avondale training journal, starting Dec. 2018 (comments welcome)

@DopeyBadger , some questions for you since I no longer have my target marathon.

I still have 5 weeks in my training plan, including this week. I was planning to more or less follow it, except maybe the last week, which tapers down drastically to the marathon. If you have suggestions, I'd be happy to hear them.

10LR in place of the Cherry Blossom on April 5 is fine with me. The weekend before that, I have a 15-miler with a mix of LR and M-tempo. Honestly, I'll probably just do that at LR since I don't enjoy the M-tempo and a race is not upcoming. I don't mind the mileage.

I'm going to skip the heat acclimation training. If I do any sort of race in the summer, I will be getting HAT training by virtue of living in Maryland.

I was thinking of doing some of the weekend runs on trails (as in, not paved) since I've been interested in trying more trail running. Usually I have a Goal and Training Plan to follow, but now things are in limbo. If I did this, obviously I would slow the pace down. Do you have a suggestion for if I should alter distance as well? I wouldn't do this for my 15-miler, but maybe one of the 8- or 10-milers.

Over the next few weeks, hopefully we'll get a better idea of where the coronavirus containment is heading and when it might be practical to think about racing again.
Sounds like a plan. I’d suggest that if you switch road running with trail running to slow down (similar effort) and run by duration scheduled instead of mileage.
Week of Mar. 16 - 22, 2020

This is the twelfth week of my DopeyBadger training plan for the Martian Marathon on Apr. 18, 2020.

However, the Martian Marathon has been postponed to an as-yet-undetermined date this "summer". So now I officially have no races on the schedule to train for. For the moment, I'm planning on mostly following through with the rest of this training plan, although I suppose we'll see how that holds up.

With no race on the agenda and no tennis at all, I'm feeling very unsettled. Fortunately this past week was mostly beautiful, so it was nice to do some extra walking outside. The upcoming week does not look so nice. But I am lucky to be able to keep working and get paid. Everything is very hard to put into perspective these days.

  • Morning: prehab routine (like previous) and foam rolling and stretching
  • After work: 55-min walk around the neighborhood
Tuesday after work:
  • 5EA
    • T+D 105, 0.5% correction
    • Target pace: 11:56; with correction 12:00
    • With GAP adjustments, splits should have been: 12:01, 12:15, 12:12, 11:50, 12:09
    • Splits: 11:56, 12:12, 12:12, 11:50, 12:01
    • Ave HR: 134 BPM - within my target zone
    • comments: I hit all my splits.
    • Route: Sligo Creek Trail, going north
  • Morning: new Workout 1:
    • Squat: 3 x 8 with 50 lbs
    • Pull-ups: 3 x 8; each set 2 unassisted and 6 assisted
    • Glute bridge: 3 x 8 with 10-sec hold
    • Bench press: 3 x 8 with 50 lbs
    • Curl up: 3 x 8
  • After work: 50-min walk around the neighborhood
  • Morning: prehab routine (like previous) and foam rolling and stretching
  • After work:
    • 0.5 WU + 5M-tempo + 0.5CD
      • T+D 114, 1% correction
      • Target M-tempo pace 9:56; with correction 10:02
      • With GAP adjustments, M-tempo splits should have been: 10:03, 10:17, 10:12, 9:52, 10:11
      • M-tempo splits: 9:59, 10:15, 10:12, 9:52, 10:12
      • Ave HR: 154 BPM - slightly below my marathon range
      • comments: I hit all my splits. I was really dreading this run, but it turned out to be very do-able. Apparently it's easier to run at M-tempo pace when you haven't run 7 miles beforehand (like in my recent 15-miler).
      • Route: Sligo Creek Trail, going north
Friday afternoon: 100-min walk around the neighborhood

Saturday before dinner:
  • 90-min EB
    • T 50 F
    • Ave pace turned out to be 12:10, yielding 7.35 mi
    • Ave HR: 139 BPM - within my target range
    • comments: since I no longer have any races to train for, I thought I'd try some trail running. DopeyBadger said to keep an easy pace and run for the amount of time on the schedule. Originally this was 8EB.
    • comments: This was a fun run, but I don't know if I like the trails more or if it was just the novelty. This was not a very difficult train in terms of the condition of the path nor the hilliness (Strava says 155 ft elevation gain.). So I guess we'll see.
    • Route: Northwest Branch Trail
Sunday before dinner:
  • 8.5LR
    • T 50 F
    • Target pace 10:50
    • With GAP adjustments, splits should have been: 10:56, 10:55, 10:56, 10:58, 10:52, 10:50, 10:51, 10:56, 10:56
    • Splits: 10:51, 10:43, 10:51, 10:58, 10:51, 10:49, 10:44, 10:52, 11:00
    • Ave HR: 144 BPM - slightly below my target range
    • comments: I hit all my splits, except the 2nd one was a little too fast.
    • Route: Rock Creek Trail, going north.


My headache has not been good lately, but it's been a stressful time. I have an appointment with my neurologist tomorrow (finally - it was over three months to wait). I don't expect anything revelatory.
Week of Mar. 23-29, 2020

This is the thirteenth week of my DopeyBadger training plan for the Martian Marathon on Apr. 18, 2020, which has been postponed.

Just before I wrote this (on March 30), Maryland's governor gave an official stay-at-home order. However, it does seem like walking the dog, running, etc., is still OK. Thank goodness! I have to get out of the house for mental health.

  • Morning: foam rolling and stretching
  • After work: 65-min walk
  • Morning: Workout 2 and foam rolling and stretching. Workout 2:
    • Romanian deadlift: 3 x 8 with 50 lbs
    • Chin-up: 3 x 8, with 2 unassisted each set
    • Bench step-up: 3 x 8 each leg, with 16 lbs
    • Decline push-ups: 3 x 10
    • Side plank: 3 x 30 sec each side
  • After work:
    • 5EA
      • T 54 F
      • Target pace: 11:56
      • With GAP adjustments, splits should have been: 11:57, 12:11, 12:08, 11:46, 12:05
      • Splits: 11:56, 12:13, 12:04, 11:45, 12:07
      • Ave HR: 136 BPM - within my target zone
      • comments: I hit all my splits.
      • Route: Sligo Creek Trail, going north
  • Morning: prehab routine and foam rolling and stretching
  • After work:
    • 5EA
      • T 45 F
      • Target pace 11:56
      • With GAP adjustments, splits should have been: 11:57, 12:11, 12:08, 11:46, 12:05
      • Splits: 12:01, 12:04, 12:08, 11:43, 12:06
      • Ave HR: 136 BPM - within my target zone
      • comments: I hit all my splits.
      • Route: Sligo Creek Trail, going north
  • Morning: Workout 3
    • Hamstring curls on stability ball: 3 x 8
    • Shoulder press: 3 x 8 with 30 lbs
    • Side lunge: 3 x 8 each leg with 15 lbs
    • Reverse-grip row: 3 x 8 with 30 lbs
    • Bird dog: 3 x 8 each side
  • After work:
    • 1WU + 3 x (6 min @HM-tempo + 2 min @CV + 1 min @5k + 2 min RI) + 1CD
    • T 57 F
    • Target HM-tempo pace 9:32
    • HM splits: 9:31, 9:26, 9:25
    • Target CV pace: 9:00
    • CV splits: 9:12, 9:11, 9:06
    • Target 5k pace: 8:45
    • 5k splits: 8:50, 8:55, 8:38
    • comments: I felt like I hit the goals of this workout. All of my interval splits were not within the +/- 5 sec guideline, but they were close. For the 2-min and 1-min intervals, it's hard for the GPS to even settle on your pace correctly in that little time and then not enough time for me to adjust.
    • HS track
  • Morning: foam rolling and stretching
  • After work: 40-min walk around the neighborhood
Saturday before dinner:
  • 8EB
    • T+D 104, 0.5% correction
    • Target pace 11:08; with correction 11:12
    • With GAP adjustments, my splits should have been: 11:18, 11:17, 11:18, 11:20, 11:14, 11:12, 11:13, 11:18
    • Splits: 11:11, 11:07, 11:11, 11:04, 11:16, 11:09, 11:13, 11:17
    • comments: I was a bit too fast on mile 4.
    • Route: Rock Creek Trail, going north
Sunday before dinner:
  • 15LR
    • T+D 114, 1% correction
    • Target pace 10:50; 10:56 with correction
    • With GAP adjustments, my splits should have been: 11:02, 11:01, 11:02, 11:04, 11:09, 11:09, 11:04, 11:04, 11:05, 11:09, 10:57, 10:58, 10:57, 11:02
    • Splits: 10:57, 10:58, 10:59, 11:02, 11:15, 11:09, 11:05, 10:59, 11:03, 11:15, 10:56, 11:07, 10:57, 10:57, 11:07
    • comments: I hit my splits for all miles! My legs were definitely tired by the end of this one.
    • comments: I took 300 cal of Tailwind in 2L of water and drank most of it. I also ate 200 cal of Sport Beans.
    • Route: Rock Creek Trail, going north.


I had a visit with my neurologist this week. He's still pretty much at a loss of what to do with my headaches. The Botox didn't do anything. I'm going to try more of the muscle relaxer and also Zoloft. He also gave me a new order for physical therapy. I think that could help, but I'm not sure I should be going to physical therapy at the moment.
Week of Mar. 30 - Apr. 5, 2020

This is the fourteenth week of my DopeyBadger training plan for the Martian Marathon on Apr. 18, 2020, which has been postponed.

@DopeyBadger , some questions for you, please. First, would you suggest a few weeks from this past training plan that I could loop two or three times? Hopefully in a couple months we'll have a better idea of when society might be heading back toward normal.

Second, I am thinking about race scheduling for fall and next year. Assuming it's possible by then, I am planning to run the WDW marathon. My goal is to have fun, hopefully run with a group of DISers and not worry about time. If I were to run a serious race before that marathon, when would it be best to do that so I have enough time to recover for the Disney marathon?

Third: after the Disney marathon, would it be reasonable to train for a 10-mile PR to run on April 11? I have the option to bypass the lottery and run the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler next year. My 10-mile PR is 1:39:45, which is not particularly great. I've never really trained for a 10-mile race and have only run them incidentally.

  • Morning: foam rolling and stretching
  • After work: 40-min walk around the neighborhood
  • Morning: Workout 1 (like previous) and foam rolling and stretching
  • After work:
    • 4EA
      • T 46 F, drizzling the whole time
      • Target pace 11:56
      • With GAP adjustments, splits should have been: 11:57, 12:11, 11:46, 12:05
      • Splits: 11:55, 12:12, 11:40, 12:08
      • Ave HR: 142 BPM - above my target range
      • comments: I hit all my splits.
      • comments: This was supposed to be 5EA, but the weather was so crummy that I cut it short.
      • Route: Sligo Creek Trail, going north
  • Morning: prehab routine (like previous) and foam rolling and stretching
  • After work:
    • 4EA
      • T 54 F
      • Target pace 11:56
      • comments: I did this extra run because I cut the previous one short.
  • Morning: Workout 2 (like previous) and foam rolling and stretching
  • After work:
    • 0.5WU + 5M-tempo + 0.5CD
      • T 61 F
      • Target M-tempo pace 9:56
      • With GAP adjustments, splits should have been: 9:57, 10:11, 10:08, 9:46, 10:05
      • Splits: 9:58, 10:09, 10:11, 9:45, 10:03
      • comments: I hit all my splits.
      • Route: Sligo Creek Trail, going north
  • Morning: foam rolling and stretching
  • After work: 50-min walk around the neighborhood
Saturday before dinner:
  • 90-min EB
    • T 57 F
    • comments: I ran on a trail, so I tried to keep my HR reasonable and an easy level of effort
    • Distance: 7.44 mi
    • Route: Northwest Branch Trail, north from Randolph Rd
Sunday before dinner:
  • 10LR
    • T+D 108, 0.5% correction
    • Target pace 10:50; with correction 10:53
    • With GAP adjustments, splits should have been 10:59, 10:58, 10:59, 11:01, 11:06, 10:54, 10:55< 10:53, 10:54, 10:59
    • Splits: 11:00, 10:55, 10:52, 11:01, 11:07, 10:49, 10:56, 10:52, 10:49, 10:58
    • Ave HR 145 - within my target range
    • comments: I hit all my splits.
    • Route: Rock Creek Trail, going north


My headache has been not quite so bad. I'm not sure if it's the new meds or the fact that I'm not sitting at my desk at work and I'm not playing tennis.
First, would you suggest a few weeks from this past training plan that I could loop two or three times? Hopefully in a couple months we'll have a better idea of when society might be heading back toward normal.

Depends on how long you want to loop them for and what the purpose of looping is.

Second, I am thinking about race scheduling for fall and next year. Assuming it's possible by then, I am planning to run the WDW marathon. My goal is to have fun, hopefully run with a group of DISers and not worry about time. If I were to run a serious race before that marathon, when would it be best to do that so I have enough time to recover for the Disney marathon?

Depends on how fast the fun marathon is relative to your fitness level at that time. The slower the DIsney marathon, the easier it is to do with less need for recovery prior. But if you're aiming for a HM prior to the M, then you could do it as soon as the day before (Goofy Challenge) as it's completely possible to do. If you were racing a M, then I'd say you want at least 4-6 weeks between the two efforts with the understanding that the Disney marathon even if slower still won't be all that easy.

Third: after the Disney marathon, would it be reasonable to train for a 10-mile PR to run on April 11? I have the option to bypass the lottery and run the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler next year. My 10-mile PR is 1:39:45, which is not particularly great. I've never really trained for a 10-mile race and have only run them incidentally.

Plenty of time between the Disney M and an April 10 miler for a PR effort. Depending on where your fitness is would dictate how easily you could beat the 1:39 previous PR. But your current training plan has an estimated 10 miler of 1:29.
Depends on how long you want to loop them for and what the purpose of looping is.

I just worked up all this fitness for a marathon, so I'd like to have some chance of maintaining it if possible. The only caveat to repeating sections of my previous plan is that I won't be going to the track until socializing restrictions are eased - there are too many people on the track lately. And doing dumb things, like running in the wrong direction or sitting and stretching and making it hard to give adequate space.

If socializing restrictions ease off enough that I might be able to try for one or two 5Ks in the late summer, then I might go for that. However, I am not interested in training for a 5K all summer. I'd rather focus on maintaining my endurance and then changing up to 5K training if it becomes a possibility.

I was hoping to loop something for 8 or 9 weeks and then re-assessing. At that point, possibly change into long-term marathon-training plan.

Depends on how fast the fun marathon is relative to your fitness level at that time. The slower the DIsney marathon, the easier it is to do with less need for recovery prior. But if you're aiming for a HM prior to the M, then you could do it as soon as the day before (Goofy Challenge) as it's completely possible to do. If you were racing a M, then I'd say you want at least 4-6 weeks between the two efforts with the understanding that the Disney marathon even if slower still won't be all that easy.

OK, that gives me an idea.

Plenty of time between the Disney M and an April 10 miler for a PR effort. Depending on where your fitness is would dictate how easily you could beat the 1:39 previous PR. But your current training plan has an estimated 10 miler of 1:29.

I was hoping to loop something for 8 or 9 weeks and then re-assessing. At that point, possibly change into long-term marathon-training plan.

That's a hard length of time to maintain peak fitness. You could consider doing a HM time trial on the original date of the marathon, but if you want to maintain peak fitness for another 8-9 weeks, then you're probably going to need to further increase the amount of training you had been doing to keep the training load increasing. After about 3-4 weeks of training in a loop, you're likely to stagnate and it's going to feel like you're going backwards. Especially as we move into spring and the T+D increases. Marathon training is rough overall on the body. A HM time trial is a good way of showing whether the training worked and we were heading in the right direction for the M. It's easy to run a good HM off M training.

Now if you want to maintain less than peak fitness, you could do something like 60-80% of peak, but only do easy running with a single M tempo type workout every other week. This would be less of a training load and your fitness will fall somewhat. Dropping the volume and the intensity will make the training sustainable.
That's a hard length of time to maintain peak fitness. You could consider doing a HM time trial on the original date of the marathon, but if you want to maintain peak fitness for another 8-9 weeks, then you're probably going to need to further increase the amount of training you had been doing to keep the training load increasing. After about 3-4 weeks of training in a loop, you're likely to stagnate and it's going to feel like you're going backwards. Especially as we move into spring and the T+D increases. Marathon training is rough overall on the body. A HM time trial is a good way of showing whether the training worked and we were heading in the right direction for the M. It's easy to run a good HM off M training.

Now if you want to maintain less than peak fitness, you could do something like 60-80% of peak, but only do easy running with a single M tempo type workout every other week. This would be less of a training load and your fitness will fall somewhat. Dropping the volume and the intensity will make the training sustainable.

I think I was really meaning your second paragraph, the "less than peak fitness". I just don't want to cut all the way down to only 5K-type training or something. I hope that in mid- to late-summer I could transition into a marathon training plan without having to start from scratch.

I can't see myself doing a HM time trial. I would find it hard to be motivated to really work hard at it without the race environment. I also don't have a good location for it - a lot of road crossings and these days I have to move way off the path often or stop in order to pass safely.

I hope you and your family are doing well! I don't know how much Wisconsin and your area are locked down.

I think I was really meaning your second paragraph, the "less than peak fitness". I just don't want to cut all the way down to only 5K-type training or something. I hope that in mid- to late-summer I could transition into a marathon training plan without having to start from scratch.

Sounds fine. Definitely no reason you have to drop to 5k training after the marathon cycle whether the marathon happened or not. In fact, with the lack of tennis right now you could even play around with doubles run training if you wanted to.

I can't see myself doing a HM time trial. I would find it hard to be motivated to really work hard at it without the race environment. I also don't have a good location for it - a lot of road crossings and these days I have to move way off the path often or stop in order to pass safely.

That's fair.

I hope you and your family are doing well! I don't know how much Wisconsin and your area are locked down.

School has been cancelled for G. UW is shutdown for anything but essential (which I am). Lots of people out and about in the neighborhood. Way more runners than I've ever seen before, but the large majority are doing a great job of distancing.
Sounds fine. Definitely no reason you have to drop to 5k training after the marathon cycle whether the marathon happened or not. In fact, with the lack of tennis right now you could even play around with doubles run training if you wanted to.

How do doubles fit in? I am definitely feeling the loss of regular tennis.

School has been cancelled for G. UW is shutdown for anything but essential (which I am). Lots of people out and about in the neighborhood. Way more runners than I've ever seen before, but the large majority are doing a great job of distancing.

UMD is on "severe research restriction" which means that pretty much everything is closed, even research labs. People can come in to feed animals and maintain environments and that sort of thing, but it is pretty minimal. Our county in Maryland has closed all playgrounds, basketball courts, tennis courts, and so on. Trails are still open as long as people space out. They are definitely busy, but mostly people do OK.
How do doubles fit in? I am definitely feeling the loss of regular tennis.

Usually a second run of the day only occurs on days with a workout of less than 90 minutes. The second run is generally 30-45 min in length. While 45 min might seem like a short run, it is a fairly large double day. So I'd definitely start with something in the 20-30 min range to see how it feels. The pace is always extremely easy on the second run.
Usually a second run of the day only occurs on days with a workout of less than 90 minutes. The second run is generally 30-45 min in length. While 45 min might seem like a short run, it is a fairly large double day. So I'd definitely start with something in the 20-30 min range to see how it feels. The pace is always extremely easy on the second run.

Hmm. I'm not opposed to that in principle, but I am not sure it will work out. I'd rather to the double on Sat and Sun, but those are the longer runs. (But I don't want to shift the longer runs to another day.) So I suppose a normal routine would be best. I can probably plan to run 5 days/week since I don't have tennis.

@DopeyBadger , so my peak mileage in this last plan was 39 miles in one week. 60% of that is 23.5 miles, and 80% of that is 31 miles.

Here's what I came up with for a 4-week rotation:

Week 1
  • Run 1: 5EA
  • Run 2: 5EB
  • Saturday: 7EB
  • Sunday: 9LR
  • total: 26 mi
Week 2
  • Run 1: 5EA
  • Run 2: 0.5WU + 5M-tempo + 0.5CD
  • Saturday: 8EB
  • Sunday: 10LR
  • total: 29 mi
Week 3
  • Run 1: 5EA
  • Run 2: 5EB
  • Run 3: 5EA
  • Saturday: 6EB
  • Sunday: 10LR
  • total: 31 mi
Week 4
  • Run 1: 5EA
  • Run 2: 0.5WU + 5M-tempo + 0.5 CD
  • Saturday: 5EB
  • Sunday: 7.5LR
  • total: 23.5 mi
This doesn't have very long Sunday runs, which I am a little unhappy about. But what do you think?
It seems like hitting 12 or 13 miles should be reasonable once per month - if I repeat this once or twice. But then that leaves the other runs pretty short, going with a max of 31 miles.

So then change Week 3 Day 1 and 2 to 4 miles and Week 3 Day 5 to 12 miles. While it may be further from ideal, it's about making sure that you're happy with running overall. Especially since it's just maintenance. Thoughts?
So then change Week 3 Day 1 and 2 to 4 miles and Week 3 Day 5 to 12 miles. While it may be further from ideal, it's about making sure that you're happy with running overall. Especially since it's just maintenance. Thoughts?

OK, sounds good. With luck, I'll only go through this sequence maybe twice! I just need structure. Thanks!
Week of Apr. 6 - Apr. 12, 2020

This is the fifteenth week of my DopeyBadger training plan for the Martian Marathon on Apr. 18, 2020, which has been postponed. After this week, I'm changing to a maintenance running plan for a while - hopefully not too long!

  • Morning: foam rolling and stretching
  • After work: 55-min walk around the neighborhood
  • Morning: Workout 3 like previous and foam rolling and stretching
  • After work:
    • 5EA
      • T+D 114, 1% correction
      • Target pace 11:56; with correction 12:03
      • With GAP adjustments, splits should have been: 12:04, 12:18, 12:15, 11:53, 12:12
      • Splits: 12:08, 12:12, 12:16, 11:53, 12:15
      • Ave HR: 136 BPM - within my target range
      • comments: I hit all my splits.
      • Route: Sligo Creek Trail, going north
  • Morning: prehab routine (like previous) and foam rolling and stretching
  • After work: 45-min walk around the neighborhood
  • Morning: Workout 1 and foam rolling and stretching. Added reps to Workout 1:
    • Squat: 3 x 9 with 50 lbs
    • Pull-ups: 3 x 8; each set 2 unassisted and 6 assisted
    • Glute bridge: 3 x 9 with 10-sec hold
    • Bench press: 3 x 9 with 50 lbs
    • Curl up: 3 x 8
  • After work:
    • 0.5WU + 5M-tempo + 0.5CD
      • T 57 F, windy
      • Target M-tempo pace 9:56
      • With GAP adjustments, M-tempo splits should have been: 9:57, 10:11, 10:08, 9:45, 10:05
      • M-tempo splits: 9:54, 10:06, 10:05, 9:45, 10:04
      • Ave HR: 153 BPM - slightly below my marathon range
      • comments: I hit all my splits.
      • Route: Sligo Creek Trail, going north
  • Morning: foam rolling and stretching
  • After work: 43-min walk on treadmill
  • Morning: 51-min walk on treadmill
  • Before dinner:
    • 5EB
      • T 59 F
      • Target pace 11:08
      • With GAP adjustments, splits should have been: 11:14, 11:13, 11:11, 11:09, 11:14
      • Splits: 11:05, 11:09, 11:08, 11:04, 11:11
      • Ave HR: 143 BPM - above my target zone
      • comments: I hit all my splits.
      • Route: Rock Creek Trail, going north
  • 6LR
    • T+D 114, 1% correction
    • Target pace 10:50; with correction 10:56
    • With GAP adjustments, splits should have been: 11:02, 11:01, 11:02, 10:56, 10:57, 11:02
    • Splits: 10:57, 10:56, 11:01, 10:51, 10:48, 11:00
    • Ave HR: 143 - in my target zone
    • comments: my average HR for this run and 5EB the day before was the same
    • comments: I hit all my splits.
    • Route: Rock Creek Trail, going north


My headache was less bad for most of the week until the weekend. Go figure.

My sleep schedule is much more consistent these days because I don't have 9:00pm tennis matches that keep me up late. But still - I miss tennis!
Week of Apr. 13 - 19, 2020

This is the first week of a 4-week maintenance plan that I will loop as necessary. I can tell that my days are starting to blur together because I keep forgetting to post this update on Sunday evening.

  • Morning: foam rolling and stretching
  • After work: 45-min walk around the neighborhood
  • Morning: Workout 2 with more reps and foam rolling and stretching. Updated Workout 2:
    • Romanian deadlift: 3 x 9 with 50 lbs
    • Chin-up: 3 x 8, with 2 unassisted each set
    • Bench step-up: 3 x 9 each leg, with 16 lbs
    • Decline push-ups: 3 x 11
    • Side plank: 3 x 30 sec each side
  • After work:
    • 5EA
      • T 55 F
      • Target pace 11:56
      • With GAP adjustments, splits should have been: 11:57, 12:11, 12:08, 11:46, 12:05
      • Splits: 11:55, 12:09, 12:01, 11:39, 12:00
      • Ave HR: 134 BPM - within my target zone
      • comments: I hit all my splits.
      • Route: Rock Creek Trail, going north
  • Morning: prehab routine (like previous)
  • After work: 45-min walk on treadmill
  • Morning: Workout 3 with more reps and foam rolling and stretching. Updated Workout 3:
    • Hamstring curls on stability ball: 3 x 9
    • Shoulder press: 3 x 9 with 30 lbs
    • Side lunge: 3 x 9 each leg with 15 lbs
    • Reverse-grip row: 3 x 9 with 30 lbs
    • Bird dog: 3 x 8 each side
  • After work:
    • 5EB
      • T 50 F
      • Target pace 11:08
      • With GAP adjustments, splits should have been: 11:09, 11:23, 11:20, 10:58, 11:17
      • Splits: 11:10, 11:20, 11:14, 10:56, 11:21
      • Ave HR: 143 BPM - above my target zone
      • comments: I hit all my splits.
      • Route: Rock Creek Trail, going north
  • Morning: foam rolling and stretching
  • After work: 55-min walk around the neighborhood
  • Before lunch: 45-min walk on treadmill
  • Before dinner:
    • 7EB
      • T 52 F
      • Target pace 11:08
      • GAP: a different route that I didn't know GAPs for; afterward Strava told me that they were -15 sec, -4 sec, -4 sec, 6 sec, 15 sec, 9 sec, 23 sec
      • Splits: 10:45, 10:59, 10:58, 10:57, 11:13, 11:07, 11:20
      • Ave HR: 144 BPM - above my target zone
      • Route: Sligo Creek Trail, going south
Sunday before dinner:
  • 9LR
    • T 63 F
    • Target pace 10:50
    • With GAP adjustments, splits should have been: 10:56, 10:55, 10:56, 10:58, 10:57, 10:52, 10:50, 10:51, 10:56
    • Splits: 10:55, 10:52, 10:58, 10:59, 10:48, 10:52, 10:47, 10:47, 10:55
    • Ave HR: 147 BPM - within my target zone
    • comments: I hit all my splits.
    • Route: Rock Creek Trail, going north


Headache has been a little worse this week. I feel like I haven't been sleeping well, even though I have been keeping a much more consistent sleep schedule.


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