can you use FOTL on your check out day too?


DIS Veteran
Aug 17, 1999
just curious if we could still use it on our check out day from HRH.

<font face= "curlz mt" size=5 color=purple> Kim

<img src=>
<font face="Book Antiqua" color=#FF0066>
BV Palace 7-92
CBR 9-95
Dixie 9-98
Beach Club 9-99
Dixie 9-00
Poly Concierge 9-01<font>
great, thanks for the info :)

<font face= "curlz mt" size=5 color=purple> Kim

<img src=>
<font face="Book Antiqua" color=#FF0066>
BV Palace 7-92
CBR 9-95
Dixie 9-98
Beach Club 9-99
Dixie 9-00
Poly Concierge 9-01<font>
Yes, big time. We did to go on MIB 5 times the morning of our departure and then one last hit on Hulk and Fearfall.

Travel Junkie
Yes, we did on 3/12, the day we checked out. Your room key has your checkin and checkout days. Occasionally we found fastpass attendants checking dates. But you're valid on your checkout date!

Have a great time...we had a blast!


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