Bring your own microwave/hotplate?


Well, we all shine on ...
Aug 14, 2000
To save $$ on food, I'm seriously considering bringing a sm. microwave, so we could at least heat up some frozen meals, pizza, etc. (We will have a refrigerator in our room).

Has anyone ever tried this? Do hotels have a problem with it?
We have brought our own microwave several times. We have a little one and have had no problems with Disney staff about it. In fact one time when we were switching between resorts they carried it to the new room for us. IMHO it is safer to have a microwave than some of the other small appliances that are sometimes brought.

You can find some decent shelf microwavable dinners for those late nights when you just can't face waiting in line. Oatmeal, Corned Beef Hash, and other similar things are good for breakfast. The AS are small but I put the microwave on the luggage rack and store our luggage underneath the sink area.

If Disney would be more reasonable about refrigerator/microwave charges I don't believe people would mind renting from them. Just my idea. I did not mind $5 a day for a refrigerator but feel that $10 is too much and often the fridges do not cool very much.

3 more days and we will be on our way back! Yeah!!!

Tom and Linda
Our last trip we btought our George Foreman Grill, we had Hamburgers in the room on a rainy night when we didn't want to walk to the food court then brats by the pool at PO/R. We also bring lunchmeat sand. to the pool for lunch and sit in the bar area to have lunch no one has ever even looked twice at us. We actually enjoy doing this sometimes breaking from the pool to get all 5 of us ready feels like a hassle and eating poolside has been some of our best times.
Have reported packing a toaster in their check on bags! ;)

If you are flying how do you get the microwave thru to FL? I do pack the cooler but I don't know about the microwave. It sounds like a great idea. I have a small hot pot that we bring and the toaster which if it is too much of a hassle to bring back I won't mind discarding, not too sure about the microwave.
George Forman grill -- why didn't I think of that?? Good idea!

Yeah, I've thought about the packing problem - we will probably either put in box and check w/ baggage, or perhaps ship ahead (along w/ our food). My DH asked if we were really going to save anything w/ all the mailing charges - obviously he hasn't a clue about food prices @ DW! ;) ;) ;)
The first time we went to WDW we were on a tight budget and brought a crockpot and large electric griddle. (We had driven.)We used pancake mixes that required only water and had those for breakfast. We drank boxed orange juices kept in a cooler. We had several cans of things we would stick in the crockpot to be hot when we came back for lunch or dinner. (Stew type foods.)



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