AP Discount

My concern is the direction Disney seems to be headed with discounts. Bounceback/AP used to be 40%, with GP at 35% for Deluxes. Now the discounts not only fell 5%, but it's been heavily delayed. Not to mention the additional blackout dates on the GP offers now...

I love the GF, Poly, etc but have a hard time believing they are filling up at rack rate (GF Main Building is over $1000 a night! -insane for what is offered). When I stayed SugarLoaf this summer they were ALMOST at half capacity...

At least we know not to count on this discount too heavily going forward unless Disney makes it early again or raises the discount (glass half full) :)
My concern is the direction Disney seems to be headed with discounts. Bounceback/AP used to be 40%, with GP at 35% for Deluxes. Now the discounts not only fell 5%, but it's been heavily delayed. Not to mention the additional blackout dates on the GP offers now...

I love the GF, Poly, etc but have a hard time believing they are filling up at rack rate (GF Main Building is over $1000 a night! -insane for what is offered). When I stayed SugarLoaf this summer they were ALMOST at half capacity...

At least we know not to count on this discount too heavily going forward unless Disney makes it early again or raises the discount (glass half full) :)

Ahhh...those lovely 40% off days. I miss them! LOL! I always figured that deal wouldn't stick around long when the economy started to improve. That said, I still think that AP rates should ALWAYS be higher at every resort level than whatever GP is out there. That is supposed to be one of the perks of AP, getting something more exclusive, not just what everyone else gets.
I'm fortunate in that my trip is still 80 days away so I have the luxury of time. I have the current RO discount reserved, but still hoping for better.

Disney needs to realize that many of us would likely end up spending a few dollars more for a higher resort level or room type when the discount is higher. That is money in their pockets. For example I have an AKL/POFQ split stay booked but if the discount is good I'd probably switch and stay the whole trip at AKL.

Oh, and HAPPY 1000TH POST TO ME!!:yay::woohoo::wizard:
Ugh again! I'm hoping for a discount for September 27 - 29, so with my luck it will be released on 9/27. LOL.

Oh well. Going one way or another but would much rather spend the money saved on the room on stuff in the parks. They will collect my money no matter how it works out.

I am looking for the same dates as you. ..I havent even booked yet!
My biggest gripe is that the GP codes are coming out BEFORE the AP rates.
IMO, that is like a slap in the face to AP holders. Don't think I'll be renewing when my current AP is done

We are going to take a year off from AP's, and I'm going to follow the discounts closely over the next year. The discounts will determine whether we ever buy AP's again. If I'm going to buy AP's I need to able to afford at least 3 trips per year. We really only like staying at the Epcot resorts. The Epcot resorts seem to have the deepest discounts, but the availability this Fall is shockingly scarce with the GP discounts. I can't see much being offered for AP holders.
I understand why everyone is upset. I am anxiously waiting for the AP discount as well. But, my problem is why would disney offer discounts when most of the people on this thread have already booked? If they are filling up the rooms without giving the APers the discount, by their numbers, they don't need us. Three years ago, when the AP discount came out first, there obviously were enough rooms left to merit offering all of the other discounts very soon after. Now, it seems like they are waiting to see how many rooms they can fill before they release the AP discount. I don't book my room until the discounts come out. Maybe if everyone waited to book Disney would panic thinking they weren't going to fill the rooms and release the discount sooner. Sorry, that is MHO. :flower3:

You are correct, of course. I would love to wait for discounts to book. When possible, that is definitely what I do. Adults only vacations with only price as an issue are easy. OF COURSE you wait for discounts to book. There will be a room somewhere on property that will work for you. You just book where and when you get the best deal. It is NEVER a good idea to book a room at a resort that you are not prepared to stay in at the booking price. It really just reduces the likelihood that you will get to stay there.

Problems with waiting to book come into play when you have issues with inflexible dates, large group size and specific room requirements, and/or the need to make other related bookings, based upon where you will be staying, far in advance.

One issue for us is that to get affordable airfare we have to book holidays far (months to a year) in advance. So, we can't be flexible and change dates to go when discounts are available. We book dates that are as low season as possible with the hope of discounted room rates being likely during that time. Then we wait for discounts to see what rooms are within our budget. That used to work pretty well, but there are more dates without discounts than ever before even during what once would have been low season.

In addition, WHERE you stay can sometimes matter a lot, especially when you have children, a once in a lifetime celebration and people with handicaps or health issues. This problem is compounded with affordability. Six people with small children and some with health issues wanting to stay together have fewer options for staying on site and most of these options are expensive. Discounts are very important to make the trip possible, fun and affordable.

So, yes, you are right that booking a room in advance of discount releases decreases your chances of a discount, but if you are going anyway then you need a room of some sort to fall back upon if discounts do not appear to meet your requirements. (Perhaps it is time to start booking off site hotels initially. Many have suggested this. The problem with that is, I don't really want to stay off site and sometimes you have to live with the back up plan. That is WHY you make it, after all. But, I digress.)

For some trips, such as the one we have upcoming this fall, certain hotel areas or categories are important for one reason or another. On these occasions we are very anxious about room categories selling out completely. So, for example, you might book rooms in POR but switch to a CR GW when discounts make it affordable. The plan is that bookings in POR hopefully won't affect later discounts in CR. If you have an infant and want to be on the monorail, then the wait to see where you will be staying is tense. It will impact your trip considerably AND you need to mentally adjust your expectations of how you will manage your trip. Other planning arrangements must be made.

That brings up the planning issue. Perhaps you will need to arrange ECV rentals because of distances to be walked even at the resort. We like to book hotels near the theme park that we will be visiting. Then we book our dining in those theme parks. I micro manage and plan my trips. I have ADR's based upon where I expect we will be staying. You can't get ADR's where and when you want at only a month or two before you are arriving. You will almost undoubtably have difficulty booking CRT and BOG for example when you want, especially with a party of six. You don't want all your ADR's at the MK when you are staying in the BC and then all your Epcot ADR's when you are staying at the Poly, for example. So all my plans are based upon where we are going to be staying and are made at least 6 months in advance. The only problem: I know where we will stay if affordable discounts are offered, and I plan based upon that becoming reality. Except there is now much less probability that we will indeed get to stay where I plan.

Frustration with late release of discounts:
Then all planning goes out the window, because I simply can't predict where we will be staying until the last month or so before leaving. After investing all that time, effort and money it is difficult to wait to see if what you have done will work or if you need to re evaluate and re plan based on staying somewhere completely different.

It is difficult not knowing when time is getting short. Sure, you have a back up so the holiday WILL go ahead. BUT Every day you are waiting with uncertainty and dwindling hope to finalize your plans. You want this trip to be magical. The stress takes its toll and causes frustration.
I understand why everyone is upset. I am anxiously waiting for the AP discount as well. But, my problem is why would disney offer discounts when most of the people on this thread have already booked? If they are filling up the rooms without giving the APers the discount, by their numbers, they don't need us. Three years ago, when the AP discount came out first, there obviously were enough rooms left to merit offering all of the other discounts very soon after. Now, it seems like they are waiting to see how many rooms they can fill before they release the AP discount. I don't book my room until the discounts come out. Maybe if everyone waited to book Disney would panic thinking they weren't going to fill the rooms and release the discount sooner. Sorry, that is MHO. :flower3:

I completely agree with this. I have never booked a room a rack rate. I would never stay at a deluxe resort and pay rack rate so why even bother booking it. If I ever buy AP's again I think I would plan the first trip in Dec or January and then book BB's for the rest of the year. This seems like a better strategy then waiting for AP's to be released.
Got a question fellow AP holders! Our passes expiration date is July 1, 2014. The same as it has been the last 3 years because I have always renewed it. This yr when I renewed them, I called and did it over the phone and was sent the green vouchers. We had a trip coming up that started on Aug. 6th. Went by DD that morning and turned them in and got the new AP's. Now I linked my Ap's on MDE, and it clearly says expire on July 14th. BUT UNDERNEATH THAT is a link that says click for details. Well, upon clicking it, my passes then say how many days are left to use my pass PLUS an expiration date of AUG.6th (the day they were activated at DD!) So, which expiration is it?!? Can some of you fellow AP holders who don't have new passes, but have renewed, check your tickets expiration and see what it says? Thank you!
Got a question fellow AP holders! Our passes expiration date is July 1, 2014. The same as it has been the last 3 years because I have always renewed it. This yr when I renewed them, I called and did it over the phone and was sent the green vouchers. We had a trip coming up that started on Aug. 6th. Went by DD that morning and turned them in and got the new AP's. Now I linked my Ap's on MDE, and it clearly says expire on July 14th. BUT UNDERNEATH THAT is a link that says click for details. Well, upon clicking it, my passes then say how many days are left to use my pass PLUS an expiration date of AUG.6th (the day they were activated at DD!) So, which expiration is it?!? Can some of you fellow AP holders who don't have new passes, but have renewed, check your tickets expiration and see what it says? Thank you!

Mine expire on the original date. Renewing them does not change the date. Unless someone did it incorrectly and sent you a "new" pass not a renewel.
that's what I always thought! That's why I pay the renewal price, not the "new AP" price. Just a little confused why it shows 2 different dates when I click the link on MDE. Just wondering if any of you can check out your dates and see if you see the same/different thing in your MDE account?
I'm also waiting.....I wasn't lucky enough to score a RO reservation so I've been waiting for the AP rate to come out. Right now I have no discount, I've never gone without a discount before. However it seems to me that the room discounts are going by the wayside. Disney loses too much money over a room discount. NOW free dining, it's a win-win for Disney. People pay full rack rate and full price tickets and the only thing they get free is food. I'm sure the price Disney pays for food is crazy cheap! So they don't take a hit when they offer everyone free dining. So for all the people who hope and wish for free dining, to me its a given that it is always going to be offered. My family doesn't use the dining plan when we travel it's just not our style, so we rely on room discounts.
I'm also waiting.....I wasn't lucky enough to score a RO reservation so I've been waiting for the AP rate to come out. Right now I have no discount, I've never gone without a discount before. However it seems to me that the room discounts are going by the wayside. Disney loses too much money over a room discount. NOW free dining, it's a win-win for Disney. People pay full rack rate and full price tickets and the only thing they get free is food. I'm sure the price Disney pays for food is crazy cheap! So they don't take a hit when they offer everyone free dining. So for all the people who hope and wish for free dining, to me its a given that it is always going to be offered. My family doesn't use the dining plan when we travel it's just not our style, so we rely on room discounts.

I hate the free dining lol. We like to stay deluxe club level so the free dining doesn't come close to the room only for us. Plus, it makes it much harder to get the best reservations :)

I'd imagine Disney still needs the room only though. There are only so many people who would pay close to rack rate for the GF, Poly, CR, etc...Then once there, we spend a fortune on food, tickets, and merchandise. Ugh I hope it comes out soon!
I hate the free dining lol. We like to stay deluxe club level so the free dining doesn't come close to the room only for us. Plus, it makes it much harder to get the best reservations :)

I'd imagine Disney still needs the room only though. There are only so many people who would pay close to rack rate for the GF, Poly, CR, etc...Then once there, we spend a fortune on food, tickets, and merchandise. Ugh I hope it comes out soon!

It's got to be sometime next week right??:bitelip:
really though this particular time frame we are all waiting for (fall early winter) has taken a while to be put up pretty much every year last year it was Aug 28th so we are only 3 days late right now.
I just did the same exact thing for our split stay in October. The deal I got from Travelocity is probably gonna be better than when the discounts do come out.

Orbitz had the best rates when I priced a trip the first week in June this year for onsite properties

I don't understand why Disney is giving inventory to Travelocity, Expedia, etc. to sell at rates lower than they are selling rooms themselves. It is costing Disney more $$$ to give these discounts to these online mega TA's and they are upsetting their loyal AP holder's to boot! Sell inventory to Travelocity and even at a discount, but to charge more for rooms at the same resort for the same time period to customers booking directly with WDW?? Crazy!

Disney could easily have passed on that inventory to AP holders and then even GP at a discount instead and probably been in money! Where is the economic sense in this process? As one PP said, it is a kick in the teeth of loyal repeat customers! people who have spent, in many cases, most, if not all, their vacation dollars in WDW! Year after year!

I agree that the benefit of an AP is being lost. As a result, I probably won't renew again. Without an AP, my reason to make all vacations for the year in WDW is lost. Once this AP expires, instead of going back to WDW up to 4 times per year ( 1 - 2 weeks each visit), DH and I (as well and son and DIL and Daughter and SIL and families) are now looking to going to Europe (Italy, France, Spain) for 3- 4 weeks and perhaps Australia or New Zealand for 3 weeks. Not as relaxing as WDW, but the stress of getting affordable accommodations in WDW this fall is very off-putting to say the least. Add to that the lack of information on Polynesian construction and we are less than happy. You can book much nicer accommodations elsewhere for less money. There are many wonderful places to visit and i suppose it is time to start broadening our horizons when it comes to travel.

This thought saddens me, because I love the magic that WDW has provided my family for 40+ years. I have been going to WDW since the first year it opened. We will probably still go to WDW (one week per year) as well, but we may actually decide to stay off site. Sigh.....I remember saying that I wouldn't want to stay outside WDW ever again. The times, they are a changing.

But for this year......
SO incredibly Frustrated!! and still waiting.......

it was explained to me that the 3rd party providers are buying blocks of rooms at discount from Disney and passing the savings onto their customers.

CRO doesn't have to price-match those rates to those who have already booked a reservation

the people staying onsite will still spend money on food/tickets/misc no matter who they book their accommodations through.

I am a PAP holder and not at all thrilled either to find these 3rd party rates lower that the 'perc' that used to be extended to loyal, repeat guests. I just think there are too many of us now, especially since the DVC offer last year.
Travelocity and Orbitz is the same price as Disney. it's just that those companies offer an offer code and its how they bring down the price.. But with no offer code it's the same price..
I gave in and booked with Cheap Tickets today. They have a code for %20 off until tomorrow with the same cancellation policy as Disney. They did want it prepaid but I going in 2 months anyway. Booking this way let me upgrade from CSR to AKL.
Just thought I'd let people know. Cheap Tickets gave a hotel reservation number on my confirmation. I entered it this morning on MDE and all my info popped right up. Now I'll cancel my other reservation at CBR. So far so good. I did a chat and the agent called Disney and added my requests while I was online with her. No longer anxious and I know I got a better discount than I could have even with AP.:cool1:
Go 'Noles!

I see a winter20 discount for the dates I looked at, but there are different room categories to choose from and some say "standard room" and others say "Standard Room...Disney Resort Benefits". When I looked at the one with Disney Resort Benefits, the price is higher than through Disney. Also, when I first looked at it, I didn't put the kids in, just two adults. The room price went up a lot when I added the 2 kids, which is something I have never seen before. They are only 7 and 9 so not considered adults.

So, just look carefully before you book through them.
Go 'Noles!

I see a winter20 discount for the dates I looked at, but there are different room categories to choose from and some say "standard room" and others say "Standard Room...Disney Resort Benefits". When I looked at the one with Disney Resort Benefits, the price is higher than through Disney. Also, when I first looked at it, I didn't put the kids in, just two adults. The room price went up a lot when I added the 2 kids, which is something I have never seen before. They are only 7 and 9 so not considered adults.

So, just look carefully before you book through them.

I know what you mean. I could not get these great rates to come up like other people have.


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