Hi Barry! I haven't been on this board in a long time. I need some help and I know you are the exact person to assist. I am on vacation in Sanibel and do not have e-mail access hence the post to this board.
Could you please, please help me figure out the best way to get to Orlando (WDW) from Sanibel? I know you taken this trip many a time -- that is why I am coming to you for answers!
We are going on Monday morning, but I will only have access to your answer until 5:00PM Saturday, when this library closes (not open Sunday at all).
I would really, really appreciate your help on this -- the Florida maps seem pretty confusing as far as the best route.
Thank you in advance and also thanx again for the time you sent me the IOA video tape!
~Nancy~ (itching to get off this island and up to the Mousedom!)
Click in the box to go to my PinPics trades/wants:
<A HREF="http://www.pinpics.com/cgi-bin/trade.cgi?act=list&user=Perdita+Pongo" TARGET=_blank><img width = "200" SRC = "http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/vltdisney/Pongo_Perdita.gif"> </A>
72, 73, 74, 82, 84,
6/93 GF concierge honeymoon room,
6/99, 5/00 DxL, 9/00 Poly,
3/01 ASMo, 5/01 Wonder & DVC BWV, 11/01 DIS convention
Could you please, please help me figure out the best way to get to Orlando (WDW) from Sanibel? I know you taken this trip many a time -- that is why I am coming to you for answers!

We are going on Monday morning, but I will only have access to your answer until 5:00PM Saturday, when this library closes (not open Sunday at all).
I would really, really appreciate your help on this -- the Florida maps seem pretty confusing as far as the best route.
Thank you in advance and also thanx again for the time you sent me the IOA video tape!

~Nancy~ (itching to get off this island and up to the Mousedom!)
Click in the box to go to my PinPics trades/wants:
<A HREF="http://www.pinpics.com/cgi-bin/trade.cgi?act=list&user=Perdita+Pongo" TARGET=_blank><img width = "200" SRC = "http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/vltdisney/Pongo_Perdita.gif"> </A>
72, 73, 74, 82, 84,
6/93 GF concierge honeymoon room,
6/99, 5/00 DxL, 9/00 Poly,
3/01 ASMo, 5/01 Wonder & DVC BWV, 11/01 DIS convention