Bottomless Pit vs Food and Wine 2013....Commence the Shenanigans!

It's Sunday and kind of sad that it's such a short trip knowing we only have 1 more full day! So today, the plan was RD at DHS then over to MK for BOG and spend the evening watching MSEP and Wishes. The shenanigans started with the bus! For some reason, we had to wait nearly an hour for a bus to DHS so of course, we missed RD! We finally made it to DHS at 9:20am and upon arrival I ran to TSM and found FP for 7:20pm :scared1: I did get FP for all of us though! This is where I do not like FP +...either make it for everyone or no one! of course RNR is up to a 70 minute wait and TOT isn't much better! We decided to check out the backlot tour, which DH and I don't usually do, but we had company! our company enjoyed it. As far as I'm's time to retire it! it's gotten so watered down it's really not worth it! This is where Grumpy decided the shenanigans for the day will include photo bombing! Thankfully, he mostly photo bombed his own family pics although, we were all a bit rowdy due to the crowds and some people were encouraging him so I wouldn't be surprised if I see a pic of him pop up in someone else's TR! After the lousy backlot tour, Grumpy and Doc took Merida and Monster to see Mike and Sulley (of course, no PP anywhere to be found, seems to be a common theme in this park) while DH and I stopped so he could buy his "Star wars cars" (Monster was getting a little testy with wanting everything and anything) so we were able to quickly shop and ship! Shipped the cars that is, not our pants! Merida wanted the pixie make up that she had when she was 4 so we stopped so she could have her face painted. Of course, Monster had to have his face painted too!


We decided to head over to the animation studio so I dropped DH and the crowd off and I ran to grab FP for us for RNR, which were actually up to 7pm (at 11:45am!) I made it back and DH isn't really into drawing so we changed places so I could draw. He hung out in the back! We drew Sorcerer Mickey (and we still cannot find our artwork anywhere!) After class, we went to see Ralph and Venelope!



While DH, Doc, Merida and I waited for Ralph, Grumpy took Monster to see Minnie then joined us as it was our turn! I should mention that the "commando trip" is starting to catch up with monster and he's starting to live up to his name! We thought our company would enjoy the stunt show we grabbed some snacks, Grumpy photo bombed a group of 20 somethings (they were probably CM!) and then we went to see the show. I have to say, it was a good time to play with our camera and I did get some really cool shots. This one is my favorite!


After the stunt show, the plan was to ride ST2 then head over to MK for dinner, however, Monster had a fit so Grumpy took him to meet Jake while Doc, DH, Merida and I attempted to ride ST2. The wait time was 20 but it unfortunately was having technical difficulties so, we wound up getting out of line as we were really cutting it close and made our way to the bus stop. Here's Monster with Jake!


We hopped a bus to TTC then grabbed the monorail to MK. We had just enough time to ride POTC then we went to BOG!! Absolutely worth the effort to get that ressie! The restaurant is beautiful, the food was some of the best we've had on property and the service was impeccable! And yes, the gray stuff really is delicious! We were seated in the ballroom! It was also very awesome to be able to have adult beverages with our meals! the beer and wine selections were both very good!





Beginning at 5p, every hour on the hour, the Master walks through the ballroom to see his guests, then heads to the library to meet his guests after they've dined.



Now normally, there is a party on Sundays which is why we made this ressie and early as it was, however, about a month after our 180, we found there was no party on this night and MK was open until 1am. So...we decided to head back to DHS to ride TSM and RNR then we were debating on either catching F! or coming back to MK. We made it back over in time for our TSM FP so we rode TSM first and by the time we were done, it was time for RNR. As we all knew Monster was too short and we had 6 FP so we grabbed a ride swap ticket (just in case, which turned out to be a good call) and sent DH, Grumpy and Merida. I stayed back with Doc and Monster as Monster was having a meltdown because he was too short (even though he couldn't even see the ride!) So Doc and I grabbed him some ice cream and he chilled....literally! So, it was a really good thing we grabbed the ride switch because the FP time expired (only by 3 minutes) by the time the first group was done! Doc and I had decided to "pay it forward" so we saw a younger couple coming out of the building and they were both wearing 1st time buttons and so excited about RNR so I walked up to them and asked if they'd like to ride again and gave them the 2 extra FP. They were thrilled! I love being able to do that!


Merida decided she really didn't like it so DH waited with Merida and Monster and I rode with Doc and Grumpy!


So after RNR we decided to head home to SSR. Monster definitely needed some down time and he actually fell asleep on the bus. We had planned to go swimming, but Monster never did wake up so Doc put him to bed, Grumpy took Merida to the Springs pool and DH and I went and picked up our packages (and theirs' too!) and hung at out the pool (and had a couple of adult beverages) at the pool! Doc did laundry and made out Monster's B'day party invites! We actually made it to bed at a reasonable hour for a change!

Up next....our last full day, more shenanigans, finishing our passports and seeing the cake boss!
It's Monday and our last full day as we have to fly home on Tues. Reverting back to our old "commando ways" are starting to take their toll. Our company threw the white flag and slept in while DH and I had our usual morning routine. We actually made it to RD at Epcot (that doesn't happen often), grabbed a locker, grabbed FP for TT and went over for a spin on Mission Space orange and yes that was within an hour of my mouse waffle with bacon! After our trip to Mars (thankfully no one else was in our pod) we wandered over to the Festival Center to beverages! We have special "bottle armor" courtesy of skymall...yes people do actually shop there! I also tried to get a Passholder T-shirt, but alas (as has been the case the whole trip) no merch for me! although the CM recommended I "check back" as they were expecting more tees later in the day. We sent our packages to the gate then went over to Mouse Gear to finish up some shopping. As we were in Mouse Gear, we actually ran into our friends. It was about time for our FP so we took their tickets and rode TT and grabbed them FP for later....much later. It was 11am and the return time was up to 7:30pm. We rode then met back up with our friends to finish our passports. We managed Poland, Italy, Greece, Morocco, New Zealand, France and FINALLY Belgium to get my potato and leek waffle which was AWESOME!! We also grabbed some pics around WS....Monster was being silly and decided he did not want a "family photo" at one point, he wanted his own! He also decided he needed a pic with "his Pelly" (he's called me that since he was 2 and couldn't say Shelly)







It was time for DH and I to go to our culinary demo so our friends decided to hang around the WS and eat while we went to see Buddy. It was really cool and Buddy was very down to earth! He made eggplant parmengo and it was pretty tasty. The wine pairing...not so much! We enjoyed the company at our table and all too soon, it was over and we were heading back to WS to meet up with our friends. Here's Buddy!


We found our friends and found Merida has decided to be a foodie and tried several things, including sushi and really loved it! I stopped at Canada for a drink and a snack while DH and Grumpy grabbed more beers. Doc, at this point, is reminding us we have dinner at 5:20 at Ohana so we should probably stop eating at some point. It was a little after 3 so DH and I (being the evil hosts) decided to subject our friends to Captain EO (yes, they are still speaking to us...:rotfl2:) After Captain EO (which Doc and Grumpy appreciated it for what it is, Merida has now decided once and for all that DH and I have lost our minds and Monster....well, he's just being a monster right now) we headed up to the monorail and over to the Poly. Dinner at Ohana was FABULOUS as always. Unfortunately, because we'd um.....partaken in quite a few adult beverages, I did skip my customary lapu lapu, especially since we knew we were heading back to Epcot after dinner. Our friends loved Ohana. They thought is was amazing and they were impressed with breakfast. Well fed, we headed back to the monorail and back to Epcot so they could ride TT one last time and DH and I could finish our passport. Yes, this is the third year we've done F&W and the third year we've gone back to F&W and put more food and beverage down after eating at Ohana! We did desserts and champagne (all disappointing including the beer which DH described as warm Genness ale), Ireland (dessert was awesome!) and the coffee cart (adult iced coffee) was also awesome! The Pit is now throwing in the towel. All countries have been tried, our friends were still on TT and now it's time to get the "DONE" stamp. Thankfully, we found a CM who had a done stamp (at the store) which had also miraculously, received some Passholder festival shirts, which I promptly purchased. At least I was able to buy one Passholder item as pins were gone for MNSSHP as well as F&W. Our friends got off TT and the wait was only 20 minutes, so, we all went again as our "last ride" for the group this trip. By now it was getting close to closing time so we stopped to clear the locker, DH headed to the gate to pick up our adult beverages and we headed out to the bus. Monster had a meltdown because he wasn't allowed to buy anything at the store and if I had a nickel for every person who gave us a strange look for carrying a case of adult beverage to the bus, I could probably purchase 100 points at the Poly when those units go on sale! We made it home and headed up to the Springs pool for a final night swim and to pick up the last couple of things we'd had shipped. After the swim (Monster actually stayed awake and went to the pool tonight), we headed in to start packing and hit the sack. We actually kept the shenanigans to a minimum today, in part because Monster was somewhat cranky all day. We definitely could have used a "break day" (a real one!) but it's such a short trip with so much to do!

Up next....DH and I pull off one last "commando day" and heading home!
I'm really enjoying your trip report. It almost makes me feel like I got to go F&W this year even though my trip was cancelled. I hope the pumpkin waffles are still there for you in Dec. Can't wait for the rest of this trip and then your holiday trip (and SSRMonkey's). Maybe I'll feel inspired to do a TR for my first ever solo trip.
Awesome pictures you have, Chellymouse. (That's my Yoda voice.) You said ship my pants. Hahaha. Two questions about BOG...what IS the gray stuff? And why does the one angel painted on the ceiling look suspiciously like he has Richard Simmon's head?

Glad you made your friends experience Captain EO. If nothing else it makes you appreciate all the special effects and stuff we have today vs. 30 years ago. And who can resist Hooter? Besides everyone...

I can't believe you saw Buddy! How cool was that? He was in Pittsburgh a few weeks ago, but I think it was on a Thursday night and Mom wouldn't have been able to get there in time after work. Too bad he didn't make cake! I'm going to go back to NJ someday and wait however long it would take to get into the bakery. I've tried his cakes that they sell in the grocery store...not worth the $25. So I have to believe they don't taste quite like the real thing.

Can't wait to hear about your last day! And to see if you have any more pants to ship. :)
I am so late to the party. You had a "full" trip. ;). Sounds like everyone had a great time. All the food sounds wonderful - we were just there and I never had the chance to try the "adult" dole whip. I guess I'll have to try again next year.

By the way, your Fantasmic experience sounds like our recent ones. Disorganization at its finest. Can't wait to read about your last day.
I'm really enjoying your trip report. It almost makes me feel like I got to go F&W this year even though my trip was cancelled. I hope the pumpkin waffles are still there for you in Dec. Can't wait for the rest of this trip and then your holiday trip (and SSRMonkey's). Maybe I'll feel inspired to do a TR for my first ever solo trip.

So sorry you're trip was cancelled! I'm really hoping the waffles are still there. I'm hearing rumors of party treats and waffles! SSRMonkey has arrived and commenced his and Koala's shenanigans! :rotfl: Looks as though they had a great first day! Have fun...I don't know if I could do a solo trip...although if that were the only way I could go, I would do it! We're excited...17 more days til we are back home!
Awesome pictures you have, Chellymouse. (That's my Yoda voice.) You said ship my pants. Hahaha. Two questions about BOG...what IS the gray stuff? And why does the one angel painted on the ceiling look suspiciously like he has Richard Simmon's head?

Glad you made your friends experience Captain EO. If nothing else it makes you appreciate all the special effects and stuff we have today vs. 30 years ago. And who can resist Hooter? Besides everyone...

I can't believe you saw Buddy! How cool was that? He was in Pittsburgh a few weeks ago, but I think it was on a Thursday night and Mom wouldn't have been able to get there in time after work. Too bad he didn't make cake! I'm going to go back to NJ someday and wait however long it would take to get into the bakery. I've tried his cakes that they sell in the grocery store...not worth the $25. So I have to believe they don't taste quite like the real thing.

Can't wait to hear about your last day! And to see if you have any more pants to ship. :)

LOL! Love the Yoda voice! Ship my pants is the "house phrase" right now....until Anchorman 2 comes out. The squatch is counting down! Ok, the gray stuff has the consistency of a mousse. The taste is really hard to describe though. It's kind of a mix of maybe vanilla with some tropical fruit notes....strange but tasty! :rotfl2: I did not realize the Richard Simmons head until I went back and looked at the're absolutely right!

The friends are in the camp with the rest of us...Hooter is definitely....resistable!

The grocery store cakes are not very good...I can make better out of a box and that isn't saying much! Buddy actually was greeting all of the guests after his demo, however, by the time we figured that out, the line was REALLY long so we didn't wait! Alton Brown was in Akron last week so my DSIL and I went to see him....definitely worth it! He's very entertaining!

Maybe Santa will bring you a trip to the bakery, along with Koala's unicorn and unicycle!
I am so late to the party. You had a "full" trip. ;). Sounds like everyone had a great time. All the food sounds wonderful - we were just there and I never had the chance to try the "adult" dole whip. I guess I'll have to try again next year.

By the way, your Fantasmic experience sounds like our recent ones. Disorganization at its finest. Can't wait to read about your last day.

We did have a full trip. DH and I decided that what we consider a ''short trip" is really not conducive to Oct unless we want to go commando, which we agreed to give up 6 years ago when we made our first SSR points purchase! The Pit was definitely well fed! The adult dole whip was wonderful although I liked the adult dole whip from F&G better. The F&G was pineapple with rum and this time was orange with vanilla Kahlua.
So sorry you're trip was cancelled! I'm really hoping the waffles are still there. I'm hearing rumors of party treats and waffles! SSRMonkey has arrived and commenced his and Koala's shenanigans! :rotfl: Looks as though they had a great first day! Have fun...I don't know if I could do a solo trip...although if that were the only way I could go, I would do it! We're excited...17 more days til we are back home!

Solo is pretty much the only way I'll get to go now (went through a divorce this fall) unless I want to go with my mom. I love her but only one trip per year with her is advised and we are sharing a cruise cabin next Sept.

I forgot to say that I loved your Steelers top in the BOG Beast photo. I get a lot of grief for being a Steelers fan in Philadelphia.

That's so awesome you got to see Alton Brown. I love him!!!

Lets hope those 17 days go by fast - and by the time you come back it will be almost time for me to head down. :cool1:
Now it's time to say goodbye to all our company.....well, not really since they actually live next door to us! :rotfl2:
It's Tues am and in true commando fashion (which DH says we are not doing again for a very long time...preferably never) we were up at 6:30am, showered, dressed, packing completed and on the phone with bell services by 7:15am. Where are our friends? In their beds! The price difference between a 5 and 6 day ticket really were not worth what would amount to 2 hours at MK so they were given instructions on how to call for a golf cart, check in for the flight and what time to be out of the villa and where to meet us for ME (yes, I wrote it all down!) and our favorite bellman Mark was dispatched to our villa! We were very happy to have Mark this whole trip! Thankfully no one was in line and we were quickly checked in for the flight, carry on stowed with bell services and off to AP for our final Mouse waffle and bacon! We were at the bus stop by 7:50am and on the next bus to MK. We arrived in plenty of time to secure a good spot for the opening show. This is one thing I never miss...I always get 1 RD at MK. As we were waiting, the couple who was sitting at our table during Buddy's demo the day before, were also there so we began chatting with them. It was finally time for the show to begin and I have to say it was a little disappointing with the railroad being closed, but it was still good. So, we're off....first stop Space Mtn then it was off to the dreaded teacups...:scared: I still don't know if DH likes to spin or see me turn green...thankfully the Mickey waffles and bacon stayed where they the pit. After the teacups it was off to Dumbo. We then stopped for a quick popcorn...pit needed a snack, which was consumed on the way to HM! After saying farewell to the happy haunts, we were able to walk onto BTMRR. Much to my dismay, splash was again down (this is getting to be a recurring theme) and finally it was time for "last ride" POTC. After visiting my beloved Capt Jack, it was time for my last Dole Whip, a quick stop in the Confectionary to pick up our customary large Mickey crispy treat with a caramel apple and gingerbread cookies! Oh well....good thing we are back in 52 days from this day! What time is it you ask? 10:52am and we are heading back to the bus as our ME is at noon. Can't not have more shenanigans....the bus is now taking FOREVER! We finally made it back to SSR at 11:40am. We met up with our friends who'd had breakfast, spent some time in the arcade and managed to put their stupid rubber spider in my bag (still not sure how this was accomplished!) We stopped to pick up our carry on luggage and all too soon, the NME (that stands for not so magic express when it's heading to the airport) had arrived and it was off the airport. Grumpy managed to photobomb a family on the bus, Monster was in tears because we had to leave and then he was mad because we told him we were not bringing him with us in Dec. We had some lunch, went to the gate and soon it was time to board the plane and 2 hours later it was back in cold, sloppy wet OH. Ok, so it wasn't too horrible, it was in the 60's and the rain had stopped that morning! I should mention that rotten spider was also found in my shower at 1am one morning after MNSSHP. I have since commandeered said spider and am waiting for the opportune moment for which to place the blasted thing somewhere creative!

On a happy note, we are 17 days from trip #3 for the year, which is a little depressing because we haven't made plans for next year yet. However, it's been 5 years since our last Dec trip and we are REALLY excited. it's a tough call between Oct and Dec and I'm very happy we did not have to make the choice this year! DMIL is coming with us, so we are excited to have her on an "adult trip"...last time she came was last summer where we survived (and actually enjoyed) the family trip!
Thanks for following along! Will have a TR after the holiday trip! Can't wait to play with camera during Christmas!
Solo is pretty much the only way I'll get to go now (went through a divorce this fall) unless I want to go with my mom. I love her but only one trip per year with her is advised and we are sharing a cruise cabin next Sept.

I forgot to say that I loved your Steelers top in the BOG Beast photo. I get a lot of grief for being a Steelers fan in Philadelphia.

That's so awesome you got to see Alton Brown. I love him!!!

Lets hope those 17 days go by fast - and by the time you come back it will be almost time for me to head down. :cool1:

That's a bummer! Hope your first solo trip is awesome! Good luck on the cruise! I don't think I could bring my mom....maybe if we were in CP and we left her in the Paddock.....:rolleyes1 I'm a diehard Steeler fan that lives in a land that loves the "mistake by the lake"'s very difficult to be a Steelers fan when you live 20 miles south of Cleveland! Alton Brown was awesome and well worth it! If he bring his tour to Philly, it's really worth the cost of the ticket! I love the world during the holidays! It's so peaceful, even when it's crazy down there! pixiedust:
My aunt would have loved to see Alton Brown. She watches his show all the time. He does those Welch's commercials and one of them was filmed right down the road from our house. Pretty cool.

We looked for pumpkin waffles on Sunday, but couldn't find them at Sleepy Hollow. Are they something special for Halloween?

The rubber spider sounds awesome. I bought a stuffed possum that I hide at Grandma's house. He's pretty ugly and she HATES him. It's fantastic. I call him the Awesome Possum. :)

Thanks for sharing your shenanigans. Can't wait for the next installment!
Chellymouse - I love your "NME". It is the WORST bus ride ever. So glad that you're returning so soon. You'll hardly have time to miss it.
My aunt would have loved to see Alton Brown. She watches his show all the time. He does those Welch's commercials and one of them was filmed right down the road from our house. Pretty cool.

We looked for pumpkin waffles on Sunday, but couldn't find them at Sleepy Hollow. Are they something special for Halloween?

The rubber spider sounds awesome. I bought a stuffed possum that I hide at Grandma's house. He's pretty ugly and she HATES him. It's fantastic. I call him the Awesome Possum. :)

Thanks for sharing your shenanigans. Can't wait for the next installment!

:rotfl2: No wonder grandma doesn't care for leave the awesome possum laying around!

the pumpkin waffles were only available at MNSSHP, they weren't even out during the day. I hope there is something special at the MVMCP at Sleepy Hollow!
Chellymouse - I love your "NME". It is the WORST bus ride ever. So glad that you're returning so soon. You'll hardly have time to miss it.

this time it has gone REALLY fast between trips! I'm thinking if we were independently wealthy (or if could have the same luck we did this year) we could do a short trip in May, a week in Oct and a week in Dec....however, I don't think it's feasible every year!
Thanks for sharing your F & W experience! I enjoyed reading about and re living all the snacks. DH & I were there the first week of Nov. for a short 6 day trip. We stayed at your resort SSR for the first time and enjoyed it. We were in Paddock but I think next time we'd request Springs or CP.

I have to agree with the kids in your group - the chocolate creme brûlée was one of my faves this year! I had it with a glass of cabernet and could've had more of each.

I loved the habanero mango margarita even though I was apprehensive at first to try it. It's a unique mix of sweet with a kick to it. I had it with the shrimp taco which was a good combo.


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