BL 7.1 Green Team!!!

QOTD Wednesday--What is your favorite ride or show at WDW or DL?
Since I'm a west coaster and visit DL a lot, my favorite ride is Peter Pan and at DCA it is Soarin

QOTD Tuesday--Summer vacation plans?
don't have any plans for summer time. We are going to Laughlin in a couple of weeks for a long weekend with some DIS friends.
Our week long this year will be fishing in the Eastern Sierra. June Lake to be exact.

And now that DCL has announced the Wonder coming west, we are saving for the WB repo. (Hopefully)
I know I'm a little late..
QOTD: My favorite at the moment is Mickey's Philharmagic. :3dglasses

BilltM, I used to live in Chicopee Falls as a child and moved to Westover AFB when housing opened up. I also used to be a CM at Mickey Mouse Revue!! :goodvibes

:welcome: to our group kayc86!

Miniefan/Kim, hope your day continued well for you!

Still keeping one foot in front of the other..on the TM!!

Does anyone have a good format for a food journal? Thanks! :goodvibes Anne
Thanks heres to hoping I did it right!!!!!!


Looks like you got it!! :flower3:

TammyNC - Yep - definitely not ever able to be bored around here... which is good--and Disney is one of the few places I can really let myself have 'down' time--and as I design garden elements I try to sneak in Disney here and there to make me smile with things no one else notices--one of my daffodil beds along the long driveway is a half circle with 2 smaller circles placed so that to me it looks like a 5' long Mickey hat :rotfl: Most don't notice it--but those that do smile too ;)
So glad that you enjoyed the oats for breakfast--I'm gonna try the banana ones tonight/tomorrow morning!

Yesterday was not a good day for me with the COW - got in the water and fruit (cause I got the fruit in early) but only 1 veggie--unless I could count potato chips as a veggie... or the cocoa bean (dark chocolate)... but as I said--today is a new day - with no bad choices yet :cool1:

Have a great day full of good choices!!

Love the way your designs in the yard and garden sound. That is so creative and if I saw them, I'm sure it would make me smile. Glad to hear you weren't beating yourself up over the not so great day and moved on to the next!! :thumbsup2

I am a little behind in posting- yesterday was a really Blah day for me, all I could think of was going to sleep, it rained all day and I felt bad, ate bad, all in all not a great day, but as I said before, everyday is a new beginning and today I am up with a new attitude- although I think I do need to get my dr to up the mg on my thyroid meds.

So, I am up took vitamins, already drank 2 8 oz glasses of H2O, had oatmeal with natural pb and a banana, took a shower and now I am about to tie up my shoes and head to they gym. Yay me!Kim

WTG on going to the gym and starting the day off with a great "tude". Hope the rest of your day went well and today is another wonderful one. :banana:

Hi Green team, I am new to the challange and cant wait to get started!
I am 28 yo and a mom to 3 great kids! WDW is my favorite place in the world, and i wish i could live there.
Last year I lost 50 pounds but since then i put back on 20.
I know i have to PM my weight every friday but is there anything else i should be doing?
I cant wait to become a loser with the rest of you :goodvibes

Nothing else is required besides making sure to get your weight turned in every Friday. We do have the challenge of the week (COW) going but it is your choice if you participate or not. This thread is for everyone to use to report good moments, not so good ones, to cheer, vent, whatever it is you need. Glad you have joined us!!:cheer2:

I hope I don't ruin the week but Chipotle Mexican Grill is opening in town and today was donate $5 to the High School and get a free burrito ... tomorrow is free burrito day (100% off according to the sign) since the grand opening is Friday. I had to stop since I was in the area getting pet food for the girls.

I guess at the least I had my veggies, along with rice, beef, black beans, peppers, onions, cheese, and guacamole. Also, my first Coca Cola in two months (or any soda for that matter). Ouch!!

Two more days until the second weigh-in!! Hopefully the rain lets up soon. Maybe I'll hit the free weights.


You know, that is the thing about making lifestyle changes and not just being on a diet...there are going to be times when you may not be eating as healthy as you normally do but you can control your portions, get more veggies with it and then move on to the next meal. :banana:

Maherae-I messed the quote up when getting ready to respond so had to just go with your name ;). I don't have any suggestions for you on the food journal, but I'm sure there are some on here that have some ideas.
Good Thursday morning. I wish I could say the sun was shining bright this morning in NC but we have lots of fog and rain on the way.

I hope everyone is having a great week so far, I can't believe it is almost Friday again.

We have our WI tomorrow, don't forget to PM the weight keeper your number. I'm really hoping for at least a loss of .5 tomorrow. I would love more but I haven't been exercising as much as I should have so I'm not expecting a large number. I'm going to drink lots of water today and stay away from salt too;).

I have had a few people to offer to do some coaching during the challenge. Donac will be coaching next week, starting tomorrow (thank you so much!!). If anyone else in interested in coaching, just let me know. If you don't want to do a full week but just a few days, that will work also.

I'm always trying to come up with different side dishes of veggies to have with dinner (I bore easily with the same thing over and over;)). I know there are things that I've never tried just because I don't know how to fix them so that is where this next QOTD comes from.

QOTD Thursday - Name a vegetable that you have never tried. If you see something mentioned by someone that you have fixed and are willing to share a recipe or cooking method, please jump in and share your knowledge.

I have never bought or fixed spaghetti squash.

Have a wonderful day Green Team. Stay on plan and make it a great day!!:cool1::banana:
Hi everyone,
I'm a little behind, and have been a little off track too. I can definitely see a connection when I come here more often. Two days in a row we had lunch brought in to us at work, and I way over ate, last night, I had to bake cookies for an open house tonight at my son's school, and had too much dough and cookies, but I did pack all of them up except for a couple for my son's lunch tomorrow and today, and I told him they were there, so I can't eat them or I'll be in trouble. Today is a new day, and I've had a healthy breakfast, and am journalling my food again, and going to stay on track.

QOTD Tuesday - What are your summer plans?

We will go camping for a few weekends, our fav place in near Old Orchard beach, and to my sisters place on sebago lake maine. I took the last two weeks of summer off before school starts up again, and we like to take some day trips to the beach, amuement park, and last year we went to some minor league baseball games- the portland seadogs, and loved them, so this year we're going to try the lowell spinners, and pawtucket red sox as well.

So now we just have to build the greenhouse (though the goal is to have that done in April/May), the new chicken coop and protected yard, finish the fence around the 2 acre 'garden/orchard' area, replumb the house (replacing the CPVC pipe with pex), build a solar water heater, build 2 solar air heaters (which will be do-able with a 20 x 40 garage:thumbsup2:)

:) Liz
I am exhausted just thinking about all you'll be doing. A farm is so much work, I can't even imagine it. I'm lucky to keep my grass cut every summer.

This a.m. weigh-in was a pleasant surprise. I'm down 2.4% of my starting weight from last Friday. Let's hope I can maintain the same pace or better. I haven't walked since last Saturday (3/28/09).

No rain scheduled in MA for today and tomorrow ... Thursday and Friday is a different story.

Hi neighbor. We're in in danvers ma, and get out to florence to visit my brother quite a bit. I think that's near northborough. Congrats on your loss to date. That's great!

Hey there Bill from Massachusetts- not too far from me!!!!!!!!!!

I have to say working 2- 10 hr plus days on Monday and Tuesday kill me physically.I work in a surgical center and we run for 10 hrs straight, my thighs burn at the end of the day.

I am finding it difficult to stay up on everyones posts.

Last night eating was horrible- nachos for dinner then actually even more downhill from there.

Today is a new day, and last night is over. I'm in endoscopy, and we have those non-stop days too. It's crazy sometimes, and hard to come home and make a healthy dinner too. Hang in there!

QOTD Wednesday - How about a Disney question today??? What is your favorite ride or show at WDW or DL?

I love the animation studio in DHS. We have to do it every time we're there. My fav rides would be soaring and tower of terror.

I am a little behind in posting- yesterday was a really Blah day for me, all I could think of was going to sleep, it rained all day and I felt bad, ate bad, all in all not a great day, but as I said before, everyday is a new beginning and today I am up with a new attitude- although I think I do need to get my dr to up the mg on my thyroid meds.

So, I am up took vitamins, already drank 2 8 oz glasses of H2O, had oatmeal with natural pb and a banana, took a shower and now I am about to tie up my shoes and head to they gym. Yay me!
I love your attitude! Here's to a great day for everyone!!
I know I'm a little late..
QOTD: My favorite at the moment is Mickey's Philharmagic. :3dglasses

Does anyone have a good format for a food journal? Thanks! :goodvibes Anne

Oh - I LOVED Philharmagic--Sept 08 was my first time seeing it--and we went twice cause I really enjoyed it.

I am a 'check box' kind of gal--so I designed a 'Lean Log' where I just check off my food stuff--and I can write specifics on the back or bottom of it--but there's a place for noting exercise and all that as well--when I use it it's quite helpful... maybe I should get it out again... (thanks for the reminder)... PM me if you want me to send it to you :)

QOTD Thursday - Name a vegetable that you have never tried. If you see something mentioned by someone that you have fixed and are willing to share a recipe or cooking method, please jump in and share your knowledge.

I have never bought or fixed spaghetti squash.

I have enjoyed spaghetti squash--and sometimes treat it like spaghetti and sometimes like squash... With a good knife cut a raw one in half (though I've heard that some just poke it with forks like you would a potato and bake it whole then cut when easier to cut--but I haven't tried that--also know some cook it in the microwave--but I like the roasted flavor better than 'steamed'). Put a little Olive Oil down on a cookie sheet and put the halves 'face' down and bake in a 350 oven til it's soft. Then take a fork and 'shred' the 'noodle' fibers--they look just like spaghetti. Sometimes have had it with just a bit of butter and salt/pepper--but we like it with spaghetti sauce with mushrooms and onions--nummy!!

For me - I've never had Broccoli Raab and am thinking of planting some in the garden this summer to try.

Have a disney-ly happy day!!
QOTD Thursday - Name a vegetable that you have never tried. If you see something mentioned by someone that you have fixed and are willing to share a recipe or cooking method, please jump in and share your knowledge.

I have never bought or fixed spaghetti squash.

Have a wonderful day Green Team. Stay on plan and make it a great day!!:cool1::banana:

One vegetable that I have never tried before is asparagus. Not sure why, but just never have.

I do like spaghetti squash. I have only done it in the micro, but I think I'm going to try it the way happysmyly suggested. That sound really good.

and on a different topic, has anyone noticed that the purple team is coming up the their own logo. Maybe we need on for the GREEN TEAM. What do you guys think? any ideas?
Today is another BLAH day around here, not trying to make excuses for myself but man it is so hard to hit the ground running when it's ugly dark and rainy outside.

I am planning on going to the gym to do some cardio this afternoon to make up for my morning flake out.

QOTD I have never had Kale, don't really know how I would cook it or serve it.

Hope all of you are having a good day, Tomorrow is weigh in....

I also like the idea of a logo, I will think on this.

One vegetable that I have never tried before is asparagus. Not sure why, but just never have.

I do like spaghetti squash. I have only done it in the micro, but I think I'm going to try it the way happysmyly suggested. That sound really good.

and on a different topic, has anyone noticed that the purple team is coming up the their own logo. Maybe we need on for the GREEN TEAM. What do you guys think? any ideas?

I hijacked that thread and saw their idea for their logo- they are so cute both of the designs. I will play around and see if I can come up with anything too. Maybe since we are the green team we could use Jiminy Cricket, he is the official mascot of being "green" at Disney, or Kermit, cause you know it's not easy bein' green!

Kim That would be great if you could come up with a logo for us. We were tossing around the idea the other day in an email. The other green people are Tinkerbell and Peter Pan. Jiminy would also be good. What ever you can work out. I don't know any thing about the art work and how to put it together.
Happy Thursday, everyone!
I have never bought or fixed spaghetti squash.
I'm right there with ya! Yesterday, I even went to WalMart in search of it as I have a recipe that calls for it. They didn't have it, so that means I'll have to try the other two stores in town. :car: You've done a wonderful job coaching this week, Tammy!! :chat:

I will play around and see if I can come up with anything too.
Wow!! We have talent on board! That would be great!! I was getting a little jealous of the purple team :tilt:!! We've had over 10 inches of rain since Friday. Right now we're under severe thunderstorm warning, again...I totally understand the blah feeling! :hug: After living in OK, as soon as the weather gets dark, the tv goes to the weather channel, and the weather radio is turned on! :rolleyes:

One vegetable that I have never tried before is asparagus.
After trying it for the first time last year, I was able to add that to the list of the few veggies my husband will tolerate. My DIL just sprinkled them with some seasonings and put them in a frying pan for a few minutes with a little olive oil. They kindof taste like string beans, but look fancier! :laughing:

I designed a 'Lean Log' where I just check off my food stuff
Oh, anything to make journaling easier!! PM going out.. :thanks:

mikamah, How's your day going? I would have been eating homemade cookies with you! Good for you in getting them out of the house. Great start for the day! :thumbsup2

Today is your LAST CHANCE WORKOUT day..get to it!! (hear Jillian/Bob's voice) :goodvibes Anne
Miniefan/Kim, Wow!! We have talent on board! That would be great!! I was getting a little jealous of the purple team :tilt:!! We've had over 10 inches of rain since Friday. Right now we're under severe thunderstorm warning, again...I totally understand the blah feeling! :hug: After living in OK, as soon as the weather gets dark, the tv goes to the weather channel, and the weather radio is turned on! :rolleyes:

I have been playing around all day and aparently I am not as computer savvy as I would have liked to thought. I have enlisted the help of corrinak from the green team, (a big thank you to her) and we are going to come up with something that everyone will like.

To make everyone feel comfortable I am not going to change the COW for this week. We are going to continue it until next Friday so that everyone has a chance to work on it.


THis week's COW starts on Sunday 3/29/09 and will run until midnight Thursday 4/9/09. It will be short this week since we just started. It will be an easy COW since we are all just getting restarted.

YOu get 1 point for each day you follow the COW

THis week will start easy

Drink 8 glasses of water (1 point for each day)
Eat 2 servings of veggies (1 point for each day)
East 2 pieces of fruit (1 point for each day)

On Friday send me

XX days drinking water
XX days eating 2 serving of veggies
XX days eating 2 pieces of fruit.

Thanks and enjoy the COW
mikamah – Good for you on getting right back on track. I’m right there with you, I find it easier to stay on plan when I’m on the WISH board more often. :thumbsup2

happysmyly – Thanks for the tips on the spaghetti squash, I am definitely going to give it a try. :)

tink1963 – I think a clippie would be wonderful for our team, thanks for bringing it up. :yay:

Miniefan – Sending you a hug :grouphug: and hope that the afternoon has been better than this morning. Did you make it to the gym like you had planned?? Kale to me is like turnip salad or collard greens. I typically boil them until they are done in salt water…drain and season. I think anything you want to create for us, we would love. I don’t have any ideas how to create something like that.

Maherae – If you find that squash and try the recipe, make sure to come back and share it with us. :banana:

donac – Thanks for starting out easy on the COW…I have done great with my water and veggies, but still struggling with the fruit (sure wish I liked it more). I've got to work on that this week. I'll send in my report in the morning!!

I had a few minutes to pop on before sitting down for dinner. I didn't get much accomplished today. It was dark and rainy for most of the day so I sat and did some cross stitching today. I had to keep my hands busy or I probably would have slept the afternoon away.

Have a great evening everyone if I don't get a chance to get back on before morning.
Miniefan – Sending you a hug :grouphug: and hope that the afternoon has been better than this morning. Did you make it to the gym like you had planned?? Kale to me is like turnip salad or collard greens. I typically boil them until they are done in salt water…drain and season. I think anything you want to create for us, we would love. I don’t have any ideas how to create something like that.


I didn't get the chance to go to the gym today. It was so nasty outside, we were under a tornado warning all day and it was pouring down rain. I am so tired of the rain, it has been raining for 2 weeks here.

Corrinak has created us some pretty great team logos there are three to choose from...anyone who's been paying attention to my posts will know which one I am chosing. As soon as I figure out how to post them I will put up a thread and have a vote. Thanks again to Corrinak from the purple team she did a great job.

Here are our logos to choose from:




I probably need to resize these, but my fave is of course the Jiminy Cricket one, I will repost them with a poll so everyone can vote.

Let me know what you think and don't forget to thank corrinak from team purple for the great work.

Thank you so much, Corrinak for those great dis-signs :) I voted :thumbsup2

With asparagus--we love it cut in 1" pieces and added to a stir fry--also like it steamed with salmon--or just last week I put some with other veggies and baked it with a piece of swordfish 'au papier' (wrapped in parchment paper)... very tasty!

Another idea for kale or any other greens is to add them to your salad--we like them that way--or cut into little pieces and added to veggie stir fry. DH was born in Alabama and his Gma used to boil her greens til they were slimy--so I am not 'allowed' to boil them here... ;)

Haven't had the best day here--got in the COWs but got in more than a couple of not so good things too... but am going to focus on the positive :thumbsup2
Please welcome your newest member and last challenge's Biggest Loser DisneyFamof5!
Good Morning Green Team

I am your host (your ghost host) for this week. I volunteered for this week since I start spring break at 2:15 this afternoon.:banana::banana::banana: I have the first few days off by myself before dh joins me on Thursday for his spring break. I go back the Tuesday after Easter and he has that entire week off. He will be going to Washington DC with the boy scouts on that Thursday so I get another mini vacation with him not around.

Here is what I told the other team about the COW points for this week:

Please don't send me your COW numbers until next Friday. SInce we are keeping the same COW for this week you might as well just send me your numbers then.

Don't forget to vote for out clippie for this challenge. Thanks corriniak from the purple team for coming up with 3 great choices. If you look at my avatar you can probably guess who I am going to vote for but any of those three are great.

I am up a 1 for this first week. But considering that I have been to three formal functions in the last week that is not too bad. I had a Boy Scout dinner where my dh won an award for all his work getting boys to the rank of Eagle. He has worked with at least 18 from our troop alone and then many more in some of his other work with council. I went to the local high school's play dinner (I helped with the costumes) this past Sunday night. Last night I went to a dinner where they were honoring a friend of dh. The guy they were honoring was a teacher for 40 years and a public office holder including mayor for 35 years and also ran the rec dept in his town for over 40 years. It was fun night for him. Jack Ford from NBC was there to honor him (he was Jack's teacher in high school) and at our table was the head writer for the Guiding Light who was also a former student.

Question of the Day
What is your favorite type of exercise?

When I am really into exercise (which I haven't been since Oct when I had the shingles yes I know I am a mess) I love yoga and swimming. A couple of years ago during the summer I would wake up at 5:30 do a half an hour of yoga and then swim for 20 to 30 minutes. I couldn't do that last summer since the liner in the pool went and we didn't want to replace it. I hate to get into cold water but at 6 in the morning the water is almost as warm as the air so it usually feels real good.

Have a great day everyone. I will check in later tonight after we pick up ds2 from college.


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