AP experts


DIS Veteran
Jun 3, 2000
I am a newbie when it comes to AP info.
We plan on visiting DL and WDW within a year. (DL twice, WDW once)
I have not read anything where it says an AP is good for DL & WDW. Is this correct?
Would I have to buy an AP for DL and one for WDW? <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused"> -- Which I wouldn't do. We probably will visit both of them enough to pay for an AP if it included both coasts.
And I have also read where Dis-ers have said for only one person in the family have an AP. Why one? Is this just to get discount room rates?
I already belong to DC, if that makes a difference


CSR: 01/01
DL- off site: 05/01
WDW - on site: 01/02
I think what most posters mean about purchasing 1 AP for your family pertains to room discounts. If you are purchasing the AP to get the room discounts ONLY, then only 1 is needed. For example, you were able to secure an AP rate of $89 per night for DXL as opposed to the rack rate of $174 per night for the 6 nights you will be there. You had planned on purchasing 5-day hoppers for your family, and spending 1 day at the pool and/or Downtown Disney. Since the Ap room rate is such a savings, you purchase yourself the AP to show at check-in, and still use hoppers for the rest of your family. I purchased APs for my entire family because I planned 2 trips to WDW in less than 12 months. The APs are only good at WDW, not DL. Hope this helps clarify!


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