game though...

I had two separate instances of men
saluting me with their drinks.
I toasted them back in return.
I felt like royalty.

Haha, had I saw this, I think I would have done the same.

After exiting the ride,
I headed over to the photo preview area
and, after finding the correct photo,
swiped my MB.
Some people say that it's not necessary,
and all that it accomplishes is that
you now have duplicate copies of the
same photo.

Glad to know I'm not the only one who does this!

Probably had put the camera away
to just enjoy the effects.

How dare you actually enjoy the ride, and not take wonderful pictures to share with us! :P

Ah. Got it.
Bob Dole.
I knew it was one of those.

Anyway, got one of Bob Dole's treats.

At first, I didn't realize Bob Dole was a real person (I had to google it). I thought you were making a Bob Cole joke, and all I could think was "wow, that's the most Canadian thing pkondz has wrote in this entire report".

And then I heard the voice:
"If you can hear me, clap two times!"
<clap> <clap>
"If you can hear me, clap three times!"
<clap> <clap> <clap>

Ha! I used to work as a camp counselor, and we used to do this all the time to quiet down the kids!

I took a shot of my location to pass the time.

Can I get a Mastercard for this airline too?

Is it just me?
Or does Goofy's eye creep you out?
And were you so focused on that,
that you failed to see Minnie?
Or Mickey?
Bonus points if you tell me.

I can't figure out which way Goofy is looking? Is he looking straight ahead and his other eye is hidden? Or is he looking to the side? So weird...

Also - I spotted Minnie first, and then had to go back and search for Mickey once you mentioned him.

Ha! They spelled "Honour" wrong!

Ha! They spell a lot of things wrong there.

An armadillo.
First one I've ever seen.

What?! Now I'm just going to be hunting for armadillos the entire next trip!

My Big Fat Canadian Bonus:

I still stick with my answer. You called it the Canadian bonus, and Canada has a big birthday coming up which inspired my guess.

1. Well, I may have been awake
a fair bit recently. Do I sleep in?

Nope, you are too excited about being in Disney!

2. What time do I wake up?


3. Which park am I first off to today?


4. It's a multi park day!
How many times do I visit the nice folks
at bag check? (Yes, I had a bag to check.)

3 - Epcot, then DHS, then back to Epcot

5. How many times am I asked for directions?
I'll make it easy on you.
0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 times?


6. What time do I get to my room
at the end of the day this time?


7. I use a new method of getting
from one park to another. What is it?
(I've used bus, boat and monorail in the past.)

Walk - from Epcot to DHS.

8. As a matter of fact I do have an ADR.
Two as a matter of fact.
Guess the one that’s not in any park or in Springs.

I'd guess you're eating along the Boardwalk, so I'll say Beaches and Cream

9. What wild animal do I see today?
(On the way to that ADR.)

A squirrel. It's not a very exciting wildlife day.

Bonus: Did you see it?
Be specifically vague.

I mentioned it in a comment above.

Question - is the security speal at the beginning of a flight in both official Canadian languages?

I bent down to pick up Luna,
picked her up and as I handed her to Kay,
felt my back let go.
I let out a little yell and fell over
onto the concrete floor
like a sack of potatoes.

Oh no! Blame it on Space Mountain!
You may be noticing a certain... theme
to the above photos.
I was only going to include one in the TR.
But then I thought... screw it.
Shove 'em all in.
So... Voila.

And they are all awesome! And especially cool since I haven't been to WDW when they were up.

A quick left at the castle,
a short stroll down the lane.
(I wasn't feeling like sashaying
at this point, yet.)

Aww...hoping the sashaying starts soon!

It did feel a little weird at sucking
up Dr. Slush's balls though.
But I soon got used to it.

That does sound weird.

Look at those people.
Tsk. Dreadful.

And their attire... :sad2:
One should always try
to maintain a certain
sense of style.


One of the fringe benefits of doing this,
that I had no idea would happen,
is after the drop, as you go around the turn,
you'll find people watching you.
I had two separate instances of men
saluting me with their drinks.
I toasted them back in return.
I felt like royalty.
Or upper crust, at the very least.:laughing:

Glad you could get some instant gratification, besides waiting to post it here on the TR! (I told my dh about this, to explain why I was laughing, and he may be thinking you are just a teensy bit crazy...)

I pretty much never FP HM.
I will once my original FPs
are used up, if there's one available.
But it's too fast a loading ride
for me to worry about it.
Yes, there can be lines,
but usually, I don't have any issues.

Should'a known this one...

It was right about there that I realized
I was walking in the wrong direction.


I'm not kidding.

I had turned right, out of HM instead of left.

I'm actually semi-famous for doing this. I almost always turn the wrong way when leaving someplace. Not sure why. I just do. So I always need to re-orient myself to make sure I'm going the right way, especially in unfamiliar territory!

Seconds later... I was flying!!
Man, that feeling as your 'ship'
trundles down the track and then...
Lifts off!


And then I heard the voice:
"If you can hear me, clap two times!"
<clap> <clap>

The school drama teacher does this, too.

Is it just me?
Or does Goofy's eye creep you out?
And were you so focused on that,
that you failed to see Minnie?
Or Mickey?
Bonus points if you tell me.

I had to search them all out, but I did see them!

After the ride, I was a little sad.
I think that might be my last time.
It's just too rough on my back.

That sucks. SM is just about my perfect speed for a rollercoaster - just enough speed and turns, but not too much. Especially after I figured out to use croakies so I didn't feel like my glasses were about to fall off!

1. Well, I may have been awake
a fair bit recently. Do I sleep in?

2. What time do I wake up?

3. Which park am I first off to today?

4. It's a multi park day!
How many times do I visit the nice folks
at bag check? (Yes, I had a bag to check.)

5. How many times am I asked for directions?
I'll make it easy on you.
0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 times?

6. What time do I get to my room
at the end of the day this time?

7. I use a new method of getting
from one park to another. What is it?
(I've used bus, boat and monorail in the past.)

8. As a matter of fact I do have an ADR.
Two as a matter of fact.
Guess the one that’s not in any park or in Springs.

9. What wild animal do I see today?
(On the way to that ADR.)

Bonus: Did you see it?
Be specifically vague.

1. No - too excited!
2. 6:15
3. DHS
4. 2
5. 3
6. 11:45 pm
7. walk
8. Beaches and Cream
9. Seagull

Bonus - Yes, I do need to Getaway!

And, change my transportation guess to 139 minutes. Thanks!
Great MK picture! Absolutely Stunning with all the pumpkins.

Thanks! :goodvibes

I loved the one with the little girl and the balloon guy best I think.

I really liked that one too.
It was just one of those
"Oh! Look!" moments.

EPIC SPASH PHOTO. Not much more can be said about it really.

:laughing: Glad you liked it!

I can't help but notice that it didn't take you TOO long to start sashaying around.

Nope. Kinda hard to stay
bummed out at Disney.

I noticed Minnie first, then Goofy's weird eye and couldn't figure out which way he was turned to look that creepy! I totally missed Mickey!

So it's not just me
that thinks it looks creepy.

Any time, short or otherwise, is a wonderful MK Day!


Now for the contest:
1. No. You are incapable!
2. 7am
3. Hollywood Studios
4. 5 Times
5. 3
6. 10:45pm
7. You walk!
8. Beaches and Cream
9. Bunny


Bonus: Nope. Missed it again. And I am sure I will next time too!

Well, ya never know...
Wow can see your pain.Myself being a male of a certain age dodgy bad backs are a symptom of the growing old thing.Hope it don't last too long.

Thanks Mac.
Yeah getting old ain't the joyful
experience I thought it would be.

At least not right now.
I'm really hoping this is the case! I finally applied for the WestJet Mastercard, but I did it online through the bank website (you'd think I would know better), and I received a message that there was an error in processing it. I think it's because my current Mastercard is about to expire, so my new one is in the mail, and they can't do the switch until I have that one in my hand. I'm hoping to get this sorted out in the next few weeks...

As long as you get it
a. before you travel. And;
b. before you make any large purchases.

This was how I convinced myself it was worth it! Plus that $99 companion flight once/year - we fly to the Maritimes every year and it's so expensive, this will help out huge!

Don't know if you know,
but it's more than just $99
for North American travel now.

For $299 you can travel to
Hawaii, Mexico, Central America or the Caribbean.

For $399 you can travel to
you can fly to Europe.

All the above do not include
taxes and fees though.
I think our Vegas voucher
was $124.

Crazy drivers in Winnipeg?! No!

Not that I've ever seen.


I've never seen one of those signs in Manitoba - driving in North Dakota a lot?

Travel in the northern half of Manitoba
and you will.

And we do plenty of ND driving.
Too much.

Too dull.

Also - you've clearly never drove in Saskatchewan. There's a small town with a gas station every 20 minutes...

Of course there are!
I've seen 'Corner Gas'.

Ohh! What part? All of it in November can majorly suck, but you're from Winnipeg so you're used to humidity in the air on a cold day. It's been a few years since I've been back East in the winter, but there's always lots of snow!

I don't even know which part, actually.
And usually, the cold is dry here.

If I'm going to the maritimes,
I'll wait for a better time, thanks.

This was something we looked at too when WestJet had that sale! Anaheim won out though.

Pretty good choice.
But Ruby had specifically
mentioned Vegas, so...

If I was about a decade younger, I think your daughter and I would be friends. I LOVE Capybaras! It makes sense your daughter would like them, since you did mention you have guinea pigs and they are all from the same family.

Ah! A kindred spirit.

I actually own degus - even smaller rodents, but related to guinea pigs and chinchillas.

Oh, cool!
Kay would love that.

Have you ever petted a chinchilla?
Talk about soft fur!

I had no idea this existed!

I didn't either until recently.

I don't think I realized this existed either...

I knew about it,
but had no reason to rent one
until that day.

Hmm, I must have missed these when I looked at the menu. Now I'm intrigued and would be willing to eat there...

The soup was very tasty
(if you like hot & sour.)
And the pork was quite good as well.

I'm just sorry I couldn't try
the Kungaloosh.

Well done! We didn't take any props last time, but we did try to make funny faces for our ride photos. Now you've inspired me to step up my game though...

You both looked appropriately
terrified though! :laughing:

Haha, had I saw this, I think I would have done the same.

::yes:: It was great.
Reminded me of those
commercials where they
give a guy the slow clap.

Glad to know I'm not the only one who does this!

And it was a good thing I did.

How dare you actually enjoy the ride, and not take wonderful pictures to share with us! :P

:laughing: Sorry!

At first, I didn't realize Bob Dole was a real person (I had to google it). I thought you were making a Bob Cole joke, and all I could think was "wow, that's the most Canadian thing pkondz has wrote in this entire report".

I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
But I doubt any of my
American readers wouldn't
know him.

Ha! I used to work as a camp counselor, and we used to do this all the time to quiet down the kids!

You're the second person
to say they've used that
with kids.

Can I get a Mastercard for this airline too?

Interest is a very reasonable
45% starting at moment of purchase.

I can't figure out which way Goofy is looking? Is he looking straight ahead and his other eye is hidden? Or is he looking to the side? So weird...

You know... I'm not entirely sure...

Also - I spotted Minnie first, and then had to go back and search for Mickey once you mentioned him.

Mickey's pretty hidden.

Ha! They spell a lot of things wrong there.


What?! Now I'm just going to be hunting for armadillos the entire next trip!

:laughing: Good luck!
I've only seen the one.

I still stick with my answer. You called it the Canadian bonus, and Canada has a big birthday coming up which inspired my guess.

Ah! I see that now.

1. Well, I may have been awake
a fair bit recently. Do I sleep in?

Nope, you are too excited about being in Disney!

2. What time do I wake up?


3. Which park am I first off to today?


4. It's a multi park day!
How many times do I visit the nice folks
at bag check? (Yes, I had a bag to check.)

3 - Epcot, then DHS, then back to Epcot

5. How many times am I asked for directions?
I'll make it easy on you.
0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 times?


6. What time do I get to my room
at the end of the day this time?


7. I use a new method of getting
from one park to another. What is it?
(I've used bus, boat and monorail in the past.)

Walk - from Epcot to DHS.

8. As a matter of fact I do have an ADR.
Two as a matter of fact.
Guess the one that’s not in any park or in Springs.

I'd guess you're eating along the Boardwalk, so I'll say Beaches and Cream

9. What wild animal do I see today?
(On the way to that ADR.)

A squirrel. It's not a very exciting wildlife day.


Question - is the security speal at the beginning of a flight in both official Canadian languages?

We skip that stuff.
If we crash,
it's not likely that anyone
will survive anyways.

And we tell people
In Pig Latin.

Oh no! Blame it on Space Mountain!

Well.... Yeah!
I should sue!
What do you think
I can get from Disney?
And they are all awesome! And especially cool since I haven't been to WDW when they were up.

I love the fall decorations.

Aww...hoping the sashaying starts soon!

It did.
Didn't take too long.

That does sound weird.


Thanks! :goodvibes

Glad you could get some instant gratification, besides waiting to post it here on the TR!

That was so unexpected...
And so great!

(I told my dh about this, to explain why I was laughing, and he may be thinking you are just a teensy bit crazy...)

He may be just a teensy bit right.

I'm actually semi-famous for doing this. I almost always turn the wrong way when leaving someplace. Not sure why. I just do. So I always need to re-orient myself to make sure I'm going the right way, especially in unfamiliar territory!

Wow! I've got a semi-famous
person reading my report!
How cool is that?

Answer: Semi-cool.

Oh yes.
Definitely yes.

The school drama teacher does this, too.

That makes three people so far...

I had to search them all out, but I did see them!

One sort of leads to the next, no?

That sucks. SM is just about my perfect speed for a rollercoaster - just enough speed and turns, but not too much. Especially after I figured out to use croakies so I didn't feel like my glasses were about to fall off!

Okay... what the heck are "croakies"???

1. No - too excited!
2. 6:15
3. DHS
4. 2
5. 3
6. 11:45 pm
7. walk
8. Beaches and Cream
9. Seagull


Bonus - Yes, I do need to Getaway!

We all do.

And, change my transportation guess to 139 minutes. Thanks!

1. Well, I may have been awake
a fair bit recently. Do I sleep in?

Mr. Pkondz sir. I think I am going to need more information on what you consider sleeping in. There are many variations for people who sleep in. For example, each day I am up at 5:45 AM to get ready and get myself to work. Sleeping in for me would be sleeping past 5:45. So If I slept til 6 or 7 AM, that would be sleeping in to me. A person working a 4PM to midnight shift may not get to sleep until 2 in the morning. There sleeping in may be sleeping in til 11 am or 12 noon.

So what's your definition of sleeping in at WDW? Ours would be sleeping til the time the parks open and then getting to them later. Once I know your definition I will answer this question. Plus I'm trying to buy time until Lady H finishes traveling to nearby cities for work and comes home.
Mr. Pkondz sir. I think I am going to need more information on what you consider sleeping in. There are many variations for people who sleep in. For example, each day I am up at 5:45 AM to get ready and get myself to work. Sleeping in for me would be sleeping past 5:45. So If I slept til 6 or 7 AM, that would be sleeping in to me. A person working a 4PM to midnight shift may not get to sleep until 2 in the morning. There sleeping in may be sleeping in til 11 am or 12 noon.

So what's your definition of sleeping in at WDW? Ours would be sleeping til the time the parks open and then getting to them later. Once I know your definition I will answer this question. Plus I'm trying to buy time until Lady H finishes traveling to nearby cities for work and comes home.

I'll go with... what you said.
Sleeping in to the point where the parks are already open,
or at the very least I can't make rope drop.

When's Heather home?
Are you having beer and pizza
every day for dinner?
I did! :wave: ::yes:: Because, of course, the VIP transportation pass couldn't have malfunctioned - but it would *totally* be like our Ponzi to pixie dust a family who needed it. When I read the update, I was all like, "I *knew* it!!!"

Actually, one person did.

Well, there you go! One person still has faith in you!

Actually, not sure if you were
around then or not,
my first TR had quite a bit
of airport drama as well.
It may have been the best
part of the TR.

I think I missed out on that one. I'll have to go back and find it sometime!

It should get better.
Our trainee is almost done,
hopefully just a few more weeks.

We've also been told that
there might be two more coming.

From your lips to God's ears. Hope it eases up on you soon.

Only reason I went there
was of others' PTRs.

So... I stole the idea.
I have no shame.

Isn't that why we're all here? To steal each others' good ideas?

No burgers.
No chicken nuggets.

And that right there
is why a lot of people
don't care for it.

I on the other hand,
appreciate the opportunity
to get non-park food somewhere.

I don't mind changing things up a bit, either. I think it's the attempts at fancy descriptions of food that turns me off. I just assume I won't like it. Whereas "pork chops and rice with green stuff you can shove to the side" would appeal to me!

You've never read The Tell-Tale Heart
in highschool???

Well, sure! But high school was a long, long, loooooong time ago.

Hit a nerve, did I?

More like a neurve.

When I was 7, I wanted
to stay 7 for the rest of my life.

You were a much wiser 7-year-old than the rest of us.
So sorry to see you hurt your back. I hope today is better. At least it happened after your trip.
Well, there you go! One person still has faith in you!

We'll see how long that lasts!

Isn't that why we're all here? To steal each others' good ideas?

Well, yeah, but...
We steal 'em
and pass 'em off as our own
so we look smart.

I'm just too dumb
to keep my mouth shut.

I don't mind changing things up a bit, either. I think it's the attempts at fancy descriptions of food that turns me off. I just assume I won't like it. Whereas "pork chops and rice with green stuff you can shove to the side" would appeal to me!

And that's exactly what I did.
I took one little bite...


<shove to the side.>

Well, sure! But high school was a long, long, loooooong time ago.

It's been a lot longer for me,
and I remember it.

Kids these days.

More like a neurve.

Sorry abot that. Of corse yo're right.

You were a much wiser 7-year-old than the rest of us.

It's when I peaked.
It's been all downhill
since then.


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