Arriving in FW on Sunday the 23rd


Proudly wears a "Believes in Fairies tshirt"
May 23, 2001
I can hardly wait; we're all getting so excited about finishing up our respective finals and schools and colleges to hit the road to the cabins. Has anyone returned recently who can give us info on how the busses are running? I'm busy searching for the lids to two of our mugs. Hope they turn up soon. See you soon
When I was in the 1500 loop Dec 1-9th the busses were running about every 20 minutes without any noticable delays. FYI the Boone buses started running a half hour earlier in the morning then the Crocketts and usually two of them came thru before I saw the Crocketts. Also another thing to remember the Settlement Trading posts hours then were 9AM to 10PM but the Meadows hours were 8 AM -10PM. If that's a help?
There is a reply to a post on the restaurant board stating that this individual received very poor food and selections at the Trail's End as compared to previous visits. Does anyone know anymore info on this. We were planning to eat breakfast and at least one lunch there as in previous trips, but we certainly do not want to waste our money if the quality is no longer there.
Trails End never had the sort of selection that Chef Mickey's or 1900 Park Fair had since it's a simpler down home cooking sort of buffet then them. But the selection of foods I ate there were VERY good in my opinion at the Breakfast, Lunch and Dinners I had there throughout my Ft Wilderness stay. Selections do rotate somewhat throughout the week so the person who wrote the restaurant report may have not seen their favorites that visit. I thought the value of the foods offered were very good and the service well done by the cast members there. Trails End is one of the undiscovered great eateries at WDW and if you don't try it at least once if you're at Ft Wilderness all I can say is you're missing a great opportunity.
Andrew -- thanks for your replies. I've been concerned about transportation, and then since my family also enjoys the Trail's End it's nice to hear you had good experiences there.
Karen keep in mind the busses will be more crowded during peak times when the parks are just opening, closing and the Hoop De Doo is running. You should plan accordingly and leave on an earlier bus then you normally would if you don't want to stand.


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