Am I the only one annoyed by the "free upgrade" happening?

Um, the rant you quoted (which is the topic of this thread) is specifically regarding those who booked the Free Dining promo at Pop & All Star for August/September getting bumped up to SSR and OKW.

It has nothing to do with the construction transfers of guests from AKL to SSR. If you read the thread you find most folks who are annoyed, are not annoyed by Deluxe hotel guests getting bumped.

I think your venting is a bit misfired.

That's interesting, because then this would be a class issue or worse, jealousy about other people getting too much pixie dust (I don't think there is such a thing and the nature of pixie dust is it's sprinkled unevenly. I hope someone from the disboards WINS a DVC, but I'm sure there will be those who are ticked because they had to pay when Disney is giving them away, lol.)

Edit--Just wanted to say this wasn't directed at you--I can't even remember who posted what. I'm just saying the idea that Deluxe moves are okay when Values aren't looks to me like either elitism or jealousy.

That's interesting, because then this would be a class issue or worse, jealousy about other people getting too much pixie dust (I don't think there is such a thing and the nature of pixie dust is it's sprinkled unevenly. I hope someone from the disboards WINS a DVC, but I'm sure there will be those who are ticked because they had to pay when Disney is giving them away, lol.)

Edit--Just wanted to say this wasn't directed at you--I can't even remember who posted what. I'm just saying the idea that Deluxe moves are okay when Values aren't looks to me like either elitism or jealousy.

it seems that way 2 me as i said good luck falls where it may y begrudge someone a little happiness. some of these people may have saved 4 yrs 4this trip imagine the thrill an upgrade is to them may b a once in a lifetime event to insinuate that they r not worthy of sharing such a special place is just sad and to think that making a distinction between upgrade from deluxe or value makes it all right well mayb this humanitarian should trade his mouse ears 4 horns
it seems that way 2 me as i said good luck falls where it may y begrudge someone a little happiness. some of these people may have saved 4 yrs 4this trip imagine the thrill an upgrade is to them may b a once in a lifetime event to insinuate that they r not worthy of sharing such a special place is just sad and to think that making a distinction between upgrade from deluxe or value makes it all right well mayb this humanitarian should trade his mouse ears 4 horns
Again, just my opinion, but I don't think it's about who's worthy. I think it's about how guests want to spend their money.

I choose to live in a condo. Does that mean I should get a free house? If not, is that elitism? Of course not. It simply means I choose not to spend my money on a larger home.

If I save for four years to buy a Dodge Neon, should I be given a Viper? If not, is the dealer an elitist? :)

Just my opinion, but I don't see how this is a "class issue". I feel better about an upgrade from a deluxe, but that's only because the price they paid is more in line with the upgrade. That may seem like a class issue, but it's truly not IMO.
After all, the entire resort system is built on class in a sense... The more you pay, the nicer the accommodations. :)


That's only partly true about accommodations (a lot of it is about when you buy and whether you can find a code). But then it would be the other argument: those value people got too much pixie dust! I will admit that it was a whole lot of pixie dust, but why not just say, "good for them!" To me, getting this upgrade was like winning a small lottery--whoopie! I know that next time, I'll probably not get upgraded but hopefully someone will.

I "get" the concerns about crowding and room placement because they have an effect on the person who bought into the DVC. It makes me want to know where a good place for me would be, because I don't want to be in anyone's way (I don't mind walking).

What I don't get is the bickering about how much people paid, whether they got mousekeeping or not, or whether they got free dining. Even if those were taken away, they wouldn't make the other person who bought into DVC any better off, so why worry about it? :confused3
...why not just say, "good for them!" To me, getting this upgrade was like winning a small lottery--whoopie! .
I would whole heartedly agree IF the upgrades weren't quite as plentiful. I think the mass upgrades are the sticking point for me.
I also think the AKL upgrades are justified because they may have been moved for construction.

Just to add, I have nothing against the actual guests that are being upgraded. I would also be happy if I were them. :smokin:

Again, just my opinion, but I don't think it's about who's worthy. I think it's about how guests want to spend their money.

I choose to live in a condo. Does that mean I should get a free house? If not, is that elitism? Of course not. It simply means I choose not to spend my money on a larger home.

If I save for four years to buy a Dodge Neon, should I be given a Viper? If not, is the dealer an elitist? :)


Upgrades are upgrades.

It has the nothing to do with the way an individual spends his money.

If a Dodge dealer is having a contest and giving a Viper as a prize than even the customers who would normally buy a Neon should be eligible to win the Viper.

Apparently Disney does not discriminate when they give out their upgrades, or when passing out YOAMD prizes.

My compliments to Disney for not discriminating when they pass out their Pixie Dust.
All I have to say is I'm glad I'm not booked at SSR for the days when the upgrades take place. I would be pretty mad that some people paid less than $100 for the same accommodations and I don't get free dining and daily housekeeping.
All I have to say is I'm glad I'm not booked at SSR for the days when the upgrades take place. I would be pretty mad that some people paid less than $100 for the same accommodations and I don't get free dining and daily housekeeping.

I hope it's just knowing about it that bothers you, because this happens at all hotels. I got 75% off rack rate for my offsite room last year using Priceline, and 35% off my CSR room with a coupon code.
All I have to say is I'm glad I'm not booked at SSR for the days when the upgrades take place. I would be pretty mad that some people paid less than $100 for the same accommodations and I don't get free dining and daily housekeeping.

FYI - Just deleted several inappropriate posts as well as those posts that quoted them.

Rather than respond to a post that is outside of the DIS Board Posting Guidelines, please just report the post - there's an icon under the screen name to do that.

The mods will take care of the problem as soon as they can.

Thank you.
I own at 3 resorts, but frequently stay at value when staying on cash.

I am upset that Disney decided to cheapen the DVC brand by giving the values the upgrade. If Disney wants to be so generous, why not upgrade them to Grand Floridian instead of OKW? I wonder what the response would be for the paying guests at GF; I suspect they would not be happy.

And, where are the upgrades for us? Has anyone here ever been bumped from a Studio to a GV? How about a 2BR or even a 1BR? Have you ever been bumped from OKW to Contemporary? Have you ever been given free dining? How about a daily mousecleaning? Not me! Where's OUR magic?

Many of us paid tens of thousands of dollars, up front, to be part of an exclusive community. In addition, we pay hundreds or thousands of dollars every year towards dues to that community. We spend CASH at the restaurants, not deeply discounted credits.

I pay extra to live in a certain house, live in a certain neighborhood, drive a certain car, wear certain clothes. I would be outraged if I paid extra for these things and someone else paid exponentially less and got them as well. I work hard, and these are the spoils of my labor.

I am not happy about the "free upgrade."

(I'm only done reading the first 14 pages or so of this thread. Has anyone e-mailed Disney? If so, what was their response?)
I own at 3 resorts, but frequently stay at value when staying on cash......

And, where are the upgrades for us? Has anyone here ever been bumped from a Studio to a GV? How about a 2BR or even a 1BR? Have you ever been bumped from OKW to Contemporary? Have you ever been given free dining? How about a daily mousecleaning? Not me! Where's OUR magic?

Many of us paid tens of thousands of dollars, up front, to be part of an exclusive community. In addition, we pay hundreds or thousands of dollars every year towards dues to that community. We spend CASH at the restaurants, not deeply discounted credits........

(I'm only done reading the first 14 pages or so of this thread. Has anyone e-mailed Disney? If so, what was their response?)

Chuck S explained in post 280 of this thread why DVC members do not get upgrades when booking a DVC resort.


DVC Rooms can not normally be upgraded, it would illegally throw the point system out of balance, in effect Disney would have oversold the resort. The cash room, once again, are NOT part of DVC member inventory, as they are UNSOLD point inventory, or rooms not yet declared as part of the DVC.
I am not happy about the "free upgrade."

(I'm only done reading the first 14 pages or so of this thread. Has anyone e-mailed Disney? If so, what was their response?)

What would you expect the response to be? They are not rooms from DVC inventory, they are Disney's rooms to use as they wish.
it seems that way 2 me as i said good luck falls where it may y begrudge someone a little happiness. some of these people may have saved 4 yrs 4this trip imagine the thrill an upgrade is to them may b a once in a lifetime event to insinuate that they r not worthy of sharing such a special place is just sad and to think that making a distinction between upgrade from deluxe or value makes it all right well mayb this humanitarian should trade his mouse ears 4 horns
I'm sorry. I can't read a darn thing you write. It's probably because I don't post over on the Teen Board and I don't IM or TXT people.

If you want someone to read and understand your ideas you will have to take the time to write them in English and some IM-TXT-speak. Sorry :(.
I own at 3 resorts, but frequently stay at value when staying on cash.

I am upset that Disney decided to cheapen the DVC brand by giving the values the upgrade. If Disney wants to be so generous, why not upgrade them to Grand Floridian instead of OKW? I wonder what the response would be for the paying guests at GF; I suspect they would not be happy.

Because they are not selling timeshares at GF. Disney's incentive for these upgrades is to get these people to buy DVC. I had no intention of buying DVC until I stayed in a room at OKW with a member friend. I was instantly hooked. So why leave rooms at SSR empty when they can use them as a sales tactic. Sort of a "trial membership". It would be interesting to see how many of the people take the DVC tour (I'm sure they will be invited to) and how many buy. Disney's motive is not "generosity".
Because they are not selling timeshares at GF. Disney's incentive for these upgrades is to get these people to buy DVC. I had no intention of buying DVC until I stayed in a room at OKW with a member friend. I was instantly hooked. So why leave rooms at SSR empty when they can use them as a sales tactic. Sort of a "trial membership". It would be interesting to see how many of the people take the DVC tour (I'm sure they will be invited to) and how many buy. Disney's motive is not "generosity".

This is not marketing. This is not a sales pitch. They are freeing up rooms at the values to get more bodies total in the World at that time.

While the motive may not be generosity (and they are just great at camoflouging it as such), the motive IS money....more people on property means more money on, tix, etc.

If some folks end up buying DVC due to the upgrade, that is just an added bonus.
Because they are not selling timeshares at GF. Disney's incentive for these upgrades is to get these people to buy DVC. I had no intention of buying DVC until I stayed in a room at OKW with a member friend. I was instantly hooked. So why leave rooms at SSR empty when they can use them as a sales tactic. Sort of a "trial membership". It would be interesting to see how many of the people take the DVC tour (I'm sure they will be invited to) and how many buy. Disney's motive is not "generosity".

If the "marketing" angle was indeed their intention, wouldn't it make more sense to upgrade families staying in moderates? One would think that if someone were willing and financially able to spend $30-40 more a night for a little nicer accommodations, they would be the better DVC customer.

And, if the "marketing" angle was Disney's intention, why not give the upgrade to guests that they know visit frequently, instead of staying in a certain resort? Again, one would think that a family that visits annually is a better DVC customer than the family that scrimped and saved for their once-a-decade Disney trip.
Chusk S said:
DVC Rooms can not normally be upgraded, it would illegally throw the point system out of balance, in effect Disney would have oversold the resort. The cash room, once again, are NOT part of DVC member inventory, as they are UNSOLD point inventory, or rooms not yet declared as part of the DVC.

This doesn't make sense. I understand what you're saying, but consider this. These are unsold/undeclared rooms, granted. So, what's the difference if Disney gives an upgrade to an undeclared 1 BR to a guest at POP or to a DVC member? As a matter of fact, giving that room to a NON DVC member oversells the resort, because if they upgrade me, they've got my old room to rebook. Not the case when you bring someone in from outside the resort.

What would you expect the response to be? They are not rooms from DVC inventory, they are Disney's rooms to use as they wish.

If I paid $160 a head to dine at Victoria & Alberts, and I found out that the people sitting next to me were just at the ABC Commissary and Disney upgraded them to dine at V&A for $10 a head, I'd be upset. Sure, they're Disney's restaurants to use as they wish. Doesn't mean I wouldn't be put off.

If a person belongs to an exclusive golf club that they paid tens of thousands of dollars to join and hundreds or thousands of dollars each year to maintain and the club owners decide that they're going to go and pick up random people playing at a public course and let them play, I would expect a similar reaction. However, there would probably be no reaction at all if they invited people from other exclusive golf clubs over to play in hopes to join.

Is it classist or elitist? Maybe, maybe not. Really, what's the difference between an exclusive golf club vs. a public course? Maybe the grounds are a little nicer, or the bar is a little better. But, are you paying $30k for a little nicer accomodations? Nope. You're paying $30k to be around like-minded and like-meansed people.

DVC is similar. If we've got the money to shell out for a DVC membership, I'm sure we all could stay at any resort we chose. But, we chose to spend tens of thousands of dollars to be in an EXCLUSIVE club. That's what exclusive means - it excludes people. I don't see Disney giving out free upgrades into Club 33 - that's also an exclusive club.

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