Back in the Saddle...? Ridgebacks, Running, and other Fitness-related Shenanigans


DIS Veteran
Jun 3, 2017

I recently discovered the training journals, and have been debating whether or not to start my own. I’ve had absolutely no motivation in my running life since Dopey back in January. After the full on the 7th until February 4th when I had my next half marathon, I ran a grand total of four times (20 miles).
Needless to say, that half was not the best experience.:crutches:

Since then I’ve still been struggling with getting myself up and out the door to run. Part of it I think is related to not wanting to deal with anymore cold after the Dopey 2018 experience as well as having shoe issues. I also have not been where I’d like from a fitness standpoint after having a major surgery in June 2016. It destroyed my upper body strength, and gym time has been almost non-existent. …Anywho, all this to say I decided to start my own training journal to see if it would motivate me to get over myself!

About me: I never formally introduced myself anywhere on the DISboards as far as I can remember. My name is Lily, and I’m a mid-30s SAHM (aka chef, chauffeur, mini-zookeeper, etc.). ...Ok, ok, I'll turn 37 later this year, so I guess I can no longer claim to be mid-30s.... :scared: I have loved running for as long as I can remember, but moving out to SoCal several years ago was a massive culture shock. I eased back into running with the security of my doggy running partners in tow.paw:

Up until 2013, I was completely against doing any formal running events as they just seemed to be too much work. My M.O. had always been to just head out the door for my runs, and I was perfectly happy. On the day registration opened for the 2014 Tinkerbell ½, one of my girlfriends called me and basically bamboozled me into signing up for it while she was still on the phone so I wouldn’t back out. Upon hanging up after registration was complete, I immediately regretted the decision. :rolleyes2 A few days later the same friend suggested we sign up for a local half that would be a couple months before Tinkerbell to help with training and POT. I begrudgingly agreed, and after running that first local half in November 2013 I was hooked!::yes::

Fast forward 5 full marathons and countless halfs, 15ks, 10ks, and 5ks (well I’ve just never bothered counting them), I find myself still loving running but just needing to not be a poo…:crazy2: I look forward to joining in on others' journeys, as I've enjoyed the runDisney thread these past few months. :lovestruc
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2018 Goals

· Get back to running at least 5x/week

· Get to the gym at least 2x/week for much-needed strength training

· Walk the dogs at least 4x/week

· Prepare my oldest Rhodesian Ridgeback to transition to being my running buddy by the time he turns 2 in July

· Eat clean 85% of the time and avoid sugar as much as possible (sweets are my downfall, but my body does not react well to simple carbs)
2018 Race Schedule

January 4-7: Dopey Challenge

February 4: Surf City ½

March 18: San Diego Hot Chocolate 15k

April 21-22: Star Wars First Order Challenge

July 4: Anaheim Hills Firecracker 10k

October 14: Surf City 10 (my first 10 miler so definitely will do speed training for this one)

November 2: Fall Feast 5k
November 3-4: Two Course Challenge

2018 Race Possibilities

November 11: Las Vegas Rock N’ Roll ½

December 2: Reindeer Run 5k (fun run with my youngest that we did last year based on medal design)
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The Ridgies
German Shepherds have my heart and always will, but we decided many years ago that one of my future running dogs would be a Rhodesian Ridgeback. When it was time to retire my male GSD, my youngest DD was just 2. Ridgies have a bit of a wild side to them, so we decided to wait and play it safe. We adopted our sweet Boxer boy, Zion. He was a great running partner for about 5 years, but then he decided he needed an early retirement.:sad2: He literally would trail behind me the full 6' of leash, so I felt like a total dog abuser. He clearly was also not the intimidating running partner I was used to since at the time I was running by myself in the dark. :scared1: The RR breeder we wanted to purchase from had a pup right when we contacted her, but we decided the timing wasn't quite right. She didn't have another litter for another 1 1/2 years, and in the meantime, we serendipitously came across a breeder somewhat close to home. We brought Jax home in September 2016, and since Ridgies are like potato chips and you can't just have one, Blaze flew in from Texas in August 2017.

One of the things I'm super excited about in my running life this year is finally being able to have Jax join me on runs. Ridgebacks grow for up to two years, so it's recommended to wait so their growth plates can fuse and avoid damage. It will be another year for Blaze of course, but Blaze may prove to be a better distance runner than Jax. Jax is big-boned since he has strong German lines. Now for pics! I'll see if I can figure out how to add them....:confused::rotfl2:

Jax as a puppy:

Jax recently:

Baby Blaze:
Blaze now with his Boxer bud:

And last but not least, the smallest member of our pack, Trixie the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel:
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Your dogs are gorgeous! I have a pug (my first dog)so I have never ran with a dog but it seems so enjoyable. He is a great rest day partner though.

How did your race go?
The Ridgies
German Shepherds have my heart and always will, but we decided many years ago that one of my future running dogs would be a Rhodesian Ridgeback. When it was time to retire my male GSD, my youngest DD was just 2. Ridgies have a bit of a wild side to them, so we decided to wait and play it safe. We adopted our sweet Boxer boy, Zion. He was a great running partner for about 5 years, but then he decided he needed an early retirement.:sad2: He literally would trail behind me the full 6' of leash, so I felt like a total dog abuser. He clearly was also not the intimidating running partner I was used to since at the time I was running by myself in the dark. :scared1: The RR breeder we wanted to purchase from had a pup right when we contacted her, but we decided the timing wasn't quite right. She didn't have another litter for another 1 1/2 years, and in the meantime, we serendipitously came across a breeder somewhat close to home. We brought Jax home in September 2016, and since Ridgies are like potato chips and you can't just have one, Blaze flew in from Texas in August 2017.

One of the things I'm super excited about in my running life this year is finally being able to have Jax join me on runs. Ridgebacks grow for up to two years, so it's recommended to wait so their growth plates can fuse and avoid damage. It will be another year for Blaze of course, but Blaze may prove to be a better distance runner than Jax. Jax is big-boned since he has strong German lines. Now for pics! I'll see if I can figure out how to add them....:confused::rotfl2:

Jax as a puppy:

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Jax recently:
View attachment 309604

Baby Blaze:
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Blaze now with his Boxer bud:
View attachment 309606

And last but not least, the smallest member of our pack, Trixie the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel:
View attachment 309607

YAY Puppies! Excited to follow along!
Excited to follow along! Congrats on starting a journal!

Thank you so much! I'm pleased with my decision to start one up so far!:thumbsup2

Your dogs are gorgeous! I have a pug (my first dog)so I have never ran with a dog but it seems so enjoyable. He is a great rest day partner though.

How did your race go?

Aww, thank you! I adore pugs! If we ever get another little dog, it'll most likely be a pug! I really do enjoy running with my dogs, although I know I look like a crazy person talking to them the whole way! :laughing:

The race went well! I ran with my DH so that we could enjoy the deliciousness together! :goodvibes

YAY Puppies! Excited to follow along!

Thank you for the welcome, and I'm super excited to have followers! :cheer2:
Quick Hot Chocolate 15k recap

Yep, that’s about it! ...Really though, DH and I forget how hilly San Diego races tend to be. We paid for our packets to be sent to us so that we could just drive in the morning of the race. Everything went smoothly and we got into our corrals about 10 minutes before the race started.

I had decided to stay with my hubby since this is one of my “fun runs,” and I had also decided that I would eat all the goodies along the way. The first two stops they were only handing out big marshmallows. I’m not a huge fan of marshmallows, so I skipped those and just grabbed water. The last stop I grabbed two different kinds of candy. One was a little cup of Swedish fish and the other had conversation hearts which I thought were sweet tarts. My hubby ate the conversation hearts, and I enjoyed the Swedish fish. The last time we did the race two years ago, they provided more chocolatey treats throughout the course so I was a bit disappointed. The finish line goodies definitely made up for this!

DH has also not been as motivated to run since Dopey, so he really had a rough time on some of the crazy hills. I think we finished four minutes slower than two years ago. He was kinda bummed, but I think the experience will help him get his buns in gear to be prepared for the Darkside Challenge in less than 5 weeks. :eek:

All in all a super fun run that I’m sure we’ll do again; even if it’s the 5k since the girls want to take part in the gluttony post race. :rotfl2: And the swag is always pretty fun:


Today is definitely the start of sugar detox for me. I overdid it yesterday. In addition to the chocolate goodies, we celebrated my youngest DD’s perfect report card with froyo. :faint:

Following along!! I wish I could do the San Diego RnR Half but my schedule won't allow it unless I do something crazy that I am not 100% writing off the table just yet. BUT there is a likely chance that I will be doing the Vegas RnR Half! So maybe we can meet up!

Your pups are adorable!
Following along!! I wish I could do the San Diego RnR Half but my schedule won't allow it unless I do something crazy that I am not 100% writing off the table just yet. BUT there is a likely chance that I will be doing the Vegas RnR Half! So maybe we can meet up!

Your pups are adorable!

After yesterday’s hills I’m not positive we’ll be doing San Diego either.:laughing: Meeting up in Las Vegas would be so fun! ::yes::
FOMO got the best of us, so this morning I signed DH and myself up for the Fall Feast 5k in addition to the challenge....


We justified it by the fact that it’ll most likely be our last rD race weekend until they bring the DLR races back or Dopey 2023; whichever happens first.

And so far so good on training journal motivation! Hit the gym yesterday for the first time in months; maybe even a year. I had planned to do an easy recovery run, but decided to take the dogs for a 5 mile walk/very light jog on a dirt path nearby.

Pics from last week?



Sugar detox is also going well after the sugar binge on Sunday!


We justified it by the fact that it’ll most likely be our last rD race weekend until they bring the DLR races back or Dopey 2023; whichever happens first.
Siiiiigh. I feel you there. I am doing Dopey 2019 and then if DL never comes back, I won't be doing another rD race until Princess 2023 when the Half will fall on my birthday!
Siiiiigh. I feel you there. I am doing Dopey 2019 and then if DL never comes back, I won't be doing another rD race until Princess 2023 when the Half will fall on my birthday!

Dopey was so much fun, but I’ll hope for warmer weather for your experience!:cold: My oldest just today was saying she liked WDW, but that if the weather is the same as last time she doesn’t want to go....:wave2::rotfl2:

And what a perfect year to do Princess! I very much want to do that race weekend at some point, but I’m holding out for Tinkbell to come back so I can get the pink coast to coast. :love: They’ve gotta bring DLR rD races back, right?!?!:confused3
In honor of National Puppy Day, I thought I’d share this book DH just received for his birthday. Yesterday was a rainy SoCal day, so I stole it and found it to be an enjoyable read.

It’s written by an Australian ultramarathoner and shares his experience of being picked by a stray during a race through Mongolia and the Gobi Desert. It’s an easy read, but it’s a very sweet story. :love:
In honor of National Puppy Day, I thought I’d share this book DH just received for his birthday. Yesterday was a rainy SoCal day, so I stole it and found it to be an enjoyable read.

It’s written by an Australian ultramarathoner and shares his experience of being picked by a stray during a race through Mongolia and the Gobi Desert. It’s an easy read, but it’s a very sweet story. :love:
I saw a mini documentary on ESPN on that cute dog, I didn't know there was a book, off to find it....
I saw a mini documentary on ESPN on that cute dog, I didn't know there was a book, off to find it....

Hope you found it! And apparently there are a couple books geared specifically to kiddos. One of the younger boys on my daughter’s track team was reading it at their last meet. I had cleared the adult one for my youngest to read, but I apparently missed a couple bad words which she kindly pointed out. :scared: Mommy fail....


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