Canadian Buffoon's Back to Front Vacation - Update! 05/18 - Falling Down

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I'm going to have to come back and read, cuz I gotta get my day started.
Word of advice. Customs agents do not
want to see you with your designer sunglasses on.
I made that mistake once.

First time I ever crossed the border on my own I cross with a baseball cap, sunglasses and my hood up when I arrived. As a 19 year old hooligan. I was thoroughly searched.

I forgot to quote(on my phone) but new wipers are one of the best feelings.

Also I’m checking in!
I was gonna not follow this thread because the pain of having to miss our most epic DISmeet with you and @Tracy161 was probably going to cause me enough trauma for life.
Or at least for the next 10 seconds...

But I clicked on "Watch Thread" anyways. :cutie:
Maybe I can photoshop myself into whatever pictures you took, you know, like my head sticking out of a coffee mug or something. :idea:

PS. I hope you enjoyed the concert. I got tickets to Elton John in March in NYC!
I was gonna not follow this thread because the pain of having to miss our most epic DISmeet with you and @Tracy161 was probably going to cause me enough trauma for life.

Oh, no!
Scarred for life!

Or at least for the next 10 seconds...

So... you're saying
you're over it already.

Well, that was quick.

But I clicked on "Watch Thread" anyways. :cutie:

:welcome: to the TR, Su-Lynn!

Maybe I can photoshop myself into whatever pictures you took, you know, like my head sticking out of a coffee mug or something. :idea:

If it'll help, I can do that
for you if you like.

PS. I hope you enjoyed the concert. I got tickets to Elton John in March in NYC!

I did!
You will too.
Okay I'm reading along...:wave2:

Maybe I will even add an occasional post
Well, hey there stranger!
Where ya been? :)

And :welcome: to the TR!

Been busy. Selling our house (we had been renting it out for the last four years), so we have had to do a bit of maintenance to make sure it was in tip top shape before listing. Plus, I've been planning a couple of my own trips. First trip starts THIS Saturday, and it'll be 6 nights with my dad, and the second trip is first week of December with DW and both DDs. I'll be attempting the all ride challenge again next week -- hopefully the rides don't break down!

Aside from that, our oldest started Kindergarten 6 weeks ago, so that has been a big step! And quite possibly the best thing is that my youngest now seems to be FULLY potty trained. We're accident free going on 3 weeks!
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I received the notice of the most epic road trip ever not even 2 hours ago....what the what??? Guess that's what I get for sleeping!

Super excited to read all your crazy shinanigans!

What do you think, @Chrystmasangel ,
did you notice?

First off, I didn't realize I was the first meet on your trip. Now I feel super special. Hope I didn't ruin the expectations of the rest of the trip with my super boring, more than average life.

I think we actually had a conversation about this... You were a bit stiff and moving a little carefully which is what stemmed me to ask. But for the most part, you seemed to be doing better(?) as you were at least moving with not to much difficulty... that or you should definately go into acting!

Ever heard the expression
"The cure is worse than the disease"?

Story of my life. LOL
Been busy. Selling our house (we had been renting it out for the last four years), so we have had to do a bit of maintenance to make sure it was in tip top shape before listing.

Yup. I can see how
that'd keep you just
a tad busy.

Plus, I've been planning a couple of my own trips. First trip starts THIS Saturday, and it'll be 6 nights with my dad, and the second trip is first week of December with DW and both DDs. I'll be attempting the all ride challenge again next week -- hopefully the rides don't break down!

Nice! Two trips even.
I presume you're doing
Disney on both trips?

Good luck with the challenge!

Aside from that, our oldest started Kindergarten 6 weeks ago, so that has been a big step!

Yep. That's a big step.
Also a step towards
getting some free time back.

And quite possibly the best thing is that my youngest now seems to be FULLY potty trained. We're accident free going on 3 weeks!

No more diapers!
Soooo much easier
and cheaper too!
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Sometimes this TR can
move pretty quickly!

:welcome: to the TR, Jenn!

I received the notice of the most epic road trip ever not even 2 hours ago....what the what??? Guess that's what I get for sleeping!

I don't get to sleep,
so I don't see why
anyone else should get to!


Super excited to read all your crazy shinanigans!

eep! The pressure!
Hope I don't disappoint!
(I suspect I will....
but there's always hope.)

First off, I didn't realize I was the first meet on your trip.


Now I feel super special.

Well, of course.
Because you are.

Hope I didn't ruin the expectations of the rest of the trip with my super boring, more than average life.

We had a really nice meet
with some very enjoyable conversation!
It was a wonderful meet!

I think we actually had a conversation about this... You were a bit stiff and moving a little carefully which is what stemmed me to ask.

Ah. Forgot that.

But for the most part, you seemed to be doing better(?) as you were at least moving with not to much difficulty... that or you should definately go into acting!

I was moving better.
Two days prior was a different story.
Actually... that morning was.
You'll see in a the next update.

Story of my life. LOL

Look at me telling you that.
Yeah, you'd know.

Thanks for the heads up on the new trip report. Good thing you mentioned about not asking to give you poker husband works for HD corporate in Milwaukee and he has lots of chips I was hoping to pass on!

Sorry to hear about your back, that stinks...I hope it stayed good for the entire trip, but I know...patience!
I will owe you an answer....another 6 weeks before I fly
Oh! Thought you'd been and back.
Please, please, please post here
(unless you write your own TR)
all about it.


Thanks for the heads up on the new trip report.

You're welcome!
And :welcome: to the TR!

Good thing you mentioned about not asking to give you poker husband works for HD corporate in Milwaukee and he has lots of chips I was hoping to pass on!

He works for who...
and where?????

I think I'm in love with
your husband.

Wish I'd known that last year
when I visited.
Could've said hello. :)

Then again, I'm thinking of
heading that way again.
Last time I did the museum
but I'd like to see the factory
some time, too.

Sorry to hear about your back, that stinks...I hope it stayed good for the entire trip, but I know...patience!

I can say that I didn't
completely throw it out
during the trip.
There were good days
and bad days.

I'll mention whether
the day starts out
good or bad in the
next update.
Then again, I'm thinking of
heading that way again.
Last time I did the museum
but I'd like to see the factory
some time, too.

He said if you would like a tour of Juneau Ave, he would be happy to meet you. He said he would add in a trip to the company store....
He said if you would like a tour of Juneau Ave, he would be happy to meet you. He said he would add in a trip to the company store....
Are you serious????



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