All Those Interested in Hosting Mini Meets during the Convention, please post your ideas here..

Mackey Mouse

Me read the Navigator? I don't
May 21, 2000
I know some of you have been in chat when we have discussed this and I know some of you have emailed me with definite ideas but I am getting close to getting this together and would like to hear from you all here as to what your idea for a mini meet might be.. Now, remember these can be at any time, convenient to the host, during the convention and can be from 3 people to 20 or more.. It can be a meal meet, or just meeting for a snack or riding your favorite ride.. So, let me hear from you here with your ideas. We may not be able to do all of them this year, but then again there is always the following year.

<font color=purple>Mac-key Mouse</font>

Coordinator of the First Annual Official Dis Convention
Co-Moderator Theme Parks Attractions & Strategies
Co-Moderator Trip Reports
Co-Host Wednesday Night Chat

We'd like to schedule a Kids Program for at least one or two groups. We have a thread on the board with more information but need the convention schedule before we can make any final plans.

Would this be considered a mini meet?

<font face="BrushArt" color=#6600CC size=4>Janette</font>

<font face="BrushArt" color=#6600CC>WDW ~*~ Offsite ? - 1976, Vistana - Jun 1988
Vistana/Contemporary - Jun 2000, OKW - Feb 2001
BWV - DIS Convention Nov 2001</font>
<font face="BrushArt" color=#6600CC>Disneyland ~*~ Apr 1998</font>
I've mentioned the Dole Whip meet before...not sure if anyone else is still interested.

<font color=#FF0066 size=4 face="Comic Sans MS">Kim</font>

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We'd love to have some people meet us in Fantasyland for a spin on Dumbo and the Carousel. :) Probably on an EE day. :)


<font color=red size=4>HAVE A DISNEY DAY</font>

<font color=navy size=3>M-I-C...see you at The DIS Convention, K-E-Y...why? Because we LOVE Disney, M-O-U-S-Eeee...</font>
I love the Dole Whip, and Dumbo/Carousel ideas! They all sound like such fun. I'm just wondering how in the world (no pun intended) I'm going to have time to do all the things involved with the convention!! Sleep, who needs sleep-I can sleep anytime after I get home!! ;)
Marsha, not to be a pest, but I'm assuming my "assignment" still stands, right? I was trying to think of the other things we talked about on the convention chats. I remember someone mentioned a Karoake night at one of the clubs, and there were some other "theme" meets-like riding the thrill rides as a group. I think Barry said he would run that. I think someone mentioned at night at the Adventurer's Club. We also talked about a spa morning, and eating/drinking tours around the World Showcase. I guess I remembered more than I thought! :)

Barb-for Real!
Been there, done that, GOING BACK!

Barb, are you going to HOST all of those meets that you mentioned? :eek: ;) Except, of course, for the thrill rides meet which Barry has expressed a burning desire to host himself. :D

j/k <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">


<font color=red size=4>HAVE A DISNEY DAY</font>

<font color=navy size=3>M-I-C...see you at The DIS Convention, K-E-Y...why? Because we LOVE Disney, M-O-U-S-Eeee...</font>
:eek: Good heavens, Tia! I hope not! ;) I was just trying to remember all the stuff we talked about since the announcement of the convention! I have so much I'm trying to fit into the few days of the convention already!! :D ;) ;)t

Barb-for Real!
Been there, done that, GOING BACK!
June 28-July 5 AKL
Nov. 27-Dec. 4 DIS Con YC/BC

;) Barb


<font color=red size=4>HAVE A DISNEY DAY</font>

<font color=navy size=3>M-I-C...see you at The DIS Convention, K-E-Y...why? Because we LOVE Disney, M-O-U-S-Eeee...</font>
I'd still love to see a singles meet really early in the convention maybe even before it offically begins. I think Barry and Barb were also interested in this one. I know there were others but I can't remember!


Port Orleans 2000
Barb, your special one that we discussed via email is the one I am counting on you doing..

<font color=purple>Mac-key Mouse</font>

Coordinator of the First Annual Official Dis Convention
Co-Moderator Theme Parks Attractions & Strategies
Co-Moderator Trip Reports
Co-Host Wednesday Night Chat

Tia, Kim and Taryn, sounds good.. I will keep you all informed as I start getting this together.

<font color=purple>Mac-key Mouse</font>

Coordinator of the First Annual Official Dis Convention
Co-Moderator Theme Parks Attractions & Strategies
Co-Moderator Trip Reports
Co-Host Wednesday Night Chat

I would still be interested in maybe holding a "Geek" mini-meet...for all the Technology Nuts.
Maybe a behind the scenes at epcot or will depend on whether there is any interest, and if they will let us behind the scenes.

anyone interested?

please let me know

Thanks, Marsha! :)
Pat, I would be interested in some sort of behind the scenes tour. That stuff always fascinates me. Count me in for that. :)
Taryn, yes, I did like the idea of a single-attendee meet. I thought that might be fun! :D
See, I told you I am going to run out of time to do everything I want to do!!! :eek:

Barb-for Real!
Been there, done that, GOING BACK!
June 28-July 5 AKL
Nov. 27-Dec. 4 DIS Con YC/BC

<img src=""*+/img>

Hey Pat, since I have probably over the years done everything at least 6 times.. I have never gone behind the can you check into what is offered.. and maybe we can work on that with the help of Linda.. as I am not sure if you have to book it.. as an extra????

<font color=purple>Mac-key Mouse</font>

Coordinator of the First Annual Official Dis Convention
Co-Moderator Theme Parks Attractions & Strategies
Co-Moderator Trip Reports
Co-Host Wednesday Night Chat

We are planning on offering 2 tours, one behind the scenes (tunnels at the MK included), the other a tour of the Xmas decorations at all the resorts... cost is extra, more details to be released ASAP.


Family Board Host

Coordinator Dis Convention 2001
I knew Linda would already be on this.. She is the best to help us coordinate any special event we want to do.. I am very proud to be working with her on this..Thank you Linda. Pat, is that what you meant, or did you have something else in mind??

<font color=purple>Mac-key Mouse</font>

Coordinator of the First Annual Official Dis Convention
Co-Moderator Theme Parks Attractions & Strategies
Co-Moderator Trip Reports
Co-Host Wednesday Night Chat

Hey Marsha Dont Foget MY Great Emu Hunt. :) :)


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I did think of another idea. I was wondering if there was any interest in getting a group together to go to the Wild Horse Saloon for line dancing lessons? I thought it might be fun with a group of people "trying" to learn together. I took lessons years ago and had a great time. Of course, I hardly remember anything and what I learned, I'm sure, is out of date. Just a thought. :D

Barb-for Real!
Been there, done that, GOING BACK!
June 28-July 5 AKL
Nov. 27-Dec. 4 DIS Con YC/BC

<img src=""*+/img>

Barb, another good idea, I did not know they offered lessons.. My goodness, where have I been? Too busy going on all the rides, and Jay, of course, I am counting on your great EMU (yuck) meet.. LOLOL... and I am counting on Barry's Thrill Ride Meet as well...

<font color=purple>Mac-key Mouse</font>

Coordinator of the First Annual Official Dis Convention
Co-Moderator Theme Parks Attractions & Strategies
Co-Moderator Trip Reports
Co-Host Wednesday Night Chat

I'll do the thrill ride tour, unless there are like 100 people that sign up. In that case, we will have to split the group up. Anyway, I will be beta testing the tour sometime in the next few months!

Darn, it looks like I've volunteered for it already... :)


Barry Hom
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