Can you pool-hop between HRH and PBH?


DIS Veteran
May 9, 2000
One last question about these 2 hotels to help me decide! I want to stay at PBH with the larger rooms, but my son is pestering me to stay at HRH (he's 14!). Can you use pools at both resorts? Thanks in advance.
Yes you are allowed to use pools at both resorts.

My bet is that if you stay at the HRH, you will not care about the pools at the Portofino. Your son will be very content with fun at HRH pool. The slide is bigger & better than the Portofino's and there is also a basketball hoop that all the boys played at while I was there.
Remember, the PBH has three pools ...

The HRH's pool is similar to the PBH's Beach Pool, but larger (no waterfall either at the HRH).

The Villa Pool and Hilltop pool are smaller "conventional" pools that will likely be quieter, and are also deeper for the serious swimmer.
It good to know, that guests from HRH can use the pool at PBH. Now I know here I can wind down if I need to stretch out with a good book. Are any of this pools indoors?


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