AKL - which savannah view is best?


Earning My Ears
May 12, 2000
I know there's probably no "right" answer but I'm curious which view more people prefer. If you stayed there, did you check out the other savannahs? What did you think? Thanks.
I have only stayed at AKL once and we had the Arusha Savannah...it was great!! It was a huge wide open area with Zebra, Wildebeast, Giraffe and Pelicans (plus many more, but I can't think of the names off hand! :))...Each morning, we would walk out on to the balcony to see the Giraffe feeding high in the trees and the CM's putting out food for the rest...it was really quite an experience for my children (5 and 3) to see! We had a great view of Arusha Rock and we were not far from the Main Lobby either! :)

Have a great time!! :)
Originally posted by dlr25
I know there's probably no "right" answer but I'm curious which view more people prefer. If you stayed there, did you check out the other savannahs? What did you think? Thanks.


We stayed at the AKL twice during 2001 for a total of 15 days. We stayed in pool view rooms but we checked out all of the savannas and the different viewing areas. I have a soft spot for the zebra and the wildebeest so if we were to stay in a savanna view room in the future we would request a view of the Arusha Savanna as this is the only savanna that the zebra and wildebeest are on.
Zebra Trail facing Arusha Savannah is my choice. :)

And yes, I did check other views (in fact I had a different room originally, on the Kudu Trail facing the Sunset Savannah, and we were not happy with the view).
I agree too.. Definitely the Zebra trail is the best. Closer to everything at the resort. :Pinkbounc

Have a good trip!!

Cindy in NY


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