Canadian Buffoon's Hi Low Vacation - South Central Musings

Sfof.... Sfefefms fas if the ,littlefsf havef mefsfsfefd fup thef kefy bofarfdf.... sfefef thef cofnsftfanft *f*sf intefrfefrefnce...sfof until I geft tof thef sftofref and refplace thef kefy bofard....

Well that totally sucks.

Wait! Wait!

You are
literally going to go to the store
and tell them to get the F out!


sfincef yofu misfsfefd it ofn yofur ridef tof MK... thef allusivef Disfnefy airpofrt...(will dof cofntefsft quefsftiofnsf ofncef thefy aref morfef cofhefrefnt)


Thanks for that one.
I've seen other shots of it,
but not that one. Cool!
Oh no! Heating pads might help alternating with ice packs...

Doing the heating pad thing,
but then I get too hot.
And it's really,
really hard
to move it out of the way.

It's just gonna take time.

1. No.

2. 8 am

3. Epcot

4. 2

5. 3

6. 10: 30 pm

7. magic carpet haha
But, seriously: uber / taxi

8. Beaches and cream

9. gecko/lizard (bound to be correct sometime-maybe)

Bonus:They let you do that anywhere, huh? ;)

*that splash photo is awesome!!
OK, I totally appreciate that you got the update in early. I read it at 4AM after you posted it. However, I have not had the time to do anything other than read on the phone. I still don't have suitcases in the car, but we're close.

I'm going to quote everything on your update and hopefully I can get there from my phone waiting for the plane tomorrow.
I'll remind you that you said that soon...:rolleyes1

Oooohhhh.... crap.
I think I know what you're referring to.



You know them too!

:thumbsup2 That's such a better tip than trying to remember the correct painting to stand under!


:rotfl: My oddball has been obsessed with all things clocks and watches for about a year or so now. As she gets older she gets more obsessed. DH and I were out shopping a while back and stumbled across a Big Ben Halloween costume. Knowing she would flip out at the idea of getting to be a clock for Halloween we got it for her. Then in a homeschooling moment decided to find some videos about Big Ben for her to watch so she would know what she was dressing up as. Ever since she has been fixated on all things Big Ben. :rotfl:

That is the most.... random thing
I've ever heard of a little girl being
obsessed with! :laughing:
I suppose she knows that Big Ben
actually is the hour bell?

Its a pretty effective method. It usually takes no more than 3-5 minutes. I think it might have taken me 7 minutes once when I had no voice at all and the kids were especially loud.

No voice? Try a squirt gun.

Just me, then.

We'll see how you did, next update.

Started day with some Little Miss melt-downs and topped it off with an utter Failure of a Pumpkin bread recipe.

Oh, that's too bad.
The melt downs will lessen.
And hopefully the bread will rise!

:eek: Oh NO!!!!!!!!!

:sad2: Yeah...

Hope you get better soon! pixiedust:

Thanks. Just gonna take time.
OK, I totally appreciate that you got the update in early.

Just for you Alison.
Well... Carrie too.
Because otherwise she'd kill me.

I read it at 4AM after you posted it.

Makes sense, I posted it at 3am.

However, I have not had the time to do anything other than read on the phone. I still don't have suitcases in the car, but we're close.

I would've been shocked
if you had them in the car.
Heck I'm shocked that you're close!

I'm going to quote everything on your update and hopefully I can get there from my phone waiting for the plane tomorrow.

Good luck!
I hate trying to DIS with my phone/iPod.

And I said it over on your thread, but...
Have a great trip!
Makes sense, I posted it at 3am.

I think you're at least a couple hours ahead of me....

I would've been shocked
if you had them in the car.
Heck I'm shocked that you're close!

I actually slept some last night!!!! There's a spoiler for the TR! But now I'm up.

Hope your back is feeling better.

Good luck!
I hate trying to DIS with my phone/iPod.

And I said it over on your thread, but...
Have a great trip!

Thank you. I sooooooo need this vacation!

And no I never got a chance to quote what I wanted to on the computer last night.
1. No
2. 7 am
3. Epcot
4. 3
5. 3
6. 11:30 pm
7. Taxi
8. Kona
9. Alligator
I feel that writing about that first day,
the trials and tribulations of merely
getting to Disney World,
sets the tone for the entire TR.
And it's my style.

So for better or worse,
there it is.

It's a trip report. That's part of the trip. Besides, we've seen in other instances that things...don't always go as planned at the airport.:rolleyes1

Made even better when a Monorail
passed by directly overhead.

Like bacon and cheese, monorails make everything better.

As for my backpack,
they only gave it a cursory look.
It almost seemed as if
they started to look... but gave up.

Geez, I know there's stuff in there, but...


You don't need to see inside the bag. These aren't the droids you're looking for. You can go about your business. Move along.

Next up is something I'd never done before.

I rented a locker.

Oh. Well, that's...less exciting than what I had imagined.

Soak it in, people.

Way ahead of you.

It's funny.
Every time I first get to Magic Kingdom,
and I cross the threshold into the park
or see the castle for the first time...
I get goose bumps and I break out
into a silly grin.

But not this time.
I wasn't feeling it.
I wasn't feeling much of anything.

Actually... I was...

Wishing I hadn't come.

Yep. Absolutely. Me, too. Every ti--

Wait, what??

You know what the problem was?
Burn out.

No. Not because I'd been essentially
awake for Gawd knows how long.
It was shift after shift after shift at work.
It was working until I couldn't work anymore,
and then working some more.
It was working 32 hours out of every 40.

Oh, man. I knew it was bad, but this...

If your job is even stealing Disney joy while you're on vacation, that's a big problem!

Man it felt good to be back!

I really needed this vacation.
I needed....


Ah...that's better. Glad you could settle in.

You may be noticing a certain... theme
to the above photos.
I was only going to include one in the TR.
But then I thought... screw it.
Shove 'em all in.
So... Voila.

Dude. You were ON your photo game here. I can't quote all the great shots, but these are just fantastic!:thumbsup2

But I'm not eating here, so I walked on by.

Ha! Kidding!
You were just thinking
"Oh, that pkondz fooled me again!"

Crap. I should have guessed that one. Truth be told, it's still new in my mind and I keep forgetting it's there.

A couple of pics of the waiting area:

Ooooh, maps. I'm good. Entertainment for hours!

Free water!
It was hot, so I may have imbibed.

Wait, free? What's the catch?

A quick look around:

Me likey. Neat decor.

The server came back and she asked if
I wanted her to point out her favourites.
I said "Yes", so she did.
<pointing vaguely>
"That one. And that one. And that one."

Yup. Just like on the ride.

I love it already!:love:

The drink?
I liked it.
If you've ever had bubble tea,
drinking it was like that.
You'd sip from the over-sized straw
and suck up the "boba balls".

It did feel a little weird at sucking
up Dr. Slush's balls though.
But I soon got used to it.


Looks good?
It was.

It does look good. I was a little skittish when I first looked at the menu. I mean, no burgers.

"So? How is it safari?"

And when I finished:
"Did you leave room to
travel through the desert?"

It's a Dad Joke restaurant! Perfect1

Is there any better feeling in the World
then walking by hundreds of
sweating, tired guests
as they stand in an unmoving line?

No. At least, none that I can think of right now.

When one is trying to enjoy the finer
things in life, the absolute last
thing one would want
is a bevy of buffoons
hooting and hollering
and carrying on
in a ridiculous manner.

Hmm. Maybe it's better you didn't meet up with us, then.


Well done, sir!

This is made even better by the fact that the book is an airport bookstore-type monster novel.

One of the fringe benefits of doing this,
that I had no idea would happen,
is after the drop, as you go around the turn,
you'll find people watching you.
I had two separate instances of men
saluting me with their drinks.
I toasted them back in return.
I felt like royalty.
Or upper crust, at the very least.:laughing:

That's awesome. How often can you do that?

Which is back the way I came, or...
You know, I've never taken the train
all the way around the park.
I've only gone from Main St.
to Frontierland.

Time for another new experience!

Good call!

I climbed the stairs and of course
the train was waiting there for me.
I believe I was the last,
or next to last person aboard.

Wait time, zero seconds.

I guess that Disney Bus Pass was burned out at first, too, and also needed to recover.

I must admit though,
the ride didn't start off too great.
Knowing one of my favourite rides, BTMRR,
was down for refurb was bad enough.
But to see it with scaffolding all over it?


I hear ya. Sorry for causing the avalanche a couple of pages back, by the way.

As the train pulled away,
I stuck my tongue out and shouted
"Nyah! Nyah!" at them.
I think they appreciated the gesture.
As a matter of fact, several waved at me
with at least one finger in the air.
Nice people.

You're #1!

Still on top of the photo game. Great shot.

And most of you already know
where I'm probably headed.
And you're right.
Haunted Mansion.

But if you guessed I had a FP for it,
then I'm afraid you're wrong.

Son of a...

That coffin scene is what got
my love affair with Disney started.
I distinctly remember seeing that
on an episode of "Wonderful World of Disney"
when I was a kid.
I knew I wanted to see it for myself, some day.
So every time I see it,
it brings me right back to that day
in front of the (black and white) TV.

I love this.

Always ready to help with the kindling.
Melts my heart.

She's a keeper, that's for sure.

It was right about there that I realized
I was walking in the wrong direction.

I'm not kidding.


I reversed my steps and was soon at
Peter Pan within my FP window of
6:40 - 7:40pm.
Seconds later... I was flying!!
Man, that feeling as your 'ship'
trundles down the track and then...
Lifts off!

Gets me every time.

That's the one that brings me back to my childhood. So cool.

(Did you notice the water bottle?
What kind of jerk tosses a water bottle
while riding Peter Pan???)

Unbelievable. There's a plastic spoon down there, too. What is with people?

Problem solved.
I just stuck my face in it
and inhaled.

Sooooo good.

Story checks out.


I finished my Dole whip.
(And when I say 'finished'
I mean 'devoured like a crazed hyena'.)

That was implied with the first sentence.

Next up, Seven Little Ones Ore-extraction Train!
(Or SLOOT for short.)

Not bad. That might grow on me.

This photo rates a WOW! Unbelievable shot.:thumbsup2

We began to see people leaving.
"Sorry folks! Ride's closed!
Mouse outside should've told you."

"Some a------ threw a plastic water bottle into the gears."

My tripod has a ball head on it
that connects to a quick release plate
that attaches to the bottom of the camera.
The plate that I, in my haste,
had left in the room.
The plate that, without which,
renders the tripod unusable.

We have met the enemy...and it is us.

I wondered what the speaker would do
if I clapped four times?
"You! You can't hear me!"


Celebrate the Magic started.
I wondered how that would be,
considering I was viewing the castle
from the side...
And it was fine.
They project on the sides of the castle too.
I don't know about the backside of the castle.

Interesting. Good little tidbit to know.

But I sure didn't see anything!

Stupid CM!
Why didn't he say:
"No! Seriously! You won't see it!"

As if a CM would know what he was talking about.

No Wishes photos, sorry.
But then again,
how many of those have you seen?
2? 3?.... thousand?

Might be on the low side.

I made up for my lack of Wishes photos
by taking an embarrassing amount
of MSEP pictures.
Which means now you have to suffer
through them.


I mean, uh, yay!

Is it just me?
Or does Goofy's eye creep you out?
And were you so focused on that,
that you failed to see Minnie?
Or Mickey?
Bonus points if you tell me.

Nah, didn't bother me. I mean, all of the characters are one-eyed in that photo.

They don't make feather dusters
like they used to.

:rotfl2: Not quite a wardrobe malfunction, but...

Ha! They spelled "Honour" wrong!

Hey! That float is pure 'Merican, buddy!

I wandered over to JC, since I'd been told
that riding it at night was like
riding a whole different ride.
But with a posted wait time of 60 minutes...

Yeah, no thanks.

But a posted wait time of 30 minutes
dissuaded me.
I'll do 20, but no more.
Unless it's one of my top favourite rides.
And 7DMT ain't one of them.

That's about my limit, too. I can handle 30 if I really love the ride. After that, we're really pushing it.

I sashayed down past the Speedway
and eventually found myself
in front of Space Mountain.
Posted wait time of 20 minutes.
I got in line.
The wait turned out to be pretty close
at 15 minutes.

Much better. That's a winner.

After the ride, I was a little sad.
I think that might be my last time.
It's just too rough on my back.

How'd I get old?
Just yesterday I was a kid!
Still am at heart,
but the body? Not so much.
I'm filling out a formal complaint.

Well, that stinks.

Remember when we were little, and we couldn't wait to grow up? We were idiots.

"Don't you talk to yo gramma like that.
You gotta fetch it to ketch it!"

I had never heard that expression before!
But it was brilliant!

I'm going to have to find a way to work that into conversation.

I hung back and let them precede me
in the line.
There was already a fair amount of people
in line, so I didn't know if it would really matter.
Still, let them go first, 'cause I've been there.

Good man. I doubt any of us guessed that the delay was due to you being a gentleman, though.:rolleyes1

No. Not a cat.
An armadillo.
First one I've ever seen.


Huh. There's one from Disney
saying I could ride 7DMT
anytime I wanted... yesterday.

Sounds like the story of my life.

1. Well, I may have been awake
a fair bit recently. Do I sleep in?

Well, now, that's a subjective question. I mean, you work weird hours, so what's "sleeping in" for you? 3:00 a.m.? Or is there an average vacation schedule that calls for a certain wake-up time?

Well, I guess it's a 50/50 shot. I'll say no, because you're a Rope Drop kinda guy.

2. What time do I wake up?

6:30 a.m.

3. Which park am I first off to today?

Hollywood Studios

4. It's a multi park day!
How many times do I visit the nice folks
at bag check? (Yes, I had a bag to check.)


5. How many times am I asked for directions?
I'll make it easy on you.
0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 times?


6. What time do I get to my room
at the end of the day this time?

11:04:36 p.m.

7. I use a new method of getting
from one park to another. What is it?
(I've used bus, boat and monorail in the past.)

Your feet, taking the path from DHS to Boardwalk to Epcot.

8. As a matter of fact I do have an ADR.
Two as a matter of fact.
Guess the one that’s not in any park or in Springs.

Yachtsman Steakhouse?

9. What wild animal do I see today?
(On the way to that ADR.)


Bonus: Did you see it?
Be specifically vague.

Answer cloaked in inviso-text:

Yes--I had no idea Disney was so hard up for cash that they're now renting ad space in Frontierland.
Oooohhhh.... crap.
I think I know what you're referring to.

Still time! My general rule is you can change your answer all you want till the next post comes out. Of coarse the mad rushing of select 2 or 3 of you that will pick up on the hint I just dropped should clue in the others as well. :rotfl2:

That is the most.... random thing
I've ever heard of a little girl being
obsessed with! :laughing:
:rotfl: I know right! It gets awkward when said little girl runs up to strangers and grabs their wrist so she can see their watch and ask if it counts. :rotfl:

I suppose she knows that Big Ben
actually is the hour bell?
::yes:: This video explained everything.
If I'm being honest, I enjoyed watching it as much as she did. Of course, she now wants to be a Big Ben Clock Keeper when she grows up.:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

No voice? Try a squirt gun.
:rotfl: with that group of kids..... I was tempted a time or two! ::yes::

Oh, that's too bad.
The melt downs will lessen.
And hopefully the bread will rise!
The meltdowns were exhaustion induced from partying too hard with Nana all weekend. (She spent the weekend with my parents because it was my and DH's 9th wedding anniversary) Nothing a few good naps can't undo. ::yes::

The bread was a lost cause. I wasn't paying attention and added 2 tablespoons of baking soda instead of teaspoons. Made for a good lesson for Little Miss though so not all was lost.

Thanks. Just gonna take time.
I think you're at least a couple hours ahead of me....

Yep. Exactly two.

I actually slept some last night!!!!

Good! That's a first, isn't it?

There's a spoiler for the TR! But now I'm up.

Well, that's not too bad.
Especially if you slept.

Hope your back is feeling better.

Nope. Not yet.
It'll be probably at least another day
before I can even stand.

Thank you. I sooooooo need this vacation!

And no I never got a chance to quote what I wanted to on the computer last night.

Go and enjoy yourselves.
And not to worry about the quoting,
probably will be a bit before the next
chapter shows up.
Good man. I doubt any of us guessed that the delay was due to you being a gentleman, though.:rolleyes1

I did! :wave: ::yes:: Because, of course, the VIP transportation pass couldn't have malfunctioned - but it would *totally* be like our Ponzi to pixie dust a family who needed it. When I read the update, I was all like, "I *knew* it!!!"

I think I need to change my overall transportation guess now, however. Let's make it 138.

I do have to go back and read the update now that I'm on my computer again, so I can see the photos full size...and look for photoshopping...
It's a trip report. That's part of the trip. Besides, we've seen in other instances that things...don't always go as planned at the airport.:rolleyes1

Yep, I may have read something
along those lines recently.

Actually, not sure if you were
around then or not,
my first TR had quite a bit
of airport drama as well.
It may have been the best
part of the TR.

Like bacon and cheese, monorails make everything better.


You don't need to see inside the bag. These aren't the droids you're looking for. You can go about your business. Move along.

I did that, but wasn't
sure if it was just a
coincidence that it happened.

Oh. Well, that's...less exciting than what I had imagined.

I said it was new.
I didn't say it was exciting.

Yep. Absolutely. Me, too. Every ti--

Wait, what??

Yeah... I know.

Oh, man. I knew it was bad, but this...

If your job is even stealing Disney joy while you're on vacation, that's a big problem!

It should get better.
Our trainee is almost done,
hopefully just a few more weeks.

We've also been told that
there might be two more coming.

Ah...that's better. Glad you could settle in.

It took a while,
but I guess it was

Dude. You were ON your photo game here. I can't quote all the great shots, but these are just fantastic!:thumbsup2

Thanks! :goodvibes

Crap. I should have guessed that one. Truth be told, it's still new in my mind and I keep forgetting it's there.

Only reason I went there
was of others' PTRs.

So... I stole the idea.
I have no shame.

Ooooh, maps. I'm good. Entertainment for hours!


Wait, free? What's the catch?

Park admission.

Me likey. Neat decor.

Yeah, I was pretty pleased with
what I saw there.

I love it already!:love:

:laughing: It took everything I had
to not burst out laughing.

It does look good. I was a little skittish when I first looked at the menu. I mean, no burgers.

No burgers.
No chicken nuggets.

And that right there
is why a lot of people
don't care for it.

I on the other hand,
appreciate the opportunity
to get non-park food somewhere.

No. At least, none that I can think of right now.

That's what I thought too.

Hmm. Maybe it's better you didn't meet up with us, then.

:laughing: Oh, I think I could handle it
for a few minutes....

Or maybe not...


Well done, sir!

:laughing: Thanks!

This is made even better by the fact that the book is an airport bookstore-type monster novel.

When one reads a novel,
one should ensure that it is
at least entertaining.

That's awesome. How often can you do that?

Possibly never again.
It was maybe better
than getting the photo.

I guess that Disney Bus Pass was burned out at first, too, and also needed to recover.

But that doesn't explain...


I hear ya. Sorry for causing the avalanche a couple of pages back, by the way.

Oh, no. It's all good.
If you researched,
or read the chatter in the
last TR... the info was there.

You're #1!

Woo, hoo!

Still on top of the photo game. Great shot.

Thanks again! :)

I love this.

It really was.
I saw that and
knew I had
to go to Disney some day.

She's a keeper, that's for sure.

Tends to not stay kept, though.

That's the one that brings me back to my childhood. So cool.

I'll never forget that first lift off.
I had no idea that was
going to happen.

Unbelievable. There's a plastic spoon down there, too. What is with people?

I dunno.
You couldn't wait until you
got off the ride?
There's a garbage can
right outside the ride
for Pete's sake.


This photo rates a WOW! Unbelievable shot.:thumbsup2

Thanks! I don't mind that one myself.

"Some a------ threw a plastic water bottle into the gears."

Ya know... that wouldn't surprise me.

We have met the enemy...and it is us.


As if a CM would know what he was talking about.

They're no different than bus drivers.


I mean, uh, yay!

Uh, huh.

Nah, didn't bother me. I mean, all of the characters are one-eyed in that photo.

You've never read The Tell-Tale Heart
in highschool???

:rotfl2: Not quite a wardrobe malfunction, but...

Now that would've been entertaining!

Hey! That float is pure 'Merican, buddy!

Hit a nerve, did I?

That's about my limit, too. I can handle 30 if I really love the ride. After that, we're really pushing it.


Remember when we were little, and we couldn't wait to grow up? We were idiots.

When I was 7, I wanted
to stay 7 for the rest of my life.

I'm going to have to find a way to work that into conversation.

And you've got kids
that you can use it on!

Good man. I doubt any of us guessed that the delay was due to you being a gentleman, though.:rolleyes1

Actually, one person did.

Well, now, that's a subjective question. I mean, you work weird hours, so what's "sleeping in" for you? 3:00 a.m.? Or is there an average vacation schedule that calls for a certain wake-up time?

Well, I guess it's a 50/50 shot. I'll say no, because you're a Rope Drop kinda guy.

6:30 a.m.

Hollywood Studios



11:04:36 p.m.

Your feet, taking the path from DHS to Boardwalk to Epcot.

Yachtsman Steakhouse?



Answer cloaked in inviso-text:

Still time! My general rule is you can change your answer all you want till the next post comes out. Of coarse the mad rushing of select 2 or 3 of you that will pick up on the hint I just dropped should clue in the others as well. :rotfl2:

Changed my answer!

:rotfl: I know right! It gets awkward when said little girl runs up to strangers and grabs their wrist so she can see their watch and ask if it counts. :rotfl:

:rotfl: She does that!?!?!?

::yes:: This video explained everything.

That was cool!

If I'm being honest, I enjoyed watching it as much as she did.

Me too!
Loved how he corrected the time
with a penny.

I used to have to set the clock
when I worked in Lynn Lake, MB.
(Don't know if she knows maps yet,
but you could show her.)

Clocks have to be accurate in aviation,
so it was a daily task.

We would tune into a high frequency
station that would broadcast
the exact Greenwich mean time.

Of course, she now wants to be a Big Ben Clock Keeper when she grows up.:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

:laughing: Well, why not!
But... winding for an hour and a half! :eek:

:rotfl: with that group of kids..... I was tempted a time or two! ::yes::


The meltdowns were exhaustion induced from partying too hard with Nana all weekend.

That's what Nana's are for.
"I wound her up, now she's all yours!"

(She spent the weekend with my parents because it was my and DH's 9th wedding anniversary) Nothing a few good naps can't undo. ::yes::

Happy Anniversary!
What's your exact date? October.....?

The bread was a lost cause. I wasn't paying attention and added 2 tablespoons of baking soda instead of teaspoons. Made for a good lesson for Little Miss though so not all was lost.

Kay did something like that recently.
And yup. Good lesson.


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