Shelley, it's interesting that you posted this. I just got off the phone with CRO to book ressies for CSR for Oct27-Nov3. I already made these reservations through the DC a few days ago, but was so nervous about them that I woke up this morning thinking if I could get the same reservation through CRO that that's what I would do. First of all, I couldn't get a DC discount for the time I wanted to go, so the price is the same no matter what. Secondly, I am hoping for an AP discount, and was concerned that I wouldn't be able to book with an AP discount if it became available after the cut-off date for cancellation through the DC. Third, the DC requires a $200 deposit per ressie, and I needed two rooms, that's $400 down, whereas CRO only requires the first night deposit, which is $149 per room. Fourth, the DC wouldn't let me book two rooms, they made me do two seperate ressies, and wouldn't let me put my name on both, saying I wouldn't be able to sleep in two rooms, so they made me put one ressie in my son's name! They wouldn't even let me put my husband's name on the other ressie, because I gave his name as the other adult in my room. The reason I book two rooms is because my children are 15, 20, and 21, and therefore, one room is not adequate. On the other hand, CRO allowed me to book two rooms on one reservation. I'm just more comfortable keeping my ressie through CRO. Maybe if I had gotten a good discount through the DC I wouldn't have changed, but if the price is the same, the hassle isn't worth it