Allure going, going, gone...

Has the addition of SSR impacted your ability to reserve at your home resort?

  • No - Still the same

  • Maybe - Can't be sure its SSR though

  • Definitely - I have noticed a change sinsce SSR came on line

Results are only viewable after voting.
I share your view to some degree. For the first few years I couldn't stand SSR. It was just not what I had always envisioned DVC to be. But it has grown on me over the last year or two as the resort has matured and I have seen what it has to offer. However, I still do not foresee me staying there again very often. While some may consider DTD a "marquee" draw, and it may get me there once or twice, I still don't think it is big enough of one to support it's size. Of course there are many that SSR is perfect for, and some are very vocal here, but I agree that the masses of DVC members are more likely to be consistently drawn to other DVC resorts than SSR.

Let me just point one thing out: Likely, the "masses of DVC members" aren't like you, or Jollymon, or me. They're a VERY eclectic group of people. So why can we "assume" that SSR won't appeal to them? Because it doesn't appeal to you? Or to Jollymon?

I've said before in this thread...I just don't get that. I know people want to think that "most people" are like them, but.....I dont' think we can assume that just because DTD access isn't a draw for you, or spa access isn't a draw for Jollymon, or the pool complex seems overcrowded, too small, and not enough of a feature (as an aside, if the pool complex was full....doesn't that mean it was popular?) for both of you, that the masses feel the same way.

I can respect that you, and Jollymon, and others don't really feel the draw of what SSR DOES offer (one of DVC's benefits is different strokes for different folks), but I wonder why that needs to be projected on "the masses"....
I do think you are not giving the majority of the owners enough credit. I think anyone spending thousands (and sometimes tens of thousands) of dollars on a purchase likely has some investment in researching and knowing the ins and outs of the product. Perhaps the Dis board members are some of the more knowledgeable owners...perhaps not.

I think you give them too much credit. I think that a lot of people trust Disney, and want to believe things as true as they'd like to believe. We know that DVC Guides have not been forthcoming about "yes, you can buy BWV from us, even BCV if you are willing to wait for points" - and that people have bought SSR because they believed that was their only option through Disney. We know people buy on vacation (when people do lose their ability to think sensibly) without realizing there is a resale market. We know DVC Guides tell people it "will be no problem" to stay at BCV in October if you own at SSR. All these have been reported in the past here - and unless DISBoard members lie, they provide evidence - ancedotal evidence, certainly - but evidence, that people don't always get all the information they need (or the right information) to make decisions.

We bought resale, bought BWV site unseen, having never gone back to the Epcot resort area. We "trusted" Disney that the Boardwalk would be an acceptable resort. We looked at photos on the internet and read the boards here, but the boards here have their opinions slanted by both owner pride and resort bashing (and lots of people don't find these boards until after purchase - lots of people never find boards like this at all). After five years of ownership - I'm content we bought, but I didn't really KNOW what I was buying and it has never lived up to the expectations I had. We get newer board members all the time that don't that use year has nothing to do with when they can call for reservations.

I have no statistical evidence for this, but years of ancedotal evidence - and you have no evidence at all for the position "anyone" spending this kind of money does research - we have MissMet right here right now being one data point that "some" people don't. We have Jollymon him/herself as another example of someone who obviously didn't understand the system, or s/he wouldn't be complaining about not being able to get BCV one month out - because even back when BCV was opening the advice had been for years "buy where you want to stay and take advantage of the booking window."
I share your view to some degree. For the first few years I couldn't stand SSR. It was just not what I had always envisioned DVC to be. But it has grown on me over the last year or two as the resort has matured and I have seen what it has to offer. However, I still do not foresee me staying there again very often. While some may consider DTD a "marquee" draw, and it may get me there once or twice, I still don't think it is big enough of one to support it's size. Of course there are many that SSR is perfect for, and some are very vocal here, but I agree that the masses of DVC members are more likely to be consistently drawn to other DVC resorts than SSR.

Actually, my guide told me that SSR was built to draw a totally different group of vacationers as well as the usual DVC type. He said that SSR was built to attract the golf enthusiasts who would normally buy into a "regular" timeshare. They wanted another resort like OKW that would draw the people who follow golf & like to attend the Funai Classic. The resort was built with a golf course, spa & shopping near buy. That way you could golf, or maybe send your husband to golf while you shop & have a spa treatment without really leaving the resort. Really like a vacation spot on it's own. Then they would get those vacationers, who would normally not go to WDW, into the parks for the great restaurant selections. I kinda just brushed off that whole conversation until I got to the airport the next day. :scared1:

We were sitting in the airport & had our DVC tote filled with a TON of paperwork. There was an older couple sitting across from us & noticed the tote. They told us how they were DVC members & that they don't really go into the parks, just Epcot for the food. The husband went on to say how much they loved golf. They said they have there family come visit & they cook in the room & hang out in the pool. Then on some days their kids take the grandchildren to the parks. They really just enjoyed staying at the resort & maybe venturing out to Orlando.

At first I was baffled by this. Why would someone buy into DVC & not go to the parks, but then it made sense. All the other resorts around the world you can stay at, add on top of that there love of a resort to relax at & play golf & it made sense.

So I see the draw on both sides. Some find those amenities marquee draw alone, then for those who actually love disney, like the above couple did not, & it makes even more sense. It's not my type but I can totally understand why a lot love the resort. It's a great place to get away from the hustle & bustle of the parks & feel like you're on a quiet, relaxing vacation while still enjoying the parks. It's like two vacations in one to many. The best of both worlds.
That's easy for you to say, a DVC (SSR) member since 2005. When people bought into BWV, BCV and VWL in the late 90's and early 00's, it was relatively east to get reservations within the 7-month mark, at least outside of prime periods, and the guides sold it as such (it was true at the time). While we could (and maybe should) have expected that dynamic to eventually change, the addition of a 800+ room mega-resort was a little more than anyone anticipated and has had a profound affect on the reservation dynamic.

I understand why SSR owners are unsympathetic, they don't know anything but the current reality of the reservation system and availability. We may have been naive or deluded in thinking things were going to stay the same, but nobody likes to have something taken away that they have come accustomed to.

As I've said before (and will reiterate here) I actually agree. SSR's size is it's primary "issue".

But as new options come online, and spread out trade in demand, that will come down.

Again, I'm not sure if it's by design or opportunity, but if you look at the way DVC're almost seeing a cyclical return. OKW (anchor) + smaller options. Now you get SSR and AKV (a smaller option). I'm not sure about CRV, but IF the plans we've seen are actually DVC, you're getting another smaller option in that. One more small option on property and you'll see that SSR's impact has been reduced significantly.

I think, maybe, IMHO, we're seeing "growing pains", not a permenant change.
As DVC grows, home resort and 11 month planning becomes more and more important. DVC is becoming more of like the "other" timeshare brands with each additional property they add into the system. When OKW was built, DVC was just another timeshare resort, now its a timeshare system. I don't think DVC was planned initially to be a system, which is also part of the problem.

It was. My husband works with one of the original project managers for DVC (he's moved on and doesn't work for Disney anymore). DVC was envisioned as a system....but it was envisioned as a national - even global - system of resorts. OKW was a "pilot" - but if it was successful, some of the other resorts were already planned. Vero Beach was very early on the drawing boards. But the vision of the system has changed (and may change again) to focus on resorts at WDW - HH and VB never sold as well as Disney hoped, and have awkward use patterns. Disney's DVC Vision has been evolving and changing over fifteen years (probably 20 if we look at it from the date of inception), sometimes reactively, sometimes opportunistically, sometimes proactively - and will continue to change. That makes planning a balanced system to be nearly impossible.
That's easy for you to say, a DVC (SSR) member since 2005. When people bought into BWV, BCV and VWL in the late 90's and early 00's, it was relatively east to get reservations within the 7-month mark, at least outside of prime periods, and the guides sold it as such (it was true at the time). While we could (and maybe should) have expected that dynamic to eventually change, the addition of a 800+ room mega-resort was a little more than anyone anticipated and has had a profound affect on the reservation dynamic.

I understand why SSR owners are unsympathetic, they don't know anything but the current reality of the reservation system and availability. We may have been naive or deluded in thinking things were going to stay the same, but nobody likes to have something taken away that they have come accustomed to.

UconnJack - your points are NOT missed here but what bugs most people like me is that SSR gets blamed for all of these problems when the reality is that much has changed in the world. You bought in before 9/11 so I can see how the dip and then regrowth in the travel industry doesn't seem to apply to you, but I think that it still does.

Did DVC over size SSR? Maybe. Were the smaller resorts smaller on purpose - I dont think so. DVC needed something to sell and these made for quick turn around for them to have inventory.

What irks me and many other people here is the resort "bashing" that goes on against SSR. If you don't like the resort, don't stay there. I don't care for the hotel type resorts and don't stay at them. Works for me. That is the system we all bought into. There is no proof that people are buying tin SSR to stay elsewhere. There are people that have bought into EVERY resort that have NEVER stayed at their home resorts.

As other resorts come online, the SSR issue will go away, but I doubt they will ever build a resort that big again. It has taken a long time for the resort to mature and I think that has effected opinions about the resort. To me, this is a lesson DVD hopefully learned.

SSR is a destination in itself for many. We don't really know the mindset of the "herd" as Jollymon called it, so anything about the "whole" is totally speculation. It has gotten old.

You don't like SSR - that is fine. You can't get your home resort at 1 month out in July....come on. I am sorry that DVC has changed into something that doesn't fit Jollymon's liking and vacation habits anymore and I understand the argument that the people that bought into SSR have a different view of what DVC is, but the definition of DVC and the rules and regulations haven't changed. It has actually come to be what DVD hoped when it developed the program - a huge money making, very popular program.

As they say, the secret is out.

I think you give them too much credit. I think that a lot of people trust Disney, and want to believe things as true as they'd like to believe. We know that DVC Guides have not been forthcoming about "yes, you can buy BWV from us, even BCV if you are willing to wait for points" - and that people have bought SSR because they believed that was their only option through Disney. We know people buy on vacation (when people do lose their ability to think sensibly) without realizing there is a resale market. We know DVC Guides tell people it "will be no problem" to stay at BCV in October if you own at SSR. All these have been reported in the past here - and unless DISBoard members lie, they provide evidence - ancedotal evidence, certainly - but evidence, that people don't always get all the information they need (or the right information) to make decisions.

We bought resale, bought BWV site unseen, having never gone back to the Epcot resort area. We "trusted" Disney that the Boardwalk would be an acceptable resort. We looked at photos on the internet and read the boards here, but the boards here have their opinions slanted by both owner pride and resort bashing (and lots of people don't find these boards until after purchase - lots of people never find boards like this at all). After five years of ownership - I'm content we bought, but I didn't really KNOW what I was buying and it has never lived up to the expectations I had. We get newer board members all the time that don't that use year has nothing to do with when they can call for reservations.

I have no statistical evidence for this, but years of ancedotal evidence - and you have no evidence at all for the position "anyone" spending this kind of money does research - we have MissMet right here right now being one data point that "some" people don't. We have Jollymon him/herself as another example of someone who obviously didn't understand the system, or s/he wouldn't be complaining about not being able to get BCV one month out - because even back when BCV was opening the advice had been for years "buy where you want to stay and take advantage of the booking window."

To be clear, I'm not talking about "pre-purchase" research. I'm talking about research and educating yourself AFTER purchase to make sure you can use the system well, and correctly. That seems to be what the OP was talking about...and you correctly point out Jollymon seemingly did NOT do his homework.

I don't have any illusions that the majority do good "pre-purchase" research, largely due to the reasoning you provide above.

As for statistical data...notice I preferenced that with "I do think" and "I think anyone". My opinions, not facts.
I actually won't tear this one down, because you pretty aptly explained you're making wild, unfounded assumptions for the majority and then forming your opinion based on them. You're making statistical assumptions based on no real data. Since you already said it, I don't really have to.

I do think you are not giving the majority of the owners enough credit. I think anyone spending thousands (and sometimes tens of thousands) of dollars on a purchase likely has some investment in researching and knowing the ins and outs of the product. Perhaps the Dis board members are some of the more knowledgeable owners...perhaps not.

Again, you're speaking for the majority like you know what they consider amenities. Golf, DTD access, accomodation style, access to a world class spa, etc all are marquee keep ignoring them becasue they're not amenities that draw YOU. Fair enough. Don't stay there.

Pilferk - you trully are the master of debate! I was rolling with laughter at your first paragraph, "Touche", a grand master stroke. Your gift is enviable!

As for the 'herd', I think you are giving them too much credit, or actually, someone is giving them too much credit. The majority (like most of America) simply looks at the monthly payment and makes a guess at whether they can swing it or not.

But then again, what do I know, I am just "making wild, unfounded assumptions for the majority and then forming your opinion based on them".
I do think you are not giving the majority of the owners enough credit. I think anyone spending thousands (and sometimes tens of thousands) of dollars on a purchase likely has some investment in researching and knowing the ins and outs of the product. Perhaps the Dis board members are some of the more knowledgeable owners...perhaps not.

Considering how small a cross-section of the DVC membership is on this board, I would argue that the masses are nowhere near as well informed as we are. The masses' knowledge of the DVC system is largely limited to what their guide and guidebook (i.e., Disney) tells them.

Let me just point one thing out: Likely, the "masses of DVC members" aren't like you, or Jollymon, or me. They're a VERY eclectic group of people. So why can we "assume" that SSR won't appeal to them? Because it doesn't appeal to you? Or to Jollymon?

I've said before in this thread...I just don't get that. I know people want to think that "most people" are like them, but.....I dont' think we can assume that just because DTD access isn't a draw for you, or spa access isn't a draw for Jollymon, or the pool complex seems overcrowded, too small, and not enough of a feature (as an aside, if the pool complex was full....doesn't that mean it was popular?) for both of you, that the masses feel the same way.

I can respect that you, and Jollymon, and others don't really feel the draw of what SSR DOES offer (one of DVC's benefits is different strokes for different folks), but I wonder why that needs to be projected on "the masses"....

Disney to most people is about the Parks. You may call that opinion anecdotal, but the parks are why WDW exists and why it continues to thrive. OKW and SSR have a market, of course, and Disney was right in building them. But to most of the mass of Disney visitors and DVC members, WDW is still ultimately about the parks and the resorts with the best access to the parks are still going to be the most desired by the masses. The trick is to make the non-park resorts equally desirable to the masses. Sure SSR has a devoted contingency, as all the resorts do, but it does not have that "must-stay" draw for most people (e.g., park access). DTD, the spa, and golf are not enough to overcome the draw of the parks for most people, it needs something more. I think (and yes this is opinion) that if you give the masses a choice between the non-park DVCs, OKW with the larger rooms and dirt cheap points beats SSR.
It was. My husband works with one of the original project managers for DVC (he's moved on and doesn't work for Disney anymore). DVC was envisioned as a system....but it was envisioned as a national - even global - system of resorts. OKW was a "pilot" - but if it was successful, some of the other resorts were already planned. Vero Beach was very early on the drawing boards. But the vision of the system has changed (and may change again) to focus on resorts at WDW - HH and VB never sold as well as Disney hoped, and have awkward use patterns. Disney's DVC Vision has been evolving and changing over fifteen years (probably 20 if we look at it from the date of inception), sometimes reactively, sometimes opportunistically, sometimes proactively - and will continue to change. That makes planning a balanced system to be nearly impossible.

Interesting, I would love to read and see some of that early planning for the vacation club. I was guessing that about the growth od DVC based on how the original resort was called the Disney Vacation Club and not Old Key West as it is now.
Since we're giving opinion here I THINK most DVC members myself included enjoy WDW, did enough research to see if DVC was something we would like, and can afford. We will spend most of our time at our home resort with occasional visits to the others and are very happy with our decision. If we book late and can't get exactly what we want we'll take what's available. No research done on this just the impression I get from talking to other members and reading Disboards.
for a "spur of the moment" vacation, we booked SSR.
what a WONDERFUL surprise it was!! :love: so much to do, in beautiful surroundings
we enjoy nearby day/nighttime activities as well as great views from our balcony. BWV is still our fave WDW DVC (love our BW view), but SSR easily came in second (btw, if it wasn't for those 2 resorts, we wouldn't be interested in owning DVC at all...we currently own at BWV, SSR, & BCV).
Considering how small a cross-section of the DVC membership is on this board, I would argue that the masses are nowhere near as well informed as we are. The masses' knowledge of the DVC system is largely limited to what their guide and guidebook (i.e., Disney) tells them.

I absolutely agree with this statement. I would almost call the disboard members elitest becuase of thier knowledge and passion for DVC. I wonder how many of the uninformed do not use thier points every year. Not real familiar or use banking and borrowing points.

Disney to most people is about the Parks. You may call that opinion anecdotal, but the parks are why WDW exists and why it continues to thrive. OKW and SSR have a market, of course, and Disney was right in building them. But to most of the mass of Disney visitors and DVC members, WDW is still ultimately about the parks and the resorts with the best access to the parks are still going to be the most desired by the masses. The trick is to make the non-park resorts equally desirable to the masses. Sure SSR has a devoted contingency, as all the resorts do, but it does not have that "must-stay" draw for most people (e.g., park access). DTD, the spa, and golf are not enough to overcome the draw of the parks for most people, it needs something more. I think (and yes this is opinion) that if you give the masses a choice between the non-park DVCs, OKW with the larger rooms and dirt cheap points beats SSR.

I agree DVC at WDW is about the parks first. Park access is consideration, but all of the resort give you that option via feet, ferry, bus, moonrail or car. BCV and BWV may give you a precieve advantage to EPCOT, but not to MK, AK, DTD, MGM or the water parks. The time it takes to walk,ferry, bus, etc from resort to the different parks is not that much of an overall difference. The only exception to that would be the F&W festival and you went to Epcot every day.

We park hop to all the parks (or at least try to) on our visits to WDW. There is no huge advantage over one resort to the next vacationing this way. For every plus, there is a minus. Not one single resort has it all, even though some of us think so.
So here is a real life example; I am a parent with 3 kids, I have bought at SSR, I am planning my yearly trip to Disney. Where do you think I am going to try to reserve at? SSR? If you agree, then you are deluding yourself, the majority will try to book at the resort with the best marquee amenity. How many of these ‘swaps’ need to occur before the ‘small’ resorts are sold out?
Maybe now the argument of the missing marquee amenity at SSR is clear.

Andrew Medina

I think I understand your point, although I don't totally agree with you. I first bought at SSR when I heard of DVC, stayed there once with my 18 months old (and the rest of the family of course) during thanksgiving and realized that the DVC resorts attached to a regular hotel are far more better when you have small kids, mainly because SSR is such a big resort and if you are assigned a room away from the Carriage house, you will not be comfortable because of the amount of walking involved to get anywhere. I will guess the same situation applies to OKW although I haven't stayed there.
After that time, I stayed at WLV and BW, much better in terms of getting where you want quickly (restaurants, quick takes, pools, etc).
So, I would think based on both our situations that, for some owners of SSR with small children (and I want to highlight here the SOME, not all) is a better deal to book in another resort than where you own.
In my particular case, I would like to try all of the resorts at least once (including HH and VB).
I also live is south florida and I like to make last minute trips, and in those situations, I don't mind getting SSR if it is the only thing available although is not my first option. The problem in your case is that you do mind staying there and that's where you will need to do some soul searching, because even when new resorts are added, SSR will still be probably the largest and where most of the last minute availability will be. So, as many have said, if you want to be able to book BC at the last minute (two months or less), you will have better luck with CRS.
Another thing about availability. When a resort in under construction, many of the released units for booking are owned by DVD until they are sold and, since DVD don't book rooms, it means those units are free. Some of them at the last minute because every month a certain amount of rooms are released. That may be the reason why we are always finding that there are rooms available at SSR and not at other large resorts such as OKW.
It will probably be different when SSR is sold out and AKV is selling. We will probably find lots of availability there and little in SSR. Time will tell.
So here is a real life example; I am a parent with 3 kids, I have bought at SSR, I am planning my yearly trip to Disney. Where do you think I am going to try to reserve at? SSR? If you agree, then you are deluding yourself, the majority will try to book at the resort with the best marquee amenity. How many of these ‘swaps’ need to occur before the ‘small’ resorts are sold out?
Maybe now the argument of the missing marquee amenity at SSR is clear.

Andrew Medina

I think I understand your point, although I don't totally agree with you. I first bought at SSR when I heard of DVC, stayed there once with my 18 months old (and the rest of the family of course) during thanksgiving and realized that the DVC resorts attached to a regular hotel are far more better when you have small kids, mainly because SSR is such a big resort and if you are assigned a room away from the Carriage house, you will not be comfortable because of the amount of walking involved to get anywhere. I will guess the same situation applies to OKW although I haven't stayed there.
After that time, I stayed at WLV and BW, much better in terms of getting where you want quickly (restaurants, quick takes, pools, etc).
So, I would think based on both our situations that, for some owners of SSR with small children (and I want to highlight here the SOME, not all) is a better deal to book in another resort than where you own.
In my particular case, I would like to try all of the resorts at least once (including HH and VB).
I also live is south florida and I like to make last minute trips, and in those situations, I don't mind getting SSR if it is the only thing available although is not my first option. The problem in your case is that you do mind staying there and that's where you will need to do some soul searching, because even when new resorts are added, SSR will still be probably the largest and where most of the last minute availability will be. So, as many have said, if you want to be able to book BC at the last minute (two months or less), you will have better luck with CRS.
Another thing about availability. When a resort in under construction, many of the released units for booking are owned by DVD until they are sold and, since DVD don't book rooms, it means those units are free. Some of them at the last minute because every month a certain amount of rooms are released. That may be the reason why we are always finding that there are rooms available at SSR and not at other large resorts such as OKW.
It will probably be different when SSR is sold out and AKV is selling. We will probably find lots of availability there and little in SSR. Time will tell.
Lets also consider the reason for the fast growth of DVC in the last couple of years.

In the beginning there was only OKW. People were buying, but not at the numbers we see today.

As more DVC resorts were added, DVC started selling faster.

The last couple of years have been huge for DVC, not just because SSR allowed them to add more members to the pot, but because there are more options for newer members than there were for some of the earlier members.

As a fairly new owner (2005 at SSR) I probably wouldn't have purchased in the earlier years. Simply because options were limited. I believe that you will see DVC sell faster as more options become available. That is why I just don't understand all the bashing mentality going on here. DVC will continue to grow. The new resorts may be larger than others. I just see it as more options for all of us.

I understand that it doesn't help the membership owners of the little three get what they want after the 7 month window, but may find that DVC will add something that you may find just as nice.

To the OP. One month out is a lot to ask for. I think I would be grateful that there was a room for you anywhere at one month out. I also would be grateful for SSR for that same reason. I believe that if SSR was not an option right now, you would be shut out completely.

So here is a real life example; I am a parent with 3 kids, I have bought at SSR, I am planning my yearly trip to Disney. Where do you think I am going to try to reserve at? SSR? If you agree, then you are deluding yourself, the majority will try to book at the resort with the best marquee amenity. How many of these ‘swaps’ need to occur before the ‘small’ resorts are sold out?
Maybe now the argument of the missing marquee amenity at SSR is clear.

I'm not an SSR fan, but it has nothing to do with it missing a marquee amenity. I don't like the decor of the rooms. Stupid reason to not like a resort - but there it is. I also do like being able to walk to Epcot and I don't like the spread out nature of the resort - but both of those are really only pertienent to us because we don't have a car at Disney. If I had a car, I really wouldn't care about getting stuck far from the Carriage House or not being able to walk to the parks. And lots of members like to have cars - lots of people with kids REALLY like to have cars because it makes it possible for your kid to be in a carseat, something that doesn't happen on a bus - and makes the stroller thing a little easier. And if we were to get "stuck" at SSR, we'd make it a car rental trip (same with OKW - it would be a car rental trip).

I don't like SAB - although I admit that its objectively a Very Cool Pool. I think its a horrid pool for watching kids in and thinking about it makes me need to invest in a new box of Loreal. And I know I'm not alone in this opinion on the DIS. A "marquee" pool would make SSR much less appealling for me. There will be approximately two trips where my kids are at an age where SAB doesn't scare me grey and they find it appealling. They'd already rather go to the "real" waterparks. One of the things that I DO like about SSR is its theme pool. It is small for the resort, but its a really nice beautiful pool that you can watch kids in, has zero entry, an acceptable slide for older kids (unlike the wimpy VWL slide) and an appropriate toddler slide. Having recently walked through the resort, I'll say SSR has the best pool of any DVC resort - its only downfall is its size and my own desire to be able to drive there if stuck out at the end of the resort and that is minor compared to the "anxiety factor" for SAB.
That's easy for you to say, a DVC (SSR) member since 2005. When people bought into BWV, BCV and VWL in the late 90's and early 00's, it was relatively east to get reservations within the 7-month mark, at least outside of prime periods, and the guides sold it as such (it was true at the time). While we could (and maybe should) have expected that dynamic to eventually change, the addition of a 800+ room mega-resort was a little more than anyone anticipated and has had a profound affect on the reservation dynamic.

I understand why SSR owners are unsympathetic, they don't know anything but the current reality of the reservation system and availability. We may have been naive or deluded in thinking things were going to stay the same, but nobody likes to have something taken away that they have come accustomed to.

You're right, it was pretty easy for me to say what I did. ;)

I am not being as much unsympathetic as saying how the system works. Of course by adding more members getting a reservation inside of 7 months was going to become more difficult. I just don't believe it would have mattered whether they built an "800+ room mega-resort" as you stated, or whether they built 2 500+ room resorts, it was going to become more difficult. In the out years as they keep adding DVC resorts, more people will come into the system and want to try many of the resorts. I guess it is the nature of the beast.

As for getting a reservation inside of 7 months during prime periods, I had no problem getting a BW reservation during F&W inside of 7 months. Actually, I called within 4 months to add a week to my reservation switching to SSR, and they asked me if I would rather stay at the BW for the whole 2 weeks as it was still available. This may just be dumb luck, I don't really know. All I do know is that BW was available for October inside of 4 months.

Now, the OP was trying to get BCV at 1 month. This does seem kind of unrealistic to me. I would think if I was trying to get a reservation 1 month out, I would know up front that I was probably going to have to take what was available and my options would be limited. Just my opinion.

Pilferk - you trully are the master of debate! I was rolling with laughter at your first paragraph, "Touche", a grand master stroke. Your gift is enviable!

As for the 'herd', I think you are giving them too much credit, or actually, someone is giving them too much credit. The majority (like most of America) simply looks at the monthly payment and makes a guess at whether they can swing it or not.

In your opinion.....

I equate that, though, to spending 20k on a car and not knowing how to start it. I just don't find it plausible. Maybe it's true...but I certainly haven't seen anything other than slight anecdotal evidence to support anything close to a "stupid herd" equation.

Now, I certainly would entertain the notion that Dis board DVC'ers are "more educated" and "more tuned in" than the "average DVC'er". But my opinion is that most people know the basic ins and outs of membership. We're not talking about archaic intracacies here: We're talking about booking your home resort or trying to book a "hard to book resort" within certain timelines.

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