BL 7.1 Green Team!!!

A short post before I have to go grade some papers that have been piling up.

QOTD I have 2

ANy Fiber one cereal

A smoothie with bannana, blueberries, raspberries, nonfat yogurt, flaxseed, wheatgerm and skim milk. Add on a piece of high fiber bread and it is a complete breakfast.

WElcome all the newcomers.

Hope everyone is working on the COW for this week

You might want to dust off or find a pedometer for the next part of the COW

Have a great day.
Good morning all - hope you have a fabulous day full of good choices and success :goodvibes

My favorite breakfast food--so many--usually yogurt with some fruit and grape nuts or real nuts in it. Since we have chickens I LOVE scrambled egg on a piece of whole wheat toast. My current favorite for a 'grab n go' is putting some Quaker Oat Squares cereal (the cinnamon flavor) in a snack bag--so tasty and high in fiber too :)

We also like to do crockpot oatmeal--using steel cut oats (1 C at groats to 4 C water) with dried fruits cooked overnight--smells so good in the morning and takes no time and is easy to keep in the fridge to heat up--doesn't get mushy like regular quick oats do - it stays creamy without adding milk or cream to it and the dried fruits turn soft and add just the right amount of sweetness. Try it - you'll like it.

Have a happy day!!
:) Liz
Hi Everyone,

I haven't posted yet on this new "Green" board, so I thought I'd take a minute and introduce myself and answer a couple of the questions. I am 40, and a mother of 5. Our youngest 3 are bio kids, and about 1 1/2 yrs ago we adopted 2 teenage boys from Russia. So...we jumped from a family of 5 to a family of 7. As you can imagine, I'm constantly on the run...and that has led to some bad habits I am breaking through these challenges. My biggest problem was literally not placing myself on the "to do" list. I'd make excuses as to why I couldn't exercise...too many errands to run, working part-time, tons of laundry, cleaning, etc. I have put on weight the last 7 years, really since my youngest was born. I weighed 150 when I got pregnant with her. Now...well, let's just say I weigh more than that! The first BL challenge really helped me. It was having the accountability that I needed. I lost 20 lbs. The last couple of weeks, btwn a vacation and getting ill, I put back on a pound or two, but I am ready again to get back on track. I need to lose another 20 lbs. My goal for this challenge is to lose 15 lbs. I've noticed the weight coming off more slowly lately, so I feel I have a better chance at the 15.

Now for the favorite characters to see at WDW have to be Mickey and Minnie. I'd love to be more original and say something unique, but honestly, my heart still jumps a beat when I see them!

Favorite breakfast: That is so hard for me because I dislike almost every breakfast food. I've been eating oatmeal, honey-nut Cheerios, Bagelfuls or a Slim-Fast shake.

I'm looking forward to losing weight with all of you! Julie :)
ohMom - Glad you found your charger;). Did you ever find your watch??

donac - Your smoothie sounds like a good one. I’ve yet to try making one, that is one of the things I’m going to try during this challenge. I have my pedometer set out (meant to put it on today but forgot to this morning), thanks for the heads up that we’ll be needing it.:thumbsup2

happysmyly - Like the sounds of those oats, will have to put those on the grocery list for next week and give them a try. I’ve never tried the Quaker Oat Squares either, will look for a coupon::).

lucky’sMom - You are so right that we have to put a spot on the calendar for you, just like we do other things because it is just as important. Good for you on the loss to date, keep up that great work!!:cool1:

Hope everyone else is having a great day so far!!

I'll try to do better with posting participation this time! Here's my intro...

Gulp!! It looks like I'm one of the oldest (age wise) here!! But age is just a number, right?? I WISH the maturity and wisdom came with it, but, size 11 foot fits quite well in my mouth..:rolleyes: I don't post very often for that very reason, I'm always afraid that what I post doesn't come out the way I want it to...

In 2006, I began training for the WDW half marathon. I had discovered that you could WALK the half and still get a medal!! Whoo hoo!! :woohoo: We had just been to WDW and had worn pedometers where we often did 15 miles in one day. I thought 13.1 miles sounded doable, so I signed up. It wasn't until after I hit the, "Send" button on the registration form that I realized we had done 15 miles all day..and you had 3 1/2 hours to do 13.1!! :scared1: I managed to lose 35 pounds that year, but I've been stuck there ever since!! BL7 was the first time I participated in a weight loss accountability thread, and I really enjoyed it. Thanks coaches, team, and Brenda!! I actually got the scale to start moving in the right direction...most of the time! :rotfl:

ohMom/Mollie :wave: I always smile when I see your avatar!! I remember how fun it was to start the half with you and your mom! If WDW '07 had been my first half marathon, I would never be going for 25 states today!! It was horrible hot, then to finish and be told there were no medals!!! :faint:

:goodvibes Anne
OK, on to the three QOTD:

Goal? Continue with food journaling and attempting to count calories. I was really surprised at the difference that keeping a food journal made, so now I want to add counting calories. Oh, and reporting the COW. It will be interesting to see how the pedometer holds up to the TM (treadmill) as that is about the only daily walking I get in!! :rolleyes1

Favorite character?? I have to say, all of them make me smile!! ::yes:: I really enjoy seeing the faces (young and old) of people as they interact with the characters!

Favorite breakfast? This is hard. I would eat breakfast food at every meal..siighhh. Steel cut oats are wonderful! I just discovered adding mashed banana, a dash of vanilla, and a sprinkle of walnuts makes it incredible!! That was courtesy of BL 30 Day Jump Start book.

Have a great Monday, team!! I look forward to continuing this journey with you!

:goodvibes Anne

I'll try to do better with posting participation this time! Here's my intro...

Gulp!! It looks like I'm one of the oldest (age wise) here!! But age is just a number, right?? I WISH the maturity and wisdom came with it, but, size 11 foot fits quite well in my mouth..:rolleyes: I don't post very often for that very reason, I'm always afraid that what I post doesn't come out the way I want it to...

I don't know about you being the oldest. I can tell you the year of my birth without actuallly saying it. I was born 2 months before DisneyLand opened. My dh was born 3 months after it opened.

I have been married for almost 31 years. It will be 31 this Aug 5th
I was born 2 months before DisneyLand opened.

Oh, you are so sweet, Dona!! Sorry to say, I was already toddling around by then!! :lmao:

Congrats on your 31 years! You do have me beat there! We just celebrated 30 in WDW, of course!!

:goodvibes Anne

P.S. and Vanilla Rooibus IS heavenly!!
Favorite breakfast? This is hard. I would eat breakfast food at every meal..siighhh. Steel cut oats are wonderful! I just discovered adding mashed banana, a dash of vanilla, and a sprinkle of walnuts makes it incredible!!
:goodvibes Anne

Oh - that does sound quite tasty--I've been crockpotting them with apples and dried cranberries and dried blueberries--but I will try adding the banana, vanilla and a sprinkle of nuts.... DH is going to be so pleased... I think I'll try that tonight... thinking about it - it sounds like it would be tasting like a banana split for breakfast--thanks!!!
happysmyly LOL!! and I was thinking crockpotting them sounded great, too! WISH I had known that when I had more than just me eating oatmeal! I think it tastes like banana nut bread, but with the blueberries and apples, you bet it will taste like a banana split!! :laughing:
B]Favorite breakfast[/B]? This is hard. I would eat breakfast food at every meal..siighhh. Steel cut oats are wonderful! I just discovered adding mashed banana, a dash of vanilla, and a sprinkle of walnuts makes it incredible!! That was courtesy of BL 30 Day Jump Start book.

Have a great Monday, team!! I look forward to continuing this journey with you!

:goodvibes Anne

I bought the BL 30 day jump start and also enjoyed this oatmeal, but I replaced the walnuts for sliced almonds. I am having a hard time finding the steel cut oats, where are they?

I had never really eaten breakfast before until 2005 when I started getting healthier and training. If you are asking what would be my favorite all time bkfast food- breakfast lasagna from the Crystal Palace but right now my fave is oatmeal with bananas or multigrain cheerios.

Miniefan, I actually saw that Quaker Oats now has steel cut oatmeal and I saw it at WalMart!! They have a nuttier taste than the old fashion oats. Hope you can give them a try!

I am trying several of the recipies. It took me 2 hours of shopping to find some of the stuff!! I just decided that the recipes MUST be good, so I was going to at least try them! The Peanutty Spread was another good one!! I am not, nor never have been, a tofu person..but this was good! and the Greek style yogurt...:goodvibes
QOTD Monday - What is your favorite breakfast food??

I like egg beaters and usually cook them in the microwave and either use a little spray butter on them or salsa. Often, I'll make a sandwich with a light english muffin and some ham or cheese and the salsa. I find the protein really helps keep me satisfied longer in the morning.


I'll try to do better with posting participation this time! Here's my intro...

Gulp!! It looks like I'm one of the oldest (age wise) here!! But age is just a number, right?? I WISH the maturity and wisdom came with it, but, size 11 foot fits quite well in my mouth..:rolleyes: I don't post very often for that very reason, I'm always afraid that what I post doesn't come out the way I want it to...

In 2006, I began training for the WDW half marathon. I had discovered that you could WALK the half and still get a medal!! Whoo hoo!! :woohoo: We had just been to WDW and had worn pedometers where we often did 15 miles in one day. I thought 13.1 miles sounded doable, so I signed up. It wasn't until after I hit the, "Send" button on the registration form that I realized we had done 15 miles all day..and you had 3 1/2 hours to do 13.1!! :scared1: I managed to lose 35 pounds that year, but I've been stuck there ever since!! BL7 was the first time I participated in a weight loss accountability thread, and I really enjoyed it. Thanks coaches, team, and Brenda!! I actually got the scale to start moving in the right direction...most of the time! :rotfl:

ohMom/Mollie :wave: I always smile when I see your avatar!! I remember how fun it was to start the half with you and your mom! If WDW '07 had been my first half marathon, I would never be going for 25 states today!! It was horrible hot, then to finish and be told there were no medals!!! :faint:

:goodvibes Anne
Age, like weight, is just a number! We're all in this together and the healthier we get, the younger we'll feel! Congrats on doing the hallf marathon! That's fabulous!!

I don't know about you being the oldest. I can tell you the year of my birth without actuallly saying it. I was born 2 months before DisneyLand opened. My dh was born 3 months after it opened.

I have been married for almost 31 years. It will be 31 this Aug 5th
That is so cute!


I had never really eaten breakfast before until 2005 when I started getting healthier and training. If you are asking what would be my favorite all time bkfast food- breakfast lasagna from the Crystal Palace but right now my fave is oatmeal with bananas or multigrain cheerios.

That lasagna was soooooo good! Kind of like dessert for breakfast. That is my favorite restaurant. Don't even think of points and calories when I'm there. Now, I love egg beaters, but just thinking about the breakfast lasagna can't hurt now, can it? I think it's time to start planning another trip.
Miniefan, I actually saw that Quaker Oats now has steel cut oatmeal and I saw it at WalMart!! They have a nuttier taste than the old fashion oats. Hope you can give them a try!

I am trying several of the recipies. It took me 2 hours of shopping to find some of the stuff!! I just decided that the recipes MUST be good, so I was going to at least try them! The Peanutty Spread was another good one!! I am not, nor never have been, a tofu person..but this was good! and the Greek style yogurt...:goodvibes

There seems to be a lot of things in that book that I haven't tried yet. I will definitely check for the oatmeal again. Another thing I like to do to up the protein value in my oatmeal is add a Tbs of natural peanut butter and then banana, feels like cheating.

I have never had jicama, don't know what it is or where to get or look for it, I am assuming it is a fruit or veggie, but I noticed that it is listed as a snack in the book.

I made and tried hummus for the first time, it's not the best thing I've ever tasted but given the right spices it made a good snack with the pita crisps, also from the book, and I also made the corn chips, also tasted pretty good but I overcooked them and they are a little too hard. My walmart does not carry greek-style yogurt except for one brand and it is sold individually in 8-10 oz cups for almost 2.00 each, so I am making smoothies, yogurt parfaits and just eating Stonyfield farms organic fat free yogurt, and its really good ( it was recommended by another book I am reading and trying recipes from- The Abs diet for women), it focuses on power foods and I am trying to incorporate as many of them as I can into my diet.

Oh, you are so sweet, Dona!! Sorry to say, I was already toddling around by then!! :lmao:

Congrats on your 31 years! You do have me beat there! We just celebrated 30 in WDW, of course!!

:goodvibes Anne

P.S. and Vanilla Rooibus IS heavenly!!

That's where we celebrated in Aug.

I bought the BL 30 day jump start and also enjoyed this oatmeal, but I replaced the walnuts for sliced almonds. I am having a hard time finding the steel cut oats, where are they?

I too saw that Quaker has steel cut oats. They are not as good as some other brand but it is good place to start trying them.

There seems to be a lot of things in that book that I haven't tried yet. I will definitely check for the oatmeal again. Another thing I like to do to up the protein value in my oatmeal is add a Tbs of natural peanut butter and then banana, feels like cheating.

I have never had jicama, don't know what it is or where to get or look for it, I am assuming it is a fruit or veggie, but I noticed that it is listed as a snack in the book.

I made and tried hummus for the first time, it's not the best thing I've ever tasted but given the right spices it made a good snack with the pita crisps, also from the book, and I also made the corn chips, also tasted pretty good but I overcooked them and they are a little too hard. My walmart does not carry greek-style yogurt except for one brand and it is sold individually in 8-10 oz cups for almost 2.00 each, so I am making smoothies, yogurt parfaits and just eating Stonyfield farms organic fat free yogurt, and its really good ( it was recommended by another book I am reading and trying recipes from- The Abs diet for women), it focuses on power foods and I am trying to incorporate as many of them as I can into my diet.


jimacca is a veggie and it is very crunch. It looks pretty ugly and you would find it in the area with the plantains and the potatoes (at least that is where it is in my store).

HUmmus needs the right seasoning. Roasted garlic is a good one to add to it.
How is everyone doing with the COW so far?
So far, so good.:thumbsup2


Favorite character?? Favorite at the parks would be Mickey and Minnie.

Favorite breakfast? I really dont have a favorite, at least a healthy favorite. Up until recently I would have a poached egg with ham on an english muffin, but I've gotten tired of this and am now doing oatmeal. But I'm really interested in the steel cut oatmeal you all have been talking about. I have been eating just the quick cook or instant kind. I think I'm going to have to try the steel cut kind.

I'll try to do better with posting participation this time! Here's my intro...

Gulp!! It looks like I'm one of the oldest (age wise) here!! But age is just a number, right?? I WISH the maturity and wisdom came with it, but, size 11 foot fits quite well in my mouth..:rolleyes: I don't post very often for that very reason, I'm always afraid that what I post doesn't come out the way I want it to...

In 2006, I began training for the WDW half marathon. I had discovered that you could WALK the half and still get a medal!! Whoo hoo!! :woohoo: We had just been to WDW and had worn pedometers where we often did 15 miles in one day. I thought 13.1 miles sounded doable, so I signed up. It wasn't until after I hit the, "Send" button on the registration form that I realized we had done 15 miles all day..and you had 3 1/2 hours to do 13.1!! :scared1: I managed to lose 35 pounds that year, but I've been stuck there ever since!! BL7 was the first time I participated in a weight loss accountability thread, and I really enjoyed it. Thanks coaches, team, and Brenda!! I actually got the scale to start moving in the right direction...most of the time! :rotfl:

ohMom/Mollie :wave: I always smile when I see your avatar!! I remember how fun it was to start the half with you and your mom! If WDW '07 had been my first half marathon, I would never be going for 25 states today!! It was horrible hot, then to finish and be told there were no medals!!! :faint:

:goodvibes Anne

Glad you are joining in and you're going to keep that scale moving in the downward direction!!:banana:

OK, on to the three QOTD:

Goal? Continue with food journaling and attempting to count calories. I was really surprised at the difference that keeping a food journal made, so now I want to add counting calories. Oh, and reporting the COW. It will be interesting to see how the pedometer holds up to the TM (treadmill) as that is about the only daily walking I get in!! :rolleyes1

Favorite character?? I have to say, all of them make me smile!! ::yes:: I really enjoy seeing the faces (young and old) of people as they interact with the characters!

Favorite breakfast? This is hard. I would eat breakfast food at every meal..siighhh. Steel cut oats are wonderful! I just discovered adding mashed banana, a dash of vanilla, and a sprinkle of walnuts makes it incredible!! That was courtesy of BL 30 Day Jump Start book.

Have a great Monday, team!! I look forward to continuing this journey with you!

:goodvibes Anne

I've got to find some steel oats, I have some bananas that I'm going to have to throw out if I don't. When cooking them in the crockpot, do I follow the directions on the container and then just add the other ingred, cover and cook on low all night? If I put them on at 9pm, will they be ready by 7am?


I had never really eaten breakfast before until 2005 when I started getting healthier and training. If you are asking what would be my favorite all time bkfast food- breakfast lasagna from the Crystal Palace but right now my fave is oatmeal with bananas or multigrain cheerios.


I was asking about healthier options;) but I too like the breakfast lasagna from there. If we are doing a breakfast though, we typically do a later one, we just aren't ones to get up and going too early while there. We enjoy sleeping in, lounging around, until mid morning.
I didn't make it outside for a walk yesterday but I did log 30 minutes on the Wii Fit last night along with doing 15-20 squats everytime I went to the potty yesterday:thumbsup2. It is a way to get some exercise in short bursts.

Today doesn't appear to be as busy so hoping to get a couple of things marked off the to-do list.

QOTD Tuesday - What are your summer plans?

Once we return from our May trip to WDW, we don't have any other plans until the fall. I'm hoping to spend some time in my yard this summer and we are planning on starting a small garden. I would love to have some fresh items to put in the freezer this year.

If anyone is interested in coaching/QOTD during the challenge, let me know. If you can't do a week but would like to do a few days, that is fine too. I want to make sure to keep things fresh and not let them get stale on us;).

Have a great Tuesday everyone!! Let's make the day count, we are going to have a super WI on Friday for the Green Team:woohoo::yay::woohoo:.
This is from Brenda on the BL7 thread...if you haven't sent in your final weight to her, please do that ASAP!! Now back to our regularly scheduled programming;).

Help help help


Hey BL7 losers where are you all??? I am still waiting for weight reports from 34 current participants.

Friday was our last weight in for BL7. If you were a part of this BL please send your final weight to me ASAP. If you are taking part in BL 7.1 Eeyores Butterfly also needs your weight from Friday to use as your initial weight for BL 7.1. Did I not do a good job explaining this. Do you have any questions?

Please help out a retiring weightkeeper. I do worry so much about all of you.

To my faithful losers tomorrow's official announcement will be delayed until Wednesday so I can hear from some of my lost sheep. The list includes two coaches I have not heard from. WHY WHY WHY???

You have stuck it out this long with BL7, just send in your final weight to be named as a finisher of this challenge.


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