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Melissa R

DIS Veteran
Aug 25, 1999
We were at FW tent camping for the first 3 nights of January and thoroughly enjoyed our stay. We will definitely be returning to FW! DH and I had both camped here numerous times as children, but this was our first trip to FW as adults and parents. Our 3 year old son loved it as well.

We ate twice at Trail's End Buffeteria and also loved this. I was very impressed by the selection and quality of the food here. I am not a fan of most Disney food, but I was very pleased here. Also, on both visits, we told the hostess that our son was 3 years old, but we were never charged for him - not his food or his drink. I don't know why they did this as I didn't even notice until I was looking over receipts after the trip, but it was a nice gesture. We enjoyed the food here so much that I know we'll eat here again on future visits.
My DH drags us to Trails End from no matter which resort we stay at when we are at WDW because he just loves that place. Well, I shouldn't say "drags", we all go willingly. :D
I love it too! Its just so funny how he makes it the top of his "to do" list every time that we are at WDW. And the day that we plan to go there, Heavens, it's all he talks about!
Well, he will be in his glory in just a few weeks when our next trip is at FW for 7 wonderful trails end filled days!
Isn't FW terrific?? I hope you had good weather!

I have to say that of all the years that we have camped at FW...this last July was the first time we have eaten at the Trails End. I don't know why I waited as long as I did!
It is an excellent meal. I'm usually so full from breakfast, I don't eat the rest of the day! Fine with me! :)

Sharon in Florida
Wife to Cameron for the past 15 years (July 2)
Taxi Mom to: Christopher-12 & Kayla-8
My Trips to DW:
Next Trip: June 15-25, 2001
FW-6/94, 95, 96,2000

Trail's End Buffet is the absolute best. They bend over backward to feed my vegetarian daughters. Bob, Alex, Joy, Nancy, Chris and William are a wonder group of castmembers that always make you feel like you are part of their family. Ask Bob to see pictures of his son. Geez I'm getting homesick for Ft Wilderness.
:( :(

Our family loves it too. We weren't suprised when we checked the dinning survey on this site and found Trails End among the 10 best rated resteraunts at WDW.


95 POL
96(2), GF,Offsite
8/00 DVC member
3/2001 BWV
11/2001 BWV
my family discovered Trail's End when we were camping at FW. It was August and we quickly decided it was too hot to cook ourselves over a fire or campstove. The CMs really make you feel like you have come home ! We plan at least a meal or two every trip to WDW now, even though we usually stay at DxL. One of these days have to check out the cabins though! Love FW but it was too hot for much sleeping both times we were there in our tent ...


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