As feared Forbidden Journey is Not for Many

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And apparently the one thing you DO NOT know is that if you expend more calories than you intake, you WILL NOT BE MORBIDLY OBESE.

That statement shows your ignorance about the subject, perfectly. How wonderful for you that you don't know any better.
You can never satisfy everyone. People would complain that they paid for parking so that you should put the seats before you pay for that. Or people would complain that they paid for airfare, so you should put seats in every airport. It will never make everyone happy.

The reason there are restrictions is that people can be harmed. People with vertigo can feel very sick, people with back problems can incur more problems, people who don't fit the restraints can be injured if the restraints release. All are safety limitations for the person riding.

First, I don't think this is a discrimination issue. It's just stupid planning on the part of Universal, part of a string of poor planning that goes back to the decisions not to utilize the entire Lost Continent area, to market the WWoHP as a "park within a park", and to fail to adequately prepare (both in terms of actual plans and training CSRs) for the popularity of the WWoHP.

Second, the safety issue is a canard. It may be true that the current seat/restraint system imposes substantial limitations on the shape of riders. But there's no real reason for that. The real complaint of most of us in this thread has been that there's really no way of knowing for sure if you can ride this ride until you sit down in the ride seat (even the "test seat" is no guarantee).

Are there height limits because of low-hanging ride elements? Sure. So put in a height restriction. Simple. Straightforward. Measurable. Are there weight limits imposed by ride engineering? Sure. So publish the weight limit. Put a scale near the ride entrance if need be. Again, simple, straightforward, and measurable.

But this stuff about fitting in the seat such that the restraint can click three times (which has been fairly well discredited as being any "safer" than clicking once) is ridiculous. That's not about safety. That's about poor engineering design of the ride vehicle and restraint system. It causes confusion, frustration, and disappointment for guests - none of which are good for Universal.
I myself am from Cleveland, Ohio- less than 1 hour from Cedar Point. Many rides there at 5'10 and 230 you won't be able to ride- some rides at 200 some might not fit and that's A LOT of people at 200! This year on millienium force those with a 36 inch waistline might have trouble riding it which is NUTZ! My husband is a 38 inch waist and couldn't ride.
Is this dissappointing? YES, but that's the way the rides were made and there is loads of info on the CP website, there are signs at the entrance of the park regarding weight/height issues, and there are signs and seats to try out at the beginning of every ride that might cause an issue for pooh sized guests.
As long as Universal does the same thing I don't see the issue. The majority of guests can ride- clearly they are removing less than 5% of people in line to ride I presume. That is the majority.
That statement shows your ignorance about the subject, perfectly. How wonderful for you that you don't know any better.

Actually what this statement shows is your ignorance of physiology as well as physics, but I'm not going to further derail a thread so you can continue to act like a victim.

My advice would be to appropriately record exactly the number of calories you intake as well as those you expend (you really can't get exact with the latter, but you can certainly get very close) and see what happens if you make the former smaller than the latter on a consistent basis. It takes approximately 3500 calories to make a pound of adipose tissue, so you will have to consume 3500 calories less before losing the first pound. Lather, rinse, repeat. It will take time, but matter is not created, therefore it is physically impossible for your body to "create" more of itself without the building blocks to do so.

Seriously, I can't believe you're going to tell me that I'm ignorant when what you suggest defies the laws of physics.
As I said, she signed up (I never addressed how long she lurked) specifically to complain and play the victim on this thread and compare being overweight to being black, gay, Jewish, etc.

She was entirely correct about the comparison, but I'd say it's closest to being gay. Y'know that's the one where you have a choice in the matter so it's ok to blame them for being that way?

And I'll bet you don't have the foggiest idea what you're talking about. You have no idea if there was any kind of "test mode" or even if any of those rumors are true.

Actually, that's true, I have no idea! This is my theory though!:laughing:
As I said, she signed up (I never addressed how long she lurked) specifically to complain and play the victim on this thread and compare being overweight to being black, gay, Jewish, etc.

And I'll bet you don't have the foggiest idea what you're talking about. You have no idea if there was any kind of "test mode" or even if any of those rumors are true.

Actually, it would go back just fine if some of you would stop acting like perpetual victims every time someone says something that you don't like. Seems as though there are a certain number of folks that feel entitled to do whatever everyone else does, and if that means that a theme park has to "kiddie down" a ride to the detriment of everyone else, so be it. Personally, I don't expect them to cater to me.

And apparently the one thing you DO NOT know is that if you expend more calories than you intake, you WILL NOT BE MORBIDLY OBESE.

Actually what this statement shows is your ignorance of physiology as well as physics, but I'm not going to further derail a thread so you can continue to act like a victim.

My advice would be to appropriately record exactly the number of calories you intake as well as those you expend (you really can't get exact with the latter, but you can certainly get very close) and see what happens if you make the former smaller than the latter on a consistent basis. It takes approximately 3500 calories to make a pound of adipose tissue, so you will have to consume 3500 calories less before losing the first pound. Lather, rinse, repeat. It will take time, but matter is not created, therefore it is physically impossible for your body to "create" more of itself without the building blocks to do so.

Seriously, I can't believe you're going to tell me that I'm ignorant when what you suggest defies the laws of physics.

You're impressing me to no end by using words like: physiology, physics, and adipose tissue. I give up, you simply MUST know what you're talking about if you're using big words! I realize no one is supposed to question what a doctor knows, even though they're mostly regurgitating what they read out of 50 year old medical books.

You've clearly been drinking the kool-aid. Sugar-free. It's OK, no need to learn new things. It's such a bother!
I think one of the reasons why people are upset about the weight/size restriction on this ride is not so much that there is one, but more so because it is a lot more restrictive than the other rides and attractions in the Orlando area. People who never had an issue with getting on attractions before aren’t able to ride this one because the size limits seem to be significantly more restrictive than we have experienced at the theme parks in the Orlando area.

I am overweight, and I am not sure if I will be able to fit on the seats. I am probably right on the borderline and could go either way at this point. I truly appreciate everyone who has been open about sharing their experiences. Some days, I read the reports and think I have nothing to worry about. Other days, I read the reports and think there is no chance for me to ride the FJ.

I have been to all of the Disney parks in the US, some local parks, and Universal Orlando. My weight has never restricted me from experiencing a ride I wanted to go on. Sometimes it may be a tight fit, but I’ve never been denied access to a ride. I did have one flying swing ride I chose not to ride because I didn’t feel that I would be comfortable enough to ride after testing the seat--I could have ridden, but I made the choice not to. I will admit that at one point, I was carrying a bit more weight, and I did have to use the modified seats on the IOA coasters, but on my last trip, I had lost enough weight to be able to sit in the regular seats.

My weight has never kept me from doing anything I wanted. I have never had to buy an extra seat at an airplane. I have never been denied access to a seat at a theatre or arena. So knowing that there is a very good chance that I may not be able to experience the FJ at my current size is a very new experience for me.

And the disappointment is actually increased because there has been so much anticipation and hype surrounding the WWOHP. So many of us have followed the development of the WWOHP. We’ve devoured the information about the area. We’ve saved money and allocated our vacation dollars to stay at a Universal Resort and experience everything that the WWOHP has to offer.

And now that it has opened, it’s disappointing to realize that after all the buzz and excitement, I may not be able to experience the only NEW ride offered in the WWOHP. It’s really too bad that Universal created an experience that is so restrictive when there has been so much hype around it, and features characters that are so beloved by so many people.

(As a side note, I have to say that I think Universal made a huge mistake by not creating a new attraction that could be experienced by entire family, as I’m sure there are a lot of Harry Potter fans who are under the 48 inch height limit but that’s not really on topic for this thread).

I am trying to lose some weight, and I will certainly try to get on the ride because I may very well make it even at my current weight.

I’m just grateful that I know about this in advance so that I can prepare myself for the possibility that I may not be able to experience this ride. I feel bad for the families who don’t read this board and get there to find out that someone can’t ride because of their size. I just imagine a family who has read and reread the books together who get there and realize that dad can’t ride with them because he is too big for the ride.

Great post TLinden. I think you captured the heart of this issue. I too am probably on the borderline of getting to ride and will probably have to find out at the load point if I can get on or not. I will be disappointed but it won't ruin my day. The big shock for me is that even though I know very well that I am overweight, I have never had an issue with fitting on any other ride or in any type of seat. This restriction is very surprising. I think that is the reason why we are seeing so much more concern with FJ. I will suffer the embarassment because my family wants to go as a group to Universal but being singled out because of my weight is not my idea of a good time.
Nobody on this board is happy when someone can't ride. However, Universal is all about thrill rides and I am sure that that was one of the reasons that Rowling chose Universal. Extreme thrill rides always come with restrictions.

Perhaps the castle should have been two rides. One just being a ride through the castle to look at the stuff going on (similar to Disney's attractions) and the other being the FJ ride.

First off, I'm not trying to start a debate or anything. I just want to make sure the intent of my prior post is perfectly clear.

I totally understand that extreme thrill rides come restrictions, and I also understand why the rides have to have restriction. I just question the logic behind creating a ride that is considerably more restrictive than the other rides at Universal, especially considering the hype and excitement around characters as popular as Harry Potter and friends (and enemies).

And also, my comment about Universal making a mistake by not including a new ride that the entire family can enjoy. I meant that in addition to FJ, not as a replacement. I hope that Universal does have plans to add a tamer ride to the area at some point.
Actually what this statement shows is your ignorance of physiology as well as physics, but I'm not going to further derail a thread so you can continue to act like a victim.

My advice would be to appropriately record exactly the number of calories you intake as well as those you expend (you really can't get exact with the latter, but you can certainly get very close) and see what happens if you make the former smaller than the latter on a consistent basis. It takes approximately 3500 calories to make a pound of adipose tissue, so you will have to consume 3500 calories less before losing the first pound. Lather, rinse, repeat. It will take time, but matter is not created, therefore it is physically impossible for your body to "create" more of itself without the building blocks to do so.

Seriously, I can't believe you're going to tell me that I'm ignorant when what you suggest defies the laws of physics.

After reading your posts I can definitely say that I am glad that I have never had the misfortune of encountering a physician with your attitude. Losing weight is a very hard and is much more complicated than your posts imply. You might want to take a refresher course in how to treat people with respect.
After reading your posts I can definitely say that I am glad that I have never had the misfortune of encountering a physician with your attitude. Losing weight is a very hard and is much more complicated than your posts imply. You might want to take a refresher course in how to treat people with respect.

I give up, I should just let people tell me that I'm ignorant while suggesting something that is physically impossible, tell me I'm full of "BS", etc.

Sorry, I don't really respect people that act in such a fashion and, while I may not have held their hand and taken little baby steps with them, I certainly wasn't rude and disrespectful in the manner in which they were.

I have a positively wonderful bedside manner, but then I've never had a patient tell me I'm full of it to my face ;).

BTW, at no point did I say anything about it being "easy". I know all too well how difficult it can be to lose weight. What I said was, in response to a poster whose sole purpose in joining this board was to come to this thread and compare her being overweight to people being discriminated against based on race, etc., 99% of morbidly obese people can do something about it. It is harder for some than for others, but it is possible, and the way you do it is to consume fewer calories than you expend. I'm sorry if that simple statement was "disrespectful", but it is no less true and was certainly not insulting.
Its all getting a bit technical now with the big words - anyone want to post their size so I can judge if I can fit ?

Would like to just popcorn:: but that will make me even fatter and I defiinitely won't fit on FJ !
It is harder for some than for others, but it is possible, and the way you do it is to consume fewer calories than you expend.

This is simply not true. But I understand that it's much easier to believe that, IF YOU'RE NOT A COTTON PICKIN' DOCTOR. To know that you're a doctor who tells your patients to simply eat less and exercise more, and it will work (99% of the time) is just irresponsible.

Frankly, I think you have less of an excuse for being ignorant about it.
Hey folks, can I politely request that a truce be called? Or take your discussion to private message? I'm sure the moderators of the Universal boards will come along and deal with previous posts, but let's stop this discussion here to make it easier for them :)
This is simply not true. But I understand that it's much easier to believe that, IF YOU'RE NOT A COTTON PICKIN' DOCTOR. To know that you're a doctor who tells your patients to simply eat less and exercise more, and it will work (99% of the time) is just irresponsible.

Frankly, I think you have less of an excuse for being ignorant about it.

First off, I did not say that at all. Second, unless your body has somehow found a way to quite literally create something out of nothing at all(fat, since saying "adipose tissue" earlier in an attempt to avoid using that word apparently backfired), then you are wrong. If your body has actually evolved to that point, you can probably make quite a name for yourself as being a brand new sub-species of human, given that there has never been a living being in the history of the world that can do such a thing.

Now, I realize that you've yet to actually read and comprehend what I've stated several times (I never said "eat less and exercise more"), but that really isn't my problem.
Hey folks, can I politely request that a truce be called? Or take your discussion to private message? I'm sure the moderators of the Universal boards will come along and deal with previous posts, but let's stop this discussion here to make it easier for them :)

Sorry, didn't see this.
I don't have the energy to wade through the bickering. :laughing:

Can anyone just tell me if we'll fit? I'm 5'8" and about 180lbs. My dad is 6'4" and about 250. Thanks!
I don't have the energy to wade through the bickering. :laughing:

Can anyone just tell me if we'll fit? I'm 5'8" and about 180lbs. My dad is 6'4" and about 250. Thanks!

Probably. Seems like people with chests under 49" and pants waist sizes under 46" have been able to ride.
Wow, what a battle!!!! There are test seats before you ever enter the queue, if you think you might not fit, test them out. Then if you don't fit, go through the queue and exit before the ride (they let you). Honestly the queue is a ride itself and not to be missed.

I am overweight, so is my hubby. If we didn't fit, it would be one more incentive to eat healthier. It is hard, but we are trying. But I would never blame OU for not being able to ride because I am overweight. I also don't see it as being discriminated against. It is a new technology that required them to have these kind of seats. As the technology improves, this won't be an issue for other rides.

Also, I would not change my plans for one ride. When we sent (during softs) FJ was closed and we knew it when we went. We didn't care, we wanted to see everything else. Heck I didn't ride any of the rides, I had fun seeing the land itself. Not getting on one ride should not destroy your vacation, but if you are concerned (and it is not height issues) start eating healthy now, maybe it will help you out and more than just being able to get on FJ. I know it is hard, trust me, I come from a family of large people, but it can be overcome. You just need the right motivation.
I've wanted to say so much but since the Mod politely asked to stop, I won't go into it.

Really, I think a new thread should be created like the "Harry Potter Crowd Report" thread that would be something like "Forbidden Journey Size Limitations Report Thread"

It would be nice to have a thread with every report streamlined so people will have a better reference when trying to figure out whether they'd fit or not.

It would also be nice if the mods can just delete any unwanted posts in that thread.

I've wanted to say so much but since the Mod politely asked to stop, I won't go into it.

Really, I think a new thread should be created like the "Harry Potter Crowd Report" thread that would be something like "Forbidden Journey Size Limitations Report Thread"

It would be nice to have a thread with every report streamlined so people will have a better reference when trying to figure out whether they'd fit or not.

It would also be nice if the mods can just delete any unwanted posts in that thread.


I think someone started one of those before. I'll try to find it.
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