Anyone else going this week-end?


<font color=deeppink>where is that flying pig?<br>
Aug 20, 1999
DH (Cold Iron) & I decided all of a sudden to go to Ft Wilderness for the week-end! :)
We will get there Thurs. evening and leave Sun morning.
I am trying to come up with something to put in the front window of the M/H to show that we are DIS'ers. Any ideas?
I thought maybe a large piece of cardboard or posterboard with DIS in very large letters, maybe lime green.
We always look for a sign or something, when we are in the campground, from other DIS people.
We will be wearing our green ribbons & I have a "Poohstyx" GOH badge.
where did you get your GOH badge engraved with that name on it?? we tried to get a nick name and they would not do it for us at MGM,

<Font Size=2><Font Color=blue>Scott</Font><Font
Co-Moderator Camping @ Disney Board
<center><Font Color=ff0066><Font size=4>
I got mine at the Studios. It is blue with Pooh on it. I wrote the name I wanted on a piece of paper, but she was not sure that she could put that name on it. When I told her it was a nickname she said, no problem.
It may depend on the person doing it. I got it at a store near the street that goes to TOT. The section was an embroidery area with lots of GOH badges, with names & blank.
I got mine in Dec. 1999. They may not do it anymore.
We'll be there Sunday through next Friday. We'll be sporting lime green ribbon. We requested Loop 100 and I hope we'll get it. Where do you get a GOH badge?

Roughly the size of a barge
I got mine at the Studios. As you go down Hollywood Blvd (the main street into the park), the store is on the right, before Sunset Blvd (the street that goes to TOT).
I don't know the name of the store. They have lots of badges both with and w/o names. They will engrave most names, but usually it has to be a common name.
There may still be a place at DTD that has them.


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