BARRY - I need your help!!! :)


Earning My Ears
Mar 16, 2000
Hi Barry! I haven't been on this board in a long time. I need some help and I know you are the exact person to assist. I am on vacation in Sanibel and do not have e-mail access hence the post to this board.

Could you please, please help me figure out the best way to get to Orlando (WDW) from Sanibel? I know you taken this trip many a time -- that is why I am coming to you for answers! :)

We are going on Monday morning, but I will only have access to your answer until 5:00PM Saturday, when this library closes (not open Sunday at all).

I would really, really appreciate your help on this -- the Florida maps seem pretty confusing as far as the best route.

Thank you in advance and also thanx again for the time you sent me the IOA video tape! ;)

~Nancy~ (itching to get off this island and up to the Mousedom!)

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3/01 ASMo, 5/01 Wonder & DVC BWV, 11/01 DIS convention
I'm thinking 275 to I-4 would be the best.....but I'm in Tampa so I'm sure Barry will know better!


<A HREF="">Universal Orlando Information Overload</A>- Updates: Universal Chat every Sunday at 9:00pm!
Im not sure how you would do this but try to get over to the turnpike and dont get off till you meet the the oceola parkway and that street runs straoght into Disney!! No crowded street!! Its the best way to go!!

I live up near Orlando for school (UCF) but my "home base" is in Ft. Myers. I always just take I-75 to I-4 to get up here. It usually takes about 3.5 hours.
Here's what you do:

1.) Work your way out of WDW property and hit I-4. Go West on I-4 (towards Tampa).
2.) Go until the I-75 exit. Head south (towards Naples).
3.) Put your right foot in.
4.) Put your right foot out.
5.) Ignore 3-4.
6.) Head south to exit 21 (Southwest Florida International Airport).
7.) Make a left onto Daniels Parkway. You're on the right road if you see a Shell station to your right.
8.) About 3-4 miles later, you will reach Six Mile Cypress Parkway. Turn left.
9.) Keep on this road until it turns until Gladious Blvd. Then head straight down the road.
10.) About 10-15 miles later, you will see a sign that points you to Sanibel. Take a left. The road name is McGregor Blvd., also know as Route 867.
11.) Head south and cross over the Sanibel Causeway (toll is $3).
12.) On your way back, drive past my house and leave a tip by the front door. :)

Have fun!


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
Thanks to Barry and everyone else who contributed!! I really appreciate the help!

Sorry, Barry - can't leave a tip on the way back. Disney will have taken all my money by then. Remember, their motto is

"Celebrate the future CASH in Hand"!!

ºoº Nancy ºoº (off to WDW in 3 days, but darn no time for IOA :( )

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6/93 GF concierge honeymoon room,
6/99, 5/00 DxL, 9/00 Poly,
3/01 ASMo, 5/01 Wonder & DVC BWV, 11/01 DIS convention

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