Anyone used Are they reliable in your opinion?

I booked through them last year and had no problem at all. I booked through them again this year but ended up getting a good deal on-site so cancelled and had no problem, just a $10.90 charge.I think they are a good service, definitely some good rates.
I am using them and have a hotel booked for Feb.2 by Universal. Will let you know how it is. I got my Room for 39.90 a nite! :D
I used them 2 times. Once in 1999 and once in 2000. I had no problems either time.

The second time I did have a rep call me after I booked the hotel and asked me if I wanted to tour and stay at a time share condo for a couple days and the remaining days they would put me up at a different hotel than the one I selected for a lower price. I said no, and they didn't bother me again.

I actually ended up cancelling the 2nd reservation because I received a better deal through Priceline. There was no problem with cancellation or anything.
caitlyn, check out my comments on the Orlando Hotel & Attractions board from 1/20/01. Had a bad experience with them (reservationists telling untruths over the phone). Perhaps it was just an aberrancy-I've read so many good things about them....
I really appreciate all the replies. I am thinking of using them to book through Caribe Royale.

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