I don't actively watch the feeds anymore (no time) but I do watch video clips of the feeds. She is exactly what we are seeing. Whiny and fake. I joke she's always putting her hands to her face to poke herself in the eye to make them tear up because her crying is so fake. I don't think she is doing anything strategic unless her strategy is just going around lying to everyone about what "she heard" or "was told" to avoid eviction. I mean that is a strategy for someone who has run out of play energy but sending her home would bring out more serious play in others because they won't have her to fill the spot.
On some feed clips you see everyone roll their eyes, wave her off with their hand and literally listen to her whine then get up and walk away while she is talking. My thought is (1) none of them take her serious so she keeps getting pulled off (2) cause production told them to OR (3) they really see her as no threat and expect to send her home just before final three.
Unfortunately she comes off to me as a lying car salesman so she could very well get to the final and present her case that she played everyone with her fake persona, that she won some and she held back some, that everyone wanted her to come along and she used that and she managed to avoid eviction after how many times on the block. We have seen seasons where they gave money to someone who absolutely should not have won ... and they were ugly people. She's just a fake so not liked or disliked.
He has gone home. I don't think that would be an option now.