I've read a lot the past 2 days, 2 months, 2 years, etc, but I've never seen this suggested, so here I go Disney if you really do browse all our rants....so a handful of room categories are in HIGH demand and WALKED. DVC very simple solution, you all have suggested on the resy side, but I'm suggesting from the root cause, WHY is said room in such HIGH demand? My conclusion is the delta of dvc points vs cash value vs rental value. We all learned in our Econ, supply and demand. Well DVC can not increase the supply or CAN they? Or is there another lever they can utilize that lowers the demand? Here I go:
**Boardwalk Standard View - 2 fold solution, increase the points per night, while decreasing the points per night on the premium view to close the delta, also some Standard rooms that are decent enough views move them to the premium category. This will most definitely decrease the desire to walk this room and force the casual DVC Member that is sold on the
points charts of oh wow I can get such a low point room, etc. Nobody is telling these neubs, its not really possible today because you are not experienced enough to get!
**Jambo Value - now I dont think DVC can add more supply as that section and room size is limited, but they definitely could raise the points required while lowering the slightly the standard/savanna view.
**Kilamanjaro Club - raise the points required per night.
**AUL Hotel Studio - hurry up and refurb Aulani with Murphy Beds and see if that takes care of the insane demand for this room category. If not make this room equal to the Standard View vs slightly less. Can easily offset by lowering Pool or Ocean View, etc.
As far as renting, Disney likes to throw out general phrases, which I'm not a fan of:
*Define large point members
*Define how many reservations rented is too many and/or how many points rented is too many
*Define how often members can rent out? Is it 5 reservations a year or no more than 10 in a rolling 24month window
*Define a rental. You make a reservation for your brother in law's family so its different last name, does that count in the tracking as rental or personal use?
*Will Disney hold themselves to these potential new rules they come up with as they own points and rent them out as well on their cash direct website. They are holding rooms that you could book but they are trying to rent out. Where is the outcry that Disney should only be allowed to rent out Saratoga?
*Is Disney IT really going to track all these rules that they may come up with? What would be the penalty ladder for violators? Is there different rules for LLCs that may own DVC? There's probably 20+ more things I have not thought of or need to be factored in. So at the end of the day, do we really have a problem and is there is viable change that would be welcomed by all what 300K+ members? vs the 20 of us that chat here on Disboards?