Another Contemporary scenario


Feb 25, 2005
Before I go ahead and tell you what I heard, keep in mind this is nothing more than rumor ...

A friend of mine who works in Disney Marketing , said she heard that the North Garden will in fact be atleast partially torn down. However, the plan for this area isnt DVC, but a Super Duper new pool/activity area. With so much complaining about how unimpressive the current pool area is compared to the other deluxes, they will be looking to re-do the whole thing ala greater theming and activites.

I for one find it hard to believe they would do this, since there is already a fairly large pool area (even though it really isnt that nice). This would require that they fill in the current pool area and then dig another pool and facilities in the North Garden Wing area (not to mention they would be taking away revenue with fewer rooms). She said they may not remove the entire North Wing, but part of it (and perhaps a new class of rooms overlooking the pool).

Of course, take it with a grain of salt, this is the prob the 10th different rumor Ive heard about the Contemporary.
I agree that the pool requires a little help, but I would think that they could improve upon what is there rather than needing to build something brand new. And the idea that they'd take away revenue-producing rooms just for the pool seems highly unlikely.
I love that pool!! Don't change it!!
Just goes to show that almost no one actually knows what is going on with the CR, and those that do aren't telling. ::yes::

I like that pool too, I hope they don't take it out.
John VN said:
Listen to ME

There will BE

A monorail

:banana: DVC :banana:

yea - but when - I hope when I am still young enough to enjoy it.

I would hate it to be 20 years from now.
spiceycat said:
yea - but when - I hope when I am still young enough to enjoy it.

I would hate it to be 20 years from now.

:rotfl: My thoughts exactly!
John VN said:
Sooner than many think.


Do you know something that the rest of us don't? Please fill us in!!
John VN said:
Listen to ME

There will BE

A monorail

:banana: DVC :banana:

Yep - once SSR is completed, they start on the Epcot/OKW/SSR/DTD/PI monorail loop! :rotfl2: :confused3

Seriously, by eliminating some of the (least desirable) rooms and adding a SAB-type pool area, they could increase the rates they charge for CR (which I seem to remember were less than the Polynesian). Also, there's no reason to tear down/fill in the old pool - just make it part of the new complex.
The one concern I have about a CRV would be the existing pool area. We stayed at the Contemporary NGW when it was leased out to SOG a few years back.

We enjoyed the pool, but it is really basic and plain and definitely not a reason for us to pick the CR over other resorts.

If they add a new pool complex, that would support the addition of the DVC Villas rumored to be built on the CR Tennis Courts. They will need the extra capacity to support the Villas and bring the CR pool up to most DVC member expectations.

Those Villas could have a pool view or MK view and would support the high price those points will demand.
if the rooms live up to expectation and the Cont does start to go after the convention - instead of leading the BC/YC or D/S get most of the business - then I really think this hotel will finally live up to its name and not need a DVC resort there.

the reason people like the Cont is the monrail goes through it, it was the original WDW hotel, and you can walk to the MK. It does not need a great pool.
The Polynesian opened the same time as the CR from what I've read.
BCV23 said:
The Polynesian opened the same time as the CR from what I've read.
Oct 1, 1971 Poly, CR, and Disney's Fort Wilderness Resort and Campground

spiceycat said:
the reason people like the Cont is the monrail goes through it, it was the original WDW hotel, and you can walk to the MK.

I like it because it reminds me of all those times we visited Uncle Luke in the State Pen and he didn't need a pool.
I know from the tennis pro at Contemporary that the at least 4 of the 6 tennis courts and pro shop are being torn down.
While taking the boat from the MK to FT Wilderness a little over a week ago and then looking down on the area of the wing nearest the water it was obvious that major work is being done on that section- Rooms had large sheets of black plastic over the doors and many had plywood over the doors. There were piles of sheetrock and buckets of stuff piled up for use. I don't know which wing is which but it certainly does not seem they are taking that one down but rather doing renovations. It certainly was not a pretty sight. Of course I suppose the supplies may be what is being used in the main tower bulding as one section of that was also covered with large sheets of plastic when we went through on the monorail and the missing doors and such may indicate the wing is coming down.
To be honest I think the CR needs a better pool area than it does a DVC setup and I really hope the CR never does get DVC.
i must admit we did not particularly like the CR, although it is beautiful and luxurious it reminded me of an airport. If in a couple of years we are at the stage to buy into DVC and CR is the new DVC resort then i don't think i would be so keen.
DaveT1 said:
I like it because it reminds me of all those times we visited Uncle Luke in the State Pen and he didn't need a pool.

LOL! Well, yes, it IS a bit "cementy-gray". Especially on rainy or misty days. It was rainy/overcast the last time we were there and the building, pool area, sky and water were all depressingly smudged together. It wasn't all that inviting. Other than "contemporary", it has no real theme. And sadly, its architectural style feels more dated and tired as the years go by.

My husband and son love the CR, but the only real draw for me is the handy proximuty to the MK. I prefer the more cozy-feeling resorts.


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